Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 666: Attribute

This neglected feeling makes Qin Shi very uncomfortable. I don't mean that I didn't do it. I don't know if I can't do it. Why are you doing this to me?

Qin Shi's mouth, immediately his cold opening and closing, the five fingers suddenly began to force, thunder like a staggered giant cockroach, homeopathic blast at his fingertips, smashing the two enslaved arms.


The Thunder was fierce, and the two slaves who thought that the sneak attack had succeeded were screaming, such as the shells flying down.

"Hey, ignore who is here, who is the king of size?" Qin Shi said, "I don't have any eyesight. You even want to attack, but also * pig * pig * island * small * Say ww.huzu should attack this less!"

"Qin Shi carefully!"

But before he finished talking to himself, Kong Xianhui was busy and beside him.

Qin Shi frowned, and this time he discovered that two slaves had approached his forehead and scared him to shrink his neck: "Hey, I said the sneak attack, are you really attacking?"


However, the two have not yet made a move. The jade finger of Kong Xianhui is like a gun. The sky is a few times, and the two people are shaken back.

Qin Shi wiped the cold sweat: "Really thrilling!"

"It's a bit flat!" Kong Xianhui smiled sweetly.

The two are not careless, the cultivation of this group of slavery is not low, three days and four days are common, and there are also five days of the situation, for which the two men are back to back.

A team of red-haired youth was destroyed, and many slaves noticed the position of Qin Shi.

At this moment, dozens of figures slowly moved toward the two people. The repair of this group of figures was very strong. The lowest was in the early days of the four days. The highest even reached the middle of the five days, almost nearly five days later. .

This kind of strength is already the most peak in the external slavery. It must be known that the original simplification was only five days later.

The spearheads of this group of slavery all point to Qin Shi.

The two frowned, Kong Xianhui said: "Is they?"

"Do you know them?" Qin Shi asked.

"Well, this group of people, all of whom are simplified before the man, the person headed by is called Li Jiawei, the second person in addition to the simplification in the periphery." Kong Xianhui voice is low: "It seems that they want to simplify revenge." It is."

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi suddenly: "It turned out to be...!" But he was silent for a while, and suddenly took a step forward: "Revenge? Oh, if they have that skill, let them come."

"You step back, you have injuries on your body, let me deal with them." Kong Xianhui blamed the opening.

But without waiting for her voice to fall, Qin Shi suddenly looked back, very serious: "This is a men's showdown, how can I back?"

"I...!" Kong Xianhui was dumb, her teeth trembled softly. She understood the character of Qin Shi. It was a reluctance to decide that the ten horses would not come back. In the end, she had no choice but to shake her head: "Then you Be careful, if there is an accident, I will help you!"

"Well, but you should have no chance to shoot. You must be careful. They will not target me alone." Qin Shi nodded and looked a little condensed. If he said that he was in its heyday, he was not afraid of Li Jiawei and these dozens. A slavery, after all his soul and mental strength, has made him sweep for five days.

But now it is different. His knowledge of the sea has been devastated. Now he only needs to work a little bit, and he will have a stinging pain when he knows the sea. He can only use spiritual power now.

Without his mental strength, his strongest cards can't be used.

"Bad boy, killing my big brother, today I will let you go down to him to bury!" Li Jiawei screamed with anger.

Qin Shi both hands spread a smile, smiled: "I want to die? Oh, that can't be done, don't you forget Dong Qing's boss, if you make a life, but you have to be driven out of chaos, otherwise I will not Mind to send you to accompany the simplification."

"Exited from the chaos?" Li Jiawei sneered and laughed, and the laughter was very harsh: "Jokes, that is what you said to the rats. I had a good relationship before the start of the game, as long as I can take your life, Not only will I not be expelled from the chaotic domain, but when I enter the chaotic domain, I will be well-fed, and I will be promoted as a deacon and enjoy the admiration of thousands of people!"

After talking, his twilight flashed a few times.

"These will be thanks to you! Let's die!" Li Jiawei snarled, his body flicked in the air for a few weeks, and an ambush stabbed Qin Shi.

Qin Shi fiercely frowned, he can really feel the killing sent from this Li Jiawei body, the killing is not hidden and hidden.

"Qin Shi!" Kong Xianhui was shocked.

"I'm fine, you are careful!" Qin Shi screamed, his body quickly flashed a few meters, then he did not rush to confront Li Jiawei, but swept away the bird cage outside the eyes, and fell on Jane.

Jane is calm and self-satisfied in the seat of the Erlang legs, the corner of the mouth sarcasm slightly rising, taunting looking at Qin Shi.

"Sure enough, he!"

Qin Shi dared to confirm that the person who gave Li Jiawei a guarantee was a simple one. It was precisely because of this that Li Jiawei would have no scruples and recruited the killer.

"It seems that things are much more troublesome than I thought." Qin Shi's eyebrows are gloomy and his mouth is slightly upwards: "But if you want to play, then I will accompany you to play."

After all, he gathered thunder under his feet and quickly leapt toward the sky.

