Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 667: win


The four people run through from the front, Qin Shi's mind is low, but in the next squat, he rises fiercely, one foot is like a crescent, and a sweeping army is punishing tens of thousands of auras.

"Ghosts are shining!"

"The desert is deserted!"

He held the book with one hand and the other hand operated two martial arts at the same time. Although these two martial arts are only the seventh-order and eighth-order, it is not uncommon in the humanoid giants in the chaotic domain.

But what is rare is that Qin Shi’s manipulation of martial arts is that skillful.

[Pig] [Pig] [Island] novel www.huhu.m Since the last time through the burning of books to improve the three souls, he is now skilled in burning books, the two major martial arts in the burning of books, while Raise the whole realm.

An eighth order, a nine order.

The ninth order is the peak of all things. In an instant, six hundred condensed to the extreme ridiculous textures floating from the surroundings. A black day that covers the sky covers the green scorpion and bursts out.


The violent volatility exploded in the sky.

The four men frowned at the same time, and Li Jiawei’s body flashed down: “Water waves!”

The turbulent waves of the dragons rushed, and the other three enslaved to match up. The 30,000-meter-long scorpio was split by several halos, forming a dazzling light column.

"This kid is not allowed to control martial arts."

"Well, using two martial arts at the same time, I was able to be so calm. If I change someone, I am afraid I will be backed up."

"However, I am afraid that these two martial arts are not enough. Li Jiawei, all of them are five days. This kid has only broken through four days. This gap is not close to martial arts, unless it is above the gods. The martial arts, maybe it is possible." The spectators shook their heads.

Kong Xianhui also raised some concerns for Qin Shi.


Martial arts battles, one after another.

The two major martial arts were broken, Li Jiawei sneered: "Oh, stinky boy, is this your last card? If this is the case, you are dead!"

However, just after a hundred strokes, Qin Shi suddenly opened the distance with the four people, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly: "I can have more cards, just just warming up, and then it is a real good show!"

"Well?" Hearing Qin Shi's words, Li Jiawei stunned his face, his face was ugly, and he said with anger: "Hey, die to the end, what is easy to install here, he only has four days, killing him together!"

"Is it four days? I am not alone!"

However, under the four people swooping, Qin Shi’s gas field changed indifferently. He raised his left hand slightly and grew up with a rush of lightning. In the lightning shake, a layer of purple gold palace armor covered the whole body.


"God word!"

"Stars and tyrants!"

Three major methods, fast operation.

His black cockroach suddenly opened, like a bayonet to lock the three nearby figures.


Suddenly, the explosion ran through the sky, and under the ignorance of the people, the three figures flew like a cannonball, and the smashing of the smashing on the bird cage made the 30,000-meter space form a huge cockroach.

"What happened?" The crowd got up.

They frowned and were stunned by the picture in the cage. I saw that at the height of 30,000 meters, Qin Shiru’s body was shining with purple thunder, and under the purple thunder, his arms were golden. In the dense cloth, the golden lining is a white skeleton, and the bones are filled with the majestic impact. Even the surrounding air and cold wind are moving and dispelling.

From a distance, Qin Shi is like a fierce **** of war from the underworld. From his black shackles, there is a chill of sensation and murderousness.

"Just, what happened just now?"

"You feel carefully, the spirit of this kid has changed."

When people talked about it, it was discovered that Qin Shi’s spiritual power had risen to a realm. Just in the gap between the outside arguments, he resisted the painful turning of the gods and became the three mantras, although he is now spiritual. Force can't be used, but 15% of the spiritual transformation is very impressive, so he has been in the five days.

Plus the star 陨 体 。.

In the case of the four-story star-studded tyrants, this martial art has been infinitely regional martial arts, three consecutive empty fists, without any fancy, they will fly three people.

Kong Xianhui is in the beautiful light below: "Qin Shi!"

The remaining Li Jiawei, who has already lost his soul, has never expected four people to unite. He is not even an opponent of Qin Shi, and he has lost so thoroughly.

"You, you a monster!"

"Oh, you are right, the simplification also said me, but you may be lucky than him, I will not want your life!" Qin Shi coldly screamed, the body moved invisibly, he was just a little Get up, a ray of lightning flashed to Li Jiawei.

Li Jiawei has shrunk, and he has not yet returned to God. A finger is gently kneaded and stabbed from the stone of Qin Shi, like a sharp bayonet.


Just a moment, a hole in the hole wearing Li Jiawei's water-stained palace armor, the armor was quickly stunned by the thunder of lightning, making him a sly, actually lost God.

Qin Shi’s fingers had no resistance, and he pierced Li Jiawei’s lower abdomen and shattered his dantian.


Li Jiawei was shocked by the air, and many slaves slammed his mouth.

Kong Xianhui quickly jumped forward: "You killed him?"

