Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 950: He has a helping hand

"I am waiting for that day."

To the enemy, Qin Shi is never polite, let alone the group of people who have blood and deep hatred with him, and then, the empty fist.


The ghost was bursting.


Li’s disciples screamed fiercely, and their heartbeat seemed to be stagnation.

Squinting, Qin Shi is also relieved.

&nbs\\猪\\猪\\岛\小说 www.(zhu)(zhu)().omp; "Hey!"

Unexpectedly, when the ghost broke into a group of suffocating, it suddenly entangled the body of Qin Shi, and heard the sound of laughter.

"Hey, kid, don't be proud of it. It seems that you have a lot of enemies. You will have a big trouble soon. I hope that you can live to see my deity, so that is interesting. ”


Wen Yan, Qin Shi Meng frowned, but before he went to ask, the ghost of the ghost has completely dissipated.

The ghosts were killed, and the Li family’s main body was courageous and violent, and the domain was big, and the whole Li Fu was shaking. Many disciples were shuddering and woulding to bow down.

At the same time, in the explosion of the beads, it is also in the wind, the blood wizard's breath is soaring, and the power of the sky is gathered from the top of the explosion.

"This is, thunder?" Qin Shi slammed: "Are you successful?"

The blood wizard laughed wildly: "Haha, Grace, finally succeeded, kid, I have to break through first, this time may not be with you, and the law-protection thing is also given to you, but when I wake up, you are ready Meet the surprise."

Qin Shi knows that the surprise of the blood wizard is naturally the space that he has been waiting for for a long time.

To this end, he nodded secretly: "Do not worry, during your breakthrough, no one will bother you, you will break through."

With the promise of Qin Shi, the blood wizard has a lot of peace of mind, this is the excitement of the eyes, facing the thunder of the explosion of the beads, began to break through.

The thunder, unlike the ordinary thunder, is not an ordinary purple thunder, but a black dragon-shaped lightning, very fierce, called Qin Shi are slightly surprised.

But for a moment, he shook his head: "There will be no problem."

For his brother, he is always full of trust.

At the same time, Li’s boiling is still going on. Many Li’s disciples will encircle Qin Shi’s group. Li’s family is also grateful to go forward. Gao Sheng: “All the disciples of Li’s family listened to orders. Later, Qin Shi’s friends are me. The benefactor of the family is responsive, and must answer it, and must not defy it!"


Not only Li’s master, but all the disciples of Li’s family are grateful to Qin Shi, so naturally they will not refuse this request.

However, under such a large number of eyes, Qin Shi did not show the pleasure of reason. On the contrary, after the breakthrough of the blood wizard, his face was always heavy, and all the resounding in his mind was the last words of the ghost.

That big trouble.

But when he was puzzled, Li’s family had arranged a banquet, and all Li’s disciples would be listed, and this was also the banquet.

In the central living room, there are sixty-six mahogany round tables with the mountains and seas that are stacked in the mountains.

At the beginning of the banquet, a Li disciple suddenly rushed out of the hall and rushed to the guest table at the center of the Li family and Qin Shi. He gasped: "Home, homeowner, not good."

“Well?” Li’s owner saw the disciple frown and coldly said: “I’m not saying, no matter what big things today, don’t you hinder me from hosting Qin Xiaoyou?”

The disciple’s face was black and he gnawed his teeth: “Home, homeowner, this is the case. Since the auction was just over, many people came to see and have been pushed away by the disciples, just, just...!”

"What is it?"

"It's just this matter, it is related to Qin Shi's benefactor. I dare not report it."

Qin Shizhen’s eyes are a bit strange: “Is it related to me?”

The disciple nodded lightly.

"What, you said." Li Jiazhu shouted.

"This...!" The disciple shook a little, and the sorrow looked at Qin Shi, and there was a hint of desire and meaning. This is called Qin Shi and could not help but frown.

However, when Li’s family saw it, he was unhappy. When he took a table, he was very heroic. “I told you to say, you said, why, if there is anything, can’t you say it in front of Qin Xiaoyou?”

"Okay, okay." The disciple was very helpless and bowed his head: "The little daughter of Qin Shi'en is gone."


The glass on the round table suddenly fell over.

"What?" Qin Shi, Li Jiazhu, almost at the same time, Qin Shi's black skull shrinks, the color of a smother is so obvious.

Feeling the chill, Li’s family was even more angry, and yelled at the disciple: “What happened? I didn’t say, would you give her the best care? How could it be gone?”

The disciple was frightened, and the head did not dare to carry the whisper: "Return, go home, it is Han family. We have just been preparing for the banquet. For a time, we did not care about the little daughter of Qin Shi’s benefactor. The family took the opportunity to sneak into the backyard and took away the little daughter of Qin Shi’s benefactor."

Hearing the words, Qin Shi suddenly realized that the black scorpion was extremely deep: "It turned out that the old dog had already noticed that the Han family was lurking around here? Why didn't I think of it!"

