Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1262: Huge gain

Chapter 1262 Great Harvest

Chapter 1260

"What a big pill furnace!"

Ding Hao and the others walked into the hut and they met with a huge furnace.

For alchemists, several pill furnaces are necessary equipment. These pill furnaces can be large or small, and the one in front of Ding Hao and the others is the largest one, called a warm furnace.

This pill furnace is huge, two stories high, and there are spiraling stairs around the pill furnace.

This kind of pill furnace can not be stored in the storage ring, but used to store the pill with the help of ground fire.

The warming furnace is actually a warehouse of the pill, and the pill is stored in it for a long time without losing its efficacy. It can even be like wine, the longer the time, the stronger the effect.

"Xiao Kong, go and see if there is a pill in it."

"Good." Ding Xiaokong rushed up the stairs.

"I'll go too!" Xiaobi chuckled and ran over.

Ding Hao rushed to another quiet room.

"A lot of jade cambodies." In another quiet room, there were an astonishing number of jade cambodies. Ding Hao walked over and picked up a few pieces to inject with his mind.

"All of them are all kinds of pill recipes for refining pills!" Ding Hao was suddenly ecstatic.

Pills, these are precious treasures for alchemists!

Every kind of pill is refined from many kinds of heavenly materials. These are the secrets of the variety, content and purity of these natural treasures! If there is a little mistake, this pill will also fail to refine!

So get a copy of the ancient pill, those pill masters can die of excitement!

And now, in front of Ding Hao is the ancient pill of a house, and most of them are probably lost pill!

"This house is all money!" Ding Hao said in surprise, "I sent it out!"

He put all these prescriptions, including the shelf on which the prescriptions were placed, into the storage ring, sorting them as they were.

Putting away a large amount of alchemy, Ding Hao came to the window, where there was a desk with a few jade ribbons on top.

These jade bamboos are dripping with turquoise green, which should be the result of being kept in the hands of people to watch the warmth.

"It is the jade card that Senior Dao Zang often sees."

There was a flash of light in Ding Hao's eyes, and he reached out and grabbed it, swiping inward with his mind...

"Good thing! Inheritance, Taoist alchemy inheritance!" Ding Hao was ecstatic again.

Compared with the alchemy in this room, what is more precious is the inheritance of Taoist alchemy! This is incredible, the Taoist alchemy technique, the fire control, the precautions in the refining...If you learn these, then you are the Taoist disciples and inherited the Taoist mantle!

Not to mention the current world, even if there were many strong people back then, I don't know how many people want to be disciples of Taoism.

"Master, there is a formation here!"

In the outer room, Ding Xiaokong's voice rang.


Ding Hao put away all the treasures such as the Taoist inheritance, returned to the main room, went up the stairs, and came to the mouth of the huge pill furnace.

When he came to the furnace mouth, Ding Hao's eyes moved.

"There is still temperature!"

Ding Hao was a little shocked, this is a remarkable discovery, ten million years have passed! The warming furnace here is still working!

"My God, if you put it this way, wouldn't the pill stored in this furnace be warmed for ten million years?"

Ding Hao was completely shocked.

You know, this kind of warmth is not ordinary storage! Ordinary storage, the purpose is not to fail.

But warm nourishment can increase the efficacy of the medicine! After a thousand years of warming, even if it is a **** pill, it has been cultivated into a boutique pill!

What's more, the pill left by the Taoist god?

Thinking of this, Ding Hao was ecstatic, pressing his palm against the black light curtain in front of him.

"No, this formation is rather peculiar and cannot attract stars." Daozang set up an anti-thief formation, and Ding Hao could not attract stars.

"That's okay." Ding Hao shrank one of his palms, and immediately the entire palm was covered with a perfect silver streamer, as if he was wearing a silver glove.

"Yi Shenbing, break it for me!"

Ding Hao directly used his mind to attack!

Bang bang bang!

Under Ding Hao's violent smash, the anti-thief formation in front of him was not broken, but the giant pill furnace was broken.

"..." Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "Well, anyway, I won't practice alchemy here anyway. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. Senior Dao Zang, offended."

"Good fragrance!" Ding Xiaokong sniffed the fragrance intoxicated.

When cracks appeared on the pill furnace, a strong smell of pill came into the noses of the three of them.

Xiaobi also said with joy, "There must be a lot of precious pills!"

"Come with me!" Ding Hao smiled and came to the crack in the pill furnace. He used silver hands to dig out several of them, and then tore a large hole in the pill furnace body. As soon as his figure moved, he got in.

Xiaokong Xiaobi also got in.

After walking in, Ding Hao almost choked with suffocation.

Here is a hut-like space. On the ground, there are ravines and fires flowing vertically and horizontally. On each fire node, there are high and low metal shelves, and on the shelves, there are all kinds of crystal clear. Pills! Because all kinds of medicinal herbs require warmth and firepower to be different, this is a very complicated system.

