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Xiaogu shook his head and said, “Brother, I don’t understand these principles. But, I think you have some kindness of women this time, it’s too kind.”

“They may have no choice, or they may be innocent for the time being.”

“But if you let them go, it is very likely that the evil generation will be let go.”

“They will be used by the blood brake alliance in the future, will they still kill other innocent people?”

Qin Xiao pats Xiaogu’s shoulders, solemnly said: “Xiaogu, your idea is wrong.”

“It is true that such a possibility and danger do exist, and it is indeed possible.”

“But no matter what, these lives are only in this universe for a while, not at all leaving this universe.”

“So, for the time being, they are all innocent. They haven’t really done anything for the blood brake alliance, and they have not touched the blood of others. For the time being, they are also victims.”

“We can’t say that they will do things for the Blood-Slaughter League in the future, and they will become evil generations, then we will take precautions now and kill them all now, death ends all one’s troubles.”

“Death ends all one’s troubles is death ends all one’s troubles, but in this way, we have become executioners and murderers. If so, then what is the difference between us and the people of the blood brake alliance?”

“Like a person, you can’t say that he might get worse in the future, he might do evil, he might hurt others, and if he stayed, he might harm people. So, to avoid all this, kill him now. “

“No one can say anything about the future. Therefore, we cannot easily make a conclusion.”

“Kill the killer, then we are in enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven, we are in Kuangfu justice. If you should not kill, even if you should kill someone who should not be killed in the future, it is possible to kill by mistake.”

“Every life, but how humble he is, deserves to be respected.”

After listening to Qin Xiao’s ability to make a long speech, Xiao Gu seemed to understand, but it was not completely understood.

However, he was still nodded, and he was somewhat educated and said, “Well, brother, then listen to you. If you say you don’t kill, don’t kill it. Dadao Li, anyway, Xiaogu doesn’t understand well, and it’s true to listen to brother Now.”

“You are stupid.” Mo baby said.

Xiao Gu disagreed, and said to Baby Mo: “Brother said that I am stupid and I do not object, but how can you say Baby Mo is stupid? Do you have me smart?”

“Che, this baby is much smarter than you.” Baby Mo said confidently.

Xiao Gudao: “You are clever, why didn’t you just say that these people can’t kill?”

“I want to say it, but the owner has already said it, so you don’t need to say it with your baby.” Mo baby said.

Reasoning with women, even a little girl, is hard to win.

Xiao Gu wanted to reason with Baby Mo, obviously it was boring, so Xiao Gu could only be speechless.

The problem of this universe is to understand, but Qin Xiao is still thinking about another problem.

“Since the blood brake alliance has such a layout, it should be more than a universe. Perhaps, many universes have fallen into the hands of the blood brake alliance, and have become the blood-making machinery of the blood brake alliance. Now.”

“Using the universe to make a lot of blood is indeed a very terrifying thing. If the number of universes controlled is enough, it can indeed send a lot of power to the blood brake alliance.”

“Since it’s here, I’ll check it and talk about it.”

“Maybe Fu Yunni threw me here for the same reason.”

Thinking of this, Qin Xiao also had a decision.

Anyway, he didn’t plan to go back to Immortal Territory so soon. Since he encountered the blood brake alliance, he should first check and talk.

Qin Xiao has not wavered in his determination to deal with the blood brake alliance.

Not only for Yao Xuelian, but also for the justice in his heart, for the noble morality in this world, we must help this justice.

Qin Xiao began to look for the universe. After a while, Qin Xiao discovered something.

He arrived at an area, but found that the area seemed to be a bit wrong.

“No, right, I always feel that this area is not right–“

Feeling not right, Qin Xiao immediately stopped and studied it carefully to see what was going on.

After studying for a while, Qin Xiao finally found some clues: “so that’s how it is, I don’t think this space is right.”

“It turns out that the space of time and space has been concealed by good means.”

“It’s a good technique. Reversing the misalignment of space and adding the means of Formation to achieve some visual confusion. Therefore, the things that originally existed will be invisible.”

“Fortunately, I also have some accomplishments in the Formulation, plus I have mastered Space Law, so a careful study can also find some clues.”

Qin Xiao now obviously has more research on the Formulation. First Senior Brother has given him a natural opportunity. Qin Xiao has studied it for a while.

In the celestial machine side, Paul was in the first place, and it was very found mystery.

After discovering the clues, Qin Xiao immediately came up with the cracking method. After some attempts, Qin Xiao was weak and cracked, opened the space, and entered the inside.

Once inside, Qin Xiao discovered another universe.

