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In contrast to exogenous things, everything is false and confused.

What you see and feel is not necessarily true.

The key to the problem should lie here.

Qin Xiao’s heart suddenly became extremely bright, suddenly bright, pulled out the dark clouds, and saw a strange light.

This light is like a sharp sword, splitting the darkness in front of Qin Xiao, breaking through obstacles and returning a piece of light.

“Everything should be so right!”

Qin Xiao’s heart became more and more firm. He opened his eyes suddenly and looked at Xiaoyu with a sharp voice.

With a firm pace, he walked towards Xiaoyu.

Seeing Qin Xiao’s appearance, the expression also panicked slightly and said, “Qin Xiao, what’s wrong with you? What do you want to do?”

“Everything comes from the outside, everything is a false image, and when everything is removed, only then will I be able to return to light.”

“So, break for me!”

Qin Xiao said in a cold voice. After he finished, he tried his best to kill Xiaoyu directly, as if he was dealing with the enemy, unambiguously.

Xiaoyu is even more anxious: “Qin Xiao, are you crazy? What are you talking about nonsense? What is the relationship between exogenous, I am Xiaoyu, your little jade elder sister. What are you doing, you hurry up, how can you Crazy enough to play so hard on me?”

Xiaoyu said anxiously while evading hurriedly, but not at all returned.

But Qin Xiao was ignorant, not at all ignored, but continued to make full efforts, the sword’s edge was to break all darkness.

This is the darkness in his heart, so he is no longer confused by appearances, and what he sees in front of him is not true.

“Qin Xiao, what’s wrong with you? Don’t you even know Xiaoyu elder sister? You can’t kill me if you want to kill?”

“Hurry up, calm down. If you do this again, I really want to fight back. With your strength, you may not have beaten me. Hurry up, I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Qin Xiao, wake up and stop!”

But no matter what Xiaoyu said, Qin Xiao just ignored it and still launched a fierce offensive against her.

This peach blossom forest is too small, and it is difficult to hide all the time if you want to hide.

Therefore, in the end, Xiaoyu had no choice but to fight back.

Xiaoyu struggled time and time again, but to no avail, in the end, he could only fight back.

As soon as she returned her hand, the entire Taohualin shook violently, and the entire space seemed to explode and began to break apart inch by inch.

The space is broken, the peach blossoms are going to be annihilated, and everything in this world is collapsing and destroying.

Seeing this, Qin Xiao was in a happy mood, and there was a slight smile on his face: “Successful, it seems that I thought it was right.

Everything in front of me has changed. After the different phases have completely disappeared, it has revealed its original appearance.

In front of me, there is the peak of chaotic stone, not at all peach blossom, no beauty, no beautiful scene.

Xiaoyu no longer exists, replaced by a familiar silhouette, who is not the king?

Here, there is no peach blossom forest at all, there is no Xiaoyu at all, and only the king.

Everything just now is nothing but illusion that’s all.

Everything was originally very simple, but was in a different phase, and the authorities were obsessed with that’s all. It’s too hard to be hard to get out.

“pa pa pa !”

The king looked at Qin Xiao with admiration and looked at Qin Xiao, pats the palm of his hand, and came up and smiled and said, “Qin Xiao boy, you are so terrible.”

“Tsk tsk, I thought you might break out of the phase technique, but I never thought that you have just stepped out of the phase technique in just over 1000 years.”

“In my estimation, it should take you 10,000-20,000 years at the earliest. But you have only used it for more than 1000 years, which is far beyond my expectation.”

“It’s really a disaster, it won’t work without admiration.”

“You can come out so quickly with such a terrible trick. It’s not unforgettable.”


Qin Xiao looked at the king with a puzzled face. He understood that the source was exogenous, but he did not know what this method was.

Qin Xiao hasn’t encountered it before. I have encountered Illusion Technique before, but Illusion Technique is born out of heart, and what confuses you is your heart.

The king explained: “You should know that Illusion Technique, Illusion Technique is born from the heart, and the heart is confused. But Illusion Technique is relatively low level, as long as your temperament is strong enough, you can resist it. Such confusion.”

“Illusion Technique is fascinating, but it doesn’t fascinate your eyes, your perception, your will. Therefore, Illusion Technique is still easy to see through.”

“Once you know that it is Illusion Technique, it is much easier to break the Illusion Technique. This is the limitation of Illusion Technique.”

“That’s why, Illusion Technique is not difficult to practice, anyone can practice Illusion Technique, and there are a lot of Illusion Technique Immortal Technique can be practiced, not a multi-brilliant means. Unless, Your Illusion Technique has reached a very high level.”

“Otherwise, Illusion Technique is actually useful for some weak people. It can only be used as a small auxiliary tool. In combat, it is difficult to use.”

Qin Xiao nodded, he knows Illusion Technique quite well.

