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After a long time, the old chopping wood felled the tree.

After being cut down, the old chopping firewood turned around and looked at Qin Xiao with a muddy look.

The eyes are not big, so it gives a slight squinting feeling.

Although his eyes are not big, and there are some muddy appearances, but after really glancing at the old Chaichai, he will find that his eyes are extremely deep, just like a deep abyss, and there is no bottom.

After seeing Qin Xiao for a while, the old man who cut the wood said: “I haven’t seen it in 50 Million years, and your growth and progress are quite amazing.”

“From a small step in the Heavenly Venerable environment, it has grown to a level of Ancient Saint environment. And you also have Great Destiny, and collected 2 good Spirit Beast.”

“Your strength, if the old man is right, I am afraid that the general 2-step Ancient Saint environment is far from your opponent.”

“You are so young, but you are already in the pinnacle of the young generation of Great Thousand Worlds.”

“You were born with a humble, natural cultivation condition is much worse than others. However, you can still get to this point step by step, and it only takes 50 Million years, which is enough to show that you are very good. .”

“The last time I saw you, the old man felt that you were out of the ordinary, and you should have made a big difference. But the old man actually did not expect that you can grow up to such a point, it can be said that it is very It’s against the sky.”

Qin Xiao still remembers that when he first saw the old man who was cutting wood, he simply did not say anything to himself, and he was very cold.

But when I met at this time, the old man who cut the wood turned out to be such a compliment to himself, and he didn’t mean it.

At this moment, it is really a bit of a sigh of emotion.

Qin Xiao said right away: “Thanks seniors praised Qin Xiao in this way. Although Qin Xiao was born to be humble, he has no identity and no good cultivation resources.”

“But fortunately, Qin Xiao was not thin for me, and gave me a lot of luck, which gave me a lot of opportunities. Therefore, I stepped up step by step and walked to the present.”

“Qin Xiao’s affection for Senior has always been remembered in his heart, and he has always been very grateful. If it was not Senior’s rescue, then maybe I was already dead, and there is no Qin Xiao now.”

“Qin Xiao was not in a hurry to thank Senior you. I was able to meet Senior you here at this time. I am very happy and would like to thank Senior.

The old man chopping wood just waved his hand and said indifferently: “We can meet, that is a fate. I made your good fate that year, that is the old man’s personal creation, you do not have to think What to repay.”

“In life, every stage has its own character.”

“There are causes and effects in the world, there are many good causes, and then there will be good results. You are a good cause, so the old man can also receive good results from you.”

Qin Xiao laughed, saying: “But no matter what, kindness is kindness, and Qin Xiao will always remember it forever.”

“Even if there is no way to repay Senior now, if Qin Xiao had that ability before, if there is any need for Senior to come to my place in Qin Xiao, just say a word.”

“Youngster, knowing that gratitude is good.” The old man who cut the wood said, and he didn’t want to continue to struggle with this issue.

Since the old chopping wood didn’t want to be entangled in this issue, Qin Xiao immediately changed the subject: “By Senior, Junior has a problem and feels a little presumptuous, but it really makes Junior very puzzled, some guesses, and even It’s weird, don’t know when to ask Senior inappropriately?”

Qin Xiao knew that even if he didn’t explain, the old man who cut wood must know that Qin Xiao wanted to ask and so on.

Qin Xiao really wanted to know this question. I was too puzzled, but I didn’t know if I should ask the old man who cut wood.

So, if you ask this question, if the old man chopping wood does not want to answer, it will be less embarrassing.

The old man chopping wood is not stingy, saying: “You are wondering why old man has been clinging to chopping wood, right?”

“If it was before, the old man will definitely not answer you, even if it is to answer you, it must be idle and boring that’s all.”

“But since you brat is so destined, you can meet here, and the old man has been watching you secretly for years.”

“It’s okay to tell you, the old man is trying to go his own way. You saw the old man cut wood for 5000 years. In fact, the old man has cut 5000 cosmic era time.”

Sure enough, as he guessed, the old man chopping wood was indeed trying to go his own way.

Although Qin Xiao is still puzzled, can cutting wood become a way?

However, Tao should not necessarily be firewood cutting, just use the method of firewood cutting to find the way and finally create your own way.

What surprised Qin Xiao was that the old man who had cut wood had already cut 5000 firewood of the universe era, which is really unimaginable.

5000 Cosmic Era time, for Qin Xiao, it was too long and too long, it was simply too long to imagine.

It’s hard to imagine how to persevere after so many years.

Qin Xiao also had to admire the perseverance of the old man who cut wood, and he has been able to persevere until now, and has always been so persistent in doing this thing.

Perseverance is a prerequisite for success. At least as far as the prerequisites are concerned, the old man who has cut wood has already achieved the ultimate goal, right?

But even if it is so extreme, if you want to create your own way, it is too difficult, too difficult, and difficult to succeed.

