Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1301: Give up not give up

Chapter 1301 Give up without giving up

Chapter 1299

Although Tianxin Zhenxian was unhappy with the decision of the mad alliance.

But since the mad alliance has voted, it must be implemented unconditionally!

In the realm of Tianxin Zhenxian.

Ji Boyang’s deity stood in the shadow of the huge Tianxin Zhenxian, and said angrily, “The Ding Family and Ning Zhenxianhui are short-sighted. They only care about the interests of their own small collective, not the interests of the human race! Ding Hao is so rare. Geniuses, they have moved their minds!"

Tianxin Zhenxian also said with sorrow, "Self-destruct the Great Wall, self-destruct the Great Wall, human beings always like to do this kind of self-destruction of the Great Wall!"

Ji Boyang said again, "They are too much, they have manipulated the voting rights of the Mad Alliance! This is not bad, the decisions of the Mad Alliance in the future will be under their control! They can do whatever they want!"

Tianxin Zhenxian sighed, "The Ding family is too powerful, and there is also the help of the Ningzhenxian Association. It is difficult for them to pass. In fact, I called many old friends to vote this time, but none of these people Appear, alas, I don’t want to offend the Ding family!"

Ji Boyang said, "But in this way, Ding Hao will be sent to the first-class secret realm assessment? It is too dangerous for him to be a god-level, too dangerous!"

Tian Xin Zhenxian thought, "Since the mad league has voted, it must be implemented unconditionally! And I thought about it, if Ding Hao can really pass the assessment in advance, this would be a good thing for him!"

"It's too dangerous!" Ji Boyang said, "Anyone like me can survive 100% if I don't dare to say it! Ding Hao can only turn my head!"

Tianxin said, "Then there is only one choice. Let Ding Hao voluntarily withdraw from the crazy alliance assessment. A genius like him, even if he doesn't join the crazy alliance, will become the pillar of the human race!"

Ji Boyang said, "It's really impossible, only let him give up. As long as a genius like him, as long as he is not strong, as long as he is not strong, the mad league might take the initiative to invite him in."

"Go and invite Ding Hao and listen to his own opinions."

"it is good."


In the bluestone palace cave house.

The cave mansion that Ji Boyang prepared for Ding Hao was one of the best in the bluestone palace.

Here, open the window and you can see the open plain outside. The plain is covered with dense forest. At this moment, it is winter, and the forest is covered with white ice and snow. On the snow, there is another group of blue cranes flying.

Ding Hao and Ye Wen were standing in front of the window, looking at the wonderful scenery outside, and their moods relaxed a lot.

"The Ji family is really good to me, much better than the Ding family." Ding Hao turned blue when thinking about the attitude of the Ding family and the parents he hadn't met.

Ye Wen snuggled against him and said, "But I feel that the Ding family will not let you go! The Ding family is exploring the camp, they are quite domineering! They will never allow you to live in the world with such a rebelliousness!"

Ding Hao said coldly, "Although they are both surnamed Ding and they are even connected by blood, if they want me to die, I will not be polite to them. Anyway, I have turned my face and I am not afraid of anything."

Ye Wen sighed, "But I am still very worried, the Ding family is too strong, you are weak."

"How can I be weak, there are Ji family, five big families, and you..." Ding Hao grabbed Ye Wen's waist, retracted his gaze, and looked at the woman in his arms.

When Ding Hao met Ye Wen, he was still a little monk who hadn't had a Qi refining period.

Not even a monk, only a member of the monk's preschool.

From that time on, Ding Hao helped Ye Wen who had attacked the Ning Bing Dao body to absorb the power of Ning Bing, and the love roots of the two had already been planted.

So far, hundreds of years have passed.

After going through the divisions and recombinations, twists and turns, and now finally come together and get along with each other.

In the past few hundred years, Ding Hao has been tempted by other women, but Ye Wen did not. From beginning to end, Ye Wen only had Ding Hao in her heart, and because she took the initiative to show her thoughts, many other people's gossip was caused.

"I still have you..."

Speaking of this, Ding Hao lowered his head and sucked at Ye Wen's lips.

After a long while, Ding Hao had something to do, and he was in a good mood.

Although it is a monk, this kind of thing is also needed. This kind of thing is also the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. In ancient times, there were also people who realized that this Dao became immortal.

After Ding Hao was released, he held Ye Wen and let out a long sigh of relief, then asked, "Where is that kid Ding Wanling?"

