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Chu Han was rescued by everyone, and the first few people quickly used Source Divine Power to block the flames that were constantly invading all around.

After hearing Long Chen’s words, everyone looked at each other and nodded.

have to say.

Long Chen’s victory over Chu Han really gave them a great shock, and naturally he also paid much attention to Long Long’s words.

Everyone followed Long Chen silently.

A middle-aged Divine Emperor in the lead asked: “Since I have given up on hunting ancient battle spirits, what should I do now?”

“Look for the entrance to the bone army battlefield, and leave the ashes battlefield early!” Long Chen replied.

When everyone heard this, they were stunned, and they seemed to know what Long Chen was thinking.

He wants to enter the second battle first!

The people who had followed Long Chen’s footsteps stopped again, and said with a bitter smile to Long Chen: “This time I am not waiting for you to be embarrassed. Under normal circumstances, the entrance to this second test can only be found by relying on the ancient battle spirit. Yes, with the number of ancient warfare souls we are now in, it is impossible to find the bottom…”

There was no original repulsive tone in this person’s words, and there were more explanations and questions.

Long Chen hearing this was not angry.

This time defeating Chu Han also made these people willing to listen to him, so that he would have a chance to persuade everyone.

“You follow me. I don’t need ancient war spirits, I can find the entrance to the bone army battlefield.” Long Chen said loudly, as if he didn’t mean to crack a joke.

Seeing Long Chen moving on, everyone looked at each other and looked nodded.

“If he wants to try, then try that’s all. The Great Influence has never heard that anyone can find the entrance to the second test without relying on the ancient war spirits…” Chu Han was coldly snorted, but his words did not object.

Long Chen walked in front of everyone, through the flames.

If there is one after another invisible ripples in his eyes, all around seems to have not noticed Long Chen’s mutation at all.

Two hours passed.

Along the way, there are no less than 5 ancient battle spirits, but they are all shot.

Rather than being impatience, everyone has each and everyone facial expression grave.

The head of the person said with some surprise: “He seems to be able to find the second test portal. The last time the Ancient Battlefield was opened, the place where everyone walked was so strange.”

“Sometimes it volleys, sometimes it gallops, and sometimes it turns back!”

“Long Chen has never been here in the future, and knows what it looked like before looking for a portal…”

That’s it.

Everyone was excited to be unable to bear, and there was joy in their eyes.

If they can reach the second test immediately before everyone else, they will have an incomparable advantage.


While everyone was discussing, Long Chen suddenly stopped.

“found it!”

Everyone heard the voice of Long Chen, each and everyone hurried forward.

There is still a fire sea in front of them, no different.

The leader said to Long Chen with a solemn voice: “Just take out an ancient battle spirit and crush it to reveal the portal…”

Long Chen nodded, the right hand grabbed an ancient warfare soul and appeared in his hand, and then directly crushed it.

The soul turns into countless silver white silk threads that grind powder and circulate in the Raging Flames Fire Sea, and finally fall outside of the several meters of Long Chen’s body.

The silver white thread seems to come alive and intertwined together.

Hong long long.

The sound of thunder blasted, and the silver white silk thread was divided into 2 and 2 turned into 4, widening and moving to emit thunder arcs.

The thunderbolt cut through the flames and formed a portal that was 2 people high and 3 people wide.

Behind the portal is a scorched earth!

“It’s really a battlefield of bone battle. I really found the entrance!”

“Quick, go in!”

“In the old days, all influence had to join hands and gather all the ancient battle souls together to find the portal here. I didn’t expect that I will be here directly!”


Everyone was inexplicably excited and excited.

The first few people even took a deep look at Long Chen, and quickly led everyone into it.

Long Chen is also follow closely from behind.

In just 5 breaths, the thunder arc has dissipated, and the original portal has disappeared without a trace.

Long Chen and the others are already standing on the scorched earth of black.

Seeing that the briefly opened portal had disappeared, everyone took a long breath, and soon turned their eyes to Long Chen in front of them.

Everyone looked at each other and bowed to Long Chen. The burly Chu Han walked out of the crowd with a blushing face, and said to Long Chen: “I am here to apologize, please do not give me a lower oneself to somebody’s level ……”

Long Chen smiled slightly and bowed in return.

Everyone laughed, and all the previous unhappiness disappeared.

Long Chen walked around all around, looking far beyond the black earth.

Chu Han, who had already consumed a lot of Source Power, was absorbing the Source Divine Power here like a giant whale absorbing water.

This second test is completely different from the first test.

When his cultivation base recovered slightly, he looked towards Long Chen and walked over and explained: “I didn’t expect you to find the entrance to this place in advance. Now, when I step into this place in advance, I can get at least 2 ancient battle bones! “

“This place cannot be seen from afar, you must walk out of this black soil to see the real battlefield of the bone army…”

When Chu Han mentioned the Bone Army battlefield, it was completely different and facial expression grave in the Ashes Battlefield.

He even couldn’t bear to bear slightly inhaling, as if he was very afraid.

Long Chen frowned slightly, and turned around abruptly. The right hand turned into a sword and quickly landed on Chu Han.

Chuhan complexion greatly changed, but there was no resistance at all.

He is now Source Divine Power but has just improved, and Long Chen’s sudden attack he did not expect at all.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~.

Chu Han’s whole body one after another blood light suddenly started, the violent roar and screams suddenly attracted all around people complexion greatly changed, flying by.

When they approached, Chu Han had fallen on the ground drenched with blood.

An old man with a black beard came up and browsed tightly knit and said: “Why did you directly smash his whole body hole and condense it with divine force to seal his meridian, so that he could not recover his fleshy body injury?”

Everyone looked towards Long Chen in unison, thinking that Long Chen was revenge before, and it is inevitable that they have several points of contempt.

Long Chen said: “It’s not just him, but you all immediately stopped absorbing the Source Divine Power here. You can only restore your strength with the divine medicine and pill you carry!”

Everyone startled, seeing Long Chen facial expression grave, immediately stopped absorbing the Source Divine Power here.

Several Divine Emperors stepped forward to lift Chu Han up, waiting for Long Chen’s explanation.

Long Chen’s whole body was agitated by Source Divine Power, his right hand volleyed and Dao Mark’s power was condensed but not scattered.

In the void of his palm, there is one after another Yin Hong’s silk thread like a bone-eating insect, which makes people look daunting.

“If I’m right, this place of bone battle used to be the place where your Great Influence suffered the most casualties?” Long Chen solemnly asked.

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