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Buddhism, it is better not to touch it in the future.

Although the Dharma is found, the best things are not suitable for you. The best is for you.

After listening to Master’s puzzles, Qin Xiao was also relieved and made a choice in his heart.

Buddhism and Taoism are indeed very powerful means, especially for evil forces, and they have a restraining effect, enough to use the weak to defeat the strong.

In the past, Qin Xiao has indeed prevented a lot of disasters, so in my heart, Qin Xiao still has several points of thought for Buddhism.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Xiao would like to know if there is a possibility that he can continue to cultivate Buddhism and Taoism under the circumstance of 7 passions and 6 desires.

Now he knew the answer, no.

If there is no such thing, then there is no choice.

It’s no pity that 10000 things and 10000 things, you have something to offer.

“Master, the disciple has another question. How on Earth Road is going?” Qin Xiao asked again.

This is actually the question he most wanted to ask.

Ancient Road, embark on the road of the Holy One.

Only when you set foot on Ancient Road, you can transcend the shackles of time, and jump out of the 3 realms completely, not within within Five Elements, not bound by time, immortal, the Divine Heart is immortal, and you can prove the Holy Path.

Since ancient times, Saint Geometry?

10000 Ancient and modern, only the holy ones live forever.

The four-step Heavenly Venerable environment, which can survive more than 4 cosmic eras, is extremely scarce.

Time will wipe out everything, and in silence, will wipe out your deity Divine Heart.

Looking for ancient times, take Ancient Road, pass Ancient Road, and finally achieve the position of the holy lord, free from the time constraint, Eternal Immortal, forever.

Really lives with Sun and Moon’s Splendor, lives with heaven and earth, and lives with this Great Thousand Worlds.

The saints are not ants, this is a sentence often mentioned in the mouth of Ancient Saint.

For those below the Holy Throne, this sentence is indeed quite cruel, just like Qin Xiao often heard that Heavenly Venerable is trivial ant.

But after entering Heavenly Venerable, you will find that for a higher level of life, Heavenly Venerable is actually a ants, but it is a stronger ants that’s all.

For Qin Xiao now, it’s not a saint who is a saint.

Now, it is time for him to set foot on the Ancient Road, but Qin Xiao really does not have many concepts on how to walk this Ancient Road.

“Ancient Road ——” A smile of serene appeared on Li Sheng’s face, but his eyes became deeper, as if he could see through 10000 ancient rivers.

“Ancient Road, what is Ancient Road?”

“Ancient Road is a road leading to 10000 ancient times. Taking Ancient Road is to set foot on the path of finding 10000 ancient rivers. In the 10000 ancient years and long rivers, looking for traces of years. Thus, beyond the shackles of years, Step outside the 3 realms, not within five Elements.”

“The so-called 3 realm is the meaning of the 3 realms of heaven and earth, meaning heaven and earth. Five Elements is the name of 10000 things. It is beyond the bounds of years and beyond the restraint of heaven and earth, not among these 10000 things.”

“It means that everything is transcendent, since it can be Eternal Immortal, Undying and Inextinguishable, and it will last forever.”

“All power can’t restrain you, can’t affect you, you won’t die, and Divine Heart will be detached from everything.”

“And this is the so-called Ancient Road.”

Qin Xiao seems to understand nodded, but understands some, but has not fully understood.

This remark is very esoteric and needs to be explored by yourself.

But how can we embark on the road to find 10000 ancient rivers?

10000 Ancient Changhe, that is not something that exists in reality, but in the rings of the years, in the past time and space.

“The way to follow the Ancient Road is 1000 10000000 10000, each one is different. Everyone can walk out of their own unique Ancient Road.”

“There are 10000000 million kinds of roads, but the ultimate purpose is only one, that is, to get rid of the shackles of the years and jump out of these 3 realms.”

“For example, some people directly use time to reverse, directly enter the time ring to seek the method of detachment, and finally have to rid themselves of the shackles of years.

“For example, someone forcibly used strength breaking myriad laws, forcibly broke this time ring, and forcibly stepped out of these three realms.”

“For example, some people are extremely powerful in cultivation in time, and jump out of 3 realms with time alone.”

“For example, if you have the fruits of time, you can get rid of the shackles of the years and jump out of the 3 realms directly.”

“Of course, some of these ways to achieve the position of the holy, only realm has no strength. If you really want to have realm and strength, the best way is to break through the Tao, which is also the path of cultivation of the overwhelming majority.”

“For example, if you cultivate the immortal dao rule now, if you can fully control the immortal dao rule, do as one pleases, you can say what you want, and you can break the way. The Great Perfection way of the immortal dao rule helps you jump out. 3 circles.”

“Your avenue, mental strength, even strength true meaning, can also be like this.”

“There is also a flying knife, which can also help you jump out of these 3 realms. With your flying knife, and further, to reach peak realm, you can directly cut the road with the flying knife, beyond the constraints of the years, and jump out of the 3 realms.”

“There are 10000000 million kinds of roads, it depends on how you go. Which road is the most suitable for you, only you know the most.”

“The teacher tells you more and more details, and it is just some guidance for you that’s all. But how to get on this Ancient Road specifically depends on your own understanding and hard work.”

