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What is the real body of the virtual world?

Reality and illusion are two opposing sides, and illusion indicates that it is not something that really exists.

But illusion is something that can really exist, for example, Illusion Technique can be used to kill people.

Reality and illusion, it is all up to you to see. If you look bad, it is false. If you can’t see it, it’s true.

But it is true in your opinion and false in the exhibitor. Therefore, you can never touch the exhibitor, but the exhibitor can easily kill you.

This is the terrifying of the virtual world!

Virtual real body, walking in the virtual within the realm, hiding your real body.

Once this skill has been practiced to the extreme, no one can find Qin Xiao except the Mighty God of the cream of the crop.

If you can’t even find him, then you are already in defeat.

This unique skill, whether it is used to attack or save life, is an excellent means, so naturally Qin Xiao was perturbed, and finally selected this unique skill.

“However, the requirements of this real world real body for training are really very high, and it is definitely the highest of all the unique schools here. It is no wonder that the more you hit Absolute Art, the higher the requirements for training will naturally be. “

The higher the requirements, the more difficult it will be to practice, and naturally fewer people will practice.

The selection of stern school is a factor that must be considered in this regard.

No matter how powerful Absolute Art is for you, if you can’t even get started, what is the point?

Just like you give a divine technique to a 3-year-old child, people don’t even know the sword, what use do you give him the divine technique?

Therefore, to choose a unique skill, one is to be practical, and the other is to be able to practice yourself.

Both of these factors must be satisfied, otherwise the opportunity will be wasted.

“Void Realm Absolute Learning Light is the requirement for the Avenue, which is up to 5 doors. 10000 Avenue of Things, Time and Space Dao, Time Avenue, Infinite Way, and Void Road. One top grade road, 4 high grade roads. For For Peakly God, a 4-step Heavenly God, this basic requirement is not difficult to meet. However, it is difficult to fuse these 5 avenues completely and use them to the extreme. This is the most difficult. To the point.”

Qin Xiao is secret in his heart, but no matter how difficult the challenge is, he is not afraid.

He almost met the most basic conditions, and he was almost a virtual world.

But Qin Xiao is confident and gives him time to practice, he must be able to practice the virtual world.

After the selection, Qin Xiao directly made the life vow. After the completion, the crystal ball was opened, and a ray of light from Shenghao shone on Qin Xiao’s body, which suddenly made Qin Xiao’s body relaxed. Very comfortable, this feeling is really wonderful.

After entering the crystal ball, the crystal ball closed again, as if it were gestating an embryo.

The huge information immediately poured into Qin Xiao’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, one after another screen appeared in front of the eyes, and instantly all the energy of Qin Xiao was completely attracted to the past.

This inheritance is 3 years. This time is really short for God, but it’s all that blinks.

But for Fanling, it is indeed very long.

“Inconceivable, it’s really incredible. It’s so amazing to be able to use the avenues in such a sublime arrangement. The real world is really amazing, it’s really wonderful, and it hurts. It seems that my choice is a little bit It’s not wrong. I don’t know which ancestor existed, and it’s so admirable to create Absolute Art.

After completely taking over the stern school, Qin Xiao was also shocked, and it took a long time to recover.

This also has some enlightenment for Qin Xiao to create his own unique school.

His original swordsmanship has not been able to complete the original version, nor has he been able to create a 3rd Style, nor is it a complete Absolute Art.

Not to mention improved copyright, even 1st Style is not perfect.

In this regard, Qin Xiao’s progress has been very slow. Not to mention that Qin Xiao doesn’t want to create, it’s just too difficult.

Creating is 100 times 1000 times harder than practicing.

It can create a complete mastery at the level of Heavenly God in 4 steps, it is definitely a rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns in the universe. Qin Xiao is working hard in this regard.

It is mainly because he is too young, but he has only practiced that’s all for more than 40000 years. If you give him time, then Qin Xiao naturally has absolute confidence to perfect the sword of mountains and rivers.

The sword of mountains and rivers, or Qin Xiao has always valued Absolute Art. After all, this is a unique skill he created, and the meaning is completely different.

If you create Absolute Art yourself, the value is naturally needless to say.

Walking out of the Mangbaobao Temple, he saw Dan Chenjun waiting outside.

“Qin Xiao, which unique school did you choose?” Dan Chenjun asked.

Qin Xiao said: “Void real body!”

“The real body of the virtual realm…” Dan Chenjun was obviously not surprised, but soon relieved: “I guessed that you might choose the real body of the virtual realm, which is really suitable for you. There is definitely no problem with talent potential training. I am also very excited about this unique skill, but I dare not choose it.”

“It’s the most basic condition. I’m still too far away. If I choose this arrogant school rashly, if I can’t even get started, then this opportunity will be wasted.”