"No! I don't want to be driven out of chaos." Qin Shi shook his head and looked at the empty wolf smoke: "But since then, he has been a waste."

Hey, hey, Kong Yinhui lost his voice: "You ruined his dantian and the pulse?"

Qin Shi nodded in no way: "Well, this assessment can't kill people, but I don't want to leave a trouble for myself."

Listening to the words of understatement, Kong Xianhui was slightly lost.

She saw that Qin Shi’s decisiveness was not only this time, but also the simplification of the previous battle. The shackles of killing and killing are the things that ordinary people can hardly do.

However, this embarrassment will only be exposed when the enemy is replaced. The rest of the time will be hidden by Qin Shi. On the contrary, it will be dedicated to the friends of the generation. For this reason, Kong Xianhui’s heart is silently hilarious.

"Fortunately, I am your friend."

The confrontation between Qin Shi and Li Jiawei succumbed to the passage, and the assessment entered a fever.

Li Jiawei was abolished by Qin Shi, and Qin Qi was re-recognized by the enslavement. He began to think about Qin Shi’s many enslavements of his sneak attack. Now he feels fortunate and fearful, and no one has ever provoked Qin Shi. .

Qin Shi, who settled down, black and fiercely moved away from the stands, and did not flash back and look straight.

"A group of waste!" Jane got angry and got up, staring at Qin Shi for a long time, and the dust left.

The three men of Dong Qing screamed at the gods and smiled. "It seems that I am innocent. The nature of this kid is exactly the same as that of my eldest brother. I should have guessed this result."

"Yeah, it is very similar." Tian Yang smiled and said: "I don't know, when he meets his eldest brother, what kind of picture will be."

"He said that when he saw his eldest brother, he would punch his eldest brother." Dong Qing remembered that he had secretly listened to the dialogue between Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui, a quiet smile.

"Haha, what's the big brother's punch? That's quite interesting. Let's continue to watch it. I have a hunch that this kid is very unusual and may become the fuse of chaos. Everything will break out." The letter of light flashed a slight expectation.

Both Dong Qing and Tian Yang are the same.

Zhao Xin took a shot of Dong Qing’s shoulder: "It’s a foregone conclusion that Daxie has entered the foreign domain. I have already helped you in the foreign domain. When this assessment is over, you will be in the field."

"Good!" Dong Qing shook his head helplessly.

At the end of the three-hour assessment, Qin Shi always took the lead in Scorpio, but since Li Jiawei’s defeat, no one has ever taken the initiative to provoke him, so he and Kong Xianhui have leisurely to the end.

As soon as the bird cage opened, Qin Shi fell.

Dong Qing paused from him for a long time before he rushed to the rest of the enslavers. "The round of field assessment has ended. The remaining 100 people are eligible to enter the chaotic domain. The rest of the enslavement Stay on the perimeter, and everyone will start to sort it out, gather here at noon, and follow me to the Outland!"

As soon as I heard that I could enter the foreign domain, one hundred disciples were ecstatic, and even the outside spectators were enthusiastic.

Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui returned to the guest room. On the road, Kong Xianhui said softly: "Qin Shi, you can't shine like this when you enter the outer domain. Although the foreign domain is not the center of the chaotic domain, it is very different from the periphery."

"In the periphery, most of them are slavery without background. There is no place in the chaotic domain, but everyone in the outer domain is a person with a chaotic domain. Everyone has their own circle. If something is troublesome, It won't make the periphery easy to solve."

Hearing, Qin Shi nodded seriously, and he knew in his heart that there was a qualitative difference between slavery and disciples.

The most important thing is that he is still in the state of being taken. This may not be anything in the periphery. Even if he can't use his mental strength, he can still deal with the five-day situation with his current cultivation, but once he meets six days. The situation is that in the early days of six days, he is not an opponent.

He is still a lot worse in the foreign domain He still needs to bear.

But without waiting for him to open his mouth, a smudge like a sword stabbed him, making his look slightly turn and smiled lightly: "I don't want to cause trouble, just afraid that something will come to provoke me."

Kong Xianhui stunned, and she felt the chill around her. She gently raised her dagger and looked far away. Jane and Liu Ming were staring at the two people in the virtual space.

The chill on the face of Jane is self-evident.

Kong Xianhui is a lot low: "If you enter the foreign domain, they will provoke you, I will help you kill them!"

Qin Shiyi, smashed the show of 贤孔贤慧: "Stupid gimmick, how many times do you want me to remember, my Qin Shi is not the guy who will stand behind the woman."


Kong Xianhui worried about Zhang He's lips, but did not wait for her voice to spit out, Qin Shi's free smile: "Although I don't make trouble, but it does not mean that I will be afraid of things. If there are people who don't open their eyes to come to me, I will definitely let He paid the price of blood!"

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