In the thunder and lightning, Qin Shi played the ultimate speed, jumped to the height of 30,000 meters, standing on the edge of the bird cage, Li Jiawei followed.

Until the two stabilized their body shape, Qin Shi looked around: "Do you want revenge? Is it here?"

"Pretend!" Li Jiawei's cold haiku, the five fingers quickly spawned a soft water pattern, photographed against the chest of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi stunned the gods, could not help but smile: "Water attributes? Oh, I said brothers, did you tell me that you have a thing called Lectra?"

Originally, the Qin Shi, with its dignified weight, relaxed at once. This is a help for him. The suppression of water properties by the property of Lei is like water to fire. It is completely crushed.

In the conclusion that the five elements are in harmony, this is an irreversible fact.

Qin Shi separated the Lei attribute from the heavens and the earth, and the rolling Thundercloud was like a huge screaming scream, and the screaming screaming of the screaming screaming screamed at Li Jiawei.


The sky and the ribs just touched, and in the clear sky of 30,000 meters combined with the thunder net, the dense water lines were broken and turned into rainstorms.

In the rain, the electric light flint, the countless slavery underneath was affected.


Li Jiawei bit his teeth, he really forgot about the property.

But fortunately, without waiting for him to fall into the weak, the three phantoms were like a sharp arrow, and he was quickly listed next to him. The three men were all simplified at the beginning, and they were all in the early five days.


The three men joined, Qin Shi's Thunder Dragon was suddenly shattered, and a mighty impact made him pop a few meters.

"Jia Weige, how are you?" The three men supported Li Jiawei.

Li Jiawei shook his head and gritted his teeth: "Nothing, this kid is not small. It is a lot more trouble than imagined. Let's join hands to deal with him. Just let us kill him today. Later, when we get to the foreign domain, we will wait to eat incense." Spicy."

"it is good!"

Apparently, in Li Jiawei’s words, the eyes of the three men flashed a few excitements and joys.

"Kid, let's die!"

Three people slammed around, Li Jiawei rushed to the front, he controlled the clouds of the sky, the water molecules in the fog were like a song, quickly gathered between his fingers, a mad dragon sucked up.

Qin Shi shook his head, and this feeling of being despised made him very upset: "It seems that you have already felt that you have won?"

"The desert is deserted!"

Three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred.

A total of six hundred ridiculous lines were formed into shells and burst out.


The fierce explosion of the bird cage, the assessment of the three thousand enslavement turned into a one-man show of four people, many enslavers have looked up and set their sights on them.

Next to the brief, Liu Ming pinched his fist. Apparently he also knew the plan of Jane: "Just, this time the assessment of the foreign domain is very important. If Li Jiawei makes a life, you may not be able to keep them!"

Jane is slightly sneer: "Protect them? Why do you want to protect them?"

"Well?" Liu Ming blinked: "You lied to them?"

"Of course, they killed Qin Shi for me, then their use value will end, I still have what they use?" Jane Jung-soo smiled.

Liu Ming’s heart sinks.

At the same time, Dong Qing frowned from the stands, his fingers crossed, holding his chin, his eyes always stay on Qin Shi.

Two very obscure figures were subtly attached to him. Both figures were dressed in masks, shaking the faint lines from the three-meter position outside the body. These lines blocked their spiritual power.

"The third child, you should have known for a long time, just let them do the little tricks?" The figure in front of the ups and downs, revealing a handsome face, a careful look, not exactly Zhao Xin?

"Yes, brother!"

Beside Zhao Xin is Tian Yang, he is still unsuccessful, and the spilled spiritual power is constantly overflowing. If it is not the barrier that Zhao Xin unfolds, it is feared that the spiritual pressure will make the periphery turbulent.

Looking back, I saw that the two men made Dong Qing stunned and smiled. "Well, just let them just come, I have already seen their movements."

"Then why don't you stop it?" Tian Yang's inexplicable eyes wide open: "This is simple clearly wants the life of this kid!"

Tian Yang is straight, Zhao Xin did not ask, just waiting for Dong Qing to explain.

After silence for a long time, Dong Qing sighed: "You don't understand this kid. If you want him to die, it is not enough for this person."

"I don't want to stop it, just don't want him to win the assessment. You all know the character of the big man. The foreign domain is not as well controlled as the outside. If you let Daxie enter the foreign domain, once there is any accident, it is not the three of us who can stop it. I care very much about this kid. As long as he can make him lose his assessment, he can leave a big bang!" Dong Qing shook his head helplessly.

Zhao Xinhe and Tian Yang were slightly low, and they clearly recognized Dong Qing’s words.

But not long after, Zhao Xin’s eyes rose, and Qin Shi, who was constantly flashing on the Scorpio, smiled slightly: “It’s true that it’s easy to get into troubles when you enter the outer domain. But if you want to use this method to keep the big man, you’re afraid that you’ll be defeated. It is."


The two were puzzled first, but there was a sudden explosion in the bird cages, which completely calmed the two.

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