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A giant dragon carefully crafted by pure White Jade Stone slowly drove on the official road into the city. This giant dragon also has Dragon Phoenix carvings, highlighting the spirit of the upper class.

This driving jerky foot is ten zhang wide and twenty zhang long, and many vivid dragon Phoenix images are carved on the jersey.

If you have good eyesight, you will find that the carving technique is very superb, and it must be the elaborate work of the carving master.

Anyone with a little more eyesight will find that the jade stone used in this car is actually the extremely rare Eastern Sea Shen white jade.

Eastern Sea Shen white jade is not very hard, it is a very good material for refiners. And the personality is very cool, it is easy to calm the mind, so if you sit on the cultivation, it will have a very good help.

Cultivation, the hardest thing is to be ecstatic, immersed in the realm of consciousness within the realm.

But with the help of Eastern Sea Shen white jade, it will be much easier, it will be easy for people to enter the state of selfless cultivation.

Eastern Sea Shen white jade, that’s a very precious thing. Someone was so extravagant that such a huge car was completely built by Eastern Sea Shen white jade. I have to marvel at the size of this pen.

The value of this huge Eastern Sea Shen white jade is probably not less than 1,000,000 chaotic source stone, right?

Not to mention, this is still carved out, the source stone used must be much larger than this, and the addition is carefully carved by the carving master. Therefore, it is normal to double the value.

It’s just a surprise that it’s so luxurious just by driving.

But this is just the start of the surprise. A pampered young master among the giants lay lazily in the arms of 2 beautiful women.

There are two other beautiful women waiting there, one feeding the pampered young master for drinking, and the other feeding the pampered young master for fruit snacks and the like.

There are more than that, there are 4 beautiful women sitting in the corner of all around, where they sing songs, dance, play piano, and play musical instruments.

The head pillow is beautiful, the ear listens to the beauty, and the mouth tastes the beauty wine.


The ultimate enjoyment!

It’s really hard to find someone who can achieve enjoyment so extreme.

This will make people feel jealous, and it is directly envy and jealousy.

Look at the guy who pulled the car, it turned out to be ten or eight wild beasts.

The wild beasts are all bronze, with naked upper body, all strong and sturdy are not decent, and the muscles on their body are scary.

The wild beasts are tall and tall, each of which has 3 zhang high, a human body with a beast face, and the long ones are ugly and ugly.

Barbarian skins are thick and thick, and their wisdom is not high. It can even be said to be a stupid race.

Therefore, many wild beasts are slaves who have been enslaved as slaves, and they are doing hard work, and they are not very good candidates for slaves.

The ten or eight savage beasts are all one-step Heavenly Venerable level, and they walked towards Shangyong City stably with their heavy carts.

Ten and eight beast slaves, eight beautiful and beautiful women are waiting, the chariot completely created by the deep sea Shen white jade…… Such a way of playing is simply shocking the eyes of many people, making many people’s hearts. They are all whispering, who the hell are this pampered young master?

At the beginning, it looks very big. And this pampered pampered young master looks like a full-fledged hedonistic son of rich parents, an absolute 2nd ancestor, and a very flamboyant 2nd ancestor.

Such a second ancestor is better to provoke less, otherwise it is crazy, but it is more terrifying than a crazy dog.

“I’m going–” Lan Lingsheng was unable to bear with a sloppy expression: “This, this, this card is too big, right?”

“What’s the big deal with this Young Master? It should be a child of Great Influence, and the meaning is not the ordinary child.”

“It is estimated that his father, at least, should also be a 4 step Heavenly Venerable environment.”

Shi Kou pouted and said, “Zhang Yang, it’s really too Yang Yang.”

“I’m convinced anyway, and people have arrogant capital. Looking at the breath, that pampered young master can be a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment.”

“No matter what his identity background is, his realm is really there.” Wohe Road.

This statement actually got their approval from Lan Lingsheng.

At this time, many people are looking at the pampered young master, and there is also a lot of discussion.

Soon, the Zhang Yang pampered young master said something that made everyone want to vomit blood.

The Zhang Yang Young Master stretched out his hands to the beautiful maids: “Okay, don’t sing the song, don’t dance the dance, don’t play the instrument. And you guys, don’t pinch your legs. Don’t feed the wine anymore.”

“The most important thing is that your clothes are tightened a little bit, and those things that should not be exposed will not be exposed, it will make people jealous.”

“Low-key, low-key when you come out, don’t make who knows that this Young Master is coming to Shangyong City.”

“This Young Master told you a long time ago, this Young Master doesn’t like high-key, but likes low-key. Look at what you and everyone wear, it’s too revealing, too revealing, I can’t see it.”

“It’s too much to sing, dance and play musical instruments. It’s too much. You don’t see that many people are lining up to enter the city. Everyone is obediently and honestly walking, but we are singing and dancing here, is it not excessive?


Isn’t the move of these maids as he ordered?

Listening to this kind of garlic, many people want to go up and beat the Zhang Yang Young Master.

Still low-key? I’m afraid it’s not high-profile yet? I didn’t even let someone stand there shouting one by one, and I, Young Master, came to Shangyong City.

