Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1302: Number of voting rights

Chapter 1302 Number of voting rights

Chapter 1300

"Di Wudao and Ding Bajiu did not give up?" Ding Hao decided almost immediately, "Then I won't give up either!"

"What?" Ji Boyang said in surprise, "Are you really going to participate in the third stage of the assessment? It's really dangerous there!"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Yes! Di Wudao and Ding Bajiu don't give up, so what reason do I have to give up? It is very dangerous there, but the road of cultivation is inherently dangerous! If I give up the assessment, then I will be thousands of years Even for tens of thousands of years, I will not be able to get the amulet of a member of the mad alliance! In case Ding Canghai happens to happen, he can kill me without any scruples! In contrast, which is more dangerous? On the contrary, I want to be In the first-class secret realm, compare with Emperor Wudao Ding Ba Jiu and the others! In such an undeveloped area, no one can cheat. That is the real competition. I don't believe I am inferior to them!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, Ji Boyang's eyes flashed with alarm, but Tianxin Zhenxian nodded his head approvingly.

"Haha, I knew that Ding Hao would be the answer." Tianxin Zhenxian was satisfied with Ding Hao, just as Ding Hao was satisfied with Tianxin Zhenxian.

Ji Boyang was shocked for a while before he had to admit, "Ding Hao, good boy, I have always underestimated you! It is really unexpected that you not only have extraordinary courage, but also look at the height of the problem, even higher than me. Wait! What you said is very reasonable, giving up is more dangerous than not giving up! A full member of the mad alliance, you will definitely get it! My Ji family, I will definitely help you with all my strength!"

Tianxin is really immortal, "That sentence is good, the road of cultivation is inherently dangerous! It is very reasonable, since we are on this road of cultivation, how can there be no danger? The more dangerous, the more we must see the essence. Don’t mess up your position, Boyang, you are not as good as Ding Hao."

Ji Boyang said convincingly, "I'm really inferior to Ding Hao, no wonder your ancestors confiscated me if you took him as a disciple."

Tianxin Zhenxian smiled and said, "If you go further, you will have fellowship with my peers. What else do you want to be my disciple?"

Ji Boyang laughed and said, "This last step is not so easy."

Both of them laughed.

After laughing, Tianxin said, "Since Ding Hao is ready to participate in the three-stage assessment, then we will start from this aspect and help Ding Hao come up with some means to ensure safety!"

Ji Boyang said, "In fact, there are many ways to escape. Ding Hao has the Shenxingdao Palace in his hands. The speed of this Shenxingdao Palace can escape any powerful person of the fairy clan!"

Tianxin Zhenxiandao, "Not enough! The Shenxing Taoist Palace was built by the Ding family. Who knows if the Ding family has any tracking methods in it? I can't believe the Ding family!"

Ji Boyang nodded and said again, "Our five big families have also developed a formation in the flying palace. With this formation, it can be detected from five thousand miles away! It can also detect the enemy and our camp! What if! Installed on the Shenxingdao Palace, Ding Hao can have plenty of time to avoid danger!"

Ding Haoxi said, "This is good, super long-range radar!"

Tianxin Zhenxian said again, "For a while, I will add two more life-saving runes to Ding Hao’s jade talisman! In this way, you will have three chances of life-saving! In real danger, you can put My power is released, even if a true fairy shoots at you, you can escape from his hand!"

Ding Hao quickly said, "Thank you teacher!"

Ji Boyang said again, "In fact, Ding Hao can't be said to be isolated and helpless in the first-class secret realm. It is very close to our new base plan! Haha, if Ding Hao goes there, he can still help!"

"New stronghold plan?" This is the third time Ding Hao has heard of this term. He asked curiously, "What is the new stronghold plan?"

Ji Boyang smiled and said, "There is nothing to keep secret, that is, our five big families have decided to open up a huge human settlement in Seventh Heaven!"

"So it is!"

Ding Hao's eyes lit up suddenly.

With the upward development of mankind, the explorer camp of the Sixth Heaven can no longer keep up with the needs of mankind.

The human race needs to colonize the Seventh Heaven!

"If the five great families opened up human settlements in the seventh heaven, then the exploration camp of the sixth heaven would be abolished!" Ding Hao said with a surprised expression, "who came up with this idea, so poisonous?"

Tianxin Zhenxian said with an embarrassed face, "Look at what you said, it was me and Fuji Zhenxian who came up with it together, but the Sixth Heaven's exploration camp will still be useful by then, but the effect will not be that big.

Ding Hao said, "That is also very useful. If this is the case, the role of exploring the camp will not be so great, and those people who watch Ding's family are no longer arrogant!"

Ji Boyang said, "Now there is only starting from the ruins. The fairy clan will not allow us to build a city there. Our Ji family and the other four big families are fighting there! Last time you said how the people of our Ji family It’s not thriving, but they are all there! It’s close to your assessment point. You can go there anytime you want to rest or need support."

