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Yu Tomb slowly opened his eyes and temporarily stopped his tempering

He clearly perceives that the surrounding strength of Chaos is converging in one direction like a vortex, and even his side has been affected.

He looked subconsciously to Long Chen and saw a scene that made him dumbfounded.

Long Chen, who was originally tough and handsome, has disappeared, and replaced by a dying old man with wrinkles on his face and even his hands clearly visible.

Did he meet the rules of time?

Yu Mu immediately guessed the reason, and after the surprise, ecstasy followed.

“Hey, you killed yourself first without me. Heaven helps me! ha ha ha ha!”

Yu Mu laughed arrogantly.

Now he is not worried about Long Chen hearing what he is saying.

Because of being encountered by the time without tempering, there is absolutely only one dead end!

That kind of feeling, he had already experienced clearly once when he came in just now.

In fact.

Long Chen did not hear what Yu Tomb was saying now.

Because the organs in his whole body have degenerated, even Divine Consciousness shrank as if he was old.

The most terrifying thing is the flesh, there is no vitality at all. If the current Long Chen is dead, some people will not doubt it.

The current Long Chen is completely relying on the last trace of will to force the strength of Chaos within the body.

This is his last resort, he can only touch the Taoist rules through the strength of Chaos.

If this final control is not there, let alone whether the frantic strength of Chaos will tear his body to pieces, before then he will be turned into ashes because of the laws of time!

refine for me!

Long Chen roared in his heart because of the rapid aging of his body.

He can’t even use any power, can only rely on Divine Consciousness to control the strength of Chaos within the body, and then refining the Tao.

But this is easier said than done?

At a general speed, it takes several years or even more than ten years to successfully tempering a wisp of Dao into the body within the body. How can he successfully refining a wisp of Dao in such a short time?

The Yu Tomb, who has a panoramic view of this scene, no longer continues to refining, but stands up and said with a big smile: “ha ha ha ha! Long Chen, Long Chen, I thought you were still a person, didn’t expect is just a fool seeking instant benefit!”

“Face the Taoist rule with your body? Do you think you are a realm master if you get the inheritance of the realm master?”

“It’s really self-inflicted and can’t live! hahaha!!!”

Yu Tomb held his chin with his hands on his chin, and looked at Long Chen comfortably as he was still making the final resistance. As long as Long Chen died, he could cultivation for as long as he wanted.

Once Long Chen died, he was invincible in this world. It was only a matter of time before he reached the lord.

Humph, Yu Mu clenched his fist viciously.

Give me the price!

Long Chen is still sitting cross-legged,

His absorption rate of strength of Chaos has obviously slowed down, and later he could not even feel the body’s absorption of strength of Chaos.

Let me absorb it! Long Chen wanted to roar towards the sky very much, but at this moment, he couldn’t even raise his finger as a simple gesture. All he could do was to watch the strength of Chaos within the body disappear bit by bit. Watching time, Tao gradually eroded his body, and finally eroded his Divine Consciousness.

any idea! any idea!

Long Chen eagerly used Divine Consciousness to detain the strength of Chaos within the body to prevent them from losing. At the same time, the ray had moved along the meridian to Divine Consciousness. As long as the Divine Consciousness was reached, Long Chen’s life , It can be declared over.

Stop for me!

Long Chen controlled a strand of strength of Chaos in front of Dao Ze, Dao paused for a while, and then passed through that strand of Chaos, and continued to move towards Divine Consciousness.

Stop it!

He madly gathered all the strength of Chaos within the body, and then all stood in front of Daoze. I thought that this time it should be able to withstand a longer period of time, but didn’t expect, the strands also stayed for the same time as before, and then just passed through and continued to move.

what happened? why? This……

The picture of Dao passing through the strength of Chaos made him stunned for a moment. A small strand of strength of Chaos also only paused for a while, and that many strength of Chaos gathered together but only stopped for a while. In this way, Tao does not seem to pierce the strength of Chaos and move forward, but more like…

assimilate into!

Yes, that’s right, it is integration!

I’m understood!

Long Chen shouted excitedly in his heart.

I’m really stupid, Dao and strength of Chaos are originally in the same space, Dao is attached to strength of Chaos and exists, and I actually want to use strength of Chaos to block Dao!

Here, the real solution should be!


A fleshy explosion sounded, and Long Chen’s body instantly exploded into powder.

“En?” Of course, he couldn’t escape Yu Tomb’s eyes in this scene. His eyes lit up and he pointed to Long Chen and laughed: “haha! Long Chen, you are still dead after all, I thought you could last longer. I thought–ah!”

As if suddenly pinched in his throat, Yu Tomb’s words stopped suddenly, because after Long Chen’s body exploded, not at all body dies and Dao disappears as he expected, he could still feel the breath of Long Chen Although it is very faint, Long Chen’s breath is like a fire like candle in the gale, which will never die.

In fact, this candle will never go out again!


In the next moment, a stronger strength of Chaos vortex was generated at Long Chen’s position, and countless Taoisms began to become chaotic, wandering fiercely throughout the space. This is a bitter rain tomb. He avoided these in 4 places. Dao is like those wizards in the tribe who dance and pray.

Looking at Long Chen again, the strength of Chaos gradually converged. From a smooth sphere, gradually contoured, and finally became a person’s appearance. Then, the five officials of the strength of Chaos face also appeared. .

Surprisingly Long Chen!

“I made it, haha!”

Long Chen laughed, looked at his body, then casually grabbed the Yi Dao Ze beside him, and ate it into his stomach with a grunt.

Yu Tomb suddenly opened his eyes wide, and pointed at Long Chen with trembling fingers: “You! Have you eaten Dao Ze?”

“Why? Can’t it work? If you can do it, you can also go up?” Long Chen gave him a sideways look, and then continued to grab the Dao, after a few more Dao, Long Chen sit cross-legged and started to concentrate on refining. Catch the principle of within the body.

Yu Tomb has not come back to his senses for a long time, after all, the scene I saw just now was too impactful.

“This, what the hell is going on?”

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