“My best is defense, so I finally chose one of the best defenses in the defense, Inextinguishable Body.”

“Yonggen Inextinguishable Body ……” Qin Xiao frowned slightly, he also paid attention to this peculiar school, and also compared it with Chaotian Alchemy Armor. These 2 defensive classes Absolute Art can be counted on It is 1000 autumn each. It’s just that Qin Xiao is more inclined to chaotic armor.

Inextinguishable Body, the requirements for training are much higher than that of Chaotian Refining Armor, and it also has the taste of the sword moves with side stroke. It requires a lot of special methods. Some cosmic treasures are used to assist in training. Practice or something.

But to speak of which, the difficulty of training is a bit weaker than that of Chaotian Armor.

2 The formidable power of the two should be equivalent. If you can practice to the extreme Great Perfection, it is a defense invincible.

Dan Chenjun’s best is defense. Qin Xiao thought that Dan Chenjun might choose an offensive class Absolute Art. For example, 8 Wild Divine Sword is quite good. Qin Xiao thinks it is suitable for Dan Chenjun.

But beyond Qin Xiao’s expectations, Dan Chenjun finally chose Absolute Art as an Inextinguishable Body.

It seems that Dan Chenjun’s idea is to increase his strengths and take one direction to the extreme. If you can do this step, it is also extremely harmful.

The defense is invincible, at least to ensure that no one can kill him easily.

Needless to say, the meaning of life-saving, Qin Xiao is also very clear. Being able to save lives is often the most important.

So many of Mighty God’s most eagerness are life-saving means, especially those who live longer Mighty God, the more eager.

After all, the longer you live, the more enemies you may provoke. If the means of life-saving is not strong enough, you may be chased by the enemy.

Therefore, life-saving is often the first place. Dan Chenjun’s decision is also very good.

After all, Dan Chenjun is not outstanding in all aspects. If the means of attack are strengthened, if other aspects are too weak, then it is very likely to die in battle.

“Just inherited the inheritance, we all need to digest it on the spot, and leave now.” Qin Xiao said.

Dan Chenjun is nodded. He also wants to digest Qin Xiao after he comes out.

Just after taking over, now the digestive effect is definitely the best.

Qin Xiao not at all went back to his house, but flew to Secret Realm, a place in the world of Mang Temple.

Soon Qin Xiao came to a vast abyss. This place is called the Abyss of the Virtual Realm. It is one of the wonders in the World of Maniac Temple. There are more than 100 places in this world many. Most are naturally formed, and some are derived from the existence of Sovereign.

Although these singular sites are far inferior to those of the three major cultivation holy land, they are also very good singular sites, which can be used by the discipline to practice miserable enlightenment, and can also receive many benefits.

If every quirk here is put outside, not to mention the geniuses of the 4-step Heavenly God, even Mighty God will be rushing to enter and experience it.

Every strange place, as long as you use it well, it can bring huge gains.

More than 100 years of singularity plus 3 major practices of Holy Land constitute a system for the cultivation of the discipline of the world of shrewd temple.

It can be said that every strange place will probably not be inferior to Manghuang Island.

Staring at the Abyss of the Virtual Realm before entering, Qin Xiao has a very strange feeling.

It feels real, but it doesn’t feel real.

It’s like watching flowers in the fog, faintly discernible, seemingly absent.

This is not a visual deviation, but this is how you feel.

Once reality and illusion are fused together, it is difficult to distinguish clearly.

And this is the case of this virtual abyss. This is the only one of all the strange places that can exercise the ability of a person’s virtual world. So Qin Xiao came directly, and wanted to pass this virtual abyss to see if he could It is not possible to comprehend the imaginary realm, so as to complete the most basic requirements for practicing the real physique.

“Empty and truth, everything seeks the heart. The power of the mind is the most powerful, so that you can see through everything.” Qin Xiao brows slightly wrinkle, thought secretly.

But the truth is the truth, but it is far from good to know the truth.

After Qin Xiao stared for a while, he stepped directly into the abyss of the virtual realm without any hesitation.

Once entering the abyss of the virtual realm, there is a kind of falling into a false world with the realm.

But trying to struggle out, but found that this false world has become the real world again.

In the real world, why do you need to struggle?

But once you give up struggling, then you feel yourself falling into the virtual within the realm, if you don’t break free, then you will always be trapped in the virtual within the realm.

The virtual world is the non-existent world, the unreal world.

Once inside the realm, it will disappear forever in this universe.

If you enter or not enter the virtual world, you can actually judge whether you can have a touch with the deity. If the connection is broken, you must be in the real withm.

So Qin Xiao’s connection with the deity now and then, sometimes, not yet, a very strange feeling, so Qin Xiao fell into a quagmire.

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