Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 949: Magical

At this point, the blood wizard has absorbed the suffocating suffocation, and after seeing the situation of Li Qi, there is still a lot of meaning in his voice.

Qin Shizhen took a lot of relief and said: "The power of blood is really strong, hehe... It’s a pity that the blood of my Qin family was unfortunately destroyed 30,000 years ago. Otherwise, I can’t borrow it now. Divided?"

"Oh, boy, this kind of heart can not be, the power of blood is strong, but it is a family, after several generations, even dozens of generations of accumulated intangible wealth, and in the process of cultivation, still have to Step by step, abide by the heavens, and practice hard, you can enlighten. Otherwise, how will the talents be different, and sooner or later will die. This example, you have not seen it."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi, pig, pig, island, novel ww.zhuzhuda nodded and said: "I know, I just said that although the power of blood can help people improve in a short period of time, but ultimately it is external force, not stable, Moreover, it is easy to make people feel agitated, why is the grassroots like me not good, let alone the feeling of counterattack, oh!"

"You can think of nature best, but with your own self-cultivation, the blood of the Qin family will be completely changed from your generation, and your younger generation will benefit."

Can not help, Qin Shi thought of Qin Jinyan, the talent of the little girl is really terrible.

"What about you? Has the power been absorbed?" Qin Shi asked.

The blood wizard nodded excitedly: "Well, let alone, the purity of the scorpion in the Li family is extremely high, especially the boy Li Chi. He is a direct family of Li, and the suffocating is more than others. Call me to touch it."

"Haha, then prepare to break through."

Qin Shi was at the next hour, and it was similar to the time when Li’s family agreed. He looked at Li Qi. From the beginning, Li Qi reached seven days and sat down on his knees. He was firmly rooted. This made him feel gratified and did not disturb Li Qi. Leaving the hall, heading for Li’s central house.

In the house, Li’s family called on Li’s disciples to gather, and they were in the family’s position, and the blood purity was arranged to form a square team in the house.

"Little brother."

Seeing Qin Shi, Li’s family smiled and said: "Here, I will hand it over to you."

"Li Jiazhu assured." Qin Shi Haoshuang smiled and took a step forward. The first Li family disciple, who was the old man who rescued him before in Cuifengshan, smiled and said: "Older, then, offended. ""

"Haha, no sin, if you can really solve the pain of the three hundred years of old age, even if I want to eat more and more suffering, I am willing!"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi promised: "The old predecessors, be prepared."

Follow him in the bottom of his heart: "Blood wizard, you are also ready."

"Oh, I can't wait any longer." The blood wizard agreed with excitement.

Immediately, Qin Shicai began to operate, the palm of the hand quickly tumbling, and a strong suction force developed, stopping from the old man's eyebrows.


For a moment, between the bridges connecting the two, there was a black faint airflow drawn out, and the rich suffocating air was instantly diluted by the blasting beads.

However, the process of half a minute, called the old man like a year, pale, can be seen, he is extremely painful, but when it is over, a force of heaven, burst out of his body, like Li Qi, counterattack And on.

With the last experience, Qin Shi took a step earlier, squatting, flashing back, this is not immune to the impact, followed by the old man opened his eyes, looking at his own hand, a look of horror.

“Really, really successful? Am I recovering?”

His voice was full of incredible, very light, but it was enough to hear the whole audience. Suddenly, the Li family was boiling, and they went to Qin Shi one by one.

"Really recover? Fast, fast, benefactor, save me!"

In the face of the enthusiasm of many families, Qin Shi also generously nodded: "One by one, no one will be less, today is the day when Li Jiajie opened the curse!"

Since the old man, Qin Shi in the courtyard, for a Li family disciple to withdraw from the body of the suffocating, which is not lack of domain power, when the last person is over, the sky is already dim.

Feeling the joy of Li's family, Qin Shi is also sincerely happy, but there is one thing that he did not think of. The envy of hundreds of disciples has swallowed up, and the blood wizard has not yet broken through.

"How? Still not?"

"Well, no way, these Li family disciples, although the strength is somewhat more than the domain, but all are sidelines, far less than Li Qi's strong suffocation." Speaking of this, the blood wizard can not help but disappointed: "It seems to be in the soul It’s really hard to break through."

Qin Shiyi looked at him and suddenly said: "Oh, you don't have to care too much. I promised to help you break through. It will definitely help you. There is not one, you haven't absorbed it."

"Well?" The blood wizard squatted down and looked at Qin Shi's gaze. The heart only jumped a few times: "Yeah, how can I forget him? His words will definitely work!"

Qin Shi nodded with a smile and immediately walked toward the Li family: "Predecessors, then, I am coming to you, are you ready?"

