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If you really want to say this, the way of cultivation of since ancient times is actually created by the sages each and everyone, so there are so many ways.

The countless cultivation cultivation techniques were also created by each and everyone.

It is precisely because there are countless sages who have created countless ways out, so there will be the Great Thousand Worlds that are now so prosperous.

Brilliant and brilliant, 100 flowers blooming.

There are big and small creations.

Creating a grain of sand is creation, a stone is creation, a mountain is creation, a continent is creation, a world is creation, and a universe is also creation.

The smaller the things, the easier it is to create.

Just like Qin Xiao, let him create some cultivation techniques, which is obviously a very easy thing. General cultivation technique, Qin Xiao can be easily created.

Even if Qin Xiao creates a holy technique, as long as Qin Xiao is given time, Qin Xiao believes that he can certainly create it.

But a brand new way, that’s too big.

It can be called the Tao, that is, it can make all life, all laws, and even the Heavenly Dao recognize it in the ordinary.

Among the thirteen laws, the Tao that can be operated under Heavenly Dao can be passed down through the ages, and it is truly integrated into the thirteen laws and the things that go into Heavenly Dao.

The Tao itself has incredible power, Supreme power.

“Everyone says a frog in well, but actually looking at the sky is what we should do.” The old man chopping wood suddenly said solemnly.

Looking into the sky?

Hearing this word, Qin Xiao was slightly stunned. How do you say this?

Looking at the sky is the thing that should be done. Why do you say so?

Looking at the sky, isn’t that too short?

The old man who cut the wood continued to explain: “Yes, peep through the sky. The real meaning is to look at the big from the small and look at the face from the point. From a process, peep all.”

“For example, we see the formation process of the initial universe, and from this process, what we want is to be able to see how the heaven and earth naturally create a universe. With this, let us peep, how Create a whole new way out.”

“It’s much harder to create a whole new way than it is to create a universe.”

“This idea can also be applied to our cultivation. It is also necessary to peep into a wider area from a small aspect to obtain a breakthrough in cultivation.”

Qin Xiao’s relieved nodded, this feels that he also has some, but not at all focus on this aspect.

Now listening to the old man who cuts the wood, then I have to focus on this aspect of thinking.

Look at the face with a point, look at the sky with a well.

Everything must be reversed3, seeing the big aspect from the small side and peeking at the big picture.

“Okay, the old man has said so much. If you say more, you may have to mix yourself. Besides, the old man is also exploring this way, so I can only talk about some of the old man’s own experience all .”

“But the old man’s is often just summed up by the old man himself, maybe only for the old man, not necessarily for you.”

“Your own way also requires you to figure out how to take it. Everyone’s way must be different. The rest depends on your own creation.” The old wood-cutting man waved his hand, no Say more.

But after saying so much, Qin Xiao really benefited a lot, and felt deeply.

Qin Xiao is very grateful for these instructions from the old man who cut wood. He quickly said: “Many thanks seniors have given Qin Xiao so much advice and experience. Listening to Senior’s words is better than Qin Xiao 100. countless years of cultivation.”

“Senior’s words really have many reasons, and Qin Xiao will slowly savor it and slowly go out of his own way.”

The old man chopping wood laughed and said nothing more.

Qin Xiao also feels that the old man who cuts wood is a lone cultivator. I am afraid I don’t like to deal with others. I like to be alone, and my personality may seem a bit lonely.

But it is destined to myself, 5000 10,000 years ago, met in the Skyfire Secret Realm once.

Qin Xiao, who saw the old wood-cutting old man for the first time, really felt that his character was too weird, and he didn’t talk much about it. It looked very mysterious and secretive.

But it was very powerful and saved Qin Xiao once.

Encountered at this time, Qin Xiao felt that the old man who was cutting wood was actually an enthusiastic person and a good Senior.

It is indeed my luck to be willing to give such advice.

It is a great fortune to meet nobles in life.

The old man who cuts wood is a noble.

“By Senior, Junior still has a question to ask you. Senior should have been in this initial universe for a long time. This initial universe has long been discovered and controlled by the blood brake alliance. Formulation has already been deployed here, and one has also been sent. Ancient Saint realm is stationed here.”

“I don’t know. Senior can understand this blood brake alliance?” Qin Xiao suddenly asked.

Since the old Chaichao stayed here for a long time, he may have some knowledge of the situation of the Xuechameng here, so Qin Xiao also took the liberty to ask.

Hearing Qin Xiao’s question, the old man who cuts the wood, Mei Yu suddenly picked it up slightly, and expressed a slightly sinking expression: “old man, I’m just an idle cloud wild crane, I’m all of that. It’s not part of the 8 big Sacred Domain. , Walked alone in the Great Thousand Worlds all his life, and did not associate with anyone.”

