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When it reappeared, he returned to the place where Qin Xiao first met the Master.

It was still the familiar little hut, the quiet and beautiful planet.

Before the hut, a small stone table.

Hong Chenke also had several points of leisurely elegance, and sat down.

Qin Xiao stood respectfully and waited for the Master to speak, but he was still agitated. Believe that you have been missing for a year, Master must be very anxious. Otherwise, you will not come to Hongmeng Universe Master to find yourself as soon as you come back.

For Spiritual God, the feeling of master and disciple is often deeper than that of father and son.

In the words of father and son, very few can exist forever. Over time, many offspring will die, so even Mighty God Sovereign, they may not have any feelings for their offspring.

After all, there are too many generations, and future generations do not even have the qualification to see Old Ancestor, they can’t even see each other, let alone talk about feelings.

It’s just that it’s my own kind, the Bloodline that’s all that I left behind.

But I really want to say that feelings are still the kind of Master, or the kind of life and death brother is a bit deeper.

“Sit down, don’t be so stubborn here at the Master, just be casual.” Although Hong Chenke didn’t have much expression on his face, his tone gave a soft feeling, just like his father was talking to the child.

Now that Master has said so, Qin Xiao is no more polite, and he sat down generously and said proactively: “Master, you are worried.”

Hongchenke casually waved his hand and said: “As long as you are all right, Master is worried about his discipline, it is as it should be by rights. But it is strange for the teacher, where did you go this year? You are not in the Hongmeng universe or the demonic beast universe this year. Where did you go?”

Qin Xiao agreed to 100 Chuanfu Su Senior to keep this secret, so even facing Master Qin Xiao can only shake his head in disbelief: “Master, in fact, the discipline does not know. The disciples 3 people encountered a celestial body that day I was thinking about going up and seeing, maybe I could meet some chances and so on. But as soon as the disciples 3 entered the celestial body, the celestial body began to go deep into Divine Abyss.”

“Then, there was a rays of light that annihilated the body of the day, and then our consciousness was completely blurred, and soon it was interrupted. After that, we were completely understood. When we regained consciousness, we returned to the original look. To the place where the body is.”

“Where did we go this year, we don’t know.”

“Don’t you know?” Hong Chenke’s brow furrowed slightly, and his face pondered: “It stands to reason that you are not in the Hongmeng universe, nor in the demonic beast universe, that should be left. The universe is only right after entering the universe. Otherwise, there is no way to explain it.”

Qin Xiao said: “Master is sure that we have not entered the demonic beast universe? We are also speculating whether it will be the Universe Lord of the demonic beast universe.”

Hong Chenke shook his head firmly. “Impossible, I personally went to the master of demonic beast and asked. The master of demonic beast said not at all. I believe he will not lie to me. Besides, if you really are demonic beast If the Lord catches the past, then he will easily release you back. And the three of you are safe and harmless. This is impossible.”

“So this thing is indeed very strange, and I can’t think of it for the teacher.”

“What is that celestial body in the end? Why do you have such ability to bring you into the sea of ​​the universe and have the ability to send you back? And, you have lost consciousness in this year and you are in the end What happened?”

Hong Chenke thought about it, or shook his head slightly, and really couldn’t think of it.

Hearing Master said to ask the master of demonic beast, his heart was also warm. I am afraid that only your own Master will desperately check your whereabouts. For my own sake, I went to the master of demonic beast.

The more so, the more guilty in Qin Xiao’s heart, this matter deceived the Master.

But Qin Xiao really has no way. Since he promised 100 Chuanfu Su Senior, then he has to do it.

To be a man, one cannot speak without faith and lose faith in others.

So sometimes, a lie is just a kind of deception, a helpless move.

“That’s all, this matter is put aside first, the most important thing is that you can come back safely, this is enough. This is your deity, you can’t lose it.” Hong Chenke waved his hand, and did not continue to struggle. this matter.

This is only relaxed in Qin Xiao’s mind.

Hongchenke looked at Qin Xiao and said again: “speaking of which is a master of the teacher is a little irresponsible. Since accepting you as a disciple, there is not much help for you in practice, and you are thrown into a rash. The shrine. The shrewd shrine is, after all, the Holy Land of your God World. It’s not just a recipe for you. Even if the shrewd master is willing to take care of you a little, it will not give you too much care.”

“Fortunately, you are more competitive, and the speed of progress is very large, and you have lived up to the expectations given by the teacher.”

“In terms of your talent potential, it is only a matter of time to become Sovereign. But Sovereign is not what a teacher expects of you. The lowest expectation of a teacher is that you can become a Universe Lord, and believe that the dream in your heart is the same. .”

Qin Xiao’s serious nodded look is indeed true. The goal in his mind is indeed the Universe Lord.

