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9 The matter of Long Dao Palace is over. Qin Xiao’s method is still kind.

After all, many Mighty God initially thought that Qin Xiao would take advantage of the 9 Dragon Dao Palace to play, and took the 9 Dragon Dao Palace to start the surgery and burn his new palace fire.

But didn’t expect that Qin Xiao would leave a way out for the 9 Dragon Dao Palace. Such a punishment is light enough.

Even the people of the 9 Dragon Dao Palace are extremely happy. They paid the least price to resolve the grievances. For the 9 Dragon Dao Palace, there is not even a strength great injury.

And such a situation naturally made many Mighty God sneer secretly, thinking about this newly appointed Feng Jiang ambassador that he did not at all wrist, so easy to speak.

Even some Mighty God had some careful thinking.

The news came back to Daojun Daojun, who sneered contemptuously: “hmph, what kind of shit ambassador to the frontier? Return to the list 35? Also just this that’s all.

“9 Dragon Dao Palace’s kindness and grievances, it was just a simple punishment, not too much. It seems that you are just a timid and cowardly person that’s all. But yes, nothing like you Indigenous in the background of identity, you really have to be careful.”

“I want to govern the land of one domain, but it is not as easy as you think. I have always been a lord of Qianlong, I am going to give you some color to see, I think you can bear me what?”

“Hmph, let me ask you to guilt within 3 days? It’s just a fool’s dream. When will I succumb to Daojun, and when will I succumb to others?

The mad war Daojun has always been arrogant, he reunified the land of the palace, suppressed all disobedience, and made the crazy dragon palace created by him like an iron barrel.

All the forces of Kuanglong Mansion are only respected by one person.

Of course, all the enthusiasm of the mad war Daojun comes from his big brother, the mad dragon emperor.

9 Long Dao Palace was extremely fast, and soon everything was done according to Qin Xiao’s request.

This matter has been completely calmed down.

Qin Xiao doesn’t care about the 9 Dragon Dao Palace, this is a small thing, and it is still difficult to take the 9 Dragon Dao Palace to set off Mawei. After all, the 9 Dragon Dao Palace is weak, and the 9 Dragon Palace Master is just a Mighty God that’s all recently promoted, which is too ordinary.

9 Dragon Dao Palace, which can solve the hatred of Qin Xiao’s heart that’s all.

Qin Xiao asked all Great Influence to report the tax situation in their respective areas of rule. If there was no frontier ambassador, it would be managed by various forces and then handed over to the Temple of Recklessness.

After all, as long as all forces within the 800 domain ruled by the Manghuang Temple, they are allegiance to and ruled by the Manghuang Temple. And these forces just govern that’s all.

Therefore, taxes and the like must be paid regularly to the Shrewd Temple.

Now that Qin Xiao has taken over the Fengjiang Ambassador, everything will be handed over to Qin Xiao, who will be governed by Qin Xiao and then handed over to the Temple of Mania.

Of course, Qin Xiao will also leave some of his own expenses. In general, it is still enough to be a ambassador to Fengjiang.

3600 government, 10000 forces reported a large amount of information, Qin Xiao was one after another serious review.

However, these data are too many, and they will definitely not be over in a short time, so Qin Xiao first selected the Kuanglong Mansion to see.

The information reported by Kuanglong Mansion is very concise, and there are still many unclear points. The most important thing is that the tax reported is actually the least among all the governments. Not only is it the least, but it is half less than the second lowest.

Needless to say, this situation must have been a huge amount of tax concealed by Kuanglong Mansion.

“Hmph hum, Jun Dao Jun looks like you are really brave, you want to show me your face, right? Even so do not put me in the eyes, even the reported taxes dare to falsify At this point, you really are respectless of the law and of natural morality.”

“Hmph, give you 3 days to come to ask for guilt, and you even ignore it. You are really mad at Daojun, you really give me the opportunity to burn new official fire. Since you are so enthusiastic, give me all the roads. Paved, if I don’t take your surgery, wouldn’t it be too sorry for you?”

Qin Xiao sneered, his eyes flashed through a strange edge.

“One team, two teams and three teams, follow me and go to Qianlong Mansion!” Qin Xiao gave an order, and the first team, two teams and three teams assembled immediately.

The 3600 Reckless Legion is divided into ten teams, each consisting of 360 people, and the 3 teams together consisting of 1080 people, including 3 Mighty God-level Captain.

Such a force is definitely not to be underestimated.

With the 3 teams of Legion Legion, Qin Xiao directly set off in a high-profile manner and killed the mad dragon mansion. Grandiose’s Tianwei ran over Star Domain, and many people who were shocked were horrified by 10000 points.

Originally, many Mighty God were watching in secret, and they were discussing it in private. How dare you take the mad war Daojun to start surgery?

Because of the 9 Dragon Dao Palace’s treatment method, most Mighty God think that Qin Xiao dare not fight against Daojun Dao.

Perhaps His Royal Highness Qin Xiao is not afraid of the mad warlord, but know that the mad warlord also has a big brother who protects the short, and he is also a member of the album of the shrewd temple. The mad dragon monarch is also a Peak Mighty God. , Also in a high position in the temple of recklessness.