Most importantly, this system has been working for thousands of years!

"The pill that has been nurtured for ten million years, I am afraid that the Taoist **** will be alive, and it feels incredible, right?" Ding Hao casually picked up the pill at hand.

"My God, the jade-colored pill, it is as transparent as jade, and the pill is dazzling. Every piece of this thing is a treasure!" Ding Xiaokong exclaimed, "Even the quality of the real devil can't make this thing. !"

"This is not refined, it is the nurturing of thousands of years, it is the supernatural work of time!" Ding Hao looked at the pill in his hand, then looked at the jade sign in front of him, and it said "Hou Tian Hua Pill". This is a kind of pill that consolidates the essence and cultivates the essence, which Ding Hao took before. However, if they can make the "natured good fortune pills" as white as porcelain, they are already sky-high; if they can make the pill. Dan Mang is terrific; and the "natured good fortune pill" in his hand is as transparent as jade, and Dan halo is released far away!

"Your uncle, I really didn't expect that the acquired good fortune pill can be practiced to such a degree, it will scare people to take it out!"

Over there, Xiaobi also found a pill. She looked for it based on her instinctive smell. She picked up the pill and looked at the jade medal in front of her, then smiled immediately, "Dad, this is a demon pill! It works for me. !"

Ding Hao smiled, "What are you waiting for, try it!"

Xiaobi chuckled and ran over, "Dad, this pill is so beautiful, I can't bear to eat it."

Ding Hao laughed and said, "Try it, this pill has been warmed for so many years, it doesn't look like a pill anymore, I don't know if it will be effective."

In fact, Ding Hao just casually said that the medicinal aroma of this pill is so strong that it is impossible for it to be without medicinal effects.

But when he said that, someone was angry.

"You kid, what nonsense, if I don't have the effect, then the medicine in the world has no effect." An old voice said.

"Who is talking?" Xiaobi's eyes widened.

Ding Hao and Ding Xiaokong's eyes widened suddenly. Ding Xiaokong pointed to the pill in Xiaobi's hand, and said in surprise, "Pill spirit? My goodness, the will has evolved in this pill. A pill! This legendary thing turned out to be true!"

"What is in the legend? Eight percent of the pill medicines here have evolved pill spirits!" The old voice said again.

When he finished speaking, there was a shout in the whole room.

"Yes! Yes, we all have spirituality."

"Little monkey, you didn't expect it!"

"Haha, we were holding back just now!"

In the quiet room just now, all of a sudden, Ding Hao and Ding Xiaokong were about to faint, "This situation is really unexpected."

For ten million years, these pills have been warming up, and in the passing of time, some simple wills have appeared in these pills! These are the pill, which is the legend. It is said that the pill has its own spirituality and can escape!

And now, what Ding Hao is in front of is this kind of pill with pill.

"This quality is already comparable to the elixir!" Ding Xiaokong said dumbfounded.

Ding Hao also let out a sigh of relief. How much is the pill in this room!

But after discovering that there was a pill, Xiaobi hesitated again, "Grandpa, I really want to eat you, but I feel sorry for you again."

She smiled with the pill in her hand, "Little girl, I really want to be eaten by you. Our pill is refined and eaten! No matter if these people are good or bad, men or women, we They will have the greatest effect. The thing that makes us happy is that after eating us, we can say, good pill, effective! We are very satisfied!"

He said this, and there was a sound of agreement around him, "Yes, little girl, the pill is used to eat, eat me! Eat me!"

"So?" Xiaobi looked up at Ding Hao.

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Eat, these medicines are right. Although they have elixirs, it is very difficult for them to evolve into monsters. Besides, with their personalities, even if they really become monsters one day, finally Still eaten by someone. Eat."

"Oh, then I'll eat you, grandpa." Xiaobi finished speaking and put the pill in his mouth.

To say that this demon pill is really powerful, after Xiao Bi eats it, there is a strong demon spirit overflowing all over his body, Xiao Bi anxiously said, "It's over, Dad, I want to evolve!"

Ding Hao smiled and said, "That's a good thing, you can go and evolve in the star stone!"

After putting Xiaobi away, Ding Hao put away all the pills here, and he also saw some pills that could be taken in Huadingqi.

However, Ding Hao didn't take it. He was about to transform his spirits. Taking these nourishing pills can only advance the time for him to transform his spirits!

This trip is really a huge harvest. The pill, the medicine, and the inheritance of the Taoist gods are all good things.

Not only that, Ding Hao also found a very good decomposing treasure tripod, which is an ancient treasure for decomposing and purifying the treasures of heaven and earth. It should be very useful for alchemists. Ding Hao wants to give it to the former master Miao Xuanyue in the future.

In the end, Ding Hao came to the cultivation quiet room of the Taoist God Venerable. There were no items here, but Ding Hao found a strange eye.

"There is no formation here, what does this formation eye do?"

Three shifts today and there will be in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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