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“hu screams!”

A group of slightly embarrassed people passed by this wasteland, and the last few people looked towards the passing behind from time to time, and released several Force of Primordial Chaos temptations one after another, with a slight panic in their expressions.

In the front of this group of fleeing people, there is a man and a woman, supporting each other in flight. It seems that these two people have suffered a lot of injuries, so that the flight posture is constantly changing, probably Relieve the pain in the body.

Because the man needs to fly, he is constantly consuming the Force of Primordial Chaos on his body, and between the release of the Force of Primordial Chaos, there is actually an ice cold aura that is gradually passing by.

The woman seemed to be aware of such a situation, and hurriedly got close to the man and said, “Fan Ming, what’s the matter, why is your Bloodline Strength passing by?”

The woman who was talking looked quite a bit of a hero, but upon closer inspection, the woman’s appearance was bright and clear, revealing a refreshing complexion.

But now it seems that this woman is a little lonely, obviously because of this long escape.

“Xiaoxiao, I may not be able to hold it anymore. During the previous battle, those people from the Taoist Tower should have left a certain mark on me within the body, so that as long as I run the Force of Primordial Chaos, I will I will suffer a strong backlash, the internal force of the ice that I have practiced, the unstoppable passing…”

“How could this be, how could…” The woman looked panicked, her expression revealing a deep sense of reluctance.

The man continued: “Your Dazhou tribe and my Frost Ice tribe, these are the only people left now. Now those people in Taoist Tower are still chasing after them. It seems that if we don’t take some measures, we will be one I can’t run.”

The two people who are speaking have had several connections with Long Chen. The man is Bing Fanming from the Ice Tribe, and the woman is Zhou Xiaoxiao from the Dazhou Tribe.

Zhou Xiaoxiao frowned and said, “Fan Ming, don’t you mean that we can find life when we leave this wasteland? What measures need to be taken?”

Bing Fanming let out a sigh of relief, slowly stabilizing the aura of the whole body, and said: “It seems that the Dazhou tribe and the Frost ice tribe can only keep one!”

“Fan Ming, you are…” Zhou Xiaoxiao seemed to comprehended Bing Fan Ming’s meaning all at once, and for a while, he didn’t know what to say.

Bing Fanming stopped, immediately turned around, looked at the crowd passing over the wasteland, and vibrated: “Everyone, please stop temporarily!”

The team of people behind Bing Fanming and Zhou Xiaoxiao immediately slowed down and listened. After that, these people all looked towards Bing Fanming, wanting to get some vitality from Bing Fanming.

Unexpectedly, the talents of the Dazhou Tribe and the Frost Ice Tribe have just stopped, and within a few breaths, wasteland all around, there are actually several dark shadows rushing out, and gradually, more and more shadows. , And soon surrounded the two tribes who stopped.

Although the number of people in the Great Zhou Tribe and the Ice Tribe is far more than the black shadows surrounding them, everyone can tell that the realm strength of these shadows must be far higher than the Da Zhou Tribe and the Ice Tribe. .

Before these dark shadows, there was a strong silhouette filled with the strong Force of Primordial Chaos. Between the great rotation of this silhouette, the surrounding sky seemed to be released by a few strong waves of primordial chaos suppressing Zhou Xiaoxiao and ice. Fan Ming suppressed it steadily.

This is the person who worries Bing Fanming the most during this trip.

The powerhouse from the Taoist Pagoda!

Today’s Bing Fanming is only the 9th layer of the Hongmeng Yuanjie Realm. He had already had a fight with the Hongmeng Heavenly Realm powerhouse from the Taoist Tower. The result is naturally self-evident. Where is Bing Fanming? The opponent of the powerhouse of the Hongmeng Cangtian realm naturally had to retreat and flee.

Today, the Taoist Tower is still in hot pursuit, and continues to flee, but it is a chronic death.

Therefore, Bing Fanming must give it a go.

With the strength of Bing Fanming, in this Hongmeng Polar Region, it is naturally a side powerhouse that is indisputable. Even, because of Bing Fanming, the strength of the Frost Tribe has grown tremendously, even to be ranked Ten Great. Tribes.

However, all of Bing Fanming’s dreams were all in vain due to this time attack from the Taoist Tower.

The Hanbing tribe and the Dazhou tribe formed a friendly tribe because of his marriage with Zhou Xiaoxiao, but no one thought that when the people of the Linmeng Polar Region came, the Dazhou tribe would also suffer the genocide along with the Hanbing tribe. .

Now, only these people led by Bing Fanming and Zhou Xiaoxiao are left, and the others have already perished under the slaughter of Lin Meng Polar Region.

Bing Fanming stood in arrogance with the determined black shadow headed by him. Although he was seriously injured at the moment, since he was the next patriarch of the Cold Ice Tribe, Bing Fanming would not take a step back under such circumstances.

“Xiaoxiao, wait until I hold the Magnificent Heavenly Realm, you will unite with the extremely trustworthy clansmen and kill them through the gap together. Remember, no matter what, don’t look back!” Bing Fanming said decisively.

“No, I won’t go, I want to be with you!” Zhou Xiaoxiao retorted, a gleam of sparkle flashed from the corner of his eyes.

“If you don’t leave, who will avenge me in the future?” Bing Fanming angrily said: “Your Dazhou tribe, and my Frost Tribe, have nearly hundreds of lives. If you and I have fallen here today, this bloody revenge , Who should I report to?”

Zhou Xiaoxiao pressed her lips and didn’t know how to answer for a while.

The determined silhouette of Bing Fanming up ahead said loudly: “The last words are also finished, now, let’s hand over my life!”

Bing Fan Minghuan sent out the only remaining Force of Primordial Chaos within the body, turned around and glanced at Zhou Xiaoxiao, and said, “Xiaoxiao, I am very happy to meet you in this life.”

Just as Bing Fanming was about to get up, from the wasteland in the distance, a burst of powerful Primordial Chaos Qi was suddenly heard. This kind of mutation immediately caused everyone in the sky to turn around and look around. .

“This imposing manner, is it possible that it is the powerhouse of the Great Meng Cangtian Realm again, and the Taoist Tower has a helper?” Zhou Xiaoxiao panicked.

Bing Fanming slowly shook the head, saying: “It doesn’t seem to be. The people from the Taoist Tower followed us to this wasteland, but these people came from the depths of the wasteland…”

After waiting for Bing Fanming to confirm the origin of the imposing manner in the depths of the wasteland, Bing Fanming shouted: “I don’t know where it is. Junior is Bing Fanming of the Frost Tribe. Today, he was persecuted by Taoist Tower thief. , I hope seniors can help!”

Grab the last hope and never give up!

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