Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1287: Ding Hao God

Chapter 1287 Ding Hao Transforms God

Chapter 1285

"What avenue is this?"

Ding Hao was pleasantly surprised.

He felt that this avenue had nothing to do with his previous fairy root spells.

It's really in the battle, forming a rudimentary road!

However, just when Ding Hao tried to perceive this avenue with his heart, the speed of the formation of this avenue actually stagnated!

On the contrary, when he was distracted to perceive the avenue, there was a bright thunder and lightning like a long whip on him!


Electricity passed through Ding Hao's whole body, and flames appeared on his gown!

And his body is more like a rag doll, drawn directly from the sky to the ground!

"Huh!" The female teacher and Teacher Fu who supported Emperor Wudao showed a slight chuckle at the corners of their mouths, "Ding Hao child, you want to spend Luo Panyun, you are really looking for death! Your final result is to be caught Compass is a life and death!"

But Teacher Ji and the others were worried.

on the ground.

After Ding Hao was hit by a sky thunder, he didn't even want to fight back. He was pumped a few times by the thunder and lightning that followed closely, and every cell in his body seemed to explode.

"Purple Emperor Armor!" Ding Hao thought, calling out the Purple Emperor Armor again.

While breathing, Ding Hao went to watch the great law he was about to form.

He paled with horror!

It turns out that the law of the great road is fading!

At the same time, in the depths of his sea of ​​knowledge, another law of the road is taking shape!

The formation of the avenue rule formed behind is quite fast, because this avenue rule is quite simple!

Therefore, Ding Hao just felt this principle of great power just after his thoughts.

"The spring tide brings rain late, so hide in the turtle shell to avoid the wind and cold!"

When Ding Hao sensed this poem, he almost vomited blood on the spot.

"Hide the Avenue!"

"Trash Avenue!"

"In the face of danger, hiding in a turtle shell like a tortoise, my God, how can I feel such a road?"

When Ding Hao sensed this fast-growing principle of the great road, he immediately understood the reason.

"I used the Purple Emperor Armor!"

"Right now, when the laws of my avenue are condensed and formed at any time, even a little movement of me can affect the formation and demise of the avenue!"

"The previously unknown avenue that was about to be formed is the truly powerful avenue law! I definitely can't let the avoidance avenue take shape, but I want to make the previous avenue plump up again!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao shouted violently, "Purple Emperor Jia, close it!"

In the next second, Purple Emperor Armor disappeared from his body.

In the next second, another robbery thunder struck him.

Fortunately, his body is hard enough, otherwise the thunder and lightning would tear his body apart.

puff! A blood spurts out!

"Hahaha!" Ding Hao laughed wildly, because he felt that the avenue of escape that was about to take shape had begun to shrink.

"I see, the truly powerful road is to realize in battle!"

"If that's the case, what else can you hesitate?"

"Fight, boy!"

Ding Hao once again raised the Slaughter Immortal Spear and rose into the sky, the shadow of the spear in his hand glowing into the sky.

His marksmanship is getting faster and faster, and his movements are getting faster and faster, as if there are countless phantoms around his body!

At this moment, he doesn't care what the great law is, he is completely numb, and he is fully absorbed in the fight!

As if feeling Ding Hao's intent to fight, the Jie Lei falling in the sky became even more crazy!


Thunder robbery is like rain, heavy rain!

"He is like this..." In Teacher Ji's eyes, there was even more worry.

The female teacher's sneer grew stronger and stronger, "Stupid guy, jump and jump! The characteristic of Luo Panyun is long. You must know that the power of heaven is unlimited, and the power of monks is limited. Yes! The more fierce you jump, the faster you lose strength. When you are prosperous and declining, the battle will quickly turn around! Alas, you are also a good seed, but you are too stupid!"

Although the female teacher didn't speak well, it really made sense.

The power of God is unlimited, and the power of monks is limited.

You fight against God like this, and you get hits from time to time, how long can you last?

Sure enough, Ding Hao's action against the sky thunder gradually weakened, and in the face of endless robbery thunder, whoever replaced it would be tortured to death.

How to do?

Even though Ding Hao's body had a lot of strengthening crystals fused, it was already broken at this moment!

The clothes were torn, there were countless rips on the body, and many places were burnt!

Terrible, quite terrible!

His eyes are blood red, and he feels like a trapped animal fighting...

But in this state, he was unwilling to put on the purple emperor armor!

"Usually it can be used, but not today! If Ding Hao puts on the Purple Emperor Armor and gets some **** to avoid, I will be abandoned!"

"No way!"

Just when Ding Hao was really exhausted, the turning point finally happened!

However, it seems that it is not turning in the direction the female teacher thought.


Ding Hao's brain seemed to be exploded by something!

With this invisible explosion, his sea of ​​consciousness expanded wildly!

The reason for the crazy expansion of the sea of ​​knowledge is that a huge figure suddenly appeared in it!

