Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1518: Unlucky Southern Change King

Chapter 1518 The Unlucky Southern Change King

Chapter 1516 The Unlucky Southern Change King

Fairy Palace, in a certain exquisite palace.

It was the first time that the King of Nanbian came to the Fairy Spirit Palace, and when he came here, he was an eye-opener.

"It's really exquisite and beautiful!" King Nanbian looked at the mural on the wall and looked at the glorious palace in front of him. He was very happy. "In the future, I will get the attention of Lord Linghuang, and I will always be like this. It’s a place to live in, it’s a hundred times better than the cave in the Eighth Heaven! Lord Spirit Sovereign, I will definitely practice hard and be loyal to you..."

Just when the Nanbian King was very emotional, he saw the Lingxue King walking over with several tall kings.

"The great fairy, I have seen the Lingxue King and all the seniors." The Nanbian King hurriedly saluted modestly.

After becoming the king, there are still levels!

Not all kings are the same, and there are variations among kings!

The Lingxue King has basically reached the strength of seven mutations; and the few people who followed the Lingxue King have even entered eight mutations!

The Southern Change King is the fifth mutation, of course, you must be careful.

Lingxue King nodded, "You are the Southern Transformation King? The first king in the Black Death Domain, you are not bad."

"Thank you Lingxue King for your compliment." Nanbian Wang was very happy and saw the lover of his dream, Lingxue King.

How could you be unhappy if you met Lingxue King with the first prize?

However, even though Lingxue King was polite, her eyes were a little cold, and she said again, "Then you can come with us."

"it is good."

King Nanbian followed Lingxue King out of the glorious hall, walked through the spacious passage, down the stairs, and walked towards the underground of the palace.

"What's the matter, don't great faeries like to live underground?" Nanbian Wang was surprised, and his heart said that the more he walked, the darker the road.

He didn't dare to ask, until he came to a gloomy iron cage with torture instruments hung everywhere on the wall, he finally couldn't help it.

"Lingxue King, didn't you take me to see Lord Lingxue?" Nanbian Wang looked at the iron cage inexplicably, and asked what was going on?

Lingxue King asked back, "Who said I would show you Lord Lingxue?"

The Southern Bian King almost vomited a mouthful of blood and asked, "I am the first king to come out of the Black Death Realm. Didn't I say that I will be valued and cultivated by Lord Spirit Sovereign? Shouldn't you take me to see Lord Spirit Sovereign? "

Lingxue King sneered, "The first king in the Black Death Realm should be valued by Lord Spirit Emperor, and then you can help humans to inquire about our Emperor training plan? You human spies, sure enough Here comes the purpose!"

"What kind of human spy?" Nanbian King was stunned at once, "Lingxue King, what are you talking about, I don't understand."

"Don't understand?" Lingxue King sternly said, "We have long been informed by humans. The first king in the Black Death Realm is a human spy! Southern Change King, you have been discovered!" Lingxue King told him like this Speaking, I mainly wanted to deceive the Southern Bian King, and then he calmed down a little bit, "Of course, the Southern Bian King, if you honestly explain the situation now, the Spirit Sovereign is willing to help you free you from human control. "

"The first king in the black death realm is a human spy?" The Nanbian king almost vomited a mouthful of blood. At this moment, he wished to hack to death this intelligence man with a knife: I have worked so hard to get the first place, and he turned into As a human spy, I knew that Prince Ding Qi would be the first!

"Lingxue King, don't spit people! You say I am a human spy, you can check me!" Nanbian Wang roared loudly, even if he was facing his secret lover, he couldn't suffer such injustice.

Lingxue King said coldly, "This time the spies are very special. Our current methods can't detect them at all!"

"Then I am not a human spy either!" Nanbian Wang was angry, as if it were a volcanic eruption.

Laozi worked hard and worked hard to get the first place. When he came to the fairy palace, he turned into a spy for humans without saying a word, and the king of Nanbian was going crazy.

Seeing the expression of King Nanbian, King Lingxue's expression eased slightly, "Well, you may not be a human spy, and we are also wondering if it is a human counterattack."

"Huh!" Nanbian Wang let out a sigh, ten thousand horses ran across in his heart. He said again, "Then I can see Lord Spirit Sovereign, right?"

Lingxue King shook his head and said, "It's not possible at the moment. You can only live here until the full investigation of you is over."

"Here!" The King of Nanbian finally saw clearly now that this is simply a dungeon!

He went crazy again, "You are too much! I am the first king in the black death realm. I took this position with all my life. You let me live in the dungeon? Are you crazy? You let me see Lord Linghuang! I want to see the Linghuang!"

"Lock him up!" The Lingxue King had no good way to deal with the maddening Southern Bian King. With a wave of his hand, several eight-time mutant powerhouses rushed up and locked the Southern Bian King with a special torture instrument. Cuffed his hands, feet and neck, and handcuffed him into a shrimp, so that he could not use the fairy power.

boom! The poor King Nanbian was thrown into the gloomy dungeon.

"If we investigate and make it clear that you are not a human spy, we will set you free." Lingxue King dropped a word and took the person away.

"No! You can't do this to me!" King Nan Bian lay on the ground in an ugly posture, painful, and the most painful thing was his heart.

"I'm really not a human spy! I'm a real genius!"

The king of Nanbian suddenly regretted it in his heart: I had known this before, and I would compete with Prