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Power is a very mysterious thing.

What is power?

Power, like Dao’, is an invisible and untouchable thing. Simply looking at power, it is power.

If at a deeper level, power is only a noun that’s all, power is also a way.

The so-called true meaning of power is to find the way of power from the power, the origin of the force, the true meaning of power.

Such an understanding sounds very complicated and complicated. But the Tao is like this, to understand a Tao from something very complicated.

Ants have power, dragons have power, trees have power, boulders have power, rivers have power, wind has power, rain has power, and even immobile mountains have power.

Sound has power, eyes have power, light has power, and darkness has power.

10000 things, 10000 things, have power, but how to exert these powers to the extreme, this is a very difficult thing.

The ant is weak, but a small ant can move something ten times larger than its body.

The water is soft, but the water can carry a large ship with an average weight of 100000000 10000.

The wind is shadowless, but it can blow down a mountain and river, sweeping a sky.

The magnitude of power does not depend on the thing itself, but on the Dao’ of power, the source of power, and the use of power.

Just like water droplets passing through stones, this is an application of the supple power.

Just as the wind blows down the towering trees, this is also a use of power.

The true meaning of the quantity of comprehension, from the 10000 things to 10000 things to trace the source, to understand its origin, to understand its Dao’, and then slowly the use of strength control.

There are also countless kinds of applications.

In this real world of power, within the realm, Qin Xiao can see the real solutions of various powers with his own eyes and analyze them from a deep level.

The more insightful, the more admired Qin Xiao is to the Master. It is worthy of the Master that it took a epoch to create the power to truly understand the world, it took the Master’s life and effort, and wrote the Master’s life-long perception of the system of real strength training.

Most of Qin Xiao’s real strength was based on his own thinking and step-by-step exploration. Being able to practice up to the 4th floor is also a miracle.

Now that Master has the real world of power to understand and practice, it also allows Qin Xiao to have a clearer and deeper understanding of the power real cultivation system.

Many places that I didn’t understand before, or places that were hazy, now suddenly came over and became clearer.

The perception of the true meaning of power is also a rapid improvement, which also allows Qin Xiao to truly understand the wide-ranging and profound cultivation system of the true meaning of power. Sure enough, the more exquisite the better.

The original simple power cultivation system has become extremely magnificent as it goes further.

Simple does not mean that it is really single.

Grand Dao Reaches The Simple, Return to the Natural State.

This is also a very high realm.

Everything is right.

Dao’ is also included in the true meaning of this power.

This makes Qin Xiao a little puzzling. The strength cultivation system and the cultivation system are two completely different cultivation systems. If Dao’ is also contained in the strength cultivation system, does it mean that there is a difference between these two cultivation systems? Is there an internal connection?

But these two cultivation systems are independent.

Qin Xiao couldn’t understand the situation in this situation, but could only throw it aside temporarily.

However, judging from the four cultivation systems currently practiced, Qin Xiao feels that whether it is a major cultivation system, a strength cultivation system, a mental cultivation system, or a sword cultivation system, there seems to be some internal contact. Each other seems to be able to promote.

The avenue cultivation system seems to contain everything, and World’s All Living Things are all contained. Therefore, the avenue cultivation system is also the most prosperous, the most complicated, and the most difficult to practice.

The mental strength cultivation system, the strength true cultivation system, and the sword cultivation Dao cultivation system are relatively simple, take one direction and take one direction to the extreme.

Immersed in the realm of power, all kinds of ideas are all joined together, and all kinds of feelings are also blended together.

Time flies, and Qin Xiao, immersed in practice, can’t feel the loss of time at all.

Outside the hut, under the tree, in front of the stone table.

Hong Chenke sat there indifferently, but he always paid attention to the situation of Qin Xiao in the world.

Only occasionally, he will be slightly fascinated, his memory back to a long time ago, when he was still in his home world.

During those years, he is now the most memorable and most cherished.

However, nothing can go back. The reincarnation of 9 epochs, the great destruction of the universe, returned to chaos, his hometown was already not in.

People who have lost their homes can only drift into the endless universe.

This is a painful time that Hong Chenke is reluctant to remember now.

“Qin Xiao, Qin Xiao, I accept you as a disciple, and I have some selfishness in it. I entrusted that illusory idea. You can’t be a Universe Lord in this era, you still have a chance in the next era. There is still time, there is a multi-epoch, enough for you to grow up.

“If you can really grow to that step, it means that the idea of ​​being a teacher is right, then you can also open up a new path for the teacher. If you can’t succeed, then when the Hongmeng universe returns to chaos It is also the day when we enter the endless universe again.”

