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Land of remnants.

When Long Chen stood in the endless swamp and desert, he thoroughly understood the chill of these four words.

It was originally a lush and green mountain, but going deep into the million li is like the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Swamp, desert.

These two places shouldn’t exist at the same time, but they appear strangely in front of them at this moment.

One has a city wall built of boulders of various colors, with 1000 sores and 100 holes like a hornet’s nest.

The city wall like this stretches endlessly, seeming to cut the entire mountain range from the horizon.

It is precisely because of this stretch that, from the eyes of Long Chen and Jian Shi 3, the place on the left of the city wall is already a swamp, but it has changed into an endless desert.

The sky above the desert and swamp seemed extremely dark.

The gloomy sky, barren to the extreme land, are the stockades.

These stockades are all built with earth wood.

Perhaps it is precisely because the civil engineering has been taken away that this place has become like this…

Jian Shi 3 and Long Chen looked at each other, looked towards the entrance of the city wall.

No matter how barren this place is, if they can settle down, that is their only place.

The city gate entrance, not at all, is guarded by anyone.

In fact, even this city gate has been broken by half.

Just entered the city gate, but walked out more than 100 meters.

Long Chen and Jianshi 3 saw Book 3 and came to face each other. They seemed to have been waiting for 2 people for a long time.

Book 3 put away the paper and pen, took two people to the second walled city on the left side of the door, and said: “You have almost the entire Ten Directions Heaven Domain with you. If you want to stay in this land of remnants It’s better to seize a stockade from a foothold.”

“Of course, it would be best if they were willing to regain their freedom, but in this land of the remnants, under the emperor realm are basically slaves…”

Three people walked back and forth. Book 3 seems to have several points of familiarity with this place, which makes Long Chen have several points of gratitude.

Let them, who are too in the school palace, do these things, for them, I am afraid that they will also wait for the lowest level of work.

After walking for a long time, the entire stockade seemed to be empty.

It wasn’t until Book 3 took them to a counter place that I saw an old man.

This old man has a thin face, and his teeth are dark yellow or even 2 missing. He didn’t even glance at 3 people, and said: “Just now another village has been drawn out, and there are 2 more. They are eligible to participate in the cultivation base of the Emperor Realm. hundred thousand slave .”

Long Chen brows slightly wrinkle, but still walked forward under the sign of Book 3.

The old man appeared in front of him with a beckoned 3-color Monster Beast skull, signaling Long Chen to pour his Divine Soul into it.

Seeing the three-color Monster Beast cast and flickered, and the old man right hand was placed on it, his face was a little weird after a while.

“Are you an Early-Stage of the imperial realm, you have nearly hundreds of thousands of slaves, and are you an abandoned clan?” The old man stared at Long Chen with several points of curiosity.

He didn’t seem to want to hear Long Chen’s answer. He threw a jade pendant to Long Chen, then shook his head and said: “Okay, you can now go to the cottage competition.”

“But let me advise you, your cultivation base may accidentally die.”

“Also let those people in your hands come out and let them fend for themselves.”

Long Chen ignored his words, turned around and walked away with the jade pendant.

There are only a few simple Arrays in the jade pendant, and a few divine sense branding.

Without waiting for Long Chen to tell the news in the jade pendant, Book 3 has already begun to explain to two people.

It turns out that this way of competing for the cottage is very peculiar. It is not about comparing strength, but about hunting and killing giants.

That is the giant that Long Chen 2 people saw when they first met Book 3 before.

These giants are also known as patrolmen.

They traveled through the entire ancient Saint God World, were born under the rules, and each was the peak of the emperor realm.

But their sanity is extremely low, and they can only act according to the established rules.

One of the rules is to expel survivors who are no longer in the organization, so that they can only stay in the mountains forever.

Therefore, these survivors hate the giant god.

Of course, the reason for killing the giant is also the imperial power within.

Jianshi 3 unable to bear asked: “Take the owner of these stockades, even if you can get the right to use the stockade by killing the giant gods, do they really care about our cultivation base?”

“The people here don’t care about the cultivation base, because they will always be impossible to reach the emperor, even if the emperor Origin Force they get from the giant is only used to sell that’s all.” Book 3 replied.

Book 3 Seeing Sword Ten 3 It seemed that I didn’t know anything about the coronation, so I told it again like a lake bursting its bank.

These words made Jian Shi 3’s entire face gloomy.

This feeling of destiny in the hands of others makes him very uncomfortable.

They are both in the imperial realm, but none of them have been crowned, which means that the peak of their cultivation base is the Great Perfection in the imperial realm.

Then they will be restricted by the rules and not allowed to advance.

Book 3 Seeing Sword Ten 3 looks like this, he shook his head and said: “You don’t need to worry about these things now. I have also collected some information on this slaughter giant, which should be able to help you two through it.”

“But I have something to remind you that there are nearly ten emperors secretly manipulated in this land of remnants, and one of them is one of the 10000 emperors under Humane Paragon.”

“And the two stockades on the surface you are fighting for this time are manipulated by several bigwigs in the land of the remnants, and they are all released from his hands.”

Long Chen and Jian Shi 3 hearing this, their faces are a little gloomy.

Humanity Paragon is the manipulator of the corpse world of Ten Directions Heaven Domain, but now they have a bit of intersection.

But no matter what.

It is imperative to win a foothold now.

And this land of remnants is already the best choice right now…

3 People and his party have no words, Long Chen and Jian Shi 3 also remember the giant information collected in Book 3 one after another in their hearts.

After traveling for a while, Book 3 has already disappeared in the sky again.

Long Chen and Jianshi 3 came to the mountain where many survivors were located. The densely packed survivors were no less than 10000000 million.

But if you get closer, you will find that this is just one after another almost substantial phantom.

Only in the up ahead of these phantoms, one after another among the array marks across the mountains, one has a real silhouette.

They are the participants.

Those who competed in the phantom and Array looked towards Long Chen and Jianshi 3 with their gazes.

Immediately, everyone’s face was astonished.

This competition for the right to use the cottage, although the minimum requirement is the Emperor Realm, but whoever participates is not the peak of the Emperor Realm?

Now there are 2 Early-Stages in the Imperial Realm.

“What? Now even this kind of people dare to participate in the copycat competition?”

“Although this giant is extremely low-minded, it is far from the Emperor Realm Early-Stage can deal with, but since the two of them can participate in the competition, I am afraid that they have a lot of slave skills!”

“It can’t be said that it is another big clan abandoned by the emperor. These big clans just become survivors and will want a stockade to live in, which is extremely ridiculous.

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