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“Can’t be trapped here all the time, there must be a way to go out, I don’t believe it, I will try again.”

Qin Xiao shook the head, he didn’t believe it, he had to give it a try.

Qin Xiao once again walked outside. This time is not as it was just now. This time Qin Xiao’s power burst out and rushed past.

If the greater his power erupts, the greater the power of the rebound will directly rebound Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao tried it again with a sword, and it is still the same. No matter how powerful Qin Xiao is, he will be bounced back. The greater your power, the greater the power of the rebound and it will hurt yourself.

After trying it out, Qin Xiao also had to confirm that there is really no way to go out by strong force.

The power of imprisonment of this Formation is too strong. I am afraid that a Daxian is coming, and he may not be able to go out, not to mention Qin Xiao?

It is obviously impossible to want to go out so easily. After all, this is the test of the third test. It is no harder than the first 2 levels.

If you can’t go out by force, you can only think of other ways.

Qin Xiao also calmed down immediately. It was indeed a bit anxious just now.

“Qin Xiao, I don’t need to try it anymore. I already tried it. I really can’t get out.” Xiaoyu said.

Qin Xiao nodded, said: “I was a bit reckless just now, and I can go out so easily, then it is not a test. But I believe that it must be possible to leave here, just look at that’s all we want or not.”

“This is a test for me. Since it is a test, it will naturally not be a dead end.”

“No matter how hard the test is, there will still be a glimmer of survival left. Now I have two eyes blackened, but I think I will always figure it out.”

“Now, I need to calm down and sort out everything here and think of ways to get out of here.”

“Xiaoyu, you have a rest here, I want to see 4 places.”

Let’s just say, Qin Xiao turned up in the Taohua Forest. It is not big here, just a few steps away, and it’s almost a glance. So, after a closer look, within a day, Qin Xiao had to go back.

His brows were deep frowned, his expression dignified, and he lowered his head slightly, and remained silent for a while.

Still shook his head helplessly: “No brows, no clues, no abnormalities.”

“How can I get out of here? How can I break this Formation?”

“Formation is different from Formation, and Formation can also understand Formation to break the formation by coincidence. But Formulation is a wall there, only strong force can break it.”

“Is it possible that, really have to be trapped here until the strength grows to the point where it can forcibly break this Formation?”

“No no no ——”

“It must not be like this. If it is like that, it is not a test. It should not be like this.”

“King, King, you are coming out soon, where are you, coming out soon?”

Qin Xiao shouted at all around, there are kings in the first 2 levels, so Qin Xiao also thought about whether the king is also there, but kept hiding in secret and did not come out.

But after he called a few times, he still didn’t see the king come out, as if he was deliberately hiding from Qin Xiao.

After waiting for a while, the king still didn’t come out.

Qin Xiao can only be helpless, this guy, when he wants to come out at a critical time, he does not come out.

“Qin Xiao, don’t worry, calm down first.” Xiaoyu pulled Qin Xiao out.

Qin Xiao can only give up temporarily. I don’t want to do this at first. I sat down under a peach blossom.

The little jade hand waved gently in the air, bringing up pieces of peach blossoms, dancing lightly and gracefully in the air, very nice.

Xiaoyu smiled like a peach blossom on her face, and said to Qin Xiao: “Look at this peach blossom, how beautiful, don’t you think it’s beautiful here? It’s very quiet, no one disturbs it, it’s just a worldly Peach Garden.”

“Away from worldly disputes, you don’t have to worry about any troubles or practice.”

“Here, you only need to enjoy the flowers, dance and dance, he he wine, talk and talk. You don’t think this is actually very good.”

pretty good?

Qin Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Xiaoyu. The latter’s mood looked very good. There was no displeasure at all because he was trapped here.

Even speaking, it’s happier than being outside.

Xiaoyu’s beautiful mood makes Qin Xiao feel strange.

So, I couldn’t help asking: “Xiaoyu elder sister, are you afraid of being trapped here? Do you not want to leave?”

Xiaoyu looked at Qin Xiao and laughed. The smile was so brilliant. If it was a peach flower in full bloom, it was brilliant and beautiful. It is pleasing to the eye and very moving.

This look, I am afraid that few men can resist it?

At this time, Qin Xiao was so close to Xiaoyu face-to-face, the beauty smiled, and devastatingly beautiful was more enamored, making Qin Xiao’s heart beat uncontrollably.

This is completely uncontrolled.

Qin Xiao didn’t know why he was like this, but he was very sure of one thing in his heart. He didn’t at all have any special emotions in it. In his heart, there was only Gu Lingyue, and even Yao Xuelian could not tolerate it. How could he accommodate Xiaoyu?

But I don’t know why, every time I face Xiaoyu, I really feel like I can’t tell.

Every smile makes Divine Soul upside down.

Perhaps this should be the power of the peach blossom body.

“I am not afraid as long as you are there. Even if I have been trapped, I am not afraid. I think it is actually a very happy thing to be trapped here with you. In this way, I can always be with you Together.”

“We can enjoy flowers together, chat together, drink together, cultivate together, think about it, it’s a very happy thing.”

“So, I’m naturally not afraid. I can’t leave, for me, not at all.”

“I don’t at all a Heart of Powerhouse. I don’t have any ambitions. I never thought of becoming a powerhouse. I didn’t think of hard work in the past. For me, that’s actually not the life I want. “

“Perhaps because I am a woman, I don’t have that many ambitions. For practice, I actually look at it lightly and don’t have much pursuit.”

Xiaoyu looks at the head, said with a smile.

What she said was very easy to see, it was indeed from the heart.

But Qin Xiao listened to it, but he didn’t know how to answer for a while.

Obviously in Xiaoyu’s words, he heard some ambiguous taste.

It’s just this kind of thing, he really can’t respond to anything.

Qin Xiao really can’t say anything, but he can’t say it.

In response, it is naturally impossible to speak.

Therefore, Qin Xiao is embarrassed there at this time.

“What’s wrong, Qin Xiao, you seem embarrassed? Your face is a little bit red, did I say something wrong? Or—” Xiaoyu looked at Qin Xiao and bit her jaw lips, and she was a bit shy.

“Cough, no. Xiaoyu elder sister, I will continue to check, I always feel that I am missing something.”

“I believe that I must have a way to go out.” After Qin Xiao said, he got up and left.

Seeing the look of Qin Xiao, Xiaoyu couldn’t help but laugh, the flowers and branches of the laughter trembled, and the peach blossoms fluttered all over the sky.

“hu ——”

Qin Xiao strives to adjust his mood and calm himself down quickly. He cannot be affected by the words of elder sister Xiaoyu.

“Not right? Do I have such a big charm? Let Xiaoyu elder sister treat me here?”

Qin Xiao shook his head vigorously to get rid of all the thoughts in his heart.

Fortunately, Qin Xiao’s state of mind is really good, so soon all the distractions are put aside, and my heart is completely calm.

Qin Xiao’s heart is completely immersed in this peach blossom forest, and will not miss any corner, any detail, any possibility. Often, the key point of things is to be in the details, just to see if you can’t find it.

This search is 100 years old.

100 years is not long, but for this small peach blossom forest in the back garden, it does seem to be long enough.

Every inch of land, even every peach flower, is probably seen by Qin Xiao several times.

“There is still no discovery. If you want to find out from the details, it seems that this road will not work.”

“A strong path will not work either.”

“The king has never appeared, it seems that he did not pass away at this level.”

“Then how can we go out?”

“In the end, what are the things that I ignored?”

Qin Xiao sat down on the spot, closed his eyes and meditated, thinking about the countless possibilities, one after another.

“Everything has a law, and 10000 things have spirits. If there is a test, there will be a way. It will never be a dead end.”

“Although everything here looks normal, there is nothing unusual. But I always feel that there is something wrong, but what is wrong?”

“Perhaps, the crux of the matter is here. I must think about it. I really think something is wrong.”

100 years, 200 years, 300 years-time, passing very quickly, in an instant, 1000 years have passed.


The thought suddenly burst into Qin Xiao’s mind like thunder.

“Yes, the place I always felt wrong was Xiaoyu.”

“Although Xiaoyu looks all right, the breath is correct, and there is no weak spot in her speech, but I always think that Xiaoyu is problematic. Intuitively, she is a little different from Xiaoyu I know.

“This feeling can’t be concealed anymore.”

“But what’s wrong with Xiaoyu? The breath is right, the person should be Xiaoyu. Could it be-Xiaoyu is controlled by others? So, it feels not right to me?”

“This kind of probability is there, but it doesn’t feel right. What is going on, and what’s wrong?”

“The key to the problem should be right with Xiaoyu, but where is the problem?”

When I caught a point of the problem, I continued to go deeper along this point.

“Living from the heart–“

Qin Xiao’s heart suddenly moved, and a single thought appeared.

“Birth from the heart, this is the fundamental way in Illusion Technique. All Illusion Technique is actually born from the heart. That is to say, what you see is actually what you think in your heart, and Not real.”

“Illusion Technique is your heart. You can break the Illusion Technique as long as your temperament is strong enough.”

“Here, it’s definitely not Illusion Technique. Otherwise, I’m impossible at all.”

“Phase can be born by heart, but phase can also be born. The phase is born, and I have not been in contact before.”

“Externality means not confusing your heart. What you see is what you think is true. But in fact, it is not true. What is exogenous is what confuses what you see Something you perceive.”

“It can confuse your eyes and your feelings.”

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