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“Is this the virtual world?”

Qin Xiao looked at all around, the feeling of being unreal, very strange.

The virtual world is inexplicable and invisible.

As soon as he entered, Qin Xiao found himself trapped in it, into the virtual within the realm.

If he can’t get out, he will be trapped here forever unless someone rescues him.

But falling into the imaginary within the realm, feeling this time the real-virtual alternation, can clearly’see’ the movement rules of the imaginary realm, which is a good way to comprehend the virtual realm.

Once you can master the virtual realm, you can free yourself from the virtual realm without being trapped by the virtual realm.

Being able to step out of the abyss of the virtual realm is the ultimate perfection of the virtual realm. Being able to do this step is very difficult.

“The other side of truth is illusion, just as the other side of yang is yin, and the other side of light is darkness. The opposite of things is that 10000 things and 10000 things have their two sides. But reality and illusion are different. Unreal, you can’t see and touch…”

“What is the virtual realm? How to enter the virtual realm?”

The so-called virtual world does not exist in another world of this world, the inner world, the world of thought.

Find the virtual realm, enter the virtual realm, then come out from the virtual within the realm, and see the reality from the virtual within the realm.

This kind of feeling is like a kind of mental strength, and the illusion shines into reality. With a single effort, you can grow 10000 trees to grow flowers and create scenery out of thin air.

And this virtual world is somewhat similar to this feeling.

Qin Xiao has the foundation of mental strength, and then come to understand the virtual world, the entry point is much easier.

This is like a touch-through, and Qin Xiao has mastered up to 4 top grade tracks. In particular, the 10000 object path includes 10000 objects, and all the paths are related to the 10000 object path.

It depends on whether you can find this connection and then come in.

Walking in the abyss of the virtual realm, feeling the various rules of the virtual realm, Qin Xiao realized quickly.

However, Rao is so, and it took 100 years for Qin Xiao to finally realize the virtual world.

“It turns out that this is the virtual realm. The so-called virtual, that is something that doesn’t exist. It doesn’t exist in reality, but it exists in your mind, and it also exists in the minds of others. The virtual realm is actually mind. One of the worlds, a world that does not exist at all.”

“But my virtual realm is not stable enough. It is just a very shallow virtual realm. It is easy to be seen by people and find my real body directly.”

The time of 100 years is extremely short. It can master a high grade track within 100 years. If it is passed out, I don’t know how many geniuses have to be scared to death.

Qin Xiao comprehends the high grade, then it is like playing.

Speaking of which is easy, but it is not.

One is that Qin Xiao’s own natural comprehension is extremely strong, 2 is Qin Xiao’s mental power has a supporting role, and 3 is because of training in this abyss of the virtual world.

Various factors have allowed Qin Xiao to grow from scratch, and it took only 100 years to master the virtual world.

“The 1st floor of the virtual world road, my level is still very shallow. You must practice the virtual world road to the extreme Great Perfection, before you can start to practice the real body of the virtual world. If the foundation is not strong, the effect of the training It must be average.”

Qin Xiao pouted and continued to practice.

The training in the early stage was quite smooth. After training until the 5th floor, I felt a bit of a bottleneck, and now the time has passed 1000 years.

The frontier of Fengjiang has already been arranged, waiting for Qin Xiao to take office, but this does not have to be passed immediately, you can go later, it does not matter.

Some dragging, even dragging on the last 100000000 years is normal.

After all, the Fengjiang Ambassador is actually just an identity, but for a peerless 4-step Heavenly God, many people don’t really care.

Of course, Qin Xiao still cares about this identity. Only after having this status, he can build his own influence and set a good course for the people of 9 Chau World.

And Shi Jianchangfeng them, can’t keep them in Yaozhuang’s house all the time, Qin Xiao is also very sorry.

It is still necessary to build your own power.

Of course, Qin Xiao does not have much ambition, but just wants to manage his own piece of land.

Qin Xiao is now completely trapped in the virtual within the realm. After 100 years of hard work, there is no way to get out of the virtual within the realm.

“This is the extreme of the virtual realm. Your consciousness has no way to control the virtual realm. The virtual realm in turn affects your consciousness. In your consciousness, the virtual realm becomes the true world.”

“Void Reality, Reality…”

Qin Xiao clearly feels that he is within the realm, and can also be related to the deity, but there is no way to get out of this real world.

This made Qin Xiao react. He was actually still within the realm, but this virtual world made him feel the real world and completely confused his consciousness.

It even simulated the feeling associated with the deity, and the consciousness was controlled.