A universe deserves to be so cautiously covered in blood, so cover it up so that others will not easily discover it?

Impossible, obviously not so simple.

Tell Qin Xiao directly that this universe is obviously very different.

After looking around, Qin Xiao immediately discovered something: “No, this universe has not yet been fully formed, it is still a birth universe. Such a universe is generally called his initial universe.”

“Initial Universe–“

Seeing this, Qin Xiao suddenly smiled: “hahaha, there are really surprises everywhere in my life. Didn’t expect, this god gave me another big surprise, even let me make a mistake. Yes, I just discovered an initial universe.”

“No wonder the Blood-Slaughter League needs to be protected so cautiously, it turns out to be so.”

What is the initial universe?

To put it simply, it is a birthing universe that has not yet fully become the universe.

As everyone knows, from the birth of a universe to the destruction of chaos, there are only 9 cosmic epochs. This is Great Thousand Worlds’ everlasting truth.

But if a universe is born as the master of Universe Source, it can be Undying and Inextinguishable, can live with the world, and can survive forever.

Of course, even if there is a universe with the master of Universe Source, it is not to say that it is absolutely safe. An Ancient Saint can easily destroy a universe.

The lifespan of the universe is generally not long. Even if there is a lord of the Universe Source, it is possible that the lord of the Universe Source is dead, then this universe will obviously quickly go to extinction.

It is possible to be destroyed by the Ancient Saint realm, or by other forces in the sea of ​​the endless universe. It is all possible.

But the universe will be born continuously, so the number of the universe will always be maintained at a very large number.

The original universe is precious because the initial universe is a process of evolving a universe.

In this process, there are naturally many avenues displayed, which are displayed in a very intuitive form. For the cultivator, nature has great advantages.

So, the initial universe has become very precious, which is also something that can be encountered but not sought.

Encountered, it is basically a chance.

Of course, not everyone can gain from the initial universe.

Qin Xiao immediately entered the initial universe, and found that the universe has been at the later stage. It is estimated that there will be at most countless years, and it will almost be born.

At this time, a few lives have been born.

These born lives have an excellent cultivation environment. For them, cultivation becomes very easy.

Qin Xiao walks in the initial universe, and can see some changes in the universe with his naked eyes.

The formation of mountains and rivers, the formation of Secret Realm, the formation of heavenly materials earthly treasures, the formation of life, the formation of continents, the formation of space… and so on, have countless derivative processes.

And this process is a process of writing Tao.

“The birth of life is so wonderful that so’s how it is. It is said that the existence of the world god, within the body world, can evolve a universe. And in that universe, life can also be derived, exactly like the universe born in nature. “

“Does it mean that the derived universe that achieves the world god is the 1st Step? So, does this initial universe have a huge help for the existence of the 4-step Ancient Saint realm? Can it help the 4-step Ancient Saint? To understand the process of the universe’s derivation.”

“You can see how everything in the universe was born and how life was slowly derived.”

“It is definitely not an easy task to give birth to life within the body and within the realm.”

“This initial universe does not seem to have too many benefits for the general cultivator. Maybe, it is a touch of enlightenment for the Heavenly Venerable environment, but for the Ancient Saint environment, it seems to have the same thing.”

“By the way, my within the body world has always been different from ordinary people, and I have not at all meditated to study it carefully, how to use it well, and cultivate my own within the body world.”

“Now it is possible to see how this initial universe derived the universe and perfected the entire lifeform system.”

Qin Xiao was thinking while thinking about this while walking.

In my heart, he suddenly thought of the problem of his within the body world.

I couldn’t help but think of a question: “If this is said, is this possible? If I can now make my within the body world into a universe, and derive real life out, forming a complete ecology If it is a system, can I directly become the world god?”

Thinking of this possibility, Qin Xiao couldn’t help but laughed, but he really dared to think so.

The average person does not dare to think so, because there is no way to practice within the body world, at least for others.

As long as you reach the Ancient Saint level of 4 steps, you will have a considerable scale within the body world before you can think about turning him into a universe.

But Qin Xiao is different. The size of Qin Xiao within the body world is already bigger than that of Hongmeng universe, and it is far more than others.

According to the growth of Qin Xiao, when he reaches the Ancient Saint Realm of 4 steps, within the body world, I am afraid that at least ten times larger than the general universe, right?

Then this is still not the size of the achievement of the world god, the achievement of the world god, will definitely rise a little bit more.

In the words of Master Li Sheng, after achieving the world god, within the body world has formed a universe, it will die and will not change in the future. Within the body world will even come to an end.

The rest depends on how you cultivate the life in the body world.

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