Li’s disciples have all recovered, and Li’s family gratefully nodded to Qin Shi: “Well!”

"Then, the younger generation offended."

After raising his hands, after hundreds of disciples' experiences, Qin Shi had already been familiar with the suffocating suffocation. For a moment, he found the remaining strength in the Li family.


In an instant, he was slightly shocked. A strong force was as follows: The mountain tigers felt that after Qin Shi entered the body, not only did he not obey, but also had the meaning of counterattack?

Qin Shi’s blink of an eye: “Drink, it’s a arrogant guy.”

As a domain, Li’s family is naturally very clear about his own situation. He also feels that Qin Shi is under crisis. He can’t help but say: “If you can’t do it, I’ll forget, you wake up red beans and save me from Li’s fire. I am very grateful to you. I promise you that I will do the same. Later, you are the benefactor of my Li family."

However, Qin Shi shook his head resolutely: "Predecessors, you don't have to say much, I will help you, but also help me. Your anger in your body is very important to me."


"Nothing, but the predecessors can rest assured that I have a sense of concentration in my heart, but next, I may have suffered you." Qin Shi interrupted Li Jiazhu.

"It doesn't matter." Li's family smiled and shook his head: "Is there any bitterness that is more bitter than the family's curse?"

"Good!" Qin Shi took a deep breath, and the small face showed a rare sternness. The anger in the Li family was not easy to deal with.

If he did not guess wrong, this Li family should be the main pole of this fierce devil, and the rest of the disciples are nothing but wreckage.

"Oh, I have been demon for many years, can you not subdue you?"

Qin Shi was not convinced of pouting, and then he did not use the ordinary formation, but called out the power of thought, based on the power of mind, deep into the body of Li.

"Kid, this thing, you shouldn't take it!"

Just as soon as he entered the suffocating gas, Qin Shi stunned his eyes, and a loud and murderous voice actually rushed back.

"This suffocating, can you talk?" This situation, but these years, Qin Shi first saw.

"It’s not the suffocating voice, it’s the master of this suffocating. At that time, the magical singer, even in this Li family, left a remnant."

"It turns out that." The tight heartstrings relaxed a lot. Qin Shi smiled: "It’s just a remnant of the soul, then you can’t be arrogant."

"Oh, my group of people, it would be shameful to be with a useless human being, then I will have your life first!" The blood wizard opened his mouth and was noticed by the suffocation, followed by a giant The hand, turned out from the main body of Li, and grabbed it between the fingers of Qin Shi.

"I want to hurt him, I can't!" Qin Shi's eyes were cold and his feet were awkward. Not only did he not retreat, but the golden scales formed on the palm of his fist.


A huge force, like a landslide, called half of Li Fu is shaking, the sky is coming down, and many Li family disciples are stunned.

"Terrorist forces touch!"

"Well, that kid, not simple."

"Don't look at the excitement, he is our benefactor, let us help him."

A lot of good-hearted Li’s disciples have started to take off. However, they are not allowed to go forward. The two old men reached out and blocked. One was the old man who had helped Qin Shi in Cuifengshan before. One was at the auction to attack Qin Shi. Phantom.

"Two elders, you are...!"

"You, can't help."

"How is it possible that he can fight against the ghosts in a seven-day world. I have eight days. I can't beat the ghosts?"

Wen Yan, an old man glanced: "Then he can subdue your body's suffocation in seven days, can you be subdued?"

"I...!" The disciple choked.

The old man raised his eyes with old eyes: "This war is his own. We can't help, but it will hinder him, and even destroy the owner."

"This...!" A group of disciples were at a loss.

boom! Hey!

Qin Shi and the ghosts in the courtyard constantly confronted, from the ground, have been fighting to the Scorpio ~ ~ everyone's heartstrings are hanging.


Fortunately, Qin Shi’s side eyes saw that the two elders of Li’s family had enchanted the enchantment from the courtyard. It was the kind of seal inside and outside the seal. He put down his concerns and released the sigh of anger, and directed at the ghost: “ Hey, old monster, you don't have a hand!"


Taking Qi as a fist, Qin Shi seriously injured the ghost.

"Hey!" The ghost blinked and gritted: "Bad boy, if my deity is there, even if there is power, you are not my opponent!"

"I admit, just wait until your deity comes to talk, and now, you must die!" Qin Shi shrugged unscrupulously, suppressing the ghost.

Finally, the ghost was swallowed by the students, and the last blow, the blood wizard of the blasting blast rushed out, and a blue space torn, controlling the ghosts and hands, swallowing the belly.

That ghost wrath: "Kid, you remember, I am a ghost, and one day, I will definitely want you to die in my hands!"

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