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The Ganshi Mansion, the original desolate Star Domain, was built over 1000 years to create a magnificent continent. A mansion stands on the mainland, which is Qin Mansion.

Mighty God, who has the extremely strong Formation in the Manghuang Temple, personally came to lay down a large array, and made the majestic, magnificent, sacred and inviolable.

After all, here, it represents the dignity of the Manghuang Temple and the authority of the Manghuang Temple.

The courage to make it here is the disrespect to the Manghuang Temple and the provocation to the Manghuang Temple.

And, speaking, the big array here is enough for Mighty God to be unable to make it. Ordinary Mighty God, if it breaks hard, I am afraid that it will be directly killed by the large array.

Moreover, there is also the Reckless Legion guarding here, and the Reckless Legion, composed of 3600 soldiers, can withstand even the face of a deadly Mighty God.

Qin Xiao also named this continent early. He came out from the world of 9 continents, so he thought of 9 continents and named this continent 9 continents. And here is also his permanent Fiefdom. Even if the 1 billion year period expires, it will continue to be his Fiefdom.

A piece of Star Domain near the mainland of the continent has also laid a lot of arrays, so that ordinary people have no way to get close to this sacred place.

The 9-continent continent will obviously become Holy Land, the center of power.

9 Outside the continent, in a starry sky, one after another majestic silhouette came, one after another powerful breath filled the sky.

Every advent is Mighty God.

The Mighty God, which is usually seen, is coming one after another.

“Haha, Jiu Dou old man. I haven’t seen you in 30 billion years and walked around. I even came here today. It seems that you want to have a good relationship with Qin Xiao.”

“Xu Xi Mighty God, then why are you here too? You haven’t always had a high head, are you willing to condescend today?”

“Haha, each other. Your Highness, Qin Xiao, has just come to take over as the ambassador of Fengjiang, but he will be our parent officer in the future, so he will naturally come to meet him.”

“What I want to know is whether Daojun Dao will come?”

“Haha, I also want to know. Daojun Dao is in Qianlong collar, but he will not give anyone a face. Qianlong Dao, and no one dares to provoke him to Daojun Daojun. It is estimated that he will not send people before Daolong Mansion. Come.”

“If you don’t send someone, it’s not to give Qin Xiao His Royal Highness, it’s a provocative act. How does His Highness Qin Xiao save the face?”

“Then we have to see what kind of wrist we have in our new lord Qin Xiao.”

“I want to know, 9 Old Palace Lord Dragon Guy will come?”

“Yeah, the grievance between 9 Dragon Dao Palace and His Royal Highness Qin Xiao has a long history, I am afraid this matter is not easy to solve.”

“That can only blame the 9 dragon palace master bad luck, no one can complain. This person, after a long time, it is easy to make some small mistakes.”

Those Mighty God are 3 3 The two of them talked up, although they are in the same collar, but the chance of meeting between Mighty God is really not much.

Moreover, some Mighty God temperaments are thin, and they have always stayed in their homes and can’t close their doors. Mighty God, which can’t come out for 100 to 100000000 million years, is normal.

Some Mighty God have lived too long, they have seen everything, and are not interested in everything. Most of these Mighty Gods are closed for many years, and it is normal for a few to be closed for 100 to 100000000 million years.

Qianlong leads 3600 houses. If each house averages, 2 or 3 have the power of Mighty God. If the entire Mighty God of Qianlong leads together, then there are probably over 10000.

Only the forces with Mighty God level have the power to rule a territory, and they are directly responsible for the shrewd temple. Such forces, the Manghuang Temple will delegate some power to them, and will also stand above them, constituting the ruling level of the Manghuang Temple’s endless territory.

Therefore, Qin Xiao now takes over as the ambassador of Fengjiang, and only needs to have a good relationship with these local rulers. Qin Xiao only needs to directly manage them and let them rule the entire territory, it will become much easier.

So now Qin Xiao counts as Qianlong leading all the parent officials who have the Mighty God sitting power and is in charge of them.

It is precisely because of this, that all forces with Mighty God’s seat will send people to welcome Qin Xiao to take over as the ambassador of Fengjiang. This is an active statement that they are willing to submit to Qin Xiao in the future and are willing to be governed by Qin Xiao. under.

This statement is very important and one of the things that Qin Xiao really likes.

Therefore, basically, Mighty God personally dispatched, unless there are really some situations encountered.

Whether there is any situation, this is naturally very easy to check with Qin Xiao’s current status. Therefore, if you dare to deceive Qin Xiao, it would be courting death.

The arrival of Mighty God makes this place very lively.

Such a great event, Qianlong collar has not happened for a long time.

The number of Mighty God that will soon gather is as much as 10000. All the breath of Mighty God is superimposed together. It is indeed terrifying, it can shock the sky, it can press 10000 ancients, and it can frighten the world.

On the mainland of the continent, the reckless Legion also gathered to stand by, waiting for Qin Xiao to come.