Qin Xiao nodded, I know a lot in my heart.

Although I don’t know exactly how to go, at least the approximate direction is clear. With the direction, it will be easier to handle. It is no longer like a headless fly, and no light can be found.

Ancient Road, the road leading to 10000 ancient.

“By the way, as a teacher, I have to remind you. Although path of cultivation can let you step on Ancient Road, you must not be obsessed with path of cultivation, and you must not go too deep, otherwise you may be lost. “” Li Sheng suddenly reminded again.

“En?” These words made Qin Xiao very puzzled. Looking at the Master in doubt, why can’t I go too deep?

If you want to embark on an ancient path, then you need to completely control the immortal dao law? Practice to the extreme, and then jump out?

Li Sheng explained: “You should know that there are a lot of half-sages, then do you know why there are half-sages?”

Qin Xiao shook the head, he really did not think about this problem.

Shouldn’t the existence of the half-saint be the immortal dao rule to the extreme existence? Shouldn’t it be just one step away from achieving the position of the Lord? Shouldn’t it be the stage that the cultivator has to go through?

Shouldn’t we be able to achieve the position of the Holy Lord before we reach the Half Holy?

Is it wrong?

Li Sheng’s next words solved Qin Xiao’s doubts.

“If you envy the half-holy and think of being half-holy, and think that the half-holy is the only way to sanctification, then you are wrong.”

“Half-sacred, half-sacred, the simple understanding is half-step become a saint. One foot has stepped into the holy realm. But in fact, half-sacred is basically trapped to death.

“Since ancient times, of the 100 half-saints, at most only one can be sanctified last.”


Save one in 100?

How is this possible?

Half a saint, of the 100 half saints, there is only one that can succeed in the achievement of Ancient Saint. How could this be?

Logically speaking, shouldn’t half-saint be basically Ancient Saint?

The Master’s remarks indeed opened Qin Xiao’s all-new World, giving him a new understanding of this World.

He was also deeply aware of how shallow his previous knowledge was. Didn’t expect Half a Saint would be such a situation.

But why is this happening?

“Qin Xiao, give you a very simple example for the teacher, you will understand.”

“Take your mantra of Linzi as an example. When you fought against Fu Zhongxuan, the mantra of Linzi reached Great Perfection, and you perfectly controlled a 9 secret.”

“You carefully recall that your final breakthrough reached the Great Perfection, perfect control. Did you really fully understand all the mysteries of the word mantra, is it all at all?”

Qin Xiao was slightly flustered, and at first consciousness, it seemed not at all.

I recalled it carefully, it was not at all.

Yes, my breakthrough in the mantra of the word, not at all, will completely complete all the fundamentals of the mantra of the word, all the discovered mystery are fully under control, but I still have a breakthrough.

After the breakthrough, many things were controlled in an instant, and it was completely understood.

But I didn’t not at all. My true complete understanding also broke through. This question Qin Xiao had never thought of before.

Now when I think about it carefully, I suddenly understand something.

He has some clear comprehension.

Li Sheng continued: “Take immortal dao, for example, if you want to understand every rule of immortal dao law, then you will fall into a puzzle.”

“These half-saints are actually like this. They actually let themselves into a puzzle.”

“They haven’t been able to break through, they have been immersed in immortal dao Law Comprehension, one by one immortal dao law they all understand. But want to make all the complete understanding, easyier said than What about done?”

“But the advantage is that the more you understand, the better the strength is. The semi-holy will appear.”

“But in fact, these half-saints are sad. Once caught in this puzzle, you will find it hard to find another way out. You have no way to go back. Naturally, other ways are cut off by you. It’s a way to go to black.”

“As a result, half-holy sanctification is very rare.”

“So the teacher also reminds you that 10000000 10000000 Don’t let yourself fall into the maze, don’t envy those half-sages, don’t think about becoming half-sages, don’t cut the path of interest.”

“The immortal dao rule you need to understand, but not just to understand.”

“The teacher told you that there are 10000000 million Ancient Roads. It depends on how you go. It is not that you have fully understood the immortal dao law and fully mastered it before you can tread Ancient Road. This is a misunderstanding. “

“It’s like you are eating, it’s not that you have to bite the rice into pieces that can’t be broken before you can swallow.”

“If you have a big throat, you can swallow it without biting. Even if your throat is not big, you can swallow with a few bites.”

“The longer you bite, the more you might forget how to swallow, because you always feel that it is not thin enough, but you can also thin it.”

“Cultivation is the case. If you are caught in a maze, you will feel that the comprehension is not deep enough, you can go deeper, deeper.”

“That way, you can’t get out of the boundless vortex.”

Qin Xiao realized in his heart that he understood what was going on.

nodded, Qin Xiao’s clear comprehension: “I understand the Master, the discipline knows how to cultivate, thank you for your guidance. Otherwise, the discipline may really fall into this misunderstanding.”

“Hehe, not necessarily. You have your character, even if the teacher does not remind you of this today, you will slowly understand.”

“Just as I told you today, I will mention it by the way. I believe that with your character, you will not be caught in the puzzle.” Li Sheng smiled and said.

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