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After eliminating these two people, Qin Xiao quickly found Yuanyuan and them.

“You have eliminated one person before, plus the two people eliminated on my side, it means that we have eliminated three people, and we need to eliminate two people, then this task is considered completed.” Qin Xiao said.

After waiting for 50,000 years, I finally saw some hope.

With a good start, that is a good sign.

With this good sign, the future will surely become smoother.

“What, there are three people in it.” Yuanyuan said.


Not 3 people?

Qin Xiao was slightly flustered and looked at Yuanyuan. Didn’t I just say they eliminated one person? That adds up to 3 people?

Yuan Yuan immediately laughed at Qin Xiao: “Qin Xiao big brother, you look down on us so much. How can we sit here in a white town.”

“We have eliminated 2 people before. At this time, if we can’t take these 3 people down, they will not ask you for help.”


Hearing Yuanyuan, Qin Xiao was also surprised.

In this way, 5 people have been eliminated and one task has been completed.

Qin Xiao couldn’t help but gave thumbs up to Yuanyuan and Lianqin girls: “It’s still your experience, hehe has completed a task and has a good start. Then the next thing is sure It will be bright.”

“Now, let’s find a way to eliminate a Captain.”

Yuanyuan is very happy, and has several points of proud laughed: “That is of course, we must have been very troubled, hehe.”

“Let the Qin Xiao big brother let you be the main force for the first 2 times, this time we will be the main force.”

“Haha, well, this time you are the main force, let me listen to your command.” Qin Xiao laughed.

Of course, everyone just cracking a joke, the command is still Qin Xiao.

After being happy, he immediately became serious.

Qin Xiao said: “Looking at this situation, there should be no problem with the credibility of the four lines of left words. Here we will wait for the success rate of the rabbit to be higher.”

“I have searched for that many dangerous situations for nearly 50,000 years, and it is not at all. So, if I continue to search blindly like this, I am afraid it will be difficult to gain anything.”

“Instead of doing so, it is better to stay here and wait for the rabbit.”

Yuanyuan and Lianqin girls nodded to agree, and the facts have proved that this road works.

So, naturally, we must persevere.

So, 3 people were waiting here.

This time, another 30,000 years have passed.

The game has passed Eighty thousand years, and the last 2 10000 time left is the time limit and it is about to end.

The waiting time does indeed seem extremely long.

This kind of thing really makes people anxious.

Before waiting for Qin Xiao, Yuanyuan was already anxious.

“Qin Xiao big brother, I think we can’t wait like this anymore?”

“Like you said, those four lines of words can’t be trusted, or they can’t believe it all. It’s better to be half credible.”

“We have stood by and waited for the elimination of 5 players. Now we want to hold a Captain. We have waited so long. We still haven’t seen a silhouette. Will we not be able to keep it?”

“If you stay here forever, the uncertainty is too great, I am afraid it is not a way.”

Lianqin girl frowned slightly and said, “Well, I also think that Yuanyuan is very reasonable. Waiting blindly doesn’t seem to be a solution, after all, time is limited.”

“Now there are only 2 years left until the end of the game. If you wait blindly, the more passive you are, the more passive you will be.”

“So, it is better to act separately as before.”

“Yuanyuan and I continue to stay here, Qin Xiao you go to other places to look for. In this way, then I think the success rate should be much larger.”

“It’s blindly time-consuming, we can’t afford it.”

Qin Xiao nodded agrees with this.

Waiting blindly is indeed not the way.

After waiting for 30,000 years, in fact, he also began to feel anxious.

The further back, the more passive, the lower the success rate.

Qin Xiao is also preparing to leave, to act separately, and to grasp the last 2 years.

But at this time, a silhouette appeared in Qin Xiao’s line of sight, and it came here.

After seeing this silhouette, Qin Xiao’s heart suddenly moved, and there was a little joy on his face.

“Qin Xiao big brother, there are people and some people, that is Captain. What’s it called, it was very quarreling with His Highness Badger Huai before.” Yuanyuan was also excited immediately.

Lianqin girl said: “Your Highness Yuan Hong.”

At this time, no matter who cares who it is, let me move first.

Unless it is the ones of His Royal Highness Lan Hua and His Royal Highness Zhu Zhuo, you need to think about it.

His Royal Highness Yuan Hong team has always performed mediocre, and the rankings are all in the middle level.

So, Qin Xiao will naturally not care.

His Royal Highness Yuan Hong came over to this side. When he saw Qin Xiao 3, he didn’t notice anything.

Yuan Hong admired Qin Xiao, but he deliberately dug Qin Xiao, but unfortunately he was rejected by Qin Xiao.

So seeing Qin Xiao, Yuan Hong came with a smile on his face: “Yo, Qin Xiao Young Master, why are you here?”

“What a coincidence, I met you here.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, your performance in the first 2 rounds is amazing.”

“Ai, it’s just a pity that you Qin Xiao refused to come to the Laozi team, letting Laozi miss such a big chance of rays of light. Sad, Laozi is really sad.”

“It’s such a good chance that the badger Huai’s kid was cheaper. That kid can be regarded as a great virtue in 8 lifetimes.”