The most terrifying thing is that the feeling of Qin Xiao not at all still feels that he is in the realm, without seeing through and seeing through, then naturally there is no way to break free.

“Practice, all the power of idealism and mind, can break the 10000 method and eliminate all obstacles in the world.”

“I have practiced my mental strength, my state of mind should be not weak, my mind is also extremely strong, temperament is extremely firm, nothing can blind my eyes. I can see through all the illusions. But think To get out of the virtual world, you cannot rely on Brute Force.”

“No matter how powerful Brute Force is, it will only dissipate into the realm within the realm, and it will not touch the virtual world.”

“Walking in the virtual within the realm, you can not be touched by any force. No matter how powerful you attack, even if you can destroy this universe, your power cannot touch me. This is the power of the virtual world. , This is where the mysterious of the virtual world is…”

Qin Xiao’s eyes were cold, glancing at all around, and used his strong mental power to break down all obstacles.

This completely real virtual world, without any weak spot, can not find a breakthrough.

Qin Xiao suddenly closed his eyes, structured the world in his heart, connected the virtual world with his mind, broke the 10000 method with his mental strength, and returned his consciousness to its origin.

All the ways, all the rules, all the forces, all come back to one source.

The most difficult point is how to freely shuttle between the real and the virtual within the realm, and how to let the power go from the virtual within the realm to the real world, but the real world cannot find it.

To do this, the mastery of the truth and the imaginary realm has reached the point of awesomeness, reaching the extreme of Peak.

Some things, speaking of which may not be difficult, but if you want to do it, it will be too difficult.

Qin Xiao has been trapped in the virtual within the realm for 100 years and tried various methods, but there is no way to get out of the virtual world.

An invisible cage formed an invisible shackle, trapping Qin Xiao in it.

The virtual world… exists on the other side of the real world, and there is no way to come out by force.

Qin Xiao stepped into his inner world and felt the abyss of the virtual world with his heart. His mind was like water and empty mirror, and he was fully aware of the rules of the virtual world.

Everything is inseparable from the rules.

As long as you understand the rules, and then analyze the rules slowly, and then follow the rules, you can easily control.

This closed eyes turned out to be 1000 years.

In 1000 years, Qin Xiao seems to have entered into reincarnate again and again, wandering between reality and illusion, from time to time to analyze it again and again, by analogy 3.

1000 years, gave Qin Xiao an evolution of mind.

The idea has also been improved and transformed.

When everything is clear, Qin Xiao also has a bright light in his heart.

Qin Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, and the clear was like a tiger.

Under the pupil light, the real and virtual worlds become totally different, which is a kind of strength control.

Qin Xiao’s mouth twitched with a light smile: “Reality and illusion are not that complicated. In fact, there is no need to figure out what is real and what is illusion. Whatever comes true can come true. Virtual. Everything is in your mind.”

“It’s like a young eagle has to learn to fly, but when it was first learned, it was very, very difficult. I always thought how could it be possible to fly in the sky? No matter how hard I try, it is difficult to succeed. But when the young eagle grows into an eagle, then It can easily conquer the sky, soar freely, and no longer be bound by a little bit.”

“By that time, flying has become his instinct. It doesn’t need to deliberately think about flying. It only needs to flap its wings at will, so that it can fly high. Everything has become an instinct.”

“And this is also true of the imaginary realm. For you, truth and illusion have become an instinct. When you move your mind, you can freely shuttle between the real and the illusion. And this is the imaginary realm.”

Qin Xiao stepped out, stepped directly across the void, and stepped out of the abyss of the void.

And this also means that Qin Xiao’s virtual world has been trained to the extreme Great Perfection.

This is Qin Xiao’s 9th high grade track, and they all practiced to the extreme Great Perfection. I think it’s scary to think about.

9 high grade roads, if all can be successfully combined, it is the Sovereign environment.

If Qin Xiao is willing, you can now try to get together.

Of course, it is just an attempt, but if you try it rashly, the probability of failure is very large.

Joining together, that is to reach a state of extremes, you have a strong idea of ​​joining together, and you have to do a lot of preparation.

For example, to find some treasures to assist in the path, so as to increase the chance of the path.

Some 4-step Heavenly God prepares for 100-200 million years in order to join together.

After all, there is only one chance to join together, and unsuccessful will be a benevolence. Once it fails, it is the end of death.

Therefore, many 4-step Heavenly God will wait until the end of the limit before they will join together. Because if it is the case, even if it fails, then the result is not much different.

Anyway, the incompatibility succeeds in achieving Mighty God, which is limited to one, and that is also death.

Unless it is those amazing talents, people who have a lot of confidence, they will not care about that many, just directly together.

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