If you don’t look at Sengmian’s face, you have to look at the Buddha’s face. Qin Xiao, the face of Dao Jun Dao, can’t be given, but the face of Kyung Long Daojun can’t.

So seeing Qin Xiao heading to the Kuanglong Mansion with 3 reckless Legions also attracted a lot of eyes. Each and everyone watched secretly to see how this big show will be staged.

Dao Mansion, in the palace of Nuo Da, above the throne of the main high, the Dao Man who sat in a battle lay half-lying there, casually drinking delicious fruit wine, his expression was very leisurely.

Below the throne, there are 6 Mighty God sitting there, talking and laughing, drinking and eating delicious.

“Your Majesty, I see that Qin Xiao is just bluffing, and I don’t believe what he really dares to do.”

“Yeah, it’s understandable that the new palace takes office, and it’s understandable that I want to burn and stand on fire. Our Mad Dragon House, but he does not raise.”

“Your Majesty sits here, and no one dares to make trouble here.”

“Youngster, young and arrogant, young and frivolous, understandable.”

These Mighty Gods, also each and everyone, are very confident and not worried at all.

After the mad warlord Dao unified the mad dragon palace, he established the mad war empire, and he was the emperor of the mad war empire, the only Sovereign.

However, his strength is not Peak Mighty God level, so he did not dare to claim to be a mad war emperor, but called a mad war Daojun.

But dare to call Dao Jun, enough to see him arrogant.

Dao Jun madly waved his hand indifferently, and said, “A clown that’s all, I really thought I was a peerless genius? I really thought I was a ambassador of the Frontier, so I could use chicken feathers as an arrow? But it was ignorant and meaningless that’s all .Peerless genius I have seen so much, and it’s not only a few that died. Geniuses who can’t grow up, it’s useless even if they are evil.”

“If you don’t let him know the rules of our Qianlong collar first, he doesn’t know how many catties and how many taels he has.”

On the other side, Qin Xiao has already brought the men and women to the Imperial Capital of the Berserker Empire. The protective great formation of the Berserker Empire is extremely strong, so that Qin Xiao did not easily go hard.

This protective great formation is obviously the handwriting of the mad dragon emperor, which enveloped the entire empire, even if it is a little bit of Mighty God, it is difficult to break in.

“Who is it? This is Imperial Capital, the mad empire, irrelevant people, leave quickly, otherwise take responsibility for the consequences!”

A well-fought Legion flew over, headed by a black armor 4 steps Heavenly God baleful qi stared at Qin Xiao completely, shouted sharply.

A 4-step Heavenly God dare not take Qin Xiao in his eyes.

Faced with the breath of Mighty God, he dared to be so rampant.

To say that this 4-step Heavenly God doesn’t know Qin Xiao and his wild Legion? That is simply absurd.

As a four-step Heavenly God, he also shoulders this important task in the mad empire. It would be strange if even the newly appointed ambassador of Fengjiang was unknown.

Besides, the Reckless Legion, the name is Megatron, and there is the badge of Reckless Legion, you must know it.

Therefore, the only possibility is that the mad war Daojun had ordered them before, so they dared to stop Qin Xiao here, and shouted sharply, it was simply respectless of the law and of natural morality.

“How dare you dare to offend His Majesty Qin Xiao so much, are you courting death? You haven’t got the speed to let the mad war Daojun come out to greet you.” A team of Captain shouted angrily, Mighty God’s breath radiated out and suppressed In the past.

However, after guarding the big town, the power of Mighty God of Captain’s team was also weakened a lot, and it was not possible to suppress the 4-step Heavenly God by the power of Mighty God.

The 4-step Heavenly God was disdainful and swept Qin Xiao with a sneer. “I don’t hear anything about His Royal Highness Qin Xiao or His Royal Highness Qin Xiao. Let me say it again, this is the Battle Royale , It’s not that you can spread the wild. It’s just a 4-step Heavenly God.

“Even if Mighty God is here, you must be obedient. I don’t care who you are, but you can leave right away, otherwise don’t blame us.”

A team of Captain was frustrated, so daring, and really daring.

The anger in Qin Xiao’s heart was even more intense. How dare this Dao Jun, a mad war dare, play such a trick with him?

Interesting, it seems really interesting.

Today, I don’t need some means, but I still can’t.

“His Royal Highness, Dao Jun Dao has the following guilty confusion, let his subordinates break this big formation first.” A team of Captain petitioned.

Qin Xiao nodded allowed his request.

A team of Captain cooperates with Battle Armor treasure, and its strength is no less than that of Chifeng Mighty God.

If you fight against the mad war Daojun, I am afraid it will not be weak.

After a team of Captain screamed, it was a strong shot. A tremendous brilliance split from the void, and the tremendous shock hit the protective great formation.

The protective great formation was also immediately stimulated, and the endless rays of light burst out, and a violent guardian power surged, one after another pillar of light rose from the mad empire, and directly rushed to a team of Captain Here.

The strong confrontation, the terrifying power shocked the entire mad empire violently shaken up.

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