“Oh, forget it, forget it, and the more I say, the more I feel blocked, and the more I feel sad.”

Yuan Hong’s facial expressions are very rich and wonderful, so watching him say this, it makes people feel a kind of enduring.

The Qin Xiao 3 people were quietly rounding up Yuan Hong and put out a battle.

Yuan Hong soon found out that the situation was not right. He frowned and glanced at Qin Xiao 3 and said, “What are you doing? What’s the matter with Laozi?”

“You don’t come to the Laozi team again, is it possible that you still want to invite Laozi to drink?”

“Drink back and drink again. I don’t have time to drink with you at this time.”

“Okay Qin Xiao, let it go, don’t block Lao Tzu’s way. Lao Tzu was always in a panic and was very upset.”

Qin Xiao pouted, but unable to bear smiled.

Yuanyuan also laughed, and she said to Qin Xiao: “Qin Xiao big brother, let’s come, you just sit and watch. He he little wine, slap hands. Hehe, Lianqin elder sister, Let’s go.”

Lianqin girl was nodded, and Yuanyuan was there, and she was much more courageous.

Otherwise, with her strength, not to mention the existence of the 3-step Ancient Saint realm like His Royal Highness Yuan Hong, even if a random player comes, I am afraid she is choking enough.

But in cooperation with Yuanyuan, she feels invincible and fears no one.

This ambition greatly inspired her and made her feel confident.

Yuan Hongniu glared and swept the Yuanyuan and Lianqin girls, and angrily cried out: “What is the situation, Laozi-you two little girl film, you want to rebel you.”

“What’s the matter, still want to do something with Lao Tzu? A few meanings?”

“Is it possible that, that bastard that bastard instructed you? He is stupid, are you stupid?”

“Although I’m a big man, I don’t like to beat girls, especially you little girls who are so pretty and cute.”

“Tsk tsk, it looks so watery, it’s flattering. I’ll be hurt when I hit you.”

Qin Xiao simply retreated to the side, and the battlefield was handed over to Yuanyuan and Lianqin girls.

Yuanyuan and Lianqin girls ignored that many, and set out to fight.

Yuan Hong called a depressed, then called a mad.

Pulling a sullen face, it looked very ugly.

Asked the two women, there was nothing to say, Yuan Hong stared at Qin Xiao, and said, “Qin Xiao, what do you mean? Lao Tzu didn’t invite you to provoke you, it’s enough to stop Lao Tzu here. Still have trouble with Lao Tzu?”

“Your guts, it’s not really fat. Who gives you the courage to do this?”

“You hid behind, leaving 2 little girls here, what is the case?”

“I don’t like to beat women, but I don’t mean I won’t beat them.”

Qin Xiao shook his head bitterly laughed, saying: “I’m sorry, Your Royal Highness Yuan Hong, you really haven’t provoke us, and we don’t have any resentment qi hostility to you.”

“It’s just that there are some things that we have to do. So ah, there is no way, just because you run into us, then you can only blame yourself bad luck.”

“We have no other choice but to deal with you.”

“But this is just the game’s position, it’s not mixed with other factors. So, I can only say sorry.”

“…” Yuan Hong’s face was speechless, and he almost didn’t vomit bleeding.

After grinning for a while, Yuan Hong stared at Qin Xiao as if he were an angry wolf, and said, “Okay, if you want to shoot at Lao Tzu, you can shoot it, but can you be more serious? Take a little heart?”

“What’s the matter of letting Yuanyuan and Lianqin come out? Don’t worry at all, you are humiliating Lao Tzu.”

“His Royal Highness of Dignified, a Captain of dignified, the ranking of the dignified day selection list-forget it, the day selection list will not be said, but Laozi’s strength is very strong.”

“Or-Lao Tzu will give you another chance to choose again? If you want to block, just block others, don’t let Lao Tzu get angry.”

“Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious, and you will all suffer a lot.”

“Laozi really isn’t scaring you. Laozi is very powerful. Even the badger Huai Huai doesn’t dare to easily follow Laozi.”

Looking at this flustered and exasperated look, listening to His Royal Highness Yuan Hong, Qin Xiao was unable to bear and wanted to laugh.

This person is really interesting.

But seriously, Qin Xiao felt that Yuan Hong was not a bad guy.

Although his temper is a little rough, but people can still, much better than many hypocritical people.

At least, Qin Xiao does not resent His Royal Highness Yuan Hong.

Lianqin said: “Your Highness Yuan Hong, but what we heard last time is that you have suffered a few losses in the hands of His Highness Badger Huai.”

“Pei pei pei ——” His Royal Highness Yuan Hong immediately denounced and said with a solemn expression: “If there is no thing, it is completely made up by the badger of the Huai Huai.”

“I have had a few encounters with that guy, but I didn’t lose the strength, but the plot against the boy’s crafty plots and machinations to that’s all.”

“Compared with strength, Lao Tzu properly won him.”

“That is to say, or lost to our Badger Huai Huai.” Lianqin girl smiled and said.

“Uh–” His Royal Highness Yuan Hong was vomiting blood again.


This is the case!

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