Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1501: Kill all (six bursts)

Chapter 1501 is all killed (six explosions)

Chapter 1499

"Kill! Kill Prince Chisao!"

The injured Prince Chisao's combat effectiveness was obviously much weaker, and he could only hide in a nebula air cluster and linger.

The few four-time mutants present at the scene did not send out, shouting in their mouths, but did not make any moves.

Ding Qi sent Nan Bian away, and then flew over, wondering, "Why didn't you take action? Why didn't you kill him while he was sick?"

The female prince of the Fairy Spirit Race said, "The trapped beast is still fighting. It is when he is the craziest. If we rush in, it will be very dangerous."

Another male prince next to him also said, "Yes, we don't have the armored body of Jinsha, we dare not go in and kill Prince Akasaka."

There was another humanity, "Prince Ding Qi, you are amazing, you can go in and kill Prince Chisao."

"Really?" Ding Qi's face suddenly became gloomy.

The five powerhouses of the immortal clan present are all unskilled guys!

Before Ding Qi brought in Chi Su, these people were simply not saved!

If it weren't for Nanbian, Ding Qi would be really dangerous! And later, if Ding Qi didn't call their names, they wouldn't make it!

Now, these people are doing the same trick again!

"Princes." Ding Qi said with a gloomy face and sneered, "We all swear not to attack each other before, but the effect of the oath is until Prince Scarlet is killed! That is to say, after I went in and killed Prince Scarlet, I promised It didn’t work! Then, you just launched a surprise attack and killed me too! Well, well, you really have a wishful thinking!"

These people actually have this idea.

As long as Ding Qi rushed in and killed Chisao, then the oath would be invalidated. Moreover, the nebula air cluster is located in the center surrounded by everyone. When the five people attack, Ding Qi will have nowhere to escape!

This is their purpose for not killing Akasaka!

But what they didn't expect was that Ding Qi saw it at first glance, and he also directly explained it.

These people immediately denied, "No no, Prince Ding Qi, we are here together this time, how can we attack each other? Since you don't want to kill Prince Chihu alone, then we six of us will attack at the same time. Prince Chisao was hacked to death by a chaotic knife!"

After this person finished speaking, everyone else agreed, "It's okay to do this, let's shoot together."

In fact, before Ding Qi came, they had already thought about two plans: the first is to let Ding Qi kill Chi Su, it is best to let the crazy Chi Su do some damage to Ding Qi; if the first plan is not successful , Then attack together, after killing Chi Su, we still have to attack Ding Qi together!

Because Ding Qi wears the Golden Sands armor, and is their biggest competitor!

And Ding Qi is still being hunted down. After Ding Qi is killed, they can go back to receive the reward, so Ding Qi must be killed!

"Then let's kill Prince Scarlet first!"

The six people were all conceived, and they wielded their long knives and rushed towards the flocculent nebula.

But before they rushed in, they suddenly heard a bang. The nebula air cluster burst open, and the sturdy figure of Prince Scarlet appeared again. His eyes widened and stern, "A group of brave bandits, you can kill What if you lost me? You will fight each other! Haha, come here first, I will definitely hurt you seriously, and you will be killed by your companions!"

This Prince Scarlet was also a person, and suddenly understood at a critical moment that the mob in front of him was full of suspicion and hostility to each other.

So he took advantage of this to compete for time to heal for himself.

"He is provoking our relationship, don't listen to him, go!"

"Yes, yes, don't listen to him provoking, go!"

Ding Qi looked funny. These five people are really all rats, and they kept calling others up, but they flinched behind.

Obviously, everyone wants to preserve their strength, and they all want others to fight with Chihu, and then let him reap the last!

Everyone thought this way, and in the end everyone didn't take the initiative to attack Prince Akagi.

"Courageless bandit!" Prince Chisao glanced at these people contemptuously, turned his head and prepared to leave.

"Really a brave bandit!" Ding Qi decided not to wait anymore, waved his hand, "My deity, come on!"

Originally, Ding Qi thought it would be to let these people do their best and then pick a cheap one by themselves.

But the plan is not as good as the change. Who knows that these five people are all courageous?

That being the case, it is better to take a little effort and harvest them all!


From the largest nebula air cluster above, a huge insect nest that had transformed into a real body, a 300-meter-long battleship slowly sailed out.

On this battleship, Ding Hao wore a big cloak. The cloak rolled automatically when there was no wind.

Standing next to Ding Hao was a tall kobold with a giant sword more than three meters long in his hand.

"My God! Who is this?" The princes present didn't realize that this was a human at first, but the momentum of Ding Hao and the others' appearance restrained them all.

Ding Hao gave a cold snort and waved his hand, "Insect Nest, attack!"

