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Although this time’s attempt ended in failure, Qin Xiao always felt that he had given some inspiration to himself and let him have a new attempt.

A failure is nothing. It is normal.

It is a miracle to be able to succeed at once. After all, Qin Xiao is creating a way. I am afraid that he is doing the most and the most unfavorable thing in this world.

The process of creating Tao is a difficult and long process.

For Qin Xiao, his path to creation is not even counted as a start, and he is still making various efforts to start.

There is not enough to take that step and take this path, it can not be regarded as a real start.

To this standard, Qin Xiao not at all started.

Qin Xiao also tried hard to remember why he could be different from ordinary people in the body world, and why could he use his own power to expand?

Qin Xiao had thought about this problem before, but it did not come up with one.

If you just think about it, you don’t at all feel anything. It seems that it is inexplicable, it is natural, and it can begin to draw strength to expand its within the body world, and then its within the body world begins to be different from ordinary people.

But why there is such a change, Qin Xiao did not want to understand.

Think about it, along the way, he did not at all deliberately do anything, but his within the body world is different from ordinary people.

I remembered it carefully, thought about it, and didn’t let go of any details. I deeply analyzed the situation at that time, the thoughts in my mind at that time, and I did not let go of all the possible situations at that time.

But after thinking about it, Qin Xiao still didn’t find anything.

“Impossible, must be impossible, there must be a reason, otherwise there is no way to explain it.”

“Even Master Li Sheng said that within the body world can’t cultivate itself. I have never seen such a strange within the body world like me. It has not been recorded in history, nor has it been at all.”

“What happened to no one else happened to me. This must not be a coincidence, an accident, or a special event.”

“If it is really a special event, then impossible is only one of its own, and the same people cannot be found in the historical records. This is It’s definitely impossible.”

“It’s like a person with an Immortal King physique. Those darlings of heaven can all have the same physique. They are not unique and unmatched.”

“I must have overlooked some very small, extremely imperceptible situations. I have to think about it carefully.”

Qin Xiao didn’t give up, thought again and thought again, thought through, and analyzed thoroughly.

But still, there is still no gain or obvious awareness.

“If there were no changes in actual actions, would that be the heart?”

“Cultivation is the most important place for cultivation, but it is also the least susceptible.”

“When I was breaking through, when I developed within the body world, when I became a god, it was at a time when 9 Chau world was in great trouble. Therefore, I had a force of faith that was absolutely incomparable Strong and unusually determined.”

“At the time of breakthrough, when opening up within the body world, the whole process was supported by a strong mind and heart, stimulating myself over and over again, to make myself stronger.”

“Then inadvertently, another powerful force joined in, so I absorbed some other forces invisible.”

“Maybe subconsciously, I wanted to make within the body world stronger. But at that time, there was indeed no consciousness to practice within the body world, not at all.

“Everything is carried out unconsciously. So in the initial form, I unconsciously changed my within the body world and made my within the body world different from ordinary people.”

“And later, I tried to draw strength to improve within the body world and expand within the body world. But before, I didn’t know other people not at all ways to practice within the body world.”

“If I draw my strength to expand within the body world as a practice, I am afraid I can say that too?”

“I practiced within the body world unintentionally? But this practice is extremely simple and rough, and it is only when the realm ascends and breaks through the power of Heavenly Dao that it has been cultivated. Practice it, draw more energy, and expand within the body world even more.”

“Under normal circumstances, I have no way to practice within the body world. If I can practice normally, I’m afraid I have created this way.”

“To create this Tao is to be able to practice within the body world in the same way as normal cultivation for everyone.”

“Only if I do this, can I really create a whole new way out.”

After Qin Xiao’s analysis again, there was some clear comprehension and some gains, what was the situation of understood at that time.

But understood alone, it is still difficult to get started, it is difficult to continue to infer this path.

Still have to continue to experiment and see.

So, Qin Xiao recruited a group of people and conducted some experiments in the same way as before. At this time, he used his experience at that time to guide and guide these people to make such attempts.

At the same time, when they break through, give the outside force to help them.

But this batch failed.

Although it failed, Qin Xiao was still somewhat happy because the effect was much better than the previous batch. There is a person who almost succeeds, but the last moment still fails.

But this situation also gave Qin Xiao hope.

