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Five years after Long Chen went deep.

Long Chen in sit cross-legged in the sky slowly opened his eyes and looked towards one direction.

Is it coming, much faster than expected.

Although it has been 5 years inside, but only a few days have passed outside, I can break through the mist of the False Sea in just a few days. I have to say that Rain Tomb still has 2 brushes.

“Didn’t expect you to arrive earlier than me.”

Before he heard the sound, the silhouette of Yu Tomb emerged from the mist not long after the sound.

“It’s just a fluke.” Long Chen responded without looking up.

Yu Tomb glanced at Long Chen, then focused his gaze on the surrounding space.

Around them, faintly discernible air currents drifted past from time to time, and wherever the air currents went, the space was distorted and then returned to normal.

“Didn’t expect, the Taoism here has been chaotic to such an extent!” Yu Tomb took a look around, exclaimed.

The white airflow just now is not the real airflow, but the time here. Tao is transformed by Tao. Generally speaking, Tao is invisible and invisible, and the sea of ​​illusion does not know why, because Tao is too chaotic. For substance!

“this is.”

The rain tomb ghostly extended the hand to one of the roads, and when he was about to touch it, he was shocked and violently retracted his hand.

“Yijiedao, so terrifying!” After the tomb of rain, he stepped back in fear.

That is the time rule of this realm. If you don’t become the realm master and get the recognition of the rule, even if you have the strength of the titled emperor, you will either die from old age, or become a newborn baby, and finally be swallowed by space. Even the titled emperor seems so impossible to withstand a single blow in front of Dao Ze!

However, danger lurks within the riches and honour, the two of them also need this principle to help them become the realm master!

“It’s really a nice place, but before that”

While Yu Mu was talking, he slowly turned and looked towards Long Chen, who was still sitting cross-legged, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

The rain tomb moved towards Long Chen, and the Force of Primordial Chaos in his hand surged and accumulated, and it was about to burst out.


After walking for a while, Yu Tomb suddenly found something was wrong. After walking for so long, it stands to reason that he should have been in front of Long Chen long ago, but now.

The distance between 2 people has not changed at all.

Yu Tomb was frowned, and the Force of Primordial Chaos in his hand quietly dissipated and still walked towards Long Chen quietly.

“Don’t waste your effort.” Long Chen opened his eyes suddenly, staring at Yu Tomb with his eyes. “Two entrances, two spaces, you can’t come to my side, and, haven’t you noticed the situation around you now?”

“Around me?”

Yu Tomb looked back suspiciously, suddenly screamed, and stepped back several steps to stabilize his figure.

It turned out that when he was not paying attention, there was already a few ray of time Dao drifted over quietly!

“There are only strength of Chaos and Taoism here. Any other power will cause rejection. If you use power again to cause the Taoism here to run away, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

Long Chen’s voice came over. His reminder was not a good intention, but if the rain tomb caused Dao Ze to run away, of course he would not be spared. Although Long Chen wanted to kill Yu Tomb, it was not worth paying for himself.

After speaking, Long Chen stopped speaking. He introduced a trace of strength of Chaos within the body, and then used the strength of Chaos to drag a ray of time and began to comprehend.

This process seems easy, but in fact it is extremely dangerous. With a slight difference, Long Chen will fall here because of touching the Taoist rule. The entire comprehend process seems to be dancing on the tip of a knife!

Upon seeing this, Yu Tomb gritted his teeth, then also sit cross-legged, and began to seize the time to control the strength of Chaos, comprehend principle.

For a while, the two people who were supposed to fight together are sitting quietly together for cultivation, like friends for many years.

However, both people know that whoever can reach the position of the world master first can rule the life and death of the other party. When that happens, their true purpose will not be hidden at all.

Unconsciously, 1000 years have passed in the sea of ​​vain.

During these 1000 years, Long Chen did not dare to slow down the speed of absorbing strength of Chaos tempering principles. He was absorbing massive amounts of strength of Chaos all the time, and then grabbing more principles, comprehend, refining, and finally absorb.

At the same time, Yu Tomb did not slow down his speed. He almost maintained the same speed as Long Chen while tempering the Dao. Even because of the better control of Force of Primordial Chaos, his tempering Dao was also faint. One point faster than Long Chen.

I should have been tempering like this, but as the saying goes, I often walk by the river, so I don’t have any wet shoes. Even if it is a god, it is inevitable that there will be some mistakes if you have maintained a tense spirit to temper the Tao for 1000 years.

Long Chen is no exception. Just when he has been tempering for a long time and is ready to inhale within the body, suddenly, the strength of Chaos of Long Chen within the body suddenly becomes disordered, although it is suppressed by Long Chen in an instant , However, this also caused this strand of tempering good way to suddenly drift. However, it is this moment that makes it adhere to other Taoisms, and it seems to be inhaled within the body together with the tempering Taoism.

Inhaling the good way without tempering within the body is tantamount to self-destruction!

How to do! Is it to abandon these principles, or to forcibly absorb it?

You know, it takes several years for tempering to do a good job. His giving up, equivalent to several years of hard work was wasted.

Although with the help of the inheritance, in the case of Yu Tomb also has the Hongmeng inheritance, Long Chen can not guarantee that he will be able to reach the landlord faster than the rain tomb in the shortened time by inheritance.

Long Chen slowly opened his eyes and looked at the Taoism in his hand about to enter within the body with a tangled expression. It is too late to give up. If the Tao starts to enter within the body, there is no turning back!

Long Chen glanced at the Yu Tomb again. Through the fog, he could see that the other party was still absorbing the strength of Chaos tempering rules step by step. The whole movement was smooth and flowing, giving people the illusion of being able to break through to the master at any time.

bring it on! Since you want to be the master of the world, and you want to be the person controlled by the Tao, how can you fear this little Tao now?

Me, but Long Chen!

Long Chen clenched the teeth, raised his palm, mixed with the strength of Chaos, and slapped the entire Dao Ze into the body within the body!

At that moment, Long Chen’s body was aging rapidly at a speed visible to naked eye, from a strong youngster to a dying old man.

Although the appearance changed in an instant, the only thing that did not change was the bright glow in Long Chen’s eyes!

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