Suddenly, countless large and small holes were opened on the 300-meter-long battleship, and then, as many as one million insects rushed over with a black hum.

"My God, great fairy, what is this?" The princes of the fairy clan were all scared to death, and they didn't care about the others at all, and ran away.

The voice of the fat insects laughing strangely, "Master, these people have been handed over to me, and I have not eaten the corpses of these years! Give it to me!"

Although these celestial spirit races are covered with a mutated light film, the spirit worms in these years have eaten a lot of mutant celestial spirit races, and their teeth have evolved much stronger.

Seeing a black worm landed on the female fairy spirit prince's back, she hurriedly stopped and patted to death with her palm.

But the moment she stopped, three more fell on her lap.

After she patted the three on her leg to death, she realized that she was surrounded by these worms!

"Don't!" When she let out a miserable howl, thousands of black worms had already crawled all over her body, layer after layer, and her body was covered with it, looking terrifying.

Those worms vigorously danced their big teeth, chuckling, eating and drinking.

There are also quite a few worms. After eating, they bite off a piece of meat, then fly back to the nest, store this piece of meat, and then fly out, just like ants moving. Although these worms are small and the meat they squeeze in is very small, there are too many of them. After a while, this female fairy spirit tribe will be eaten without leaving any residue.

It's been a long time since the fat insects came out to fight, this time they had to perform well.

Soon after, the five strong four-times mutated fairy clan had all been eaten by it.

The rest is Prince Chisao.

Seeing the huge Worm’s Nest battleship, Prince Chisao also frightened his face. He had never seen such a weird palace before, especially in which he could release an astonishing number of black bugs, and Prince Chisao with mild intensive phobia. Only feeling numb in his scalp, he continued to run away hastily.

However, he didn't even want to get out of this ambush area.

Ding Hao only wanted to kill this time, so he had already set up Xiaobi.

Seeing Prince Chisao run away, Xiaobi immediately stretched out an octopus-like arm, growing crazily in the void, and soon caught up with Prince Chisao.

"What kind of monster is this again?" Prince Chisao was so scared that his face turned green. He never thought that today's battle would encounter so many monsters.

"Prince Chisao, it's time to die."

From three directions, Ding Hao, Ding Qi, and Rhubarb, the three of them formed a character shape, enclosing Prince Chisao.

Ding Qi snorted coldly, "After all, he is a strong man with five mutations, and his recovery ability is amazing. In this moment, he has recovered 80% of his combat effectiveness!

Prince Chisao not only has an amazing recovery ability, but he also carries an amazing amount of immortal aura liquid. Just now, he took all these amazing amount of immortal aura liquid, so his strength recovered very quickly, and he has returned to this moment. Eighty percent of the peak combat power!

"Yes, I have recovered a lot of power. Ding Qi, you are really insidious. Your goal this time is to kill everyone in one go!" Prince Akasaka said grimly, "It's just that I am curious about this prince. He looks good, why haven't I seen it?"

Prince Chisao was talking about Ding Hao, he had never seen such a strong person in the fairy clan.

Ding Hao laughed, there was a flash of purple-black brilliance on his body, and a set of purple-black armor like an ancient warrior covered his body in the metal sound.

"You are a purple shirt monster, my God, Prince Ding Qi, you are in collusion with humans!" Prince Chisao shot a dazzling sharp light in his eyes, gritted his teeth, "Prince Ding Qi, you die, you **** it, you actually Collusion with shameless and despicable humans! Great fairy, I pray to you and punish him, shameless traitor!"

Prayer has always been the ultimate method believed by the fairy tribe.

However, praying for this matter will be useful for a while and useless for a while. What people did not expect is that the prayer of Prince Chisao actually took effect!

Bang bang bang!

Around Ding Qi's body, a violent fairy aura explosion occurred!

"Your uncle, what's the situation?" Ding Hao and the others didn't expect it at all. This was simply an emergency.

Fortunately, the six layers of golden sand armor on Ding Qi's body had grown again, and the sudden explosion did not affect him.

When Prince Chisao saw the prayer in effect, he knelt down again and said piously, "Great fairy, I am your loyal descendant. Here is a despicable and shameless traitor. He even colluded with mankind. Please bring down more violent thunderstorms. He will blow it up completely!"

"Boom!" The explosion became more violent, and even the entire space exploded.

"Damn it!" Ding Qi moved and hid in the sands!

When his figure disappeared, the power of the fairy spirit could not find Ding Qi, and the explosion stopped.

Prince Chisao prayed again, "Great fairy, you kill this despicable human again!"

But obviously, this prayer did not take effect, and Ding Hao and Rhubarb were unscathed.

"Prince Chisao, even if Ding Qi doesn't make a move, I can easily kill you, die!"

(End of this chapter)

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