Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1292: Ding Hao's life experience!

Chapter 1292 Ding Hao's life experience!

Chapter 1290 Ding Hao's life experience!

Ding Tianchou, the Patriarch of the Ding Family, is definitely not a good friend!

But Ding Hao hesitated, and finally decided to go and meet!

First of all, he didn't know the situation of Ding's family. He didn't know what kind of person Ding Tianchou was!

Secondly, when he returned to the Ding family this time, there was one person who couldn't get around, and that was the current Patriarch Ding Tianchou!

See you in the morning and see you later, anyway.

Besides, now the Patriarch of the Ding family has personally sent Ding Bajiu to invite, Ding Hao has no reason not to meet.

"Brother Nine, since the Patriarch is invited, so please."

Ding Bajiu was polite on the surface and waved to Ding Hao, and the two walked side by side into the exploration camp in front of him.

In the past, when Ding Hao entered the cyan light curtain of the exploration camp, he had to release his badge.

But this time, he could walk in without showing any documents.

After entering the light curtain, many waiters and waitresses standing in front of them all bowed their heads and saluted, "I have seen all the geniuses of the Ding family."

Ding Bajiu smiled and said, "Ding Hao, the owner of the family has specially approved you to become a full member of my Ding family and enjoy the genius treatment, so you will enter the exploration camp in the future as if you are going home! This is your home!"

"Well, that's great." Although Ding Hao's face was happier, he didn't dare to be careless in his heart.

Ding Bajiu has absolutely no good intentions. This person has a comparison with Big Brother. The more you treat you, the more careful you have to be.

The two walked all the way to Ding's business.

Ding Hao asked, "Brother Nine, I am a little nervous when seeing the Patriarch this time. I don’t know if Patriarch is looking for me..."

Ding Bajiu sneered in his heart, saying that you were nervous? When you killed so many of us, I never saw you nervous!

"Brother Ding Hao, you don’t need to be nervous. The Patriarch is a very kind person. This time I heard that you understand the Infinite Dao, so I want to see you and give you a little encouragement, and at the same time give us Ding family members a little encouragement. What other things, you can rest assured." Ding Bajiu's answer was not leaking.

"So that's the case, when the time comes, there will be Brother Lao to help out a little."

"Good to say."

The two exchanged greetings all the way, as if they had forgotten the scene of tearing their faces on the barren mountain.

While the two were talking, they walked into the Ding's house, only then did Ding Hao realize that there were lights and festoons inside the house, which was quite joyful.

The waitress and Xiaoer who were going to come up to salute and said, "I have seen Ding Hao genius."

"Brother Nine, this is..." Ding Haoqi said.

Ding Bajiu smiled and said, "Patriarch heard that you have realized the Infinite Avenue and is very happy, saying that you are winning glory for our Ding family. So let the whole Ding family business, Daqing three days! Haha, now your portrait has been sent to All the semicolons of the Ding’s house, wherever you go, you will get congratulations from everyone, haha, what do you think?"

Ding Hao said in shock, "Patriarch is so powerful, I really flatter Ding Hao!"

Ding Ba Jiu laughed and said, "There will be more fun for you later."

Seeing this arrangement made by the Patriarch of the Ding Family, Ding Hao was a little confused. Does the Patriarch of the Ding Family really want him to recognize his ancestors?

If this is the case, can you see your parents too?

Walk all the way to the back hall.

When Ding Hao walked into the back hall, he found that there were already a lot of people here. The first person sitting was an old man with white hair and white beard. The old man sat there without anger.

Ding Bajiu stepped forward and introduced, "This is the current Patriarch of my Ding family."

Ding Hao hurriedly stepped forward and bowed his fists, "Junior Ding Hao, I have seen the Patriarch!"

When Ding Tianchou saw Ding Hao not kneeling, a trace of uncomfortable flashed across his beard and hair. But he didn't say it, but laughed, "You are Ding Hao, not bad, you are indeed a young talent, the genius junior of my Ding family! Good! Good!"

Ding Tianchou is quite domineering.

Ding Hao noticed that before Ding Tianqiu spoke, dozens of people in the entire hall did not even make a sound of gasping! When Ding Tianchou laughed, those people dared to breathe out a little air, and then laughed there.

"This person is very domineering, he feels like the emperor of the Ding family."

Ding Hao secretly said in his heart, but his face was beaming, "Patriarch Miao Zan, Ding Hao He De He Neng."

Ding Tianchou laughed and said, "Sit down and talk."

Someone gave a round stool, and Ding Hao sat on the round stool. In the whole hall, he and Ding Tianqiu were sitting there. The others were standing there. Ding Hao felt quite uncomfortable.

Ding Tianchou asked again, "Ding Hao, I heard that you are from the lower realm. Tell me what the situation is."

The influence of the Ding family business is amazing, and I must have investigated my background clearly! Ding Hao understood this and didn't need to hide anything, so he was born in the lower realm, and then cultivated step by step to become the upper realm of the demon master, and so on.

In fact, Ding Tianchou was very clear about these situations. Before Ding Hao returned, he had investigated everything clearly.

