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After laughing, Qin Xiao’s smiling face was suddenly put away, revealing a bit of angry look, and said: “It seems that none of the mad Dragon House has come?”

Mad Dragon House…

When the Mighty God heard it, they all looked at it seriously.

Before, they were still discussing whether Kuanglong Mansion would send people over. The final result indicated that Kuanglong Mansion really did not send people over.

On the first day when His Royal Highness Qin Xiao came to take over as the ambassador of Fengjiang, all the other forces came over to greet him, and only those of the Dragon Mansion did not send people to greet him. This is naturally a disrespect to His Royal Highness Qin Xiao.

To say little is disrespect, but to say big is simply disrespectful.

However, all the forces in the Qianlong lead are under Qin Xiao’s rule, and they can all be said to be Qin Xiao’s subordinates.

The new ambassador of Fengjiang takes office, and his subordinates do not come to greet him.

Mighty God also watched with interest in his heart, to see how Qin Xiao is going to deal with the affairs of the crazy dragon palace, and to see if the newly appointed ambassador of Fengjiang will burn the fire.

Many of Mighty God’s madness has been out of sight for a long time, and many people are counting on the newly appointed ambassador of Fengjiang to show their power and clean up the mad dragon house.

“Well, you are a mad dragon mansion, and you are a mad warlord, the name is loud, and it is really crazy enough. I don’t come, I don’t send someone to come, this is not to seal my ambassador In my eyes, I don’t plan to support my future work. That’s it, then don’t blame me for being impolite, and I will do things according to the regulations.” Qin Xiao snorted angrily.

If this matter were normal, he would not be so angry.

But today is his first day in office, and that face must be fully protected.

But for this matter, Qin Xiao is also slightly happy in his mind. He has nothing to do with the question.

This mad war Daojun took the initiative to send the door, but actually completed Qin Xiao invisible.

Qin Xiao will certainly not let go of the Mawei that was brought to the door.

“One Captain!” Qin Xiao shouted at the wildness Legion, a golden armor Mighty God Captain quickly came out, respectfully standing in front of Qin Xiao: “What is your commandment!”

Qin Xiao said with a majestic expression: “Go and notify Dao Jun Dao, and limit him to come and ask for sin within 3 days, otherwise I will take him for a sin of rebellion, and I will never condone it!”

“Your Highness!” A Captain immediately ordered his life away.

The Mighty God was silent, and the tough attitude Qin Xiao showed actually made them slightly correct.

But for the time being, it’s only a preliminary confrontation that’s all, what will happen in the end, what is still unknown.

One is the newly appointed Feng Jiang ambassador. On the surface, he controls the life and death power of the entire Qianlong collar. He is the parent officer of Qianlong collar and has the status of Supreme.

And the other is Overlord Influence of now now, which is a local tyrant.

Moreover, Dao Jun really has several points of confidence and can use Qin Xiao to break his wrist.

It is precisely because of this that the Dao Jun Dao dare to be so impudent, so Qin Xiao is not in his eyes.

Qin Xiao also knew the situation of Dao Jun Dao before. Among the difficult candidates he had previously imagined, Dao Jun Dao was the first place.

It is not an easy task to cure Nuo’s Qianlong collar. If you rely on Brute Force to suppress it everywhere, it doesn’t necessarily have much effect. After all, Qin Xiao’s staff is too small, if you want to achieve everything in all aspects, how is it possible?

It’s just a reckless Legion that’s all, if you want to rule the entire Qianlong collar, it is completely impossible.

Therefore, in this respect, it depends on Qin Xiao’s wrist and ability, see how Qin Xiao has a good relationship with each Great Influence, and let each Great Influence help manage the Qianlong leader.

Only by cooperating with each other will it be possible to manage Qianlong.

Therefore, when the ambassador of Fengjiang took the operation of Mighty God from one side, it was still relatively rare. Unless you say that there are grudges like Qin Xiao and 9 Dragon Dao Palace, then naturally everyone will not say anything.

Dao Jun, the mad warlord, has always dominated the party and brought down the entire Mansion of Dragons.

All forces of the Kuanglong Mansion are completely subject to the mad war Daojun. Due to the rule of a mansion, the Kuanglong Daojun’s hand alone has as many as 6 Mighty God. In addition to himself, the entire Kuanglong Mansion has as many as 7 Mighty God, which is also the most powerful 3600 mansion .

The strength of Dao Jun Dao is also the second person recognized by Qianlongling. His strength is indeed extraordinary.

With the addition of an independent rule, it is completely possible to crush other forces.

And this also created the madness of the mad war Daojun. In the Qianlong collar, he has always existed at the Overlord level. He will not put anyone in the eyes, and no force dares to provoke him.

In fact, the strength of the mad war Dao Jun itself is not too strong, that is, it hurts a little Mighty God level. If it is really compared, it is almost the same level as Chifeng Mighty God. At most, it means to be stronger than that’s all, but it is far from Peak Mighty God level.

The reason why Daojun is so crazy is that he dared not take Qin Xiao in his eyes. The reason he dared to humiliate Qin Xiao on his first day as Qin Xiao’s ambassador was because he had an experienced big brother .

The big brother of the mad warlord, the mad dragon emperor, dare to proclaim himself the emperor, showing how the strength of the mad dragon emperor is.

The strength of the mad dragon emperor is definitely on the level of the 7-star emperor.

Moreover, the mad dragon emperor, but Mighty God, the cover of the Manghuang Temple, also has a good position in the Manghuang Temple.