When that figure appeared, from the deepest part of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Ding Hao, who had just successfully refined the soul, released his power to attract this huge figure downward!

Finally, this huge figure melted into Ding Hao's soul!

At the same time, Ding Hao, who was standing in the air, blurted out, "The robbery is like a flash of electricity, and the years are limited and I am infinite!"

After this roar, a turbulent force, like an endless force, rushed out of his body!

At this moment, looking at Ding Hao with both eyes, we can already see Ding Hao's cultivation.

The first floor!

"He feels it!"


Beside Teacher Ji, many spectators jumped up in excitement.

Speaking of which, Ding Hao's mid-day catastrophe took too long and it was too worrying!

Ding Hao finally realized and succeeded. As long as it is a kindhearted person, he will be excited for Ding Hao!

Looking at Ding Hao in the sky again, his figure released many incarnations at once, as if he had infinite power, and each incarnation was fighting against the sky thunder!

In this state, no sky thunder can hit him!

Even if Jie Lei continued to sleep endlessly, Ding Hao was not afraid!

Finally, the sky shook loudly!

The huge robbery cloud with a radius of five thousand miles actually split by itself!

After the first crack appeared, countless small cracks appeared like a spider web.

The people below can already see the dazzling golden light behind from the cracks!

After the wind and rain, you can see the rainbow; after the darkness, you know the preciousness of the golden sun!

A smile appeared at the corner of Teacher Ji's mouth. He knew that Ding Hao was not in vain, Ding Hao finally realized, and he also realized an extraordinary principle of the great road!

"As soon as the robbery is gone, the time is limited and I am boundless! What does this verse mean? What is the law of the great road that Ding Hao felt?"

Someone in the audience asked questions.

"Yeah, I have never heard such a verse!"

"In the 81 avenues that looks like Tianjiu Avenue, there is no such saying!"

"Could it be that this kid has not been able to get the Tianjiu Avenue after experiencing this kind of tribulation?"

Of the monks present, almost no one knew what road Ding Hao felt.

But the four teachers are all knowledgeable.

The teacher Ying who can be regarded as supporting Ding Hao laughed, "Teacher Fu, Teacher Hong, you should know which road Ding Hao felt?"

At this moment, all the contempt in the eyes of Teacher Fu and the female teacher were gone, and they all looked completely shocked.

They knew very well what Dao law Ding Hao felt.

Teacher Fu was not very optimistic about Ding Hao at first, but now that Ding Hao realized this kind of principle, his attitude changed instantly.

"If I read it right, this is the infinite road among the five myths!"

When Teacher Fu said this sentence, all the monks who watched around him had their chins on their feet.

"Oh my God!"

"It turned out to be... the five myths! After the legendary age of myths, no one can understand these five great principles!"

"I vaguely remember that the five myths are the Infinite Avenue, Beyond the Avenue, the Avenue of Life and Death, the Avenue of Eternity, and the Avenue of Immortality! Any one of these avenues is against the sky. How could it make him feel..."

"What's impossible? The catastrophe he encountered today is unprecedented. It's not surprising to drive such a road!"

"Hahaha." Teacher Ji saw Ding Hao finally succeeded and was in a good mood.

Let's look at Ding Hao again. At this moment, he has released his own world tripod, the last step of the procedure, the golden tripod inscription!

When he engraved the Infinity Boulevard on the golden tripod, this was Ding Hao's complete success!

What people did not expect was that the female teacher surnamed Hong was the first to propose.

"Since the formation of the Death Secret Realm has been broken, let's all enter the Secret Realm to protect Ding Hao! Seeing that he will succeed, don't be sneaked by those wolf-born ambitions of the fairy spirit tribe."

Everyone looked at the female teacher in surprise, because she had ridiculed Ding Hao just now.

But when Ding Hao opened the infinite road among the five myths, she immediately changed her view.

This is indeed the case, qualification is capital.

When Ding Hao revealed the Five Myths, even if it was a Ding family firm that didn't deal with Ding Hao, or Ningzhenxianhui, I'm afraid he would find a way to solicit! There are so many true immortal powerhouses of human beings, who wouldn't want to accept such a disciple?

Even Master Hong and Master Fu, who had changed their opinions, had some unrealistic ideas in their hearts and accepted Ding Hao as their disciple.

Teacher Ji didn't care too much. He laughed and said, "In this case, the second stage of the crazy league assessment will be temporarily suspended. Let's go first to protect Ding Hao and give him the golden tripod inscription."

At the same time, in the other two places in the Death Secret Realm, the faces of Emperor Wudao and Ding Bajiu were quite ugly.

"This kid actually realized this kind of law against the sky, **** it!"

"It seems that Liu Zhongtian will be the strongest genius in the future, and one more competitor is needed!"

Thank you for the great reward of the Dragon God of the Crazy League. Today I will add more updates for you to celebrate the first Million League in this book.

(End of this chapter)

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