Ding Hao said, "Great!"

If it were only the first-class secret, Ding Hao was confident that he could survive.

If there is still a supply point now, Ding Hao's confidence will be even stronger!

"Teacher, Brother Boyang, if everything is like this, not only can I guarantee my survival, but I also want to compete with Emperor Wudao Ding Bajiu for the ranking!"

Ji Boyang nodded and said, "The third stage of assessment is about your right to vote in the Mad League! If you get the higher the ranking, the greater your voting rights will be in the future! If you can get the first place, you can even get 1% of the voting rights. !"

Ding Haoqi said, "Is 1% of the voting power very high?"

Ji Boyang smiled bitterly, "1% is a lot. There are 1439 elders in the Mad League now, and the average voting power for each elder is 0.069%! In fact, the elder of the Mad League with the lowest voting rights is only one hundred thousandths. Do you know what my voting rights are? Only 0.18%! Do you still think 1% is not much?"

"So much difference!" Ding Hao was dumbfounded.

The average is 0.069%; the least is only 0.001%; ​​Ji Boyang is only 0.18%!

In this way, 1% has already exceeded the voting rights of many true cents!

This is already an astronomical number!

Tianxin Zhenxian said, "Sometimes when voting is anxious, 1% can determine the final result of a major event! And this major event is likely to directly affect the survival of the human race, do you think it is important?"

"It's too important!" Ding Hao said, "I'll take the first of these three assessments!"

Ji Boyang shook his head and said, "Don't be blindly optimistic. If you enter the three-stage assessment now, you will compete with many Taiyi in the fitness stage! Among them, there are even the same cultivation level as me in the fitness stage Great Perfection! In front of these people, Are you still qualified to claim the first place?"

"What?" Ding Hao fainted to the ground again.

Originally, he thought it was compared with a person of the level of Emperor Wudao Ding Ba Jiu, but now he knows that his opponents have suddenly increased and become stronger!

It was like Ji Boyang in front of Ding Hao, already quite powerful, only one step away from the true immortal!

Facing such a person, does Ding Hao have any hope of winning?

"I know, I won't be complacent, but I still want to try it!" Ding Hao nodded solemnly.

Ji Boyang said, "We all know that you have the ability, so terrible catastrophe has been passed by you, but you can't be arrogant or arrogant! You must know that first-class secrets are quite dangerous, you must be careful! And we believe that if you are really sure to take part in the assessment, the Ding Family and Ning Zhenxian will let you go, they will definitely make insidious tricks behind them, and even send out killers!

Tianxin Zhenxian said, "This is exactly what I am worried about! In fact, the threat of the fairy clan is not as great as the threat from the human race. This is really the sadness of the human race!"

"I thought about this too."

This is what Ding Hao is most worried about.

The Ding family hated him deeply, and would never allow him to live in the world. Ding Hao even suspected that Ding Canghai would personally sneak into the first-class secret realm and attack him! This kind of thing, those despicable guys outside the Ding family, absolutely do it!

Ding Hao thought about it and said again, "Teacher, Big Brother Boyang, I have some ideas, I want to learn the magic of refining fairy spies."

Tianxin Zhenxian said, "I can teach you this. I heard that you have captured a humanoid celestial larva. You can refine it into your spy. There is a spy that gives you a very good score in the secret realm. Effective! Many of those who rank high in the assessment have their own spies who have penetrated into the fairy clan."

Ji Boyang said, "Ancestors, Ding Hao himself has a certain method, he can refine the flying insect-shaped fairy clan larvae."

"Really?" Tianxin said, "What is your method, let me tell you."

Ding Hao said with a smile, "Actually, this is not a method created by me, but a method of one of my spirit worm pets. I will show it to you."

The method of refining the fairy clan flying insects was invented by Fat insects and is now being taught to Ding Hao.

Ding Hao grabbed a little light of wisdom at his head and handed it to Tianxin Zhenxian.

Tianxin Zhenxian received the light of wisdom, swept away with his thoughts, and his face suddenly moved, "Instilling with his own spiritual knowledge, this is not a means of refining a spy, but a means of refining a clone! This is a good idea!"

Having said that, Tianxin Zhenxian fell into thinking.

Ding Hao and Ji Boyang did not dare to bother, and waited quietly. After waiting for a long time, Tianxin Zhenxian opened their eyes and said, "Yes!"

"Teacher, please speak!"

Tianxin Zhenxian said, "I re-calculated on the basis of your spell, and then added our human method of refining spies. In this way, a brand-new method of refining spies was produced. According to this In this way, you can refine a possessed spy! That is to say, you can be possessed by the spy and mix into the fairy clan!"

"What, possessed spies!" Ding Hao and Ji Boyang were both dumbfounded. This was a statement they had never heard of.

Now that the manuscript is saved, the second one will be shown to everyone sooner.

(End of this chapter)

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