Tao, that’s all that’s all.

Many of the roads that can be taken out are already taken by others. The people behind want to take a new one, and the difficulty naturally increases a lot.

Qin Xiao admires Qin Xiao for his persistent spirit of cutting wood.

Cultivation really needs such a spirit.

But Qin Xiao thinks it is very terrifying, if you let yourself like this a few thousand to 1000 cosmic epoch time to persistently create a story that belongs to you, do not know if you will collapse? Can you persevere?

Anyway, at present, Qin Xiao thinks that the time of the 5000 cosmic era is a bit exaggerated.

For the time being, I still don’t think about it for a while. The more I think, the more I feel about terrifying, or I don’t want to.

After all, I have only lived for more than 5000 years now, that’s all. I’m still young.

“It’s too difficult, too difficult, too difficult to create a way out. I’m afraid this difficulty is beyond your imagination now.”

“A brand new way, that must be since ancient times, and the endless life has no way to go.”

“But since ancient times, no one can tell how many lives were born. How many geniuses are there, and they are endless.”

“The road you can imagine, the road you can’t imagine, I am afraid that some people will try to walk in the past.”

“Now that we live in, there are already many pong-like trails. Most of the roads we can walk by have been walked out by others.”

“The further back, the harder it is to create.”

“This road is a road to the true pinnacle of Great Thousand Worlds, but it is also the most difficult road. An era, a Sacred Domain, can have 2 people walk out, even if it is very very good. Even come Say, some Sacred Domain, an era will not come out.”

“This road is a Road of No Return. Walking on this road is extremely painful. It is a road that can’t see the end or even the light. It’s a road that walks up, it’s darkness. Road.”

“I’ve been away for so many years and I still don’t see a glimmer of light.”

Speaking of the back, the old man’s words were also full of helplessness, and full of vicissitudes.

From his words, I can also feel how difficult this road is and how frustrating it is.

A Road of No Return, it is really hard to imagine this way in terms of words like this.

“That’s all, don’t say this anymore. People are old and they like to complain. This road was chosen by the old man himself, then it is considered all the way to the black, and the old man has to go on.”

“If you don’t go on, the old man loses its meaning when she is alive. It’s better to have a better pursuit, at least has several points of motivation, motivation to move forward, motivation to strive, so that you don’t let yourself be deserted and lazy Come down and get bored.” The old man who cut the wood waved his hand and didn’t want to mention it again.

Mentioned, I am afraid that there are also several points of sour taste in frustration.

No matter how difficult this path is, if there is a chance in the future, then Qin Xiao will definitely go, and go firmly.

No, it’s not that if there is a chance in the future, even if there is no chance, you have to create an opportunity.

It is an inevitable thing to go your own way. You must go this way.

Now, we have to make preparations in this regard.

No matter how difficult it is, it won’t scare me Chunxiao, and it won’t fail me Qin Xiao.

“Qin Xiao kid, if your goal is just the world god, then it is better for you to give up this idea directly. It is not a good thing to have this idea, it may bring you endless pain, you can not imagine Pain, a Road of No Return, a darkness.”

“If you have that ambition, that ambition, that unwavering determination, then you can try to go your own way and create a new way out. But this thing, old man suggests you It’s still 3 thoughts, must think clearly, and then decide.”

“Once it’s decided, when it starts, it’s a Road of No Return, then don’t think about something that is half back.”

“But in terms of your talent potential, you can think about it. Old man feels that the world god is not a difficult challenge for you.”

“Although the world god realm has already reached a very high level, it is already a realm that has made countless holy ancients rush. But for you, it should not be a difficult thing, it only takes your time that’s all .”

“World Divine Realm is also very good, very very good.”

Qin Xiao heard some words from the old man who chopped wood.

First, the old man who cut wood is very optimistic about himself, and even more willing to try his own way, to create a new way out, take this Road of No Return, and pull himself into the water.

2 Come, I am afraid that the old man who is cutting wood is most likely to be a world, otherwise he would not say such words.

I really didn’t expect that the old man who was cutting wood would actually be a world god, which was an unexpected big surprise.

Although Qin Xiao does not dare to be 100% sure, the obedient meaning should be pretty close, a very likely thing.

Qin Xiao laughed, said: “Don’t thank Senior’s ideas and reminders, Junior knows, Junior has already had this ambition, and has also prepared in his heart. This road, no matter what, No matter how difficult it is, whether it is a Road of No Return, a dark road, and no light road, Junior will definitely go.”

“Junior still has that ambition, so ambitious goals and ideals.”

“How far is the cultivation, how long does Junior want to go. The road is endless, then the cultivation of Junior is endless.”

“The fun of cultivation also lies in the pursuit of the ultimate, the pursuit of the end, the pursuit of invincible strength, and the strength that can not be crushed by anyone.”

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