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Having figured everything out, the key to the understood problem is that Qin Xiao is confidently starting a new round of attempts.

At this time, he went to move the pictorial symbols on the stele, and he lived up to the discovery that all of them can be moved.

With this verification, Qin Xiao’s confidence is a bit stronger.

Sure enough, this is the right way, this way must be right.

Therefore, Qin Xiao naturally walked along this road with more confidence, and quickly moved the things on the stone tablets.

A blueprint has already been formed in his mind and presented.

The dawn of success also suddenly appeared not far ahead.

On the other side, the random dance is still in frowns, still not sure of the clear direction, but there are many ideas in his mind, he is verifying the past of each and everyone.

Wrong, wrong, all wrong, all wrong!

Wu Ran Wu was originally very confident in himself, but didn’t expect for more than 10000 years, and he didn’t even have a clear idea.

This kind of thing makes the random dance feel a little uncomfortable.

His eyes suddenly glanced at Qin Xiao. When he saw Qin Xiao moving the pictorial symbols on the stone tablet quickly, the expression of wild dance suddenly startled, and his heart suddenly moved.

A ray of light flashed in my heart, and suddenly became bright.

“I see, this is the way it is. I should have thought that it was like this, and the abomination will be first thought by the kid from Qin Xiao.”

“No, I have to hurry up, I can’t lose to that brat, absolutely not.”

Wu Ranwu’s heart became clear, and he quickly moved those symbols.

Qin Xiao saw the random dance and began to move the pattern symbol, knowing that the random dance also figured out the way.

But it doesn’t matter, he already has the advantage of being a starter, so Qin Xiao still has absolute confidence.

However, it is not so easy to put all these symbols together.

Although this stone tablet is not very large, but the design symbols are too small, so after filling up the whole stone tablet, it is naturally inexhaustible.

With such a huge number and countless permutations and combinations, if any one is wrong, I am afraid it will be difficult to succeed.

Therefore, the difficulty is imaginable.

There is the pressure of random dance there, and Qin Xiao is also looking for ways to speed up.

But you should not be too hasty, otherwise, if you are in a hurry, the situation will be worse.

To ensure the correct situation, to speed up. This is a pressure, a motivation, and a challenge.

Soon, the map of the terrain slowly appeared on the stone tablet.

To put it simply, it is in the puzzle, but the difficulty factor breaks through the sky that’s all.

In terms of speed, it is obvious that Qin Xiao’s speed is faster than random dance. Moreover, Qin Xiao has the advantage of being a starter, so it looks like it is a lot faster than random dance.

Wu Ranwu is desperately chasing, but still finds that there is no way to catch up with Qin Xiao’s pace, but instead feels a little more and more distant.

“Damn, damn, damn!”

The more you can’t catch up, the random dance is naturally anxious, and the more anxious it is, the more disturbed it will be.

Therefore, Qin Xiao was also insulted and angry.

He wants to win, he must win, can’t lose to Qin Xiao, and lose in Qin Xiao’s hands.

Want to win, can only be struggling to chase, must catch up, must.

The random dance clenched teeth, fiercely vigorously.

Qin Xiao also knows that Wu Ran Wu must be playing against him secretly, trying to catch up with him, surpass him, and win him.

In the face of challenges, Qin Xiao has always refused to lose. Even if he is behind, he is confident that he can follow up. Even more how Now his situation is very good, and he has already obtained the opportunity.

The road must be smoother as you go further.

Bright, it must be clearer as you look at it.

So Qin Xiao puzzles are getting faster and faster, and the easier it is to get to the back, everything has already been understood clearly in the mind, and it only needs to be slowly presented.

“Damn, he was about to finish, couldn’t catch up, couldn’t catch up–“

Fiercely gritted his teeth, and his heart was full of anger and unwillingness.

How could this be?

Qin Xiao, how could the kid win him?

Although the test of this level is a bit strange, he has to lose anyway. This is an iron fact.

No matter where he loses, he loses. His self-confidence has been hit hard. He does not want to see this situation.

For the first time, he felt the blow to his self-esteem for the first time.

Moreover, he had asked for this blow. He just provoked Qin Xiao just now, but now he rocked his foot with a rock.

Sure enough, Qin Xiao really took the lead in completing it soon.

A complete map was presented on the stele. At the moment the map was completed, the stele was also immortal, and a door opened from the stele.

Obviously, this proves that Qin Xiao passed the test and can enter the next level.

“Haha, I finally succeeded. Sure enough, I still have to think the right way. If the way of thinking is wrong, then no matter how hard I try, it’s in vain.”

Qin Xiao couldn’t help but smile a little.

He was thinking before that the graphic symbol on this stone should most likely be related to an Immortal Technique cultivation technique, or Strange Sects shield armor, Formation, etc., So at first, he has been moving towards this aspect to study and enlighten. Naturally, nothing comes out of enlightenment.

