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4 Big 2 Star Ancient Race Seeing that the dark star organization Ao Cangqiong and Long Chen were called brothers, they had to pin their hopes on Alchemist Guild.

However, he was still in the future and approaching, but he saw that three black robed old men headed by Alchemist Guild jumped out and rushed directly to Long Chen…


Seeing the people of the Alchemist Guild rush out, the people behind Long Chen suddenly looked like enemies.

Long Chen stretched out his hand and pressed it down slightly, and said, “If I guess it is right, you shouldn’t come here for a god-ranked Alchemist, right?”

Three old men stared at Long Chen, said solemnly: “Since your excellency said this, how about when will you go to Alchemist with me?”

Long Chen nodded, replied: “1 month later, I will go to Alchemist Guild.”

“A god-ranked Alchemist will die if he dies, but you still hope to find time to come to the Alchemist Guild to talk to my lord…” The three old men of the Alchemist Guild seem to be quite respectful to Long Chen.

The people on the side were completely stunned, and the two of them left behind the death of a god-ranked Alchemist in just a few words.

Soul Eater 2 Big Ancient Race executives frowned deeply at the moment, and whispered to himself: “Isn’t Long Chen from the north of Northern Domain? Why is even Alchemist Guild so kind to him…”

2 The executives of Ancient Race are very puzzled at this moment.

Both the gluttonous war spirit and the Jacquard war spirit respected Long Chen. On the other hand, the almost fanatical trust that Long Chen brought from Northern Domain to him is really incredible.

Now even the Dark Star Organization and Alchemist Guild are even related to him.

Seeing Long Chen nodded’s response, the three old men sighed and waved to each other to take out a pill box and said: “These 3 medicine pills are brought to you by my lord. When the time comes, my Alchemist Guild will treat me as a god-level Alchemist…”

Following this move by Alchemist Guild, the 4 2-star Ancient Races sent by Haoyue Ancient Race had already been cold sweat, and slowly retreated.

Originally, they thought that Long Chen was a big talk, but they never thought that Alchemist Guild would not care about the life and death of a god-ranked Alchemist at all, and instead treated Long Chen courteously.

Dao Child, the only member of the Dark Star Organization, is a brother to Long Chen.

Today, I did not say that I taught Long Chen a lesson, I am afraid they will all be damaged here.

The gluttonous war spirit saw that this Ancient Four Elements Race turned out to be like this, and people kept opening their mouths to say with a big smile: “Wait, why don’t you come here and sit down?”


The gluttonous war spirit licked his stomach, and his thick lips made his voice extremely thick and long.

At Ancient Four Elements Race hearing this, his face was all blue, and instead of stagnating at all, the speed got faster and more than ten breaths disappeared behind the mountains.

Everyone who saw this scene 9 Yin Ancient Race sighed.

A smile appeared at the corner of Long Chen’s mouth, and he didn’t bother to entangle with this Ancient Four Elements Race.

After receiving the 3 pill boxes, I asked the 3 Alchemist Guild old man: “Is Liu Yiyi okay now?”

3 old man nodded and replied: “Thank you for your training of Liu Yiyi. In her Alchemy Technique, the entire Alchemist Guild has undergone the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, so I will wait until this time. Please feel free to enlighten me.”

“If necessary, my Alchemist Guild will do my best to help you.”

Long Chen slightly nodded, in fact, he had already guessed what kind of sensation Liu Yiyi would cause after going to Alchemist Guild.

The Alchemy Technique he gave to Liu Yiyi was very different from the current Alchemy Technique.

But I didn’t expect Alchemist Guild to be so polite to him. You must know that Alchemist Guild wanted to come to the wasteland and not participate in the battle of all influence.

Such a promise is already very good.

Miss Long Chen’s heart moved, and immediately asked: “There is indeed something to bother you here. If this happens, I will teach Liu Yiyi Alchemy Technique by then.”

“I’m serious!” Several people from the Alchemist Guild called out with a flush of face.

At this moment.

Whether it is 9 Yin Ancient Race or Soul Eater 2 Ancient Race, they all look incredible, just like dreaming.

Alchemist Guild is the Holy Land of Alchemist in the entire wasteland. There are many Alchemist gods.

But now it seems to be very eager for the Alchemy Technique in Long Chen’s hands…

Originally, the 2 big 2 star Ancient Race didn’t put Long Chen in their eyes at all, but now it has changed a bit. At least now, Long Chen has more mysterious in their eyes.

Let them succumb to the Two Great Families Leader willingly, and have a deep connection with the Dark Star Organization and the Alchemist Guild. If they hadn’t seen Long Chen from the north of the Northern Domain, I’m afraid he would have thought he was a one-star Ancient Race. The Guards Dao Child.

However, the following Long Chen’s words suddenly made the people of Two Great Families feel that he was extremely arrogant again.

Just listen to Long Chen telling a few people from the Alchemist Guild: “Except for the 5 great gods, if I remember well, all the races have jointly established a forbidden passage, together with the ancient race forbidden areas…”

Except for the top 100 people of Dao Child of various races in the wasteland can enter the forbidden passage, only the Alchemist Guild and the Dark Star Organization and 4 large groups of Ancient Races can enter at will. It is established by each race for Dao Child of each race in the wasteland local.

As soon as he said this, more than the 2 big 2 star Ancient Race behind him sneered, that is, the 3 big beasts and battle spirits all face changed.

Those people in the Alchemist Association also frowned suddenly, and fell silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about something.

After a while, the eldest person said solemnly to Long Chen: “Forbidden passage, now that you know this place, you can understand the danger… And now you and Haoyue Ancient Race Dao Child are at odds with each other, I am afraid it will be even worse.”

“Forbidden passages can be connected to the forbidden areas of various races. It may be easier for people from major Ancient Races to enter. Even if you are an outsider who enters it, even if there is no Haoyue Ancient Race, you will be targeted.”

“If your Excellency needs increasing cultivation base, I have countless Alchemist Guild medicine pills, and I can get them directly for you, so why take such a risk.”

The 3 people didn’t even want Long Chen to go to the so-called forbidden passage.

But their words let everyone hear the importance of Long Chen to the Alchemist Guild.

Long Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said: “I need not only medicine pill, but also smelting rules, refining the source of energy…”

The 3 people frowned suddenly and said solemnly: “Your Excellency is no more than the Early-Stage King at this time. I want to seek the origin of the rules this time. Is it too early?”

“I wonder if your comprehended hit rule has achieved Perfection?”


Although several people treated Long Chen courteously, they seem to be a little contemptuous now. Refining the rules and smelting the origin are things that the talents of the late King of Man will do.

However, as soon as the voices of several people fell, they saw Long Chen’s right hand slowly stretched out, one after another Guanghua emerged from it.

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