Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1502: Retrograde of warp tube (seven bursts)

Chapter 1502 The retrograde of the sutra (seven explosions)

Chapter 1500

Bang bang bang.

A violent explosion sounded in a dense nebula area.

Prince Nanbian looked back and looked surprised, "What situation caused such a huge explosion?"

He thought to himself that it was likely that Ding Qi and the others had fought with Prince Chisao and others!

Soon, he saw a prince of the fairy clan guarding a sarcophagus.

This is the younger brother of Prince Chisao.

Originally, there were quite a few of Prince Chisao's younger brothers, but they all went to reinforce Prince Chisao! These people were silently killed by Ding Hao's deity, so now there is only one person guarding the sarcophagus.

The prince of Nanbian was covered in blood and his face was terrifying. He flew over and shouted sternly, "The explosion just now was the prince that was killed by me. Can you wait for death here?"

Although this little brother saw that Nan Bian was injured, he was only a second mutation!

Even the severely injured Prince Nanbian, he can't afford to offend him.

Hearing that Prince Chisao had been killed, he didn't care whether it was true or not, and immediately turned his head and fled.

The prince of Nanbian relaxed and grabbed the sarcophagus. He flew to the side of the sarcophagus and opened the sarcophagus with a crash.

"Sure enough, they are all fairy spiritual energy liquids!" The prince Nanbian shot ecstasy in his eyes.

"Haha, there is the fairy spirit liquid of this coffin, enough!"

In fact, Prince Nanbian had a lot of insights during the battle with Prince Chisao just now!

Right now, he dived into the sarcophagus, closed the lid, and immersed himself in the fairy spirit liquid...

"Wow, that's great!" The Prince Nanbian didn't expect that he would be treated like this one day.

"I now have sentiment, and I have enough immortal spiritual energy liquid, it's better to heal and feel it!"

Although Prince Nanbian thought so, he changed his mind.

"No, Prince Ding Qi acted decisively. When he returns from killing Prince Chisao, he must fight with me!" Although Prince Nanbian saved Ding Qi, but now I think about it, he regrets and fears, so he immediately changed his decision, "I You must find a hidden place first..."

At the moment, Prince Nanbian, who had treated his injuries slightly, opened the lid of the sarcophagus, then jumped out, dragged the sarcophagus, and flew to the dark void.


Prince Nanbian escaped to practice alone, let alone Ding Hao and the others.

Ding Qi hid in the Golden Sands, Ding Hao and Rhubarb didn't take much effort to kill Chi Su.

"Dead!" Ding Hao used two zombies to control the position of Prince Chisao, and then Rhubarb dragged a three-meter-long giant knife over and cut it down with a single knife!


Rhubarb's knife is a hegemony.

In the void, a huge magnificent light curtain appeared!

"No!" Prince Chisao raised the immortal spirit jade long knife in his hand to resist. It didn't have any effect at all. The long knife in his hand was directly cut off, and the rhubarb's long knife continued to slash, directly cutting Prince Chisao in half. , Kill on the spot!

"Haha, another million won!" With the recent massacre, Rhubarb's military merit ranking has also entered the top ten!

After beheading Prince Chisao, the curse that Ding Qi received disappeared, and he also walked out of Jinshashi.

Da Huang smiled and said, "Big Brother, no one will compete with your clone for the first place now."

This time they killed the five-time mutated Chi Hao, and killed the other five four-time mutated strong, Ding Qi's competitors, and much less.

But when Ding Qi walked out, he frowned, "The one who makes big things does not stick to the trivial. I have just been a woman. The prince of Nanbian has good aptitude, and he should be very good in the battle with Chishang. Feeling! If he gets the fairy aura of that sarcophagus again, I'm afraid he will become my last competitor!"

Da Huang said, "I said, I should hack him to death just now if I talked about faith with these immortal people!"

Ding Hao patted his forehead and said, "This is my character, oh, forget it, let's go out, if we see Prince Nanbian, we will kill him!"

After letting go of the Prince of Nanbian, Ding Hao regretted that he shouldn't have the benevolence of a woman, and let him become a competitor of his clone by letting him go.

However, after they drove the invisible Worm's Nest warship out of this area, they found that the Prince of Nanbian had already disappeared and the sarcophagus had disappeared.

On the bow of the warship, the wind is hunting.

"It's over, it's very possible that the prince of Nanbian will enter five mutations in front of me!" Ding Qi's face fell gloomy.

"Let the tiger go back to the mountain!" Rhubarb frowned and asked, "What should I do now?"

Ding Hao sighed, "In this case, the most important thing now is to let my clone enter five mutations."

Dahuang said, "But the fairy aura liquid is not enough! The fairy spirit tribe people who collected the fairy aura are gone, and the red sarcophagus was stolen by the Nanbian again. Where can I find so much fairy aura liquid?"

"It seems that I have to wait for the real Samsara to give me news."


at the same time.

In the eight-fold sky, in the dark sky, thunder rumbling, lightning torn the sky from time to time.

In the dark forest below, in a clearing, four true immortals guarded an altar.

