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This question really needs to be speaking of which. In fact, Qin Xiao has been a little confused all the time, which is also the problem that bothers him.

Now that the Master has asked, Qin Xiao thought in his mind that he could just take this opportunity to ask the Master to see what his opinion is.

Qin Xiao thought for a while, and said, “Master, I was in the Hongmeng universe before. I am a cultivation avenue, and at the same time, I have practiced the mental strength and the strength of the true meaning.”

“The immortal dao came later, and I started to practice immortal dao again. Now the most important path of cultivation is immortal dao again.”

“But in addition to the strength of the true meaning, I actually haven’t abandoned the Xinli Dao and Dadao, and I have always been cultivation.”

“The mental discipline has just broken through to the Ninth Layer. If it is a avenue, the discipline has also practiced to a four-step Heavenly Venerable level.”

“Only if the power really means, the temporary disciple is given up, and there is really no that many energy.”

“Oh, right, in addition to the four avenues, the disciples also have some avenues, such as buddha avenues, flying knives, and organs like organs.”

“So the discipline is also a little confused. I don’t know if it will disrupt the cultivation of the discipline. Sometimes the discipline feels a bit chaotic. But it seems like it’s coming like this, it’s not at all a big deal, and every way has it. The harvest is hard to discard.”

“Since the Master asked about it today, the Disciple asked the Master to solve the Disciple.”

After Li Sheng heard, pale laughed.

I saw Li Sheng’s hand suddenly waving, and a picture appeared in front of Qin Xiao.

There is a little snake in the picture, first crawling on a tree, and suddenly a strong wind blows the little snake to the ground.

The snake not at all continued to climb the tree, but crawled along the wind and along the desert.

Climbing across the desert and encountering a river again, the snake not at all detoured, but rushed into the river and swam forward hard.

When swimming most of the time, the river suddenly became turbulent, and no matter how hard the snake tried to swim to the opposite bank.

At this time, the little snake didn’t insist, but flowed down the turbulent river.

Flowing and flowing, the little snake was washed up to the shore and found a big mountain in front of it.

Instead of circumventing the mountain, the little snake climbed directly to the mountain, and climbed the mountain with great difficulty, and finally a green grassland appeared in front of it.

Putting this picture here is the end, Li Sheng hand waved the picture disappeared.

Li Sheng looked at Qin Xiao with a deep expression on his face and asked, “What do you see in it?”

What do you see?

Hearing this problem, Qin Xiao suddenly looked thoughtful silently, certainly not the superficial things seen on the surface.

What did he see from the deeper level?

Qin Xiao was thinking and understanding very seriously when I was watching.

After thinking for a while, Qin Xiao said: “10000 things and 10000 things, existence is the reason, don’t insist on doing one thing deliberately. When you need to work around, you must learn to work around.”

“Cultivation is the case. If you are completely immersed in practicing a road, your path may become narrower.”

“So cultivation, when it needs to be changed. When you encounter the wind, you follow the wind. When you encounter the water, you follow the water. When you encounter a mountain, you cross the mountain.”

“This is also a spirit of challenge in cultivation, rather than circumventing it when you encounter it and escaping.”

“Cultivation needs this kind of persistent splendour, courage to move forward, perseverance, extraordinary talent comprehension.”

“So the Master wants to tell me that I can cultivate multiple paths of cultivation at the same time, right?”

Li Sheng’s faint smile said: “Yeah, but not too.”

Is it right? What does this mean?

Qin Xiao looked at Li Sheng a little puzzled, and listened to Master’s instructions.

“Cultivation, you should know that cultivation is the most important thing. All idealism is the heart of your cultivation.”

“And all idealism is to say that everything must follow your original intentions, respect and act without forgetting the original intentions, only to be consistent.”

“You just need to not forget your original intention of cultivation, no matter how many ways you take, how cultivation, as long as you are respectful, then there is no problem.”

“As long as you don’t forget your original intention, you will always have it in the end.”

“So no matter if you practice Xinli Dao, Dadao, Buddhism, and Flying Sword, there is no problem, and it will not have any impact on your cultivation. As long as you do these, you are respectful For the sake of not forgetting the original intention, then it will do.”

After listening to Master’s instructions, Qin Xiao thought again.

Don’t forget the original intention, just have to always!

Be respectful, everything is ideal.

“You have to know that cultivation is a very long process. How long is the cultivation road? You can never look to the end.”

“If you have been walking on a road, it is not a good thing. Then your road will only get narrower and narrower.”

“So why, the higher the realm, the more you need to touch the class? That is because you have been walking on a road for a long time, then you will inevitably encounter bottleneck and get into trouble. So this time, you need to touch the class. Come, cultivation other ways to get inspiration and help you improve your breakthrough.”

“Dao and Tao, even if they are different in nature, have many similarities.”

“So, you are cultivation immortal dao, and practice the avenue and mental strength, which is actually a good thing for you.”

“Immortal dao meets bottleneck, you can go to practice the avenue, the avenue meets bottleneck, you can go to the mental strength. Promoting the way with the way, the communication between the way and the way, there will be mutual promotion between the invisible .”

“So you should find that after you break through one path, and then go to cultivate another path, you will find that it is much easier to learn, that is, the truth of the road is the same.”