However, when the album was closed last time, Qin Xiao did not see the mad dragon emperor.

All the titles of the mad dragon emperor are mad dragons because he has enough dogs to be mad. There are a lot of Mighty Gods in the Shrewd Shrine, and few of them can be regarded by him, that is, those that’s all that are above the Heaven Ranking. Other Mighty God, he will not take a look at it.

The madness of the mad dragon emperor is well-known in the shrewd temple.

Such a character naturally makes it difficult to make friends. At least in the shrewd temple, the popularity of the mad dragon emperor is not very good.

Battle Master Dao is the younger brother of the Dragon Emperor. With this relationship in mind, Battle Master Dao is naturally also extremely mad, and naturally became the Supreme Overlord of the Qianlong Dragon.

A place is under his control.

The mad dragon emperor is the number one person recognized by Qianlong collar. No one can shake it for countless years.

In the long history of the universe, the mad dragon emperor is also the Number One Person who came out of the Qianlong leader. The status and influence of the Qianlong leader can be imagined.

With this deterrent, it also prevents other Mighty God from daring to offend the mad warlord. Mainly, the mad dragon emperor is a very short guarded Mighty God, who dares to daring his younger brother, then he will never let go.

Because of the offense of the mad dragon emperor extinguish sect because of offending the mad war Daojun, there are so 2 or 3.

Hearing Qin Xiao’s words, many Mighty God couldn’t help but get curious. Does His Royal Highness Qin Xiao really want to get mad at Daojun?

Or just talk casually and give yourself a step down?

If you really want to get mad at Daojun, it is not a joke, it is very likely to offend the mad dragon emperor.

Even though His Royal Highness Qin Xiao is the identity of the disciplinary temple, but the Emperor of Dragons will definitely not take Qin Xiao in his eyes. Once the mad dragon emperor is provoked, then things are not easy to handle. Perhaps Qin Xiao, the ambassador of Fengjiang, would also suffer a big loss and cover himself in dirt.

The matter of the mad war Daojun is put aside for the time being, Qin Xiao’s eyes fall on 9 Dragon Palace Master.

The other Mighty God also withdrew his mind and turned his attention to 9 Dragon Palace Master.

9 The main face of the Dragon Palace stood there with no expression on its face, as if waiting for it.

“9 Dragon Palace Lord…” Qin Xiao’s voice sounded, 9 Dragon Palace Lord slightly lowered his posture, but his posture was not high: “9 Dragon has seen His Royal Highness, Qin Xiao, today 9 Dragon specially came to ask His Highness for guilt, but also to see His Highness punishment!”

9 The Lord of the Dragon Palace directly asked for guilt on his own. Such an attitude actually made many Mighty God tease and chuckle.

It seems that 9 Dragon Palace Master has already compromised, and directly conceded defeat, and there is no resistance at all.

In fact, it is also correct to think that the strength of the 9 Dragon Palace Master is too weak, and the background of the 9 Dragon Dao Palace is also far from enough, and it is really not qualified to resist.

Not to mention Qin Xiao, even if he casually sent a reckless Legion, it was enough to erase the 9 Dragon Dao Palace and completely remove the name from the universe.

Under such circumstances, the Dragon Palace Master’s initiative to confess wrongdoing is also a matter of reason.

Qin Xiao’s face was dull and said: “If someone didn’t plead for you, you wouldn’t let it exist in the 9 Dragon Dao Palace. Heaven still has the virtue of a good life, and Qin Xiao is not killing innocent people. But I have the bottom line principle, and if it provokes me, then this hatred will be reported to me.”

“You 9 Dragon Dao Palace repeatedly came to provoke me again and again, has touched my reverse scale.”

“I can give you 9 Dragon Dao Palace a chance, without erasing the roots of your 9 Dragon Dao Palace. However, the premise is that you have to do a few of my requests.”

9 The Lord of the Dragon Palace has been prepared for a long time, and he has already prepared his heart to die, nodded and said: “Your Highness Qin Xiao, please speak.”

“First: You 9 Dragon Dao Palace made their life vows to loyalty to my 10000 million in 100000000 years, and my vassal under the Qin clan of the generations. Only after 10000 million in 100000000 years can I restore my freedom.”

10000 time in 100000000, it is indeed too long, too long, 10000 is slave, which is really not cruel.

But 9 Dragon Palace Master can only be nodded by brace oneself, this is better than death?

In fact, it is not necessarily a bad thing to change a thought and think about it. Under the surrender of the Qin family, if Qin Xiao can die, it may still be a good thing for his 9 dragon Dao Palace.

“Second, everyone involved in the events of that year will all die, and the deity Avatar will not stay. Other unrelated people, I can let them go and not pursue them.”

The second requirement 2 The Dragon Palace Master is very understandable, and has long thought about this matter.

9 The owner of the Dragon Palace respectfully handed over a list and said, “His Royal Highness, Qin Xiao, I have already drawn up the list. Please take a look.”

Qin Xiao took a glance at the list, and it was almost the same as his support.

Collapsed the list, Qin Xiao’s eyes fell on the 9 Dragon Palace Master: “The last request, your deity is self-sufficient, leaving an Avatar loyal to my Qin’s. I will give you a test period of 1 billion years, if you behave Yes, I can consider not killing you. If you show not equal to me, then I will destroy you Avatar at any time.”

9 The Lord of the Dragon Palace was slightly hesitant. He thought he was mortal. Didn’t expect Qin Xiao to leave a way out, leaving him an Avatar.

This made him slightly grateful: “Thank you, His Highness Qin Xiao!”

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