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Long Chen and Jian Shi 3 left the Taishang Palace. Before the Taishang Palace found a foothold, they could only travel between the mountains.

The ancient Saint God World has several points of strange.

Under one emperor, there are 10000 emperors, and each emperor has hundreds of emperor realms to follow.

There are 1000 emperors in this entire northern foot realm.

But in this big mountain, it is difficult to see one person.

After the giant that day, Long Chen 2 people have seen any Divine Race again.

Even so.

The two of them did not dare to have the slightest sense of relaxation, and opened up a huge mountain center.

I dare not slack in my practice day and night.

Pu chi.

Long Chen, who had been standing 3 several dozen meters away from Jianshi, suddenly woke up from entering concentration. A mouthful of blood essence came out from his mouth, and his face was extremely ugly.

“Master, what’s wrong with you? These blood are all soul blood, and there is a problem with your Divine Soul…” Jianshi 3 brows tightly knit.

Both of them are the Great Emperor Realm, and the strength of Divine Soul is the root. Long Chen’s spurt of soul blood is definitely not a trivial matter.

Long Chen just wanted to speak, the blood man in his mind that he hadn’t paid attention to, coldly snorted and said: “So many creatures are stored in your Divine Soul in the land of the Dragon Palace. They are corrupting your Divine Soul every moment. .”

“If it weren’t for Primal Chaos Golden Canon suppression, you would have been the soul flew away and scattered!”

Long Chen was silent. He was very jealous of the so-called Remnant Soul of the Ancient Saint Emperor, but what he said now is the truth.

In this situation, not only could he not save everyone in the Dragon Palace, but he also broke Divine Soul.

“Then what can you do? If you want me to trust you, what should you do…” Long Chen asked heartily.

The blood man was silent for a while, but shook his head and said: “Send them to the land of the remnants of God World, this is the only way.”

The land of the remnants?

Long Chen brows slightly wrinkle, motioned him to continue.

Sword Ten 3 Seeing that Long Chen was still in Dharma, he stopped talking.

“Ancient Saint God World has the rules of God World. Although you are in the emperor realm at the moment, if you want to reach the emperor realm, you must be crowned by the emperor.”

“Each emperor can have hundreds thousand emperor realm followers and can crown anyone.”

“If you are not crowned, the source of the holy world cannot be entered.”

“Even if your aptitude is against the sky, you can only stand still in this ancient Saint God World.”

“Those who do not follow the emperor are survivors. They are not allowed to enter the city and are not eligible for crowning.”

Long Chen was stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

A moment later, only solemnly asked: “You mean, in this ancient Saint God World, if you want to increase cultivation base, you must be approved and crowned by a qualified person? Otherwise, it is impossible to move a single step!”

Long Chen suddenly realized.

I finally know why in this ancient Saint God World, one emperor can lead 10000 emperors, and each emperor can lead hundreds of thousands of Great Emperors.

The entire ancient Saint God World, from the emperor, is like an ancient tree with branches and leaves.

One gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, from the emperor to the end of the Great Emperor.

Manage layer by layer, control layer by layer.

The word “crowned” is the restriction of the cultivation base for all of them, preventing them from being unyielding.

“Where is the land of the survivors?” Long Chen solemnly asked.

The emperor Remnant Soul shook the head, not at all, answered him, because he didn’t know where the remnant’s land was.

In his previous life, he built this ancient Saint God World with the power of the master, in order to keep the rules in order and orderly, so that he would not fight under absolute power.

His emperor alone can control it through layers of people under him.

This is why the ancient Saint God World made the major God Worlds become terror-stricken at the news.

Even if you are peerless grace and elegance, under the rules of this ancient Saint God World, no one is crowned, after all, it is just a pile of dead bones.

And the land of the survivors has always been regarded by him as a stable victim of God World, and he has never wanted to see it, let alone where the land of the survivors should be.

Long Chen stood up slowly, he suddenly asked the emperor Remnant Soul: “Since you are the emperor obsessed, you have more memories of him, can you crown me?”

The emperor Remnant Soul was startled, and said: “If you reach the peak of the emperor realm, I can try to crown you. I have never crowned an emperor before. All people crowned by me are the Divine Emperor.”

“Of course, if the coronation is successful, you only need to wave your arm and countless emperors will come.”

“It’s just that by then, people like Dragon Palace might have already corrupted your Divine Soul.”

Long Chen is nodded, he has put a bit of wariness on this emperor.

Just because he heard a familiar smell from his words, it was a deep regret and sadness.

Just like the fact that Ye Hailan fell into family destruction all his life in the previous life, Ye Hailan died in depression.

He knew that at this moment, there was probably only the land of the remnants of the Emperor Remnant Soul, enough to give them a short foothold.

Long Chen walked out of the mountain, one after another shimmering in the air constantly in his hand, and then disappeared into the void.

Just next moment, Book 3 appeared outside the several meters in front of him.

Before Long Chen could speak, this book 3 first said: “I have already found a place for you to stay for a short time. After this place goes deep into the mountain, there will be a land of remnants.”

“The land of the survivors is also the place where the Great Emperors choose people in the emperor realm. Of course, most of them are people below the emperor realm.”

“It turns out that this ancient Saint God World cultivation road is not…”

This book 3 has several points of shining meaning in the eyes, which is very similar to that there are many Elders on the Taishang.

Long Chen waved his hand quickly to signal him to stop talking, and interrupted: “Okay, I have already understood the cultivation road here, so I don’t need to elaborate.”

The book 3 looked like a fly swallowed, and his face flushed a little, as if he was very unhappy at Long Chen interrupting him.

He coldly snorted and said: “Then you two can set off now. I have seen it for you. At this time, there are still 2 stockades in the land of the remnants of the survivors. You can try it. If you can win it One can make a short foothold.”

“You and Sword Ten 3 and Divine Race spine can be completely regarded as Divine Race, but the people of Ten Directions Heaven Domain should call them slave.”

Book 3 After the words, it has disappeared in place.

Long Chen smiled bitterly. Originally, he wanted this book 3 to take him two people a trip.

Now it seems that interrupting the ostentatious words of those who are too attending the palace will be jealous.

Long Chen and Jian Shi 3 flew out, heading straight toward the depths of the mountain.

The land of million li can’t be considered too far for them.

But their speed is not fast.

Every period of time has to slow down in front of a giant god, these giant gods are almost the same on that day, and they are all divine force unpredictable.

They are more like patrolling the land of countless mountains.

This is also the reason why Long Chen and Jianshi 3 dare not release the people of Ten Directions Heaven Domain in the mountains.

It seems that because the two people have the Divine Race backbone, these giants turn a blind eye to both of them.

All the way deep into the mountains, all around became barren and barren, and the divine light above the mountains even began to thin.

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