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Qin Xiao nodded laughed, it is good to have such an idea.

Not to be fooled by the Huahua World outside, there is no too strong desire, the plain life is also very good, a very happy thing.

Actually how to say it, Qin Xiao in the bones also likes such blandness, such happiness.

If it is possible, Qin Xiao is willing to live in plain life in the Hongmeng universe. The carefree family is also a kind of happiness.

However, this is obviously something that cannot be done. He is going to save Yao Xuelian, he also wants to avenge the Master, he also has to protect the Hongmeng universe, he has too many responsibilities to shoulder.

Therefore, he must become stronger.

Without these missions of responsibility, perhaps Qin Xiao would not have such a determined determination.

“What is Immortal Treasure on you?” Qin Xiao suddenly asked again.

What Immortal Treasure?

Hearing Qin Xiao’s question mark, Lan Lingsheng’s five people were slightly stunned and didn’t quite understand what Qin Xiao asked.

Lan Lingsheng was the first to respond, replied: “City Lord, I have 3 pieces of low grade Immortal Grade, a sword, a set of armor, and a genuine flying object.”

Hearing Lan Lingsheng say this, the other 4 people also said one after another.

The least alcoholic people, Wohe and Red Fox, are only 2 pieces of low grade Immortal Grade. Dwarf Race’s Shi Kou and Juli Clan’s Xionghai, they have many low grade Immortal Grade, Shi Kou has 2 pieces, Xionghai has 6 pieces.

However, all 5 people have only the Immortal Grade.

And these are all from the hands of Dwarf Race and Juli.

5 three-step Heavenly Venerable environments, even a middle grade Immortal Grade is not there, it is indeed cold enough.

It’s rare to let this happen, even more how here it is 9 Zhouhua Xia Country.

If it is placed in Southern Desolate, then it is justifiable.

“Then did you think of middle grade Immortal Grade or even high grade Immortal Grade?” Qin Xiao asked again.

Lan Lingsheng’s 5 people are stupefied and don’t quite understand why Sir City Lord asked this question.

But since they asked, they can only answer honestly.

Lan Lingsheng thought for a while and said, “City Lord, how do you say this question. If you don’t want to do it at all, it seems to be a bit self-deceiving.”

“But middle grade Immortal Grade, our entire Liberty City 10000 people add up, I’m afraid there are only one 200 pieces, naturally impossible will fall on our heads.”

“Middle grade Immortal Grade Juli Clan and Dwarf Race can be refined, but it requires a lot of materials to be refined, and a lot of capital. Therefore, Dwarf Race and Juli Clan will basically not be refined. system.”

“So, we don’t think about middle grade Immortal Grade anymore.”

“But it doesn’t really matter, anyway, we basically don’t have any fighting.”

It’s good to look light, but it’s too light, and Qin Xiao doesn’t know whether to say good or bad.

After all, this kind of thing varies from person to person, there is no fixed standard.

Qin Xiao pouted and said, “I don’t have a lot of high grade Immortal Grade now, but middle grade Immortal Grade, I still have some.”

After all, when Qin Xiao waved his hand, ten middle grade Immortal Grade flew out and hovered in front of him.

These ten middle grade Immortal Grade were actually carefully selected by Qin Xiao. There are still dozens of middle grade Immortal Grade on him.

Seeing the ten middle grade Immortal Grade in front of me, Lan Lingsheng suddenly stared wide-eyed 5 people, and then looked at those middle grade Immortal Grade with a dumbfounded feeling, feeling the powerful breath of those middle grade Immortal Grade.

Although they are relatively indifferent, when middle grade Immortal Grade is really in front of them for ten years, it must be deceiving to say that it is not heart-moving.

This temptation is really not small.

If you have 2 middle grade Immortal Grade, their strength will obviously improve a lot.

But for a while, they were all a little nervous, so they didn’t reach for the middle grade Immortal Grade.

“Don’t be fooled, this is what I gave you, pick 2 pieces each.” Qin Xiao said with a smile.

Lan Ling said: “City Lord, this–it’s too expensive, let’s not accept it. Moreover, we don’t have any dependence on treasure, but it doesn’t matter. Low grade Immortal Grade is also very easy to use, and does not need middle grade Immortal Grade.”

Qin Xiao shook his head smiled and said: “Why, I am a City Lord, give you things for the first time, you don’t give face like this?”

“Why is there something that can be taken back from the things sent out? You want this City Lord to take it away.”

“Otherwise, I have to order you not to accept it?”


After listening to Qin Xiao’s words, Lan Lingsheng glanced at each other before they were nodded and put away.

It’s easy to pick 2 pieces per person. In fact, Qin Xiao has specially prepared it and has already selected it for them, so it is also selected according to Qin Xiao’s pre-selection.

With these middle grade Immortal Grade, the strength of Lan Lingsheng 5 can be greatly improved.

However, no matter how much their five-person practice improves, they can’t help Qin Xiao in any way. Qin Xiao wants to make them stronger.

Can be selected to accompany themselves to Shangyong City, at least that is a very good younger generation.

After accepting the middle grade Immortal Grade, Lan Lingsheng’s 5 people are also grateful for Qin Xiao, and 5 people Qi shua shua kneel down to Qin Xiao.