On this altar, there are many large and small warp tubes erected. These silver warp tubes are rapidly rotating. Between all the warp tubes, there are several thin lines that are visible to the naked eye connecting, and from this thin line, Pulled out a series of golden curtains, hundreds of millions of runes above, are flowing rapidly.

"Sutra tube calculation *******returns to the real man's old body, sitting cross-legged in the middle of all the sutra tubes. His thin body is like a dead branch, with his eyes closed and constant calculation!

Lei Ting Ting was standing under the altar, and he was slightly familiar with the teacher's calculation method of sutra.

And the four true immortals sitting in the four corners below are also looking forward to their eyes.

These four true immortals are all appointed by the mad alliance. Everyone knows that if Ding Hao wants to get the attention of the spirit emperor and become a key trainer of the king class, calculating the space cracks in the thunderstorm area is the most critical thing! Now, everyone's eyes are on this skinny old man!

"To calculate the space cracks in this world, we have to eliminate the space gaps, my God, this is too difficult!" The four true immortals present felt very incredible.

"Stop!" Suddenly the face of Samsara real person moved, and he raised his hand and pointed, and the runes on the light curtain in front of him stopped flowing.

"This is a space crack, not a space crack!" The real Samsara immediately recorded the coordinates of this location in detail.

soon after.

One of the four true immortals on the scene suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Friend of Samsara, Ding Hao just asked again in Kuangmeng, when can you figure it out. Because there is a strong competition in front of him. Who! He said, let you not calculate all the space cracks in the eighth heaven, but only the black death domain he is in!"

"Oh!" Lei Tingting stood under the altar, his face gloomy.

He could also feel that Ding Hao’s situation was anxious, but the key reincarnation true talent was a transcendent deity, and his life was not much. If overloaded calculations are forced, it is likely to cause a lot to the body of the reincarnation true person. Big damage!

The real Samsara sighed, "I want to lock the area, but that will lead to God's punishment!"

The four true immortals present said, "It doesn't matter, if the thunder falls, we can help you resist."

"It's useless." Reincarnation Zhenren said, "The punishment of Heaven's Punishment on our Heavenly Ji Dao is very peculiar. It does not necessarily fall the thunder, but uses God's will to deduct our lifespan! The lifespan after deduction is simply impossible Recovery, even if you take the best life-giving pill in the world, you cannot recover."

"What, this kind of punishment!" The four true immortals present changed their expressions drastically.

For these monks, Shouyuan is the most precious!

A person who has no longevity is a dead person. No matter your strength, even if you can explode the planet, it is useless. When your longevity reaches the end, you will die!

Therefore, the natural punishment reduces the life yuan, which can be said to be the most vicious punishment.

"What to do then, Ding Hao looks rather anxious..." This true immortal also frowned.

The real Samsara nodded and said, "I know, if you are not very anxious, Ding Hao will not come to urge you, then I will try!"

Thunder Ting said worriedly, "Teacher!"

"No problem!"

Reality Samsara closed his eyes again, suddenly, sitting cross-legged on him, began to play tactics continuously.

When the tactics in his hand changed, he saw the rotating sutra cylinders, beginning to change, and beginning to rotate in different directions! Then, the white lines connecting the various warp cylinders are now beginning to change their connection methods! Even the runes on the light curtains have a surprising amount of messy codes!

"This is the calculation method for the retrograde of the sutra. It is against the sky. It is against the sky!" Lei Tingting said with a shocked face, and said quickly, "Teacher, this will seriously damage your lifespan and physical body. This is my heavenly secret Dao Sect. The taboo!"

"Don't interfere with being a teacher." The Samsara real person shouted violently, and then began to calculate again.

Seeing the behavior of the reincarnation real person, the four real immortals present showed admiration in their eyes.

For the sake of the righteousness of the human race, the reincarnation even violated the sect's taboo. He did not care about his damaged lifespan and walked against the sky, which is really admirable.

In this way, another three days passed.

In the frenzied calculations, Samsara real person calculated all the space cracks in the black death domain, recorded them, and then eliminated the space cracks in them, and finally recorded all the content in a green green Among the jade cards.


With a wave of the Samsara real man's sleeves, all the sutra barrels in front of him stopped turning instantly.

"It has been calculated!" A dazzling light was shot from the withered eyes of the reincarnation real person. Then, he waved his big sleeve again, and a green jade ribbon turned into a white light, flying from the altar to the lower side. In the hands of a true fairy.

"It has been calculated!" The true immortal was instantly overjoyed. He swept through it with his mental power and recorded all the content in his mind. Then he said again, "Everyone, wait a minute, I enter the crazy alliance, and the result Give it to Ding Hao!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the reincarnation real person on the altar suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, which was obviously unable to support it anymore!

"Thunder Tingting, I can't teach you anymore as a teacher. Bring the space-time coffin you brought with me. My lifespan is not enough." The real Samsara used his own lifespan to calculate. After the calculation, it is him. When you enter the coffin of time and space!

(End of this chapter)

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