But he still patiently listened to it. After listening, he said, "Ding Hao, in fact, you were originally a child of my Ding family, and a descendant of a great man Ding Feiyang! But why were you born in the lower realm? It’s because your elders have poor aptitude. According to the rules of our Ding family, if they don’t have enough aptitude, they must be sent to the lower realm to live like ordinary cultivators or mortals."

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Patriarch, I understand."

Ding Tianqiu nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Actually, I have already thought about it before you come back. It is God bless my family that our Ding family can produce a genius like you! For this reason, I will definitely invite my Ding family. At present, the strongest true immortal will be your teacher! At the same time, we can provide all the resources you need, our Ding family can do our best! Our Ding family must make every effort to build you into one of the strongest members of the entire human race One!"

Hearing what Ding Tianchou said, Ding Hao was a little shocked.

He didn't expect Ding Tianchou to treat himself this way. If the Ding family was really good to him, he would not care about the Ding family too much, and would be willing to be a part of the Ding family!

However, after Ding Tianqiu finished his promise, his voice changed, and he said, "It's just, there is still a problem now, that is the problem of recognizing your ancestors and returning to your ancestors. You said you are descendants of the Ding family, but you From the generation of the Ding family, who are your parents and ancestors? It will be difficult to record in the genealogy from now on."

Ding Hao said, "Patriarch, my grandfather's name is Ding Yibai."

Ding Tianchou waved his hand, "We have checked. Ding Yibai is only a subordinate of the Ding family, not your grandfather."

"What?" Ding Hao was really shocked this time.

He lived such a big life, walked out of the small world, and walked to where he is today, only to finally understand his life experience, Ding Yibai is not his own grandfather!

"Is it impossible?" Ding Hao's expression was surprised.

Ding Tianchou took out a jade ribbon and handed it to Ding Hao, "See it for yourself."

Ding Hao took a look at the jade card. There was a lot of content in it, but there were a few words at the beginning, "Ding clan history."

Looking at the beginning, starting from the history of Ding Feiyang, it turns out that Ding Feiyang was born lowly and had poor qualifications. He can come out and become a powerful monk because of his wife, a demon woman! This monster girl has strong hair and not good-looking appearance, but she is desperate for Ding Feiyang, saving Ding Feiyang several times in distress, and finally stealing the ancestral treasure of the clan for Ding Feiyang to practice.

At the end of the day, Ding Feiyang became a generation of strong men, and he persisted in this woman, becoming a legend in the legend.

But this jade card was too long, Ding Hao looked up for a while, then looked up at Ding Tianchou.

Ding Tianchou raised his teacup and said, "I have seen it since ten thousand years ago."

"Ten thousand years ago..."

Ding Hao took a closer look. Ten thousand years ago, it was the fiercest competition between the Zhengmai and the Waimai!

In Ding Tianchou's previous generation, the external line had already been in power, but the positive line never ceased, and everyone fought openly within the Ding family.

In this context, a major event happened. Since the descendants of Zhengmai sneaked into the ancestral hall quietly, opened a space-time coffin of the predecessor Zhengmai, and asked this senior Zhengmai to kill the strong outsider, with This regained control of the Ding family!

In this way, the contradiction is completely intensified.

Waimai also opened several space-time coffins, and there was a thrilling battle between each other. In the history of the Ding family, it was called "the dispute between inside and outside"!

After everyone paid a heavy price, the final result was that Waimai won.

In this way, the outer veins also showed squalid fangs.

Just as Ding Tianchou took over as the Patriarch, he began to massacre the descendants of the righteous line. These people were all dubbed "Ding Family Rebellion" or "House Thief"!

Be killed, be exiled!

Batch after batch of Ding's family, although everyone has Ding Feiyang's blood, but because of the different concentration of Ding Feiyang's blood, they have different treatment! Of course, there are also some tribesmen who are biased towards the right channel, but are not completely right channel, but still stayed. These people are regarded as "second-class people in the Ding family."

Ding Hao looked down the road and finally saw it three hundred years ago.

Three hundred years ago, there was a group of young "second-class people" who were dissatisfied with the treatment in the Ding's family. They secretly encouraged each other and agreed to work hard to cultivate until they became strong in the future and regained control of the Ding's family!

Who knows, this incident was reported to Patriarch Ding Tianchou.

Ding Tianchou immediately ordered that a hundred people be counted and killed for the first person and his family, and all the others will be exiled!

One of the leaders, the son of Ding Lang, was not found. It was suspected that he was taken away by a subordinate named Ding Yibai, and there was no news of this incident.

"That's it!" Ding Hao's eyes split suddenly. He didn't know until now that his father was called Ding Lang and was killed by Ding Tianqiu's orders!

Ding Hao looked at Ding Tianchou after reading it, with another look.

This is killing his father and enemy!

Ding Tianchou didn't care about Ding Hao's gaze, he said lightly, "Ding Hao, although your parents are the rebelliousness of my Ding family! But I don't want to pursue your rebellious status! I even want you to return to the Ding family! It’s just that if you recognize your ancestors in the name of a rebellious offspring, it’s a bit awkward, so I helped you find a pair of childless monks in the clan. You can recognize them as parents and return to my Ding family."

While talking, a pair of old men walked out, and the old man among them was also full of beards. He should be a standard outsider.

(End of this chapter)

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