Middle grade Immortal Grade Ah, although they don’t have such a strong desire, it is also deceiving to say that when there is no desire in their hearts.

But they didn’t expect that Sir City Lord would directly give them 2 middle grade Immortal Grade each.

This is a sudden grace.

“Don’t kneel, get up, I don’t always like this set. Don’t say anything more, come on, we continue to drink.” Qin Xiao interrupted 5 people and let 5 people get up.

Such a no-frame, such approachable City Lord, they are the first time they saw it.

This made their worship of Qin Xiao deeper in their hearts.

A year’s time soon passed.

“Look, look ahead, it’s Shangyong City.” Lan Lingsheng suddenly pointed at the distance ahead and said to Shi Kou.

Shi Kou looked at the past with some excitement, and Qin Xiao’s eyes also looked at it.

In the distance, there is a huge light curtain covering a huge city. This is the outermost banned array. It is forbidden to fly directly into Shangyong City from the high air.

To enter Shangyong City, always come down and enter from the city gate. This is the rule.

Such a rule is basically applicable to the entire fairy field, so Qin Xiao is not surprising.

Shangyong City was not built on a plain, but on a rolling hill. Moreover, Shangyong City also used the peaks and mountains very well, and fuse them together with the building to create one after another spectacle.

Therefore, many buildings in Shangyong City are built on top of Jufeng, layer by layer, giving people a very neat level sense.

And between the giant peaks, there are some suspended buildings, or bridges and the like connected together, which connects the Shangyong City of Nuo Da, countless giant peaks, and the rolling hills together. Formed a huge building complex.

And this building complex has built a magnificent and prosperous Shangyong City.

From afar, you can feel the grandeur of Shangyong City.

The building has a drop of 100,000 zhang from the flat ground to the top of Jufeng. The layers are stacked like a skyscraper with the height of Jufeng.

The towering peaks, green leaves and red flowers, multi-colored stones, and magnificent architecture, all of these are combined together to make a wonderful picture axis.

These scenes seem to be really beautiful, giving people the feeling that nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

So from a distance, the first impression of Shangyong City is big, the second impression is magnificent, and the third impression is beauty.

The impact of this vision is really huge for the four of them who first saw Shangyong City and the first time they saw Great City’s Shi Kou.

So when the four people saw Shangyong City in sight, the whole person was stunned. Open your mouth, stare your eyes, and look at Shangyong City with shock.

“Haha, this is the same expression that I came to Shangyong City for the first time. This time, it’s better, there is no abnormality.” Lan Lingsheng laughed at the exaggerated expression of Shi Kou.

After a while, Shi Kou 4 talents gradually returned to sobered up, but the excitement was still difficult to calm down.

“This is Shangyong City, which is really magnificent and beautiful. Our Liberty City is comparable to this, it is indeed a hut than the Imperial Palace, and the difference is one heaven one earth.”

“Tsk tsk, such an incomparable gigantic city, how many lives can it hold?”

“This World is indeed very big, but our vision is very small. It is not an exaggeration to say that we are a frog in well. However, it does not matter anymore. I still want to stay in Liberty City.”

“Yeah, there are good outside and wonderful outside. But under this wonderful, it is cruel and bloody.”

Qin Xiao said to 5 people: “Let’s go, let’s go down first, can’t continue to fly forward.”

Five people were nodded, and a group of six people came out of the spacecraft and landed on the ground.

After falling to the ground, I saw an official road leading to Shangyong City.

A city of commerce and trade, it must be 4 through 8.

Although most people now walk in the sky and will not walk on the ground, but the official way is still very symbolic.

And, many people don’t have spacecraft, and some people don’t like walking in the sky, but like walking on the ground.

As we approached Shangyong City, there were more people.

The road into the city was also filled with a team that entered the city, making the speed of entering the city a bit slower.

This situation reminded Qin Xiao of his previous entry into Pingyao City, and there are also such cases, but the scale is naturally far incomparable here.

Pingyao City is just a small business city that’s all, a small city on the edge of things, naturally there is no way to compare with Shangyong City.

Speaking of which, there is still a lot of gain in Pingyao City.

I got a Buddha Relic in the first place, and 2 got a thing needed by Lord Biantong.

“Wow, the team that just entered the city even lined up a few hundred miles, isn’t this too ridiculous?” Shi Kou said with a surprised expression.

Lan Lingsheng smiled and said: “And, there are more than a dozen city gates in Shangyong City, each of which can be in such a long queue. Hehe, this is Shangyong City.”

“What? There are more than a dozen city gates. Each city gate looks like this. It takes a few hundred miles to enter the city? This is this–“

Shi Kou was really shocked. The people who entered the city were too many, right?

But it’s normal to think about it, but here is Shangyong City, the flow of natural people in the trading city will be very large.

Moreover, it is obvious that most of them are teams and teams. Most of these are caravans and the like.

“Look over there, that person is awesome.” Shi Kou suddenly pointed to the front and said to everyone.

Everyone looked at it, and the team that Shi Kou said was very majestic was indeed very majestic, especially conspicuous among the crowd.

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