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No red dust, no fireworks.

The real Immortal Realm is a transcendental world.

The rich Qi of Immortal Spirit haunts here, and exotic flowers and rare herbs are also open to the competition, with amazing colors.

It feels like a treasure everywhere, a palace in the sky.

This test is becoming more and more mysterious, making Qin Xiao more and more incomprehensible.

But after being aware of it, I found that it seemed not at all dangerous.

Along the white jade steps, Qin Xiao walked slowly towards the Immortal Palace.

Although this immortal palace does not seem to be such a grand and magnificent, but it looks particularly fresh and holy. It feels very comfortable and very soft.

It’s like a Fairy’s palace.

This kind of beauty is like the girl’s family can arrange it.

Qin Xiao felt more and more strange in his mind. What is in the water Immortal Palace? Wouldn’t the immortal still live in the Immortal Palace?

“I’ve seen Shangxian!”

When Qin Xiao walked to the entrance of the Immortal Palace in Shui, two beautiful silhouettes came out and stood respectfully in front of Qin Xiao to salute Qin Xiao.

This is 2 little Fairy in a step of Heavenly Venerable environment, with a white clothed body, but it also matches this Immortal Palace very well.

Holiness is not fresh, it is even more fresh and refined.

Someone really?

2 beautiful little Fairy?

I’m so polite to myself, this atmosphere is a bit wrong, which makes Qin Xiao guess what the Immortal Palace is.

“Who are you?” Qin Xiao asked.

Two beautiful little Fairy glanced at Qin Xiao and said: “The slave girl is a little fairy boy in the water Immortal Palace. At the order of the palace master, I am here waiting for the arrival of the god. Palace.”

Waiting for yourself?

Do you have a palace?

Water Immortal Palace and the palace owner sitting here?

These circumstances have not been mentioned by Saint Sovereign Emperor Envoy before, and this is only the 8th level, how can I directly enter the water Immortal Palace?

If there is water Immortal Palace, shouldn’t it be encountered at least to the test of level 9?

Water Immortal Palace, how could it appear so easily? And the owner of the Water Immortal Palace still has to summon himself?

I don’t know who is the owner of this water Immortal Palace, and what is the origin.

Qin Xiao also discovered that the fairy boy was indeed a living life, not a puppet life.

That’s why Qin Xiao is a little curious about who is you in the Palace of Immortal Palace.

But since it’s here, it’s natural to just look at it and talk about it.

“Okay, there will be work.” Qin Xiao nodded, said to the two beautiful little Fairy.

Two little Fairy waved their hands, and the door of the Immortal Palace opened automatically. After two people made a please gesture to Qin Xiao, they took the road in front.

Qin Xiao also followed, and followed 2 people into the water Immortal Palace.

After passing through a promenade, he quickly entered an inner hall, which was very fresh and refined, and was very beautiful and elegant.

jade pillar brocade, brocade flower carving, Floating Light Sweeping Shadow, under the lingering Qi of Immortal Spirit, the fairy cloud lingers and emerges out of phase.

Qin Xiao’s eyes looked towards the bottom of the inner hall, above the phoenix carved by 7-color jade stone, a silhouette sat there.

Behind the jade bead curtain, faintly discernible, can not see the specific appearance.

But somehow, seeing the silhouette behind the jade bead, Qin Xiao always has a very familiar feeling, always feels like it is generally known.

This is the owner of the water Immortal Palace?

But who are they?

Step by step, before approaching Fengtai, the familiar feeling grew stronger.

Qin Xiao wanted to perceive the other party’s breath, but the other party’s breath did not know what force was blocking it, completely covering up the past, making it difficult for Qin Xiao to perceive the breath.

Soon, Qin Xiao came to the front, and stopped under the direction of 2 beautiful little Fairy.

2 beautiful little Fairy retreated to the side, leaving Qin Xiao there alone.

Qin Xiao’s eyes have been watching the silhouette above the Fengtai, still thinking in his heart, who is this? Why does it feel so familiar?

There is no way to perceive the breath, who is it?

It stands to reason that not many women he knows in the fairyland by Qin Xiao, I am afraid he can count them with both hands.

Qin Xiao each and everyone’s calculations were done once, but they all felt unlikely.

This is too strange.

Soon, the jade bead curtain slowly opened, and a face appeared in front of Qin Xiao.

After seeing this face clearly, Qin Xiao was also really surprised. It was indeed an unbelievable feeling for a while, and it was indeed a little frightening.

“Yuan Yuan?”

At this time, it was no one else sitting on the Fengtai, it was the innocent girl of Yuanyuan, the pure girl without any trace of impurities.

How could it be Yuan Yuan?

Yuanyuan is the master of the water Immortal Palace?

Qin Xiao is a bit messy for a while, isn’t it cracking a joke?

is this real?

Qin Xiao frowned slightly and couldn’t help but seriously felt that it was not an illusion, nor should it be a fascination.

If you look at the breath, although you can’t fully perceive it, but from the point of perception, it is indeed the breath of Yuanyuan.

what happened? is it possible that Yuanyuan is really the owner of the water Immortal Palace? Yuanyuan is the person of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors?

But if Yuan Yuan is really the person of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, then why should Saint Sovereign emperor give him a bronze ball? Come take this second round test? Isn’t it too weird?