Qin Shi was very self-blaming. Before he said the ghosts, he thought about himself, but he forgot the little girl.


Li’s master slammed his hands, and the round table slammed into a powder. Immediately, his old eyes were hot and roaring. “Damn, now this Korean family is getting more and more arrogant. I dare to go to my Lijia Lifu. Come to grab someone?"

"Then, what about the adults, what do we do?" the disciple warned.

Li Jiazhu heard that the old face could not be hanged. He promised Qin Shi to take care of Xiaomi Cai. He ordered: "What to do? Is it still used? Of course, it is to mobilize disciples and go to Korean families."

call out!

Suddenly, the voice of Li’s master has just fallen, and a black shadow is like an arrow from the string. It flashes out from his side. The Qin stone, which has never been open, is extremely fast. The black robe sizzles in the cold wind. , fly out of Li Fu.

"Little friends!" Li Jiazhu drank from the rear.

But his voice has not yet sounded, and Qin Shi has disappeared. This is why he clenches his fists and yells at the disciple: "What are you doing, don't call people."

"Yes!" Li's disciple got up and promised.

The whole house of Li, quickly gathered troops, and the majestic atmosphere was surrounded by the mall.

At this time, Qin Shi, already breaking through the clouds, leaps in the direction of the Han family, leaving only the streamer, cloud smoke, and afterimage.

"Small rice, don't go wrong."

He clenched his fists, his feet once, and speeded up again.

Han Jia, in the east of the mall, is a house that is not separated from the Li family. However, here, surrounded by mountains, the Tianshen Basin, it is more difficult to attack and defend than Li.

After half an hour, Qin Shi paused in the Han Basin, looking at the magnificent house below, picking up the black scorpion.

Originally, he thought that the grievances of him and the Han family might not start until some time. I didn’t expect everything. It would come so quickly and quickly, and told him to be caught off guard.


call out! call out! call out!

His body has just stabilized. Suddenly, three figures, rising from the ground, the head of the person, is actually the Han family elder, he saw Qin Shi, holding hands and standing: "Hey, stinky boy, you really came? ”

Qin Shiyi’s eyes: “Old dog!”

Han Jiada’s elders twitched at the corner of his mouth, but immediately relieved: “Oh, hey, anyway, at this time, you can only rely on me to solve the problem. If it will take a long time, you can give it to your little daughter. I have a corpse."

If Qin Shi’s words are just angering the Han’s elders, the response of the Han’s elders ignited the nine-foot anger under Qin Shi’s heart. He stunned and shouted: “You dare!”

"I don't have anything to dare? But don't worry, you will go with your little daughter soon, and I won't let you go."

Han Jiada’s elders laughed and immediately waved at Qin Shi’s wave: “Do it, the movement is lighter. He has Wan Nian Ling Ganoderma lucidum on his body. It is also a rare treasure. It is excellent for the mystery of my Korean cultivation. effect."


Two Korean disciples who followed the elders of the Han family received an order. Suddenly, they burst out in the blink of an eye, pointing to Qin Shi, and the palm of the hand continued to hit.

boom! boom! boom!

These two disciples are all eight days, each of them is very smashing, obviously rushing to Qin Shi’s life, recruiting the key.

For three consecutive palms, Qin Shi is slightly inferior.

"Hey, is that the point?" The two disciples couldn't help but ridicule, and they immediately looked at each other and slammed into the attack of Qin Shi.

"Kid, you are dead!" The thunderous snoring spurted out of the two populations, accompanied by an offensive of two people like a dragon.

But this time, staring at the two figures, Qin Shi did not keep it, squinting his eyes, slamming open, the power of the soul rushed out, and then the spirit of the sea to see the surroundings, let the speed of the two reopen, he was also I caught the figure in an instant.

Then, under his dark eyes, the one is like a demon.


At this time, a disciple hits Qin Shi and asks him to be a hi first. Then he suddenly panicked and his feet swayed. Under inertia, he did not stand still and took a few steps forward. It was discovered that Qin Shi, which he hit, was inexplicably scattered.

"The afterimage?" The disciple was shocked.

Followed him fiercely turned Qin Shi has appeared 100 meters in front of him.

"The sixth, don't care, we join hands!" Another disciple rushed to him to drink, followed by the direction of change. This time he changed the attack. The five fingers suddenly ignited a raging fire, such as a rushing cheetah. To Qin Shi.

The disciple heard that he was not willing to bite his teeth. This was a lame, but also against the front.

Under the attack, Qin Shi is still an indifferent look. The only emotions she has had are not fear, but anger. Suddenly, as the two lean over, he takes a step forward, bows his waist, and takes a step. At the speed of overtaking the two men.

call out!

Han’s two disciples were shocked: "Hurry!"

"How is it possible? Isn't he only seven days old?" A disciple who just stepped forward and lost his goal could not help but be shocked.

call out! call out!

Suddenly, two winds rang from his ear, and one left and one right called him to panic, and quickly stepped back: "No, he has a helper?"

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