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The people of the great Ancient Race all sneered, but felt that Long Chen was really arrogant.

However, Long Chen has always been indifferent.

Because under the divine sense, he has captured 2 teams coming quickly…

And there is an old deceased among them.

Proud sky…

The original noisy Ancient Races were all on the verge of an enemy for a while, alert and inexplicable.

I saw Ao Cangqiu coming in stride, and every shadow behind him seemed to contain murderous intent.

At the same time, just south of the 9-yin Ancient Race, there are teams of people wearing gold-patterned black robes driving Monster Beast.

Monster Beast is covered with heavy black iron armor, and the light of Spirit Stone flashes on the wings and wings. The fierce breath is so far apart that everyone can’t bear the heart palpitations.

The person headed by the 4 big 2 star Ancient Race saw this, and suddenly said with a smile: “Now that the Dark Night Organization and Alchemist Guild are all here, I want to see how you end up!”

Everyone stared at Long Chen with ridicule, and even the people of the 2 Ancient Race of the Soul Eater clan were far away from Long Chen without a trace.

On the contrary, Jianshi 3 and the others are subconsciously close to Long Chen, each and everyone has grave expression on their faces.

Long Chen showed a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, waved his hands slightly to several people, and said: “Don’t scare yourself, come here…”

Ao Cangqiang came coldly, standing on the side of Ancient Four Elements Race, icily said: “What are you doing here?”

Ancient Four Elements Race hearing this was a glimpse, and immediately the head of the person showed respectful expression, as if he could see that Ao Cangqiang is not low in the dark star organization, and they also don’t dare provoke the dark star organization 10000.

The person headed by the Xue Beast clan quickly said: “I am waiting on the order of Haoyue Ancient Race to come and kill this person…”


However, as soon as this person’s voice fell, the Ao Cangqiang expression suddenly sank.

With his coldly snorted, one after another black shadow appeared behind the people of this clan, and a bloody dagger had already climbed up their necks.

Except for the Human Sovereign powerhouse headed by them, even the people behind them did not react at all, and there was no time to resist.

The headed Human Sovereign powerhouse’s entire face was gloomy in an instant, said solemnly: “Your Excellency, what does this mean…”

Ao Cangqiong didn’t seem to hear what he said, but shouted: “Whoever asked you to shoot, give me back!”

Ao Cangqiong gave an order, and the dark star organization assassin disappeared again in a moment.

People of the Snow Beast clan and even the other three clan only felt cold sweat on their backs, which is why the Dark Star Organization is the most terrifying.

This organization possesses the pinnacle’s assassination technique, which can be said to be a general existence of Death God.

Seeing everyone retreating, Ao Cangqiong stared at the person headed by the Xue Beast clan again, icily said: “I came here today just to see my brother, but if you want to do it, I will definitely not stand by!”

“Another arrogant kid, if it weren’t behind you…” Before the voice of the Snow Beast Ancient Race person fell, he was stopped by an Ancient Race Human Sovereign on the side.

I saw this person’s face pale, and then whispered to him: “Do you know whether you are true or not? This person is the only Young Master of the Dark Star Organization, proud of the sky!”

“Some time ago, it was said that he was forcibly thrown into the forbidden area of ​​the Dark Star Organization. At this moment, he is already in the top 3 of the top ten Dao Child… you don’t want to live?”

This person’s voice fell, and the Human Sovereign headed by the Snow Beast Ancient Race trembled.

Dao Child, he didn’t stop in his ears, the dark star organization Young Master… proud of the sky.

I heard it.

This Human Sovereign powerhouse actually knelt directly on the ground, and then quickly flapped his hands on his cheeks.

“It’s me who have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai, please also Young Master please forgive your sins, forgive your sins!”

Behind Long Chen, many people who came with him from Northern Domain saw this scene, and their jaws almost fell to the ground.

Instead, two Great Families and 3 Great Families shook their heads after being shocked.

The Dark Star Organization has only one Dao Child and only one Young Master, and that is Proud Sky.

Ao Cangqiong has always been rumored to be at odds with his father, and he is even unwilling to use any dark star organization power.

But everyone in the wilderness knows that as long as the person who dares to move proud of the sky, whether it is a 2-star Ancient Race or a 1-star Ancient Race, there will never be any good end.

At first, there was only one person who ridiculed Proud Sky: He was rigid and did not understand the way of life. If it were not for the blessing of the Dark Star Organization, he would have died…

The person who said this at the beginning was a 2-star Ancient Race Dao Child. It is said that Ao Cangqiong took the lead for a person and fought this person for several rounds.

In the end, Ao Cangqiong won, but he was slightly injured.

Dao Child returned to the family after some sarcasm, but found that the powerhouse of the king in the entire family had all violent deaths…

Even Human Sovereign powerhouse is no exception!

Now the Human Sovereign of the Snow Beast clan has already scared the soul flew away and scattered.

Ao Cangqiong frowned deeply when he saw this one, as if he was very unhappy.

Then he walked slowly to Long Chen’s side in front of everyone, and hammered him hard on Long Chen’s chest, said with a smile: “didn’t expect you and my brother will meet in the wasteland so soon, before It’s a shame that you used the blood word to kill for some time and I didn’t immediately come to help you…”

Long Chen feels comfortable seeing Ao Cangqiong again, said with a smile: “Brother Yi hasn’t been seen for many days, your strength can be improved a bit faster, waiting for these things to be resolved, you and I drink!”

For Ao Cangqiong, Long Chen has absolute trust.

Although he and Ao Cangqiong did not have a deep friendship in this life, he knew that with Ao Cangqiong’s behavior, since the two became brothers, then he would have intercourse with each other by life.

This is Proud Sky…

Behind Long Chen, the 2 big 2 star Ancient Race looked dazed, and never thought that Long Chen really had such a relationship with the Dark Star organization.

On the contrary, the other side.

Haoyue Ancient Race sent four big two star Ancient Race faces but completely difficult to look, if the Dark Star organization shot their Ancient Four Elements Race 4 would not dare to move.

But this time, Long Chen has made a lot of noise in the vicinity of 9 Yin Ancient Race, which makes Haoyue Ancient Race lose face. If their Ancient Four Elements Race came to such a failure, I am afraid they will be unavoidable…

The senior management of Human Sovereign headed by Ancient Four Elements Race finally turned their eyes to the people of Alchemist Guild who were aside.

Nowadays, there is only Alchemist Guild who can not be afraid of the forces of the Dark Star Organization.

The god-ranked Alchemist is also a very noble existence for the Alchemist Guild. Long Chen beheaded a god-ranked Alchemist. This time, it is impossible to retreat…

As long as the Alchemist Guild takes the initiative to contain the Dark Star Ancient Race, the people of their 4 tribes can also severely inflict Long Chen and the others, at least show it out, so that they can go back to work.

The people of Ancient Four Elements Race glanced at each other, and one of the older man leaned towards the Alchemist Guild without showing his face.

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