He wanted to become the Universe Lord, because his relatives in his hometown wanted to protect them better and provide them with a good training environment.

His own parents, his own clansman from Qin Family, his own friends, etc.

Another reason is that she wants to save Gulingyue, the woman who touched his heart. A relationship that has been forcibly interrupted before it has begun.

It is not so easy to save the ancient spirit moon.

In the end, his longing for cultivation, his longing for Dadao, and his obsession.

“On the avenue cultivation system, there is really no way for the teacher to teach you, this is still left to you to learn and practice. Previously for the teacher not at all how to teach you the strength of true cultivation, this time for the teacher to teach you well Once, I hope you can be above the true meaning of power, and you can also go very far.” Hong Chen asked.

Qin Xiao is also happy in his heart, which is naturally a good thing.

In fact, speaking of which, Qin Xiao’s level of strength cultivation system and mental cultivation system is greater than that of the avenue cultivation system.

After all, the strength of the real intention and the mental strength of Qin Xiao have been trained to the 4th floor, which is equivalent to the realm level of Mighty God. As far as the realm level is concerned, it is indeed beyond the avenue cultivation system.

It’s just that the mentality and strength of the true cultivation system is not at all. The cultivation system is so prosperous and complex, and it seems a little simpler that’s all. Probably because of this, the progress rate of these two cultivation systems should be faster.

In fact, Qin Xiao’s main focus is on the avenue cultivation system.

“Qin Xiao has lived dozens of epochs for the teacher. Since the endless years, the teacher has been devoted to studying the true meaning of power. It took a lot of effort and a few epochs to finally create “The space of true understanding of power” is contained in this space, which contains all the insights on the true meaning of power for the teacher, equivalent to teaching and teaching for the teacher.”

“If you can comprehend it well, it will definitely be of great help to your true strength training.”

“The power cultivation system is similar to the mental cultivation system. Although it looks far less prosperous and complex than the avenue cultivation system, it is so powerful. However, the more unique the power cultivation system and the mental cultivation system are, Will show up.”

“The more upwards, the harder it is to practice, and the stronger the formidable power. The more upwards, the smaller the gap from the avenue cultivation system. Of course, the avenue cultivation system is indeed strong, and it is the most powerful cultivation system of all. The system is also the most widely cultivated system in Great Thousand Worlds.”

“I’m afraid that throughout the Great Thousand Worlds, about 70% of the cultivator is the cultivation avenue cultivation system.”

“But no matter what cultivation system is, as long as you can reach the found, it is equally powerful. The thing you have to remember is that the most important thing is the realm. The more up, the more important the realm. The more up, the more realm There are fewer and fewer cases of killing enemies. Realm is like a barrier, the stronger and stronger it is.

Qin Xiao’s thoughtful nodded face remembered Master’s words.

In fact, Aoba Sovereign told him before this reason, realm is the root of everything.

The pursuit of realm is the first place. Don’t ignore realm in order to excessively pursue power and pursue Tao.

For example, Qin Xiao, even if he took a few top grade avenues to the extreme, if he couldn’t join forces and succeeded in becoming Mighty God, everything would be in vain. How can the strength rank among the top 5 in the Heaven Ranking? Can’t be Mighty God, after all, it’s just Huang Liangmeng’s that’s all.

The shocking world will soon be buried by time.

“Okay, you’re exceptionally intelligent. It’s easy to understand. I believe you understand this basic principle. The teacher just reminds you one more sentence to make you remember that’s all.”

Hong Chenke suddenly waved his hand and suddenly changed things, and the scenery in front of Qin Xiao completely changed.

Qin Xiao appeared in a strange world within the realm, this is the world of power, and everything shows power.

Each and everyone novel pictures are presented in front of Qin Xiao. There are ants moving rocks, giants driving mountains, fierce beasts crossing the river, Stoneman battles, strange stones fluttering, and flowers and vines flying… Countless novel pictures are presented in Qin Xiao In front of Qin Xiao, she was dazzled.

But each of these pictures can touch Qin Xiao’s heart, and see Qin Xiao’s heart shake, which touched his feelings.

Everywhere, it shows the true meaning of power.

“This is the real space of power that Master said? This is the true solution of the power that Master has exhausted his life energy to create?” Qin Xiao inwardly startled in one’s heart Endlessly, under short-term feeling, Qin Xiao has already felt this World The strange, really is a good place to practice the true meaning of strength.

Before Qin Xiao practiced strength, it was really a headache. At first, there was no specific cultivation technique to practice. More can only be realized by myself.

2 If anyone comes, no one can give pointers, and he crosses the river by himself.

It’s different now. In this peculiar world, it is really very comfortable.

Many real solutions of power are presented in front of Qin Xiao, so that Qin Xiao can enjoy the gluttonous meal of this time as much as possible. This kind of feeling is really very cool.

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