“Good luck can enter another universe to live like it is now. If you are unlucky, you will wander in the endless sea of ​​the universe until you die.”

“In the endless universe sea, I also met many corpses of the Universe Lord. Some of the wandering years do not know how many 100000000 epochs are there. Think about all terrifying.”

Looking back now, the dozens of epochs drifting in the sea of ​​the endless universe is really a nightmare. I really don’t want to live like this all black, no daylight. I really want to die.

Even if it is the Universe Lord, there are many things that cannot be sustained, and will eventually collapse and die.

Therefore, now the red dust passengers pin their hopes on Qin Xiao.

At first he accepts Qin Xiao as a disciple, but he is actually ready to try. Qin Xiao is only the first one that he’s collecting, but he is ready to pick out some, not limited to one.

However, Qin Xiao’s performance and Qin Xiao’s growth surprised Hongchenke, so he changed his attention and stopped accepting others. It was enough to train Qin Xiao with all his strength.

Qin Xiao’s talent potential is also hard to find.

Hongchenke looked up at the sky, looked towards the endless and vast sea of ​​cosmos. After a while, he murmured for a long time: “Great Thousand Worlds, it is said that Great Thousand Worlds is wonderful and prosperous, it is the origin of everything, there is more advanced Civilization exists. But I have been wandering in the endless sea of ​​universe for so long, except for some dangerous places of Secret Realm, there is no place to see simply.”

“Some are only endless darkness and endless coldness. Not to mention the wonderful and prosperous world. I haven’t even seen a living person. I have seen a lot of corpses. From what I learned from other corpses Their situation is the same as mine, wandering endlessly in the sea of ​​the universe, and finally die.”

“How sad is this?”

“Legendary lasts forever, does it exist?”

It took a long time before the red dust passenger withdrew his gaze and shook his head silently.

He thought about this question countless times, but he still couldn’t get the answer, and it was still something he had been looking for.

1000 years, 2000 years, 3000 years.

In a flash, 3000 years have passed.

For 3000 years of training, for Qin Xiao immersed in the world of true power, it is impossible to feel the loss of time.

3000 years, as far as Spiritual God is concerned, it’s just the time that blinks that’s all.

During these 3000 years of immersive training, Qin Xiao’s gains are indeed not small, and he has many insights, a lot of understanding, and a deeper level of power.

However, Qin Xiao did not make it so smoothly and broke through to the 5th floor of strength.

The true meaning of power is the 5th floor, which is equivalent to the realm level of Sovereign. It is not so easy to break through naturally.

It’s just that Qin Xiao is now close to trying to break through. The accumulated amount is enough, the only difference is that’s all.

Realm hasn’t improved, but Qin Xiao has reached a deeper level with the true meaning of power. It is considered to have reached a limit of the 4th floor of true meaning of power.

Just the strength of the true meaning of power, Qin Xiao is now sure to kill Heaven Ranking.

But as far as Qin Xiao’s overall strength is concerned, not much has been improved. After all, Qin Xiao’s main strength is still in the avenue cultivation system.

Qin Xiao suddenly stopped training, curl one’s lip: “It’s not very useful to continue to feel the training here. I have been practicing here for 3000 years, which is almost enough.”

“Now I’ve almost encountered bottleneck. The next step is to continue to accumulate, and then there is an opportunity to break through to the 5th floor of power in one fell swoop. This matter, don’t hurry, wait for where water flows, a canal is formed Right.”

Qin Xiao didn’t try to force anything, he was very free and easy.

I feel that when I reach the bottleneck, I immediately stop to practice.

After stepping out of the true world of power, seeing the Master sitting there, Qin Xiao also hurriedly stepped forward and shouted: “Master!”

These 3000 years of Qin Xiao’s situation in the world of true power interpretation are all seen in the eyes. Naturally, they are also gratified for Qin Xiao’s performance. It is indeed very good.

Originally, Hongchen thought that Qin Xiao would reach this step at least 5000 years. Didn’t expect Qin Xiao only reached 3000 years, which was almost half faster than his estimate.

Such a speed is indeed amazing.

Qin Xiao still has great potential in the power cultivation system. If you really concentrate on this cultivation system, I am afraid that you can break through to the 5th floor of strength in time.

However, the Hongmeng universe is the universe of the avenue cultivation system, and the original will only recognize the avenue cultivation system. Therefore, other cultivation systems are practiced in the Hongmeng universe, and the more the Universe Source will be oppressed in the future.

So, the more you want to break through, the harder it will be. If you want to practice other cultivation system to become the Universe Lord, it becomes almost impossible.

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