In the Hongmeng universe, Qin Xiao also practiced Illusion Technique, and he has quite a few points of accomplishment in Illusion Technique.

Illusion Technique is indeed a very common auxiliary tool, but it is barely a pong.

But compared to the Formulation, the Illusion Technique is much weaker.

“Illusion Technique is actually a type, and it can even be said to be one. Xiangshu is a higher-level expression of Illusion Technique. It is more than 100 times harder to practice.”

“Illusion Technique is born from the heart, and the technique from the outside is from the outside. The technique of the phase is not to confuse your heart, but to confuse your perception, your vision, your will, your everything. Let you see Everything you get is real.”

“Even if you can find something wrong, you can’t get out of it.”

“It is much more difficult to break the phase technique than Illusion Technique. However, phase technique is also very rare. There are very few people who can practice phase technique.”

“So, it is indeed a move against the sky that you can break through the phase technique.”

The king continued to explain that Qin Xiao was also relieved a lot.

It turned out that this is called Xiangshu.

The illusion is one. This is not difficult to understand. The essence of the two are actually several points of similarities.

If Illusion Technique is regarded as an entry, then Xiangshu is a manifestation of Great Accomplishment, from shallow to deep.

The technique of illusion, when combined, can be called a pong class, comparable to Formation.

Pang class, as a means of fighting, is still worth practicing. It is definitely a big killing move to be able to practice a Pong class to discovered.

But for Pong class, Qin Xiao does not have that many energy to consider. Of course, there is indeed no good opportunity to practice.

Practicing the Pong class is not like training a avenue. The avenue can be realized from between Heaven and Earth by yourself, and you can practice on your own.

However, there is no way to build a car behind closed doors. You must have guidance before you can practice.

Either there is a good Immortal Technique cultivation technique, or there is a good Master guidance, if not, it is simply impossible to move a single step.

These will be considered in the future, and I won’t think about it now.

After stepping out of the phase technique, can we be considered to pass the third test?

“King, do I pass the test of your district?” Qin Xiao asked.

The king nodded said: “Yes, yes, you have successfully passed the three levels, you naturally passed the test in my district.”

After receiving the affirmative answer from the king, Qin Xiao was slightly relaxed, and he did not live up to his own efforts.

In retrospect, these three tests are indeed terrifying.

However, in the end, they all passed smoothly. Looking back, it is indeed a few points of achievement, a little joy rise in the mind.

“Haha, kid Qin Xiao, congratulations. Let’s go, I’ll take you to the next stop.” The king laughed aloud again and said.


Isn’t this a bit early?

Qin Xiao didn’t think much about it, and said: “Oh, King, I have another question to ask you.”

“Illusion Technique is born from the heart, and Xiangshu is born from the outside. Should you just change Xiaoyu just now?”

King nodded, no denial.

Qin Xiao is even more puzzled.

“Since Xiaoyu was transformed by you, I really want to know, how do you look so like? Whether it is from words and deeds, or from some private things, you know everything clearly, it can be said that it is seamless, let I have no way to detect errors.”

“So, I was just thinking about something wrong just now, but I couldn’t find a weak spot.”

“Some things, even if I don’t know it myself, but you can prepare to say it. So, in the astrology just now, it is not something that is in my mind.”

“I don’t understand, why do you know so clearly? This is not reasonable at all.”

Qin Xiao had this question just now, and even if he could read the secret in his mind, it should not be the case.

The king smiled and said, “I knew you would ask this question, hahaha, don’t worry, don’t worry, naturally there is a reason.”

“Now, I won’t tell you first. When you can walk out of Heartless Island, you will naturally know the reason.”

“Believe, this reason will surely surprise you. Now, don’t ask, you should concentrate on continuing to pass the test.”

“Passing the test is the most important thing you should do now. Other things, it is not too late to wait for later.”

Qin Xiao looked at the king. It sounds like there are still some situations in it.

However, since the king refused to say, Qin Xiao did not force anything, so let’s go through the test first.

What you should know, you will always know, but that’s all later, it doesn’t matter.

According to what the king said, he must pass at least three districts. Now, it is just the test of the first district, and there are at least two districts. If you are unlucky, you may pass through a few more districts.

The test of one district is so difficult. Adding a few more districts, it is a headache to think about.

The king is relatively easy to talk about. If he encounters a Pass Defender who is not very good at talking, it will be a headache.

But he had no choice but to brace oneself to break in and fight.

What I can do now is probably to pray in my heart that my luck is not so bad at 10000000. If you go through 3 4 districts, it will be fine. If there are more, the danger will increase geometrically.

No matter how difficult it is, Qin Xiao also has firm confidence in the battle.

“Okay Qin Xiao, just ahead, I’ll send you here, you go by yourself.” Don’t know how long it left, the king suddenly stopped and pointed to the front.

When Qin Xiao looked at the front, he couldn’t help it.

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