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The strength of 2 people is not weak. At this time, they shot with all their strength, and the offensive was fierce and unusually fierce.

The means are exhausted, and the turbulent force is like a doomsday storm destroying heaven extinguishing earth from the sky.

This force contains the power of 6 laws, the power of cultivation technique, and several terrifying methods.

These two people join forces to move together, the general 3-step Ancient Saint environment, surely only has the part to drink and hate to escape.

But this power is nothing in front of Qin Xiao.

These two people’s strength is not weak, but here, it can only be regarded as very ordinary.

Putting it outside is enough to be within the realm, and there is no rival in the same realm.

But such excellence is only in a small area, and it can only be said within a circle.

But be aware that the Sacred Domain is full of 3000 circles.

And Qin Xiao is not to mention the Sacred Domain, I am afraid that the entire Great Thousand Worlds, in the same realm, is definitely standing at the pinnacle level of existence.

Qin Xiao in such a situation, it is naturally not difficult to deal with these two people.

These 2 people joined forces, but there are only 6 kinds of Law Power that’s all.

But Qin Xiao has mastered 8 kinds of things, not only that, but Grand Dao Law is Great Success Realm.

In addition, the power of within the body world against the sky, this is even stronger than the power of Grand Dao Law.

Feidao is a pong-like trail, which is not counted.

But in fact, Qin Xiao’s flying knives are fully deployed together, it is no less than the power of any one Law.

Qin Xiao has so much power at hand, how can the two people join forces?

In the face of the two men’s fierce offensive offensive, Qin Xiao didn’t care about it, and didn’t rush.

At 1st Strike, Qin Xiao only used the power of Immortal Dao Force, Avenue Power and 5 basic laws.

With the power of the 7 Grand Law to display the Opening Heaven Sword tactics, the One Sword Splitting The Heavens splits down, and there is a feeling of clearing out in chaos.

This might of a single sword, powerful and overbearing, is unstoppable and breaks everything.

The two people’s joint offensive was directly destroyed by the attack. The shocked two people retreated one after another, and the shocked complexion is gloomy.

2 people looked towards Qin Xiao’s eyes also became very weird and deep, with an astonished expression.

They thought about the power of Qin Xiao, but only after they actually played against each other did they realize that Qin Xiao was stronger than they thought.

What they think is powerful is just to listen to what others say, that’s all, just some hearsay.

If you say this thing in a hearsay, it may be that the water is very high.

Passing on and off, it may have changed its taste and been enlarged a lot.

Qin Xiao is even stronger, but it is only a 2 step Ancient Saint realm.

His talent potential is no longer evil, and he is still very young, and the years of cultivation are not long. It should be that the wings are not so full.

So, the two of them naturally felt that Qin Xiao must be somewhat unworthy of the name. It was only because of his anti-sky performance that he climbed to the top of the Broken Sky Cliff that he was very godlike.

Fame has expanded his strength.

They really don’t believe that this Qin Xiao kid is so strong? The two of them joined forces, will they still suffer?

But it turned out to be true.

Under a confrontation, they will suffer a lot, but they will be overwhelmed by shock.

What shocked them even more was that they felt that the power of Qin Xiao contained the power of 5 basic laws.

Five Elements? this is–

“Are you a destiny cultivator? Are you a destiny cultivator?”

2 people reacted immediately, and mastered the 5 basic rules at the same time. Isn’t this a destiny cultivator?

Destiny cultivator, in the entire Avenue Sacred Domain, that is extremely rare.

Among younger cultivators, it is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. It is rare.

It is recognized, but not many.

But didn’t expect, this Qin Xiao is actually a destiny cultivator. Such a young destiny cultivator, I am afraid that the Avenue Sacred Domain will be difficult to find again?


I thought, let 2 people sucked in a cold breath. Inwardly startled in one’s heart.

It really makes them both envious and jealous.

They were longing for, and longing for, dreaming of becoming a destiny cultivator.

It’s just a pity that the cruelty of reality still makes them awake and doesn’t have such unrealistic dreams.

“It’s just a destiny cultivator, is it so surprising? Can’t I Qin Xiao be a destiny cultivator?” Qin Xiao curl one’s lip, with a chuckle.

But this indifferent words, it was deeply stimulated to those 2 people, so that they have a kind of want to vomit blood, thinking of strangling Qin Xiao’s persuasion.

What is destiny cultivator?

Will you die if you don’t pretend?

Destiny cultivator, looking at the entire Great Thousand Worlds as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, the top genius, nothing more?

It is said that the destiny cultivator, as long as you take good control of yourself, without drifting, without deceit, you can basically achieve the world god position.

So ah, destiny cultivator, but given the name of ‘destiny’, it is equivalent to the seed of a world god.

The existence of the world god realm, but it stood at the true pinnacle level of Great Thousand Worlds.

No matter where it is, it is aloof and remote, which is the supreme existence of the Sovereign side.

The existence of the world god realm is the rule maker of this world, and it is qualified to participate in such deep-seated things.

Under the Ancient Saint are all ants, the Ancient Saint Realm is the backbone of Great Thousand Worlds and a small-scale dominant force.

However, the Ancient Saint Realm cannot be the rule maker. Only the existence of the World God Realm is eligible to participate.

“You are not my opponent. Otherwise, you can use the teleportation token directly to eliminate yourself and save yourself from suffering.”