The distance between Ding Hao and Ding Wanling was too far, and their memories could not be synchronized with each other, so they didn't know where Ding Wanling was going.

Ye Wen said, "The exercises he cultivates are very peculiar. They need to refine a lot of different flames. He went out to find fire."

Ding Hao nodded. Ding Wanling is his clone. When the clones are combined in the future, the stronger the clones, the better the result of the fit!

For some monks with poor qualifications, finding a clone with excellent qualifications can greatly improve their qualifications!

"Well, I hope that when I fit together, he can at least be promoted to the **** of transformation!" If Ding Hao fits together and several incarnations are gods, the result is really remarkable, and the improvement to Ding Hao is also huge.

"He is practicing fast and should be able to achieve it." Ye Wen has completely returned to Ding Hao after helping Ding Hao with his hands twice, curled up in Ding Hao's arms, arousing pity.

Seeing her like this, Ding Hao wanted to do bad things again.

But at this moment, a golden light flew in from outside the cave.

Clang clang.

Golden bell symbol, with a crisp ring tone.

"Someone is looking for me." Ding Hao moved his eyes, let go of Ye Wen, and made a move with his right hand.

Suddenly golden light flew into his hands.

Sweeping through the golden bell with his heart, Ding Hao frowned, "It was Ji Boyang who asked me to go and ask for my opinion about the assessment of the crazy league."

Ye Wenqi said, "The crazy league assessment has been arranged, so I will notify you to go. Why do you want to ask for your opinion? Is there something wrong with it?"

"Regardless of him, I'll go and see."

At the moment, Ding Hao tidied his clothes and walked out of the cave.

After leaving the cave, Ding Hao ran directly to the apse of the Bluestone Palace, where the imaginary realm of Tianxin was truly immortal.

When Ding Hao came to the outside world, Ji Boyang was already there waiting.

"Brother Boyang, what happened?"

"It's a long story, you come in with me first."

Ji Boyang took Ding Hao into the depths of the virtual realm and came to Tianxin Zhenxian.

After standing still, Tianxin said, "Boyang, tell Ding Hao about the situation."

Ji Boyang did not conceal anything, and said everything about the voting at the Mad League meeting today.

After listening to it, Ding Hao said in surprise, "I really didn't expect that my affairs would have been voted on by the Mad League!"

Ji Boyang smiled bitterly, "Ding Hao, at this time, don't be joking. You may not know the secret realm. It is really very dangerous. As a monk in the Dzogchen period, I dare not say that it is absolutely there. Safe, not to mention that you are a little deity who is only the first level in the transformation stage!"

Ding Hao said, "I also know the danger, but now the vote of the mad alliance has been decided, I have no choice."

"No, you still have a choice." Tianxin Zhenxian said, "You still have the only choice now, which is to give up entering the mad alliance!"

"What, give up entering the mad league?" Ding Hao never thought about this option.

Ji Boyang said, "There is nothing shameful in giving up, first-class secrets are really too dangerous! Sometimes, giving up is also a strategy! With your aptitude, you will not worry about becoming the pillar of mankind in the future. At that time, the mad alliance will naturally Take the initiative to invite you to enter! So our suggestion is that you give up the assessment of the crazy alliance!"

Tianxin said, "I support Boyang's suggestion, but I still want to hear your own thoughts, because to be honest, I don't know your true strength and bottom line!"

"Give up..." Ding Hao frowned, and to be honest, he wanted to be a member of the mad alliance!

Becoming a member of the mad alliance is not only a great honor, but also a talisman!

If he is a member of the mad alliance, even if he is the invincible true immortal Ding Canghai, he would not dare to kill him casually! And this amulet can also shade the Nine Heavens God Sect!

Because Ding Hao has offended too many people, many people have already tied their hatred on the head of the Jiutian Shenzong.

If Ding Hao couldn't become a member of the mad alliance, but became a tortoise, I am afraid that many people with bad intentions will go to the Nine Heavens Divine Sect.

"I want to ask whether Di Wudao and Ding Bajiu also directly participate in the third stage assessment like me?" Ding Hao asked.

At this moment, the token on Ji Boyang's waist moved.

He took a look and said, "Now the two peripheral members ranked fourth and fifth have already given up. Only you and Emperor Wudao Ding Ba Jiu are left. I want to use their cultivation base and strength, they will not give up."

(End of this chapter)

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