Qin Xiao didn’t understand this very much and couldn’t figure it out.

Things have become a little strange, making Qin Xiao really difficult to pull through.

Yuanyuan stood up, still with a slight sweet smile on her face, smiling like a flower just blooming, so beautiful.

Yuanyuan soon walked in front of Qin Xiao, still dressed up, still familiar, and nothing has changed.

But what has changed is her identity.

It’s hard to imagine, will Lord of a Palace look like this?

“Hehe, what happened to Qin Xiao, don’t you know me?” Yuan Yuan said with a smile.

Qin Xiao went back to sobered up a little bit, and looked at Yuanyuan, he could not help but grinned and said: “Seriously, I don’t know, but I dare not recognize it.”

“The person is still that person, but with different identities in different locations. The dramatic change in roles really made me wonder how to recognize you for a while.”

“Your assault really made me haven’t fully came back to his senses until now.”

Yuanyuan smiled even more happy, and said: “Is it so exaggerated? Your state of mind is very powerful, why can’t you get back to God for so long?”

“I don’t think there has been a big change in my role. I’m still the Yuanyuan you know, nothing has changed.”

“The only thing that has changed is that I am the owner of the Immortal Palace of Water, the Guardian that’s all tested by the second round.”

Qin Xiao shook the head, it’s hard to accept it, it’s really too difficult.

Yuanyuan, a girl who is so innocent and innocent, how can she be with Guardian of Water Immortal Palace?

Water Immortal Palace as the second test of St. Academy, what a tall and magnificent shore? That should be above all, and it should be a very majestic existence.

How to say, it doesn’t match Yuan Yuan’s image at all.

But it seems that this is a firm fact, so Qin Xiao can only work hard to let himself accept it.

“Yuanyuan girl, why did you appear in Shangyong City?” Qin Xiao asked a question.

Yuanyuan laughed and said: “The idle ones are a little boring, so they sneaked out and played for a while.”

“Didn’t expect, can you meet some of your interesting friends. Hehe, it’s fun.”

Cough, just idle and boring?

No other purpose?

If there is really no other purpose, is it a bit boring to be idle?

Furthermore, for a time, Qin Xiao was really difficult to accept the identity of Yuan Yuan as the owner of Immortal Palace.

In Qin Xiao’s view, Yuanyuan is the kind of flower in the greenhouse. It is the little girl who is loved and protected by his family.

The owner of Water Immortal Palace, the Guardian who can become the test place of Saint Academy second round, then at least the status should be very high.

“Qin Xiao, do you still seem to disbelieve me? I am a big living person standing in front of you, why don’t you believe it?”

“If I weren’t the owner of the Immortal Palace of Water, how could Lord Sovereign Emperor Emperor send me a bronze ball?”

“Hehe, you must be wondering why Lord Saint Sovereign Emperor Messenger sent me a bronze ball? Actually this is the case, I ran out to play, and then Saint Sovereign Emperor Emperor asked for me, so I thought Say let him play with a bronze ball.”

“Actually, the bronze ball was originally intended for you, but you don’t want it.”

Seeing Qin Xiao’s unbelieving look, Yuanyuan girl explained again.

Yuanyuan girl really wanted to give him the bronze ball to Qin Xiao, but Qin Xiao did not want it because she had it.

Of course, it wouldn’t be necessary even without Qin Xiao.

With such an explanation, there seems to be no problem.

But, Saint Sovereign, the emperor of the emperor, do you still need Yuanyuan when Supreme exists?

Even if Yuanyuan hides some strength, it should be at most a 4-step Heavenly Venerable environment? Is it unlikely that there is an Ancient Saint?

Qin Xiao looking thoughtful’s nodded and asked, “What’s going on now?”

“Is the master of your Immortal Palace not going to guard the gate in person? And it’s only the 8th gate.”

“Also, shouldn’t there be 2 people in one level? How can I be the only one by now?”

“Hehe!” Yuanyuan smiled and said, “This is not the 8th level, this is the last level.”

“As the owner of the Immortal Palace of Water, I naturally have to guard the gate myself, only the last one.”

“The last level?” Qin Xiao frowned, wasn’t that right?

How could it be the last level?

I just finished level 7 just now, but it should be level 8 right now.

Saint Sovereign, the emperor’s emperor, didn’t say that, it was necessary to gather 9 pieces of Xianling fragments to integrate a complete Xianling. Only those who got the complete Xianling can pass the second round test and get the qualification of the next round.

What’s going on now?

Why did you get to the last level?

“Hehe.” Seeing Qin Xiao’s puzzled face, Yuanyuan smiled happily again, finger prodded Qin Xiao’s arm gently, and said, “You are almost as stupid as Shi Kou. .”

“It’s very simple, because you are in luck, and luck falls on your head.”

“So, you went straight to the last level, and you are the only lucky one in this round of tests.”

“At the last level, you can pass the test directly and get a complete fairy order.”

“So yeah, you can be happy. I’m the last level passer, but this level is the easiest. I don’t like to test others, I don’t like shots, I don’t like fights.”

“I want to be quiet, beautiful, and be a lovely little palace master.”

“Hehe, how about Qin Xiao, happy?”

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