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“This, this impossible, what is going on…”

Yu Tomb was still muttering to himself in a dream, and Long Chen next to him only felt a little funny.

However, the most urgent task is to temper the Tao as soon as possible. Long Chen settled down and began to concentrate on tempering the Tao.

After talking to himself for a long time, Yu Tomb came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and glanced at Long Chen who was resurrected, and then sat cross-legged again and began tempering.

Only this time, his speed was significantly slower, not because of lack of physical strength, but by heart in chaos.


Yu Tomb roared in his heart, both hands forming seals, the strong Force of Primordial Chaos gushing out, instantly blending into the strength of Chaos, and then grabbing 2 strands of the road, it was actually refining one left and one right at the same time! It seems that Long Chen’s situation also gave him a lot of pressure.

On Long Chen’s side, everything became much simpler. Long Chen watched a few wisps and swam within the body. The strength of Chaos all over his body was constantly tempering the principles, and the only thing he had to pay attention to was Don’t let these Taos slip out.

Become chaotic, tempering rules!

This is Long Chen’s solution!

After blocking Dao with Strength of Chaos, the compatibility of Dao with Strength of Chaos inspired him. In that crisis situation, Long Chen made the most correct choice in an instant.

He really destroyed his fleshy body, and replaced it with the endless strength of Chaos around him. In other words, Long Chen’s current body is not the real fleshy body, his fleshy body has been destroyed, and he is now The body is completely composed of strength of Chaos.

This is why he can grab a few strands of Dao at will and consume it within the body. As long as it is within the body, his body is tempering these Dao at all times, as long as he doesn’t touch it. His Divine Consciousness, these ways have no effect on his body!

As for the fleshy body, when he becomes the master of the world, he can truly master these strength of Chaos and Taoism. In this way, by reshaping the fleshy body with the strength of Chaos, he can not only have the fleshy body again, but even the fleshy body strength can bring. it up a level.

However, these are things that Yu Tomb never thought of.

If the speed of the Tempering Dao in front of the rain tomb still faintly presses Long Chen’s side, now he, with both hands tempering Dao at the same time and the assistance of the Force of Primordial Chaos, can’t catch up with Long Chen’s speed at all.

At this speed, coupled with the support of the owner’s inheritance, Long Chen does not need 10000 years to successfully touch the bottleneck of the owner!


Seeing that Long Chen grabbed a few strands of Dao and started to refining, he was exhausted to lose 2 strands of Dao Ze, Yu Tomb finally began to worry. However, now he, at the same time refining 2 strands is already at the limit, let alone refining 4 strands or more at the same time like Long Chen, it can only be courting death.

Suddenly, the image of Long Chen’s fleshy body exploding and then reshaping was recalled in his mind. Yu Mu was stunned for a while, then looked thoughtful towards Long Chen. With his strength, of course, he can feel that the current body of Long Chen is entirely composed of strength of Chaos.

“Explode the fleshy body and reshape it with the strength of Chaos? The method of death and resurrection? If you can’t become the master of the world, don’t want to leave here in your life, Long Chen, you are really a fierce person…”

Yu Tomb began to hesitate. Now, the only way he can catch up with Long Chen is to follow his example and blast his fleshy body, then reshape it with strength of Chaos, plus Force of Primordial Chaos, and he can I stabilized Long Chen again. Moreover, Long Chen had to do it when he was about to die. He was in the peak state. By comparison, he should be more confident, but…

Yu Tomb shuddered at the thought of the consequences of failure. Once there is any difference, it is either trapped here forever or directly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. In this way, Long Chen is no longer a fierce person, he is simply a lunatic!

However, Yu Tomb is also very clear in his heart that if this continues, Long Chen will definitely be one step ahead of him to become the master. At that time, Long Chen will never give him the opportunity to reach the master. At that time, the result will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. , Maybe it will be worse.


Yu Tomb turned his heart, Divine Consciousness spread all over the body, ready to disintegrate the fleshy body directly, and then reshape it with strength of Chaos.


However, at the moment when it was about to disintegrate, Yu Tomb suddenly stopped. He opened his eyes suspiciously and looked towards his hand with several cracks. On that, because of the disintegration, the Force of Primordial Chaos within the body will naturally overflow. However, these Force of Primordial Chaos are not at all rejected by space, but directly integrated into the strength of Chaos and become strength. of Chaos!

“This!” Yu Tomb’s eyes lit up. “It’s heaven helps me!”

He no longer had the slightest hesitation. With peng sound light sound, Yu Tomb’s body was completely disintegrated. However, after his body disintegration, not at all completely disappeared like Long Chen, but still remained in human form. Then, the flesh and blood disappeared piece by piece under the erosion of the space, but every time a part disappeared, the Force of Primordial Chaos was immediately filled up, and then became the strength of Chaos.

In less than 30 minutes, Yu Tomb completed the transition from fleshy body to strength of Chaos. Among them, there is simply no risk. Moreover, the most important thing is that as long as Yu Tomb wants to, he can completely transform the strength of Chaos within the body into Force of Primordial Chaos, and then reshape the body. In other words, even if he fails, he can escape successfully without being restricted by this space!

“Is this the strength of Chaos body. Dao Ze, refine for me!”

Yu Tomb held a pair of hands and imprisoned several dao rules at the same time, actually tempering nearly ten dao rules at the same time! Strength of Chaos, transformed with Force of Primordial Chaos, is also better than Long Chen in effect.


He clearly felt that Yu Tomb had done and so on Long Chen heart startled. He didn’t expect Force of Primordial Chaos to still have this ability. The feeling of ease of use has completely disappeared, and the sense of tension has climbed back into Long Chen’s heart.


Long Chen yelled, and suddenly more Dao dashed into his within the body. At the same time, Long Chen firmly guarded his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then separated a little bit of Divine Consciousness to lock the strength of Chaos up and down the body. When a strand of Dao is refining, immediately take in a strand of Dao. Although this is dangerous, it is also the most efficient way.

In just a few days, the confrontation between the two people escalated again, and the two of them stopped talking. They were 2% energetic, and concentrated attention completely began to refining within the body.

For a time, two strength of Chaos vortices formed in the space, and the floating road in the space began to decrease at a speed visible to naked eye…

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