“People to have no shame, it really is invincible.” Lan Lingsheng shook his head and sighed.

Qin Xiao looked down on these, and he saw many shameless people.

Although this Young Master is very public, but for the time being, it seems that he is not overbearing.

The words of such people are not hateful to Qin Xiao. The hateful are those who are tyrannize and domineering.

It’s just a normal playboy song, it’s actually pretty cute.

These Qin Xiao also disinclined to pay attention to what.


At this moment, a sharp, raspy cry suddenly broke out from the royal air.

Along with the cry, I saw a big bird with only 9 heads flying over. The feathers of this big bird turned out to be 7 colors, and it was as long as ten Zhang 2 wings spread, almost reaching twenty zhang.

The speed is very fast, and a strong breath is emitted from the body, which makes many people look at it for a while.

This is obviously a powerful ominous beast.

“Nine-Headed Bird, the descendant of Phoenix, contains the blood of Ancient Divine Beast Phoenix in his body. The adult Nine-Headed Bird is an ominous beast in a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment.”

“Someone even used the Nine-Headed Bird as a mount, who is you again?”

Qin Xiao knew from the voice of the crowd that the ominous beast that exudes a strong and dense atmosphere is the Nine-Headed Bird.

In fact, he also speculated that the bird with 9 heads should be the Nine-Headed Bird.

Nine-Headed Bird, but has the potential to achieve Sacred Beast. An adult Nine-Headed Bird is also very powerful.

Being able to use the Nine-Headed Bird as a mount is enough to show the strength of the other party, and it must be very huge.

If the Zhang Yang Young Master’s Zhang Yang is piled up with money and beauty, then the pampered young master’s Zhang Yang is presented with hard power, which is very intuitive and very powerful.

What other power can be more direct than his Nine-Headed Bird ominous beast riding a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment directly?

This hasn’t entered Shangyong City yet. Even a few moments later, I saw two promising pampered young masters, and Qin Xiao couldn’t help but feel some emotion. 2 Chauhua Xia Country has so many talents and so many powerhouses.

4 steps in the Heavenly Venerable environment, there is really a feeling of being able to see wherever you go, a little worthless feeling.

The pampered young master riding the Nine-Headed Bird flew to the top of the Zhang Yang pampered young master, and then glanced at the Zhang Yang pampered young master with contempt. He sneered with disdain: “hmph, it really is There are enough ignorant and incompetent, followed by many enchanting females, good-for-nothing.”

“I think you are also suitable for singing every night, addicted to the sensual dogs and horses, go to the paper drunk gold fan.”

After that, the pampered young master riding the Nine-Headed Bird flew past and flew towards the city gate.

He didn’t even stand in line, and flew directly from the royal sky, showing how arrogant and overbearing.

Shangyong City is not allowed to fly into the city. It can only be queued from the city gate to enter the city. At this time, the team has been queued for a long time, and he flew directly forward, apparently going to jump in front of the queue, this is Extremely overbearing approach.

Inexplicably humiliated, the pampered young master’s angry face was lightened, and he stood up, pointing to the pampered young master riding the Nine-Headed Bird, and he scolded it.

“Why are you so unqualified, what do you scold people for strangers coming together by chance?”

“Don’t think you are riding a Nine-Headed Bird, you think you are amazing.”

“I think people like you don’t obey the rules at all, but they are still shameless until they jump into the city and want to have no shame?”

“Sticking yourself with strength? Do you think it’s strong, you can act wilfully by riding a Nine-Headed Bird?”

“Ah, this Young Master hates you as a non-rule, arrogant and conceited person.”

“Don’t let me meet you in Shangyong City, otherwise, I will scold you!”

Scold you?

This, this-the style is a bit wrong.

Many people heard Zhang Yang’s pampered young master feel a little bit overwhelmed.

“This person is interested.” Qin Xiao couldn’t help but laughed, and suddenly had a good impression on the Yang Pampered young master.

At least one thing, he said rules, not because of his strength, because he has a big head, he will not mess up.

Such people are much better than those who do not follow the rules.

“Shi Kou, let me tell you, Shangyong City is no better than Free City. Expert Qiang Lin here, three to four steps Heavenly Venerable can be seen everywhere.”

“So when you get into the city, we must act carefully, keep everything down, and don’t provoke any setbacks out.” Lan Lingsheng was humane to Shi Kou.

After all, he had been to Shangyong City once, so he had some experience.

Shi Kou also saw these situations, and naturally he would not carelessly, nodded.

The 100-mile-long team looked a bit slow and long, and it was a long day before it finally entered the city.

Shangyong City also charges the city fee, but it is cheaper to charge, they only paid a piece of chaotic source stone and entered the Shangyong City.

After entering, the road here is also 4 roads and 8 roads, and the buildings here are layer by layer.

So when I got here, I really felt that the world and the world were all connected.

As far as the naked eye can see, there are all kinds of shops everywhere, and everywhere you see the caravans are active, basically a team of people.

The prosperous scene of all around, the various shops, the dazzling array of commodities, the crowds of all kinds of people, and the bustling scene of all kinds of traffic all make people feel a little embarrassed.

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