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Walking in this initial universe, Qin Xiao felt like he was witnessing one miracle after another.

You can see the same thing with your own eyes, the birth of each and everyone life, all kinds of life, different attributes, but all belong to life.

Whether it is flowers and trees, flying insects, Monster Race Demon Race, etc., it shows the diversity of life and the beauty.

As far as life is concerned, it is endless, and there are only what you can’t think of, there is nothing.

Seeing all this slowly multiplying out, it makes Qin Xiao breathtaking again and again. It really feels amazing.

This made Qin Xiao involuntarily think, in these Great Thousand Worlds, is there also a magical powerful force used to derive everything?

If this power can spawn everything, and this Great Thousand Worlds comes out, then this power should be invincible and powerful. The countless lives of the entire Great Thousand Worlds add up, nor is it the enemy of this power. Does the power exist?

What kind of phenomenon is this derived from the universe?

This problem is too esoteric, so Qin Xiao did not at all come up with a reason.

While watching, thinking, there are many feelings, and I have learned something new.

At first glance, this new universe turned out to be 100,000 years. Qin Xiao was also a little surprised that people who didn’t have blood brake alliance came to the door. This situation seems a bit strange.

It stands to reason that You Rakshasa should have asked for help. Even if the blood brake alliance did not send someone in time to rescue Rakshasa, but this is an important place for the blood brake alliance, so the blood brake alliance should send someone to check it.

Qin Xiao is not afraid of anything. He is still waiting for the blood brake alliance to send people to the door, which happens to be solved together.

But what surprised him a bit is that people who have never had a blood brake alliance come to the door, so it is 100,000 years for him to stay here.

During this 100,000 years, Qin Xiao was walking in 4 places in this initial universe, witnessing one after another novelty, and had many enlightenment touches on Qin Xiao.

This makes Qin Xiao thinking, can he refer to this to make his within the body world slowly transform into a universe?

Qin Xiao is not only thinking like this, but he is indeed beginning to put into practical action, and has begun to make a series of attempts.

But his realm is still far away. Obviously, there is no way to truly understand the meaning of life, the truth of life, and there is no way to create life individually.

Creating life is a very high level. Qin Xiao is still far from that level.

In this attempt, Qin Xiao is also groping, how to develop his own within the body world, to see if there is any way to make some changes in his within the body world.

Qin Xiao’s within the body world at this time is actually just a blank, a chaos, nothing.

The only thing is space and power. There is still power.

But Qin Xiao also feels that his strength within the body world is not strong enough. Compared with such a large within the body world, it is indeed not enough. The space is large enough, but there is not at all in it, there is only a piece of chaos that’s all.

The birth of the universe, from the very beginning is also directly derived from a chaos. Matter slowly grew out of chaos.

Formed mountains and rivers, formed the celestial bodies of each and everyone, formed the frame of the universe, and then began to derive life and the like.

And all this is done under the power of the law, and the law will spread everywhere in the universe.

Qin Xiao tried to attract some power into the body world within the realm, and the law of reference entered into the body world within the realm, but nothing seemed to respond.

So this makes Qin Xiao do not know how to practice his within the body world. Master Li Sheng has said before, let him try to see how to develop his own within the body world, how to use Take advantage of the body world.

Even speaking, Master said that people had tried to see if they could go out with their own way, just like Master Li Sheng, took a flying knife way out.

If you want to truly stand in the pinnacle ranks of Great Thousand Worlds, then the best way is to walk out of your own way.

Qin Xiao has also thought about this problem many times. How come he took his own way?

Qin Xiao also thought of his within the body world. Isn’t his within the body world different? And within the body world, no one can practice it. So, Qin Xiao has suddenly thought about it and made some attempts, but they have not succeeded, and there is nothing to gain that’s all.

Therefore, Qin Xiao will be put aside for the time being, not at all spend more energy on this.

Now, Qin Xiao has made another attempt, but there is still no gain.

It is indeed an unknown number of people who can’t walk along this road. Qin Xiao doesn’t know and can’t determine anything.

It’s just that for the time being, that’s all he can think of that he might try. For the other way, he didn’t think of it for the time being.

If you want to go your own way, is it easier said than done?

Since this era, only 2 people have succeeded in that whole fairyland. That’s all, one is Sakyamuni and one is Li Sheng.

So, it’s too difficult, too difficult to get out of your own way.

Countless powerhouses are thinking about it, but they have not been successful.

This way Qin Xiao also wants to go, but this way is too difficult, too difficult to go, and those who can succeed are amazing.

This road is a real road that can lead people to the top.

But this way, those who can walk out since ancient times are just can be counted on one’s fingers that’s all.

The road to true success must be extremely dangerous.

Although there has been no gains and no progress, Qin Xiao still doesn’t want to give up, but still wants to try it.

A brand new way, it must be a road that no one has traveled, it must be very, very difficult.

After one or two attempts, there is no gain. It is normal.

Most important, still have to see if you have this determination, this perseverance is on it. If at first negates it, then it must be given up directly.

And Qin Xiao feels that any road may go out, it depends on whether you can’t walk that’s all.

Within the body world, no one can practice, there is a prerequisite for success.

Someone has no way to go, that is impossible.

But the road no one has traveled is absolutely possible.

Qin Xiao continued to walk in this initial universe. Although he didn’t gain much, he felt that he had some openness to seeing his own state of mind.

And it may be helpful for future cultivation.

The initial universe can be met but not sought, but it is rarely encountered.

I was fortunate enough to meet one, so it is natural to grasp it well.


Walking around, Qin Xiao’s ear suddenly moved, and suddenly heard a sound of cutting wood.

Somehow, when I heard the sound of cutting wood, Qin Xiao inexplicably felt that the sound seemed familiar, as if I heard it somewhere.

Strange, how can this feel?

Following the voice, Qin Xiao looked for it, and soon saw a rickety old man chopping firewood there.

Seeing this rickety old man, Qin Xiao was so stunned that he immediately recognized the old name, and he had really seen it. No wonder, when I heard the sound of cutting wood, I felt a bit familiar.

This rickety old wood-cutting man turned out to be the old wood-cutting old man who had been chased into a wood in the Real Fire Secret Realm.

Speaking of which, Qin Xiao can still bear the kindness of this old man who cut wood. If it was not the old man who cut the wood that saved his life, maybe he died in the Secret Realm.

At that time, Qin Xiao felt that this old wood-cutting man was very strange. He clearly felt that he was very strong, but he was slowly chopping wood there like an ordinary person, a very strange move.

This time I saw 50 Million years later, and it was exactly the same scene as the last time, this old man was chopping wood there again.

Let Qin Xiao feel that the movements are exactly the same, it is simply the scene that year was reproduced.

In the past, the strength was weak, the realm was low, and the depth of the wood-cutting old man could not be seen. Now Qin Xiao is a one-step Ancient Saint level, but he still cannot see the depth of the wood-cutting old man.

From him, not at all exhaled a lot of breath.

But even with only a hint of breath, it made Qin Xiao very clear that his strength is certainly far from being the enemy of the old man who cut wood.

The old man chopping wood, mysterious and powerful, must not be a simple character.

According to the guess in Qin Xiao’s mind, I am afraid that at least it should be a 4-step Ancient Saint realm.

Such a powerful existence, why are you always cutting trees? This move really puzzled Qin Xiao.

I didn’t understand it before, but I still don’t understand it now.

“Senior, really didn’t expect to see you here again.” Qin Xiao stepped forward and gave a respectful salute to the old man who cut wood.

Qin Xiao still remembers the kindness of the year.

At this time, when I saw the old man who was cutting wood, I also felt very kind and felt fortune.

The old man chopping wood not at all ignored Qin Xiao, but continued to cut his own wood, seeming to ignore Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao is not in a hurry, standing there patiently, watching the old wood-cutting old man cutting wood, and also waiting for the old wood-cutting old man.

In fact, Qin Xiao really wants to know, why is the old man cutting wood all the time? What is his purpose for cutting wood?

The total impossible is just boring and boring, right? This should be something that doesn’t make sense, it shouldn’t be so.

If it is not boring, what is the purpose of cutting wood?

Why is it?

Chopping wood without using any power is like a Senior without any cultivation base, chopping wood with difficulty.

Why has to be this way?

Qin Xiao has always been puzzled. At this time, I can take a quiet look at the process of the old man cutting the wood and see the details of the old man cutting the wood.

But after watching it for a while, Qin Xiao also not at all saw that it came out, there was a feeling of looking at Heavenly Book, nothing at all.

Chopping firewood, can you still cut it out?

A single thought suddenly came out of Qin Xiao’s heart. The old man who had been cutting wood had been persistently doing this thing. Could it be that he wanted to go out of his own way?

Can wood cutting also become enlightened?

Although it seems unimaginable, it is not necessarily impossible.

Taking a path that belongs to you is a path that no one else has ever traveled or thought about. It is also possible to find something strange and strange.

After thinking about it, Qin Xiao feels that there is no better explanation besides this possibility.

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