“As for the Buddha’s Tao, Flying Sword, and Organ Array A, these are considered to be Pang-like trails. Practicing Pong-like trails can increase your means and enhance your strength.”

“Buddhist Taoism and Flying Sword together are big sideways. For cultivation, on the one hand, it can improve your strength, on the other hand, it is also helpful for your highway cultivation.”

“So you have nothing to be confused about. You can do everything ideally and respectfully. Don’t deliberately do everything. Keep your previous cultivation status, that’s the best.”

“You have reached such a high level by this road, what else can you doubt your cultivation?”

Qin Xiao felt relieved when he heard this from Master.

If you think about it carefully, it really makes sense.

If there is a problem with your cultivation path, it is only right that you have gone so high in impossible.

He won the St. Academy student’s first this time, which is called World’s First, Supreme’s glory.

He can do it, so what else can he worry about?

If this were not the case, then he was simply impossible to achieve today.

For example, if he has no mental strength, is it possible for him to go now?

For example, if there is no avenue, is it possible that he can walk to the present?

impossible, these have played a crucial role.

“Thank you Master for understanding. The recipe understands.” Qin Xiao was completely relieved in his mind, and he will not be entangled in this problem again in the future.

Suddenly relaxed in my heart, I feel really good.

“Master, the disciple had a chance, and realized the Six-syllable True Words of the Buddha. Then, he got another Buddha and a Buddha Relic.”

“But the disciples have always heard that if you enter the Buddhism, you have to give up 7 emotions and 6 desires, so that there is no desire and no desire.”

“These disciplines can’t be done, so the discipline has not dared to cultivate the Dharma and Buddhism more. I’m afraid that if I really enter the Buddhism, I will go back.”

“It’s just that the discipline has mastered some Dharma, but not at all entered the Buddha’s way. Many people don’t understand this matter, and the discipline has always been puzzled. I wonder if the Master can puzzle the discipline?” Qin Xiao asked again.

“Hehe, Buddhism!” Li Sheng also laughed.

After laughing, I said, “Because you have a bodhichitta heart, your heart is like a virgin, and you are not influenced. Therefore, you can master some dharma, but you are not introduced into the Buddha’s way. Situations like yours are rare. It’s rare and hard to find.”

“So, there is naturally no who understood, but you are not without such a situation.”

“You have the mind of Bodhi, but in fact it is the best Buddhist cultivator. If you concentrate on cultivating the Dharma, the future is also inestimable.”

“Of course, Buddhism and Taoism are not as good as ours. Once you really step into Buddhism and Taoism, it is indeed as you said, it will cut 7 emotions and 6 desires, and estimate that there is no desire and no desire. Focus on the Buddha.”

“If you really get into Buddhism, there really is no way to go back. Your heart will be completely transformed by the Dharma, then you won’t think about other things.”

“So entering Buddhism is a terrifying thing for most people.”

“This is up to you to decide for yourself. If you don’t want to be introduced into Buddhism, then it is better not to touch the Dharma.”

“Although you are the heart of Bodhi, you will not be Buddhaized for a while, but if you have been in contact for a long time, it will inevitably be loosened.”

“Buddha is very good, and I respect Buddhism very much. But for you, I naturally do not want you to be in danger of being introduced into Buddhism.”

Qin Xiao looking thoughtful’s nodded, since even the Master has said so, it seems that Buddhism can’t touch it anymore.

If 10000 is really introduced into Buddhism, then it will die.

However, Qin Xiao really admires respect for Buddhism, so Supreme Buddha’s radiance purifies all darkness in the world. What is the big move of Buddha?

The Buddha deserves respect, but he doesn’t want to enter the Tao.

“Master, the discipline is still a bit puzzled. Why do you have to throw 7 loves and 6 desires when you enter the Buddhism? Do you want to have no desires or desires? If you don’t do this, can’t you practice Buddhism?” Qin Xiao asked again. Road.

Li Sheng said the head: “Yes, if you don’t do this, then there really is no way to truly enter the Buddha Road.”

“Buddha Tao is the Tao created by Sakyamuni. The Tao he created was created in this way, that is the root of the Tao.”

“So, if you want to enter Buddhism, you need to do the same.”

“And the advantage of doing this is that you can fully enter the cultivation of Buddhism, so that you can go far in Buddhism.”

“Because of this, don’t look at the extremely small number of Buddhist practitioners, but there are many who have achieved Buddha.”

“The Buddhism established by Shakyamuni occupied the Heaven Realm, and stood with the Celestial Court and Taoism 3, in charge of Heaven Realm.”

In charge of Heaven Realm?

Buddhism, Celestial Court and Taoism?

Is this Realm’s 3 forces?

Fairyland is divided into Heaven, Earth and Human 3 realms, the most prosperous human realm, the most souls, occupying the most extensive land.

Heaven Realm has always been outside the world. There is no dispute with the world, but it is extremely powerful, and it is regarded as heaven.

didn’t expect The power of Buddhism was so powerful that it was so terrifying. In this way, it is much better than Li Holy Sect.

Buddhism founded by Shakyamuni is really a great existence.

The prosperity of Buddhism also makes sense.

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