“If you want me to force you to eliminate yourself, then you will have a hard time.”

“Actually, why is this so? It’s better, you feel more conscious, everyone saves a little.”

Qin Xiao suddenly said something.

Although Qin Xiao is well-intentioned, it is undoubtedly a humiliation to hear such words in those 2 holy lords.

Would they agree to such a thing?

“Qin Xiao, you are mad.”

“We have to admit that you are really strong, but it doesn’t mean you can humiliate us so much.”

“Are we greedy for life and death? Huh, is it possible for us to admit defeat without fighting?”

“I have another dream, although your strength is very strong, but it may not be able to eliminate us.”

Qin Xiao shook the head, helpless one said with a smile: “Sorry, sorry, maybe I used the words inappropriately, I not at all to humiliate the meaning of 2 people.”

“In fact, in terms of age and experience, the two can be said to be my Senior.”

“I still have respect for the two, but I have my things to do, and I have to eliminate the two.”

“This is not selfish, it has nothing to do with others. So, even if I want to fight the two, I don’t want to embarrass the two, and I don’t want to offend the two. I hope the two can understand the one.

Listening to Qin Xiao being so humble, the two saints looked at each other in blank dismay for a while, and it was unclear what medicine Qin Xiao sold in the bottle gourd.

But looking at his expression and listening to his tone, it doesn’t seem to be cracking a joke.

After two people stared at each other for a while, one of the saints said, “Qin Xiao, you have to say something else.”

“It’s been a game, and we’ve always been a relationship of opponents, each with its ability, that’s all. It’s not at all meaning to talk about others.”

“You have the strength to knock us out, then we recognize it. But you just want to let us automatically knock out with one mouth, is that not a joke?”

“Don’t talk about the useless nonsense, go ahead.”

Qin Xiao nodded, said again: “Well, then I’m sorry for what I just said.”

“That’s it, it’s better to speak under your hands. You really shouldn’t say those words.”

“Everyone is a proud person and an arrogant person. It is indeed shameful to admit such a thing.”

“Okay, let’s fight. 2 people, offended.”

After that, Qin Xiao shot again.

At this time, Qin Xiao not at all hesitated again, but tried his best.

The strength of the mind and within the body world are also used, and the power of the flying knife is not used.

8 The power of Grand Law plus the power of within the body world, fully promoted the Opening Heaven Sword formula, which is regarded as Qin Xiao strongest move.

With this sword coming out, the power seems to be no different from the one just now, not at all ascending a lot.

But the offensive of mental power is invisible, and the power of Hughes world is pure power, and it will not show much power.

2 people clenched the teeth and greeted them again.

However, when the strength of the two people confronted Qin Xiao, the two people were almost startled.

“It’s mental power, very powerful mental power!”

“He Qin Xiao turned out to be cultivation immortal dao, cultivation avenue, and cultivation strength. Good terrifying, 3 cultivation roads at the same time cultivation, realm level are so high, really a peerless demon.”

“En? Isn’t it right? Not only is the mental strength, the number of laws has not increased, but how can the formable power be much stronger than just now?”

Very terrifying power, good terrifying power. Not good, can’t stop it, we can’t stop it at all! “

“Quick, use the token quickly.”

At this time, two people were completely shocked to the point that they couldn’t be added. There was no way to resist it.

Under Qin Xiao’s terrifying offensive, the two couldn’t resist.

As soon as they collided, the two were completely defeated, vomiting blood directly, and looked very embarrassed.

Immediately, the two people used the protection token and turned into a protective cover, which enveloped the two people, which was well protected.

But the time limit of this protective cover is limited, obviously there is no way to maintain it for long.

Qin Xiao stayed there, and waited until the aging of the protective cover disappeared, and then shot again, forcing 2 people to continue to use the protection token.

2 people want to escape while they have a protection token, but where does Qin Xiao give 2 people a chance to escape?

His Space Law Power is not to be trifled with, there is still a set for trapping people.

2 people in the protective cover, not at all methods use too many methods, so naturally there is no way to escape from Qin Xiao’s Space Law cage.

Qin Xiao tragically trapped 2 people.

It has been exhausting 2 protection tokens on 3 people, and finally only one teleport token is left.

Once the teleportation token is used, people will be teleported back to the central island directly, but at the same time it also means that they are eliminated.

The situation has reached this point so quickly, the 2 people are also very embarrassed, looking at Qin Xiao with an ugly face.

Just now they still have the ambition to fight with Qin Xiao. Thinking that Qin Xiao wants to eliminate them is not so easy.

But didn’t expect, in a blink of an eye, it became like this, forcing them to this part, leaving them no room for retreat.

Not to mention, it’s a fight back, simply is simply an ossible thing.

The defeat is clearly in front of them, and there is no chance to reverse it.

“Two people, do you want me to shoot again?” Qin Xiao looked at the two people and said again.

2 People glanced at each other silently, with a bitter smile on their faces, helpless.

Should Qin Xiao do it again?

If you start again, it will only make you more embarrassed.

Qin Xiao said so, that was to give them the final face.

At this time, where is the courage and necessity of the two people?

So ah, 2 people hook the head, after sighed, it can only be said: “that’s all that’s all, we admit defeat.”

After finishing talking, 2 people used the teleport token to leave.

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