It was later discovered that all of my ideas were wrong and the general direction was wrong, so naturally there was no way to make it clear.

It turned out that the symbol on the stone tablet can be moved and can be rearranged and combined.

Of course, there are countless probabilities, and Qin Xiao finally realized what kind of probabilities it is.

In fact, the graphic symbols on this stone tablet can spell out the map of 9 Zhouhua Xia Country, and the map of 9 Zhouhua Xia Country is broken into countless fragments, and no trace can be found.

So, it is very, very difficult to restore this map to nature.

But in the end, Qin Xiao succeeded and did it.

How to say the test of the 7th level, there is no trace of danger, but the difficulty of the test is also very terrifying.

If you can’t think of this, no matter how hard you try, you can’t pass the test of this level.

Even he and Wu Ranwu spent more than 2 years to finally find the right direction.

The direction is right, but it goes in the same direction.

Qin Xiao looked towards random dance, the latter’s face was naturally abnormally ugly at this time, and random dance was also looking at Qin Xiao at this time. In the eyes of the pair of eyes, a thick and complex expression flashed.

At this time, the heart of the random dance is afraid that it has knocked over the 100-flavor bottle, which is not a taste.

Qin Xiao grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said, “This Young Master will let you know how unable to withstand a single blow in front of a true genius, true powerhouse, how ridiculous. I will let you Understand, what is cruel reality.”

“Hu First Young Master, did you say this to me just now?”

“I still remember clearly, every word is still echoing in my ears.”

“Thank you for saying this for me. You still have some self-knowledge. You know to say this to yourself.”

“So as you wish, in front of a true genius like me, in front of a true powerhouse, you are indeed so unable to withstand a single blow, but it is very knowable.”

“And this is the cruel reality, the reality you have to face.”

“I know you are upset, unconvinced, and even unwilling, but what can you do? Can you bite me?”

What is a face-slap?

It was to return to him all the words of the wild dance just now, and fiercely threw it on his face, and the beaten face crackled and fiercely hurt.

After being humiliated by Qin Xiao, the random dance face is even more ugly, and it is almost ghastly and pale and uncommon.

His body shivered violently, his teeth clenched, and he was about to eat Qin Xiao.

Humiliation is simply his extraordinary shame and humiliation.

But annoyingly, he was still unable to refute anything because he lost.

Winner is the king, loser is the villain Ah, this is the truth that never changes.

If the fist can’t speak, what other words can he show?

“I don’t like to talk big, and I don’t like listening to people talking to me. When I say big things, I always implement them. And when I hear people say big things, I always go fiercely.

“This is the face you sent me to make me beat, and I can’t blame others.”

“What greetings do you have behind you, even if you come, Qin Xiao will be there for you.”

After Qin Xiao said coldly, he turned and entered the passage, and soon disappeared.

After Qin Xiao left, the stone tablet also returned to its original state.

“Children, you are crazy, crazy!”

The flirtatious couple wanted to vomit blood and roared with anger.

“Qin Xiao, hum, I have to admit that you are indeed a bit capable, and the talent potential is also good. It is indeed that several points of qualification can be against this Young Master, but it is only several points of qualification that’s all.”

“Then let’s just wait and see, I said must to let you know how to write regret 2 words, it will be as you wish.”

“Dare to provoke me Hu people, you are far from enough.”

Although the Wu Ranwu was extremely angry, although he wished to kill Qin Xiao and then quickly, he did not mess up, and soon he calmed down.

The most important thing now is to complete the test of this level, and pass the test to enter the next level.

Otherwise, if it is eliminated here, it will really be a bad face.

So Wu Ran Wu quickly picked up his mood and re-completed the test, and soon Wu Ran Wu also completed the test, and actually got a piece of fairy order to enter the next test.

Qin Xiao has arrived in a new world within the realm. This new world is very interesting, unlike the previous 7 worlds.

There is only a palace here, immortal lingering, 7 colorful glazes, no heaven and no earth, as if it is a realm beyond heaven.

It feels as if I have come to an Immortal Palace.

And on the above, there are 3 large characters written: Water Immortal Palace!

Seeing these three words, Qin Xiao couldn’t help but slightly surprised: “Water Immortal Palace?”

“The place we tested was the Immortal Palace of Water, which was mentioned by Saint Sovereign Emperor Emperor once again.”

“Shouldn’t it be that we directly appeared in the water Immortal Palace as soon as we came in? The previous 7 test sites should belong to the water Immortal Palace.”

“How about this eighth level, another water Immortal Palace came out. But the water Immortal Palace is obviously not too big, just a small Immortal Palace that’s all.”

Strange, too weird.

Qin Xiao walked slowly towards the Immortal Palace, looking at all around.

At the foot is the jade stone pavement paved with Han white jade, as clean as holy light.

The entire Immortal Palace is made of white jade, which adds a sense of holiness.

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