This shows that his idea is very likely to be correct, and can be passed.

So, Qin Xiao continued his experiment and continued to find a group of people to continue doing the same experiment.

This batch also failed, but the situation is better than before, and this time almost 2 people almost succeeded.

The failure of the 2 batches also allowed Qin Xiao to summarize some things.

The reason why Qin Xiao felt that their mental power was not enough, and they could not achieve the powerful feeling that they had in the desperate situation.

And I have experienced too much, and the gates of hell have made several trips.

In the end, under the powerful threat of destruction, the home country’s mountains and rivers, under the outbreak of the powerful and persistent obsession in the desperate situation, made his mind and thoughts power unimaginable.

Supported by the belief in that powerful force, Qin Xiao was able to transform and make breakthroughs, and walked a path that no one else has traveled.

In many respects, the people whom he has found are not enough, so it is normal to fail to meet such requirements.

So, in the fourth batch, Qin Xiao carefully selected some people to come out for experiments, and also gave them some conditions to enable them to greatly improve their temperament, belief power, and unleash their strongest Big potential comes out.

I also simulated a situation at that time to restore the most real situation at that time.

If you fail once, you will sum up your experience once, and if you improve once, you will be improved again and again.

The fourth batch still failed.

If it fails, then continue. This way, Qin Xiao has determined that it is feasible and can find out what he wants to agree to. Therefore, no matter how many times the experiment is conducted, no matter how long it takes, Qin Xiao will not give up.

The fifth batch, failed.

The fifth batch, failed.

The fifth batch, failed.

Faced with so many failures, Qin Xiao is still not discouraged and still believes that he is going right, but the conditions in all aspects have not yet reached that’s all.

After all, this way not at all was created, so it is necessary to simulate its own extremely small and extremely small probability at that time to verify whether his idea is correct.

It wasn’t until the 100th batch of experiments that it took 100,000 years that Qin Xiao finally succeeded.

Finally, one person’s within the body world has changed, which proves that Qin Xiao’s ideas are correct and made a major discovery.

“Hahaha, I’m right. This idea is right. It really is so. It really is.”

“Originally, to trigger this change, the condition needs to be extremely harsh. When a vulgar breakthrough is needed to become a god, it has a very strong mental power, and when opening up within the body world, it urges its own mental power To the extreme, the potential has completely exploded.”

“Then, it needs the help of a strong external force to help motivate it.”

“Ultimately, in my own unconscious situation, I made my own within the body world change.”

“Many factors are inside, and the requirements are extremely demanding. If any one of the conditions is not met, then there is no way to undergo such a transformation. The probability is extremely low and very low.”

“And speaking, it requires weak life in the universe. The life in the 8 Sacred Domains is a god realm at birth, and it has opened up within the body world. Basically, in the body Within that, it has already opened up within the body world, and there will not even be opportunities for transformation.”

“So, the life of the eight Sacred Domains, it is basically impossible to change within the body world, to think about practicing within the body world, and to take a brand new way out.”

“And the life in the universe, which can go out, are very few. Even if there are lucky people, they have changed within the body world, but they may not be able to go out of the universe. Even if 10000 are lucky, If you go out of the universe, you may not have the opportunity to think that your own within the body world can come to practice a new way.”

“So, the combination of various factors will make Master not know that someone is so strange with the body world.”

“But this should give me a great opportunity. I am more and more convinced that this must be a successful way to go.”

“Is it possible to succeed in the end, then it depends on my own efforts, my own fortune. I am definitely not lacking in my efforts, it depends on the fortune.”

100,000 years of hard work has finally paid off.

Qin Xiao is in a good mood, and all efforts are worthwhile.

But it is difficult to prove this, and it is not possible for Qin Xiao to embark on this path, and took this step. In fact, it is still far from it, far from it.

To really take this step, you still need to understand many things.

For the time being, Qin Xiao has just verified that this path may be possible. Verified, how could there be such a change.

After verifying these, it is of great help to Qin Xiao’s confidence. It fully shows that this road is feasible.

Now, Qin Xiao has many questions to consider.

“Tao cultivation is the powerful power gained after cultivation, which can be used in the battle.”

“And what strength does my within the body world have? How to judge, how to use the power of my within the body world in battle?”

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