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As soon as Bing Fanming said this, Zhou Xiaoxiao on his side naturally regarded the person who had not yet been clearly identified as his life-saving straw.

Zhou Xiaoxiao looked towards the direction Bing Fanming had pleaded for, a little sadness swept across his eyes as his eyes surged.

Perhaps I think of the experience during this period of time. Through childhood, Zhou Xiaoxiao, who has always been in a smooth flow, experienced this painful experience of heaven and earth’s difference to separate. It is really not that easy to resist.

The powerhouse from the Taoist Tower also turned around and looked towards the source of the imposing manner.

However, after a few breaths, four resolute and bold silhouettes finally appeared clearly in everyone’s field of vision.

Not waiting for Bing Fanming and the others to say anything, even the powerhouse of the Great Meng Cangtian Realm of the god tower did not say anything, and only heard the 4 silhouettes, the first one said gently: “It turned out to be the Great Zhou tribe. Miss Zhou Xiaoxiao and brother Bing Fanming of the Cold Bing Tribe have not seen each other for many years, are you well?”

When the voice fell, Bing Fanming’s series of pleading words rushed to his mouth were actually blocked in his throat, no longer speechless.

Bing Fanming looked at Long Chen in front of him, and tried his best to recall that there was still no way to remember a trace of the whole person in front of him.

At this time, behind Bing Fanming, among the group of cold ice tribes, a slightly younger man swiftly rushed forward and quickly said: “You… Are you Long Chen?”

Long Chen was a little surprised and nodded, and turned to looked towards the man who appeared, thinking carefully, this man should be the first person from the Ice Tribe he had seen in the Little Spirit Realm, if he didn’t remember Wrong, he is called Bing Yuan.

Bing Fanming suddenly looked towards Bing Yuan, whispering: “Who is this?”

“Big Brother Fan Ming, have you forgotten? You met him in the Little Spirit Realm a few years ago, and of course Miss Zhou…” Bing Yuan said slowly.

After Bing Yuan had reminded him, Zhou Xiaoxiao on the side suddenly remembered that in the Little Spirit Realm, relying on the advantage of realm, he had indeed forced a cultivator who was the Hongmeng Primordial Chaos Realm at that time to let him Call yourself elder sister?

Zhou Xiaoxiao was stunned, and said: “Long Chen, are you still alive?”

When Zhou Xiaoxiao finished saying this, Bing Fanming, who had been gloomy, was reminded by Bing Yuan and indeed recalled some memories. In the image, there were also some vague memories of Long Chen.

“Is he the Long Chen who used the strength of oneself to deal with the Old Monster of Lin Meng Polar Wang Tong?” At this time, Bing Fanming finally remembered the identity of Long Chen.

“Oh, it seems I have done a lot of things Long Chen!”

Long Chen slightly smiled in the distance. He looked at the embarrassed Bing Fan Ming and Zhou Xiaoxiao. It was really difficult to compare them to the two characters who were in the small Spirit Realm.

In any case, although these two people in the small Spirit Realm had a plan for themselves, at least they did not choose to shoot themselves like Shenmu tribe Heavenly Wind Unit did, but it also made Long Chen comfortable. The cultivation success continues in the small Spirit Realm.

There is no kindness and no grudges, and it is a blessing to be able to strengthen each other.

Zhou Xiaoxiao moved towards Long Chen a few steps closer and said: “A few years ago, I seemed to hear that you were besieged by people who fell from the Heavenly Wind Unit, and then…whereabouts unknown, didn’t expect you to be here “Zhou Xiaoxiao said with a slight embarrassment.

By this time, Zhou Xiaoxiao remembered more and more of the things she did to Long Chen in Little Spirit Realm.


Before Long Chen could respond, the Bing Fanming beside Zhou Xiaoxiao quickly stopped Zhou Xiaoxiao, presumably to remind Zhou Xiaoxiao of the current situation.

Moreover, in Bing Fanming’s previous induction, the Primordial Chaos Qi posture released from the vicinity of Long Chen is obviously the posture of the powerhouse of the Hongmeng Cangtian realm. Moreover, the three people around Long Chen are all without exception. It is with this majestic imposing manner, that is to say, these four people are probably all powerhouses in the Great Heaven Realm!

If this is the case, if Long Chen is willing to lend a hand to help the Great Zhou tribe of the Ice Tribe to deal with the powerhouse of the Taoist Tower, he will have the possibility of getting out of trouble!

After Bing Fanming’s reminder, Zhou Xiaoxiao naturally understood what he meant. Although Zhou Xiaoxiao was curious that Long Chen could be promoted to the Magnificent Sky Realm in such a short period of time, he clearly couldn’t tolerate Zhou Xiaoxiao in this situation. Be curious.

“Long Chen, now the Linmeng Polar Divine Pagoda leads the crowd into the ice tribe of our Dazhou tribe. I am waiting for heavy casualties. The tribe has been destroyed. Now we still need to be chased from behind. Behind us is a Taoist pagoda. If you can take into account your past encounters, you still hope to help!” Zhou Xiaoxiao cup one fist in the other hand said.

Long Chen nodded, and looked towards the mid-air, he has been observing the powerhouse of the Great Meng Cangtian Realm for a long time. When I want to come to this powerhouse of the Great Meng Cangtian Realm, he has already seen the realm of the Long Chen 4 people. Naturally, he knows his The strength is impossible to deal with the 4 Long Chen. Maybe he didn’t interrupt the reminiscence of Long Chen and Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others during this period. He should be planning how to escape?

Long Chen and Dragon Tomb Sword Ten 3 Long Yuan 3 exchanged their eyes, and 4 of them swept up at the same time, floating in the air, looking at the powerhouse from the Taoist Tower.

“Are you from Taoist Tower?” Long Chen asked with a smile.

There was a slight panic on the face of the strong shock of the Great Meng Cangtian Realm, but on the surface he still made some calmness, saying: “Yes, who are you guys? I am waiting until now, only with the Dazhou tribe. The Frost Tribe understands hatred and grudges, and those who are not related, our Taoist Tower will definitely not intervene more, and hope that you will not interfere in this matter!”

Long Chen laughed and said: “How did I hear that your Linmeng Polar Region is at war with the entire Hongmeng Polar Region this time. Presumably what you are targeting is not just the Dazhou Tribe and the Ice Tribe, right?”

The powerhouse of the Taoist Tower was speechless for a while, but due to the strength of the 4 Long Chen, he was not good at taking it rashly. After some weighing, the powerhouse of the powerhouse was actually a decisive summoner. After making eye contact, there was a rapid moved towards the back and fled away.

It’s a little self-aware.

Long Chen frowned, looked towards Dragon Tomb Sword Ten 3, and said: “He came to the Taoist Pagoda, and he should know something about Sword Ten 3.”

Dragon Tomb and Sword Ten 3 naturally understood the meaning of Long Chen, and immediately rushed out, and the powerhouse moved towards the Taoist Tower was chased and killed.

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