“So I don’t dare to have any interest in the old man of the blood brake alliance, as long as I don’t come to provoke the old man.”

“What they are going to do, the old man will not pay attention to it. So don’t ask the old man about this question.”

“Okay, Qin Xiao kid, the old man should also leave. Let’s see you later.”

Having said that, the body moved by the old man who cut the wood directly disappeared in front of Qin Xiao, even giving Qin Xiao a chance to say goodbye.

Seeing that the old wood-cutting old man left without saying it to himself, Qin Xiao couldn’t help but hesitated and felt a little unspeakable.

I was also thinking in my heart, wouldn’t it be unhappy to say that the old man in the blood-slaughter group cut wood?

is it possible that the old man who cuts the wood is not willing to provoke this blood brake alliance to fail? Even if you don’t want to provoke, you shouldn’t have such a big reaction?

But after thinking about it, Qin Xiao also felt that it may be the character of the old man who cut wood, and it might not be really angry.

Moreover, the old man who cut wood did not say if fated will meet again, if he is really angry, he will not say if fated will meet again, it must be gone.

“Forget it–“

Qin Xiao shook the head, since the old man who has cut the wood has left, then I don’t think about this problem for the time being.

Now, let’s think about your practice problems. It is difficult, too difficult, too difficult to go your own way.

Qin Xiao didn’t even know where to start from creating a completely new way, and he didn’t even have a clue.

The creation of the Tao was a move against the sky, but it was also a very long process. It was definitely not a one-time, overnight effort.

Only this way, how to start? How to take this 1st Step?

This problem is really bothering Qin Xiao. It is like an invisible shackle, and Qin Xiao is tied up.

But this thing is obviously not in a hurry.

Where is the way to create Tao, so easy to take the 1st Step?

Continue to look at this initial universe.

Qin Xiao continues to walk in the initial universe. After the old man who cuts the wood, Qin Xiao obviously has more ideas and more ideas.

Now I continue to walk in the initial universe, and naturally have more gains and more feelings than before.

From some small feelings, you can peep into the sky and watch more things come out.

This is another 100,000 years.

In this initial universe, a lot of life has been born, and a powerhouse at the Sovereign level has been born. After a while, I am afraid that there will be a powerhouse at the level of the Universe Lord.

Universe Lord, most of them were born in the earliest days of the universe, the sooner the easier.

A total of 200,000 years of walking experience, the harvest touch is not small, but it always feels limited, it always feels like I encountered a bottleneck and was stuck there.

If you continue to look at it, it is estimated that there will be no gains.

Therefore, Qin Xiao has also stopped and is ready to leave this initial universe.

But before leaving, Qin Xiao suddenly thought, his own within the body world has undergone repeated expansion and transformation, and is no longer the most original appearance.

When you create your own way, do you want to look at the situation from the most primitive state? From the most primitive state, do some research, make some inferences, do some experiments, and see what will The effect?

Thinking of this idea, Qin Xiao suddenly got a little excited, and always felt that he had caught a bright light.

Yeah, why haven’t you thought of this method?

Try from the most primitive state, then you can simulate the original look. In addition, one way is to allow all life to be cultivated. It is necessary to start from the most primitive state.

My own within the body world is no longer the most primitive form, and it has already transformed into a bad shape.

Therefore, it is impossible for me to start, and I do not know how to take this step.

But now, Qin Xiao seems to have thought of a key to the problem. It may be the problem that has always troubled him. It is very likely that he can help himself solve the problem and take this most difficult 1st Step.

So, how can Qin Xiao not be a little excited?

Thinking of it, Qin Xiao immediately took action.

Now there are many lives in this initial universe, so Qin Xiao also easily found a group of weak lives. In the universe, becoming a god can open up his own within the body world.

Qin Xiao specifically found a group of newly-incarnated lives, and then everyone taught different ways to let them try to practice their within the body world.

But within the body world, in fact, it is not possible to practice, because within the body world was never able to practice.

Therefore, the batches taught by Qin Xiao have tried various methods, and all of them have failed. None of them have succeeded and can go out of this step.

This batch failed completely, which was obviously a blow to Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao’s original little excitement completely defeated the dispersal of nothing.

“No, it’s wrong. It’s wrong to go this way. The normal way to practice within the body world is simply not working. It’s a bit against the 3 rules and violates the feeling of Heavenly Dao.”

“According to the old man who cuts wood, all cultivation should follow the 3 rules and follow this Heavenly Dao. At the very least, you must be approved by these forces and allowed to pass. .”

“If these forces don’t approve, it’s a wrong path, a path that simply doesn’t have a way to go.”

“The methods I have tried are actually imaginable by ordinary people. If these ordinary methods are okay, I am afraid that this path has already been created by others. Is it possible that it is my turn?

“The people who can create the Tao are all those who take an unusual path.”

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