9 Dragon Palace Lord came, and immediately caused a lot of commotion. Many strange eyes fell on the body of 9 Dragon Palace Lord. There were even a lot of sounds of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

9 Dragon Palace Lord was cold, and stood alone, and the other Mighty God would naturally not be close to 9 Dragon Palace Lord.

Originally speaking, the 9 Dragon Palace Master has only recently joined forces and successfully stepped into the Mighty God level. Naturally, there is not much friendship with other Mighty Gods.

Even if there is, at this juncture, I am afraid that no other Mighty God will find himself happy, come closer to the 9 Dragon Palace Lord, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body.

“9 Long, this guy really dare to come? Come to die?”

“What’s the use of death? If his death can solve this grudge, wouldn’t it be too cheap for him?”

“That’s right, if you don’t come, it won’t work. 9 Long, this guy, this time it’s about to grow big.”

Under a package of rays of light, several silhouettes came out of the void, it was Qin Xiao entire group.

It is worth mentioning that Yao Xuelian also clamored to come over and play, saying that it was too long in Yao Family. Qin Xiao really couldn’t but Yao Xuelian, but only promised to bring her over to play.

As soon as Qin Xiao came out, he saw that nearly 10000 Mighty God were gathered here. He wouldn’t be surprised at such a scene. After all, when he closed the album, the scene was far more than this.

However, Shi Jianchang winded them, but they were all shocked, and their bodies were stiff, and they could not say a word standing there.

If it weren’t for Qin Xiao’s breath that wrapped them, I’m afraid that in the face of such terrifying breath, they would have to kneel down immediately.

“This, this, is too crazy? Why are they all Mighty God, nearly 10000 Mighty God, rub it, does that mean that the entire Mighty God led by Qianlong has basically come over? Mighty God is not so worthless Right?” Pure brother smashed his mouth, the boss with his mouth open, with a look of 10000 points in shock.

“Your subordinates greet Your Highness!” Manglin Legion made a trembling voice, and knelt down to Qin Xiao on one knee. The loud voice could shake the sky.

The Supreme of Legion’s Supreme, and the Mighty God who are also shocked, are a little bit afraid.

Pure brother Changfeng them, spitting blood at every desire.

A terrifying breath, very powerful Legion, is the Legion cultivated by the Temple of Frenzy, it is the Legion of the famous universe, it is too powerful terrifying.

Not to mention the long winds, even these Mighty Gods have rarely seen the reckless Legion. It is indeed shocking to see them today.

No wonder Legion’s reputation is so great, it really is not covered.

Qin Xiao’s eyes fell on the Mangle Legion, 3600 Mangle Legion, a total of ten teams, each team is composed of a Mighty God and Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth named 4-step Heavenly God. Ten teams, there are ten Mighty Gods in total, and the rest are all four-step Heavenly God.

Although the strength of these ten Mighty Gods is not strong, they are of ordinary level, but after becoming a savage Legion, they have many gifts and rely on external means to enhance their strength. Therefore, each Mighty God Captain strength is It’s not bad. At least, the Mighty God present is rarely able to suppress them.

This reckless Legion is really going to fight, it is completely capable of contending with a Peak-level Mighty God one 2.

Of course, it can only be contended with one 2, if you want to deal with a Peak-level Mighty God, then naturally it is still a little bit.

However, it is completely sufficient to govern one party.

It’s just that this reckless Legion is not permanently given to Qin Xiao, but will fully obey Qin Xiao’s deployment during Qin Xiao’s tenure as an ambassador to the Frontier. Take it back.

Reckless Legion has ten Mighty Gods, plus a Mighty God carried by Qin Xiao, and now Qin Xiao’s men have only 1 Mighty God levels.

You know, among all the forces of Qianlong, the one with the largest number of Mighty God has only 3 Mighty God that’s all. Moreover, the power with 3 Mighty God is only one that’s all, and the power with 2 Mighty God to sit in the town is pitiful, count them.

Most forces have only one Mighty God.

“Get up, no need to give me this gift in the future.” Qin Xiao smiled at Legion nodded, showing his affinity.

Some ambassadors of Fengjiang are very concerned about these things, and even set many rules.

Following such a banned ambassador, but some suffered.

Qin Xiao’s easygoing also made those reckless Legion secretly happy.

Qin Xiao’s gaze was taken back from the reckless Legion and fell to those of Mighty God.

“Welcome His Highness Qin Xiao to take over as the ambassador of Fengjiang!” Those Mighty God also said one after another, and each and everyone greeted with a smiley face.

Qin Xiao’s gaze swept one after another, and all were smiling nodded gestures, not at all what racks came out.

“You Mighty God are very kind, and I personally came to welcome me back to the 9 continent. I first arrived, there are many places that I don’t understand, and I still hope that you will have a lot of support from Mighty God. Maybe, I still have many places to worry about Mighty For God one, when the time comes, please help a lot. Qin Xiao thanked me first!” Qin Xiao sneered and gave a fist to Mighty God, putting his posture a little low.

Such a gesture actually gave some thoughts to Mighty God.

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