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When the great blessed land forces used their best to plunder the ancient war spirits, Long Chen and the others had already reached a stalemate.

The burly middle-aged man heard Long Chen’s words, his entire face was completely drooped, and his whole body was shocked and shouted: “I wait for you to be the person of inheritance from the world lord, and you are also sent by the lord of the heavenly palace. To give face shameless!”

“How many times have you been to this Ancient Battlefield? Stop searching after only 2 days. If you are afraid of death, hide behind!”

In the battlefield of Ashes, many ancient battle souls may be troublesome for the Great Influence, but they are far from dangerous.

But over time,

The flames all around are burning Source Divine Power all the time.

Everyone’s Source Divine Power will become weaker and weaker.

In the end, the last few days are the most dangerous moments for Great Influence, so this person thinks that Long Chen is just timid, and only planned to leave on the 2nd day.

Long Chen’s eyes shrank suddenly, and he was too lazy to say anything.

He can’t get together with this person at this time but several meters.

Such a distance.

Long Chen right hand suddenly supported 9 dragon shadows whizzing out, exuding endless pressure.

Source Divine Power rushed straight into the sky without any restraint, blasting directly at this person!

Everyone’s complexion changed drastically.

No one thought that Long Chen would make a sudden move, let alone that he would use Source Divine Power so crazily at this moment.

Within the battlefield of ashes, even the spiritual object of the medicine pill cannot be taken out, and Source Divine Power is something that cannot be regenerated.

The burly middle-aged person is also face changed, but after all, he is the person of Divine Emperor 5-Layer.

The moment Long Chen divine force condensed, his whole person simultaneously used the divine force The spirit machine of Long Chen exploded and walked away from Long Chen.

“I want to see, what kind of abilities do you, a world master inheritor, have on earth!” The middle-aged man used Source Divine Power at the same time as he moved away.

Hong long long.

The two of them were able to shine in a short time with the unmatched Source Divine Power.

The flames of 2 people all around hit the sky like a hurricane.

The release of Source Divine Power actually made these flames more raging.

All the people all around flew away from the 2 people.

“Are they really ready to fight for life and death here? All the great blessed forces are still glare like a tiger watching his prey!” Seeing this, a middle-aged man in a green shirt wanted to stop him.

The words are complete.

This person has to step forward to dissuade.

He wanted to let Long Chen suffer, but 10000 never expected Long Chen was so hard-spirited that he shot Chu Han directly.

“Wait!” Just as this person moved, he was stopped by another leader, “Chu Han has reached Divine Emperor 5-Layer, so this person will teach him a lesson…”

The people hearing this all around also echoed.

“Since they want to fight, they just continue. I’ll just wait to see how many catties and how many taels are in this world master.”

“This is very true. 2 The Great Palace Master doesn’t understand this person at all, so it is a bit sloppy to let him lead…”

“Don’t embarrass him, he really doesn’t have a little self-knowledge, what about the people who inherited the world?”

The person who wanted to stop the battle eventually stopped after hearing what everyone said and looked at the place where the two were fighting.

Two people are like two volcanoes erupting, the flames are rushing and roaring, Straight Clashing Nine Heavens.

Everyone was unable to bear bitterly laughed.

2 people actually got on the bar directly, without the intention of using any spells at all, and even blasted with Source Divine Power.

They all know the strangeness of the Ashes Battlefield.

Using Source Divine Power in this way is also equivalent to madly consuming this own power. Once Source Divine Power is exhausted, violent death will be turned into ashes under the flames.

In this way, whoever ends first is the loser!

Everyone shook their heads in full view.

Under the divine force tyranny, they clearly perceive Long Chen’s realm cultivation base but Divine Emperor 3 level that’s all.

Divine Emperor 3-Layer wrestling with Divine Emperor 5-Layer Source Divine Power is really unwise.

rising winds, scudding clouds, blazing flames.

In a blink of an eye, one hour passed, and none of the two of them had any intention of stopping.

Everyone has changed color on their faces, staring at Long Chen.

Long Chen’s Source Divine Power hasn’t diminished at all, but Chu Han’s Source Divine Power has fallen apart.

“How could this happen, this person clearly only has the Divine Emperor 3 layer, which is comparable to Divine Emperor 5-Layer’s origin? It’s even worse!”

“The key to his victory is not that there are more Source Divine Power than Chu Han, but that the purity of Source Divine Power is not on the same level at all.”

“Chu Han is not a member of the Palace of Destiny, and the people who crowned him along the way can’t be considered strong, the origin of divine force is not pure…”

Everyone discussed spiritedly, staring at the source of the divine force released by Long Chen.

Watching carefully and using divine sense to detect everyone has just been nodded.

In the end, everyone screamed as Unable to Bear, and their faces were shocked.

Compared with Long Chen, the purity of their divine force origin is like the difference between a pool of sewage and a pool of spirit stream.

A person who inherits the world.

Maybe this is what makes him different?

Chu Han brow beaded with sweat, and his clothes were already soaked and attached to his body.

He stared at Long Chen stubbornly, and the flames all around roared with his Source Divine Power, becoming more and more prosperous. If it continues, he may only have dead end!

His eyes swept across Long Chen, and finally fell on the people in the Palace of Fate all around.

At this time, I just feel that if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, if you are injured, this face is lost.

He regretted it in his heart. He had known so long ago, and directly used the spell to open the gap in realm, and he would not be so embarrassed.

Chu Han clenched the teeth fiercely and shouted: “Since you want to fight, I will fight to the end with you!”

His voice fell, and Source Divine Power spewed again, like a river bursting its bank.


Long Chen saw this but suddenly coldly snorted,

I saw both of his hands slamming forward,

The endless Source Divine Power carries 10000 hectares of flames and turns into a Changhong to rush towards the bursting Source Divine Power of Chu and Han.

The violent Source Divine Power seemed to be turned into a wave of wind blades and flames under Long Chen’s move, and Chu Han’s Source Divine Power was immediately shattered.

Pu chi pu chi.

Ryeyan and Long Chen’s Source Divine Power skimmed past, like a hot knife through butter!

Under the eyes of everyone, the burly body of Chu Han was directly cut into two like a blade!

“Your Excellency, keep your hands and don’t take his life!”

“Let’s be merciful!”

“Let’s be merciful!”


All around the people complexion greatly changed.

This sudden change caused each of them to jump up quickly, for fear that Long Chen would really kill Chu Han’s Divine Soul.

Long Chen saw that all the people in the Palace of Heaven’s Mandate had taken action to rescue Chu Han, and his words were a little bit more jealous and respectful. Only then did he coldly shouted: “I just wanted to tell you that this decision was due to a reason, not random. In terms of.”

“I promise that the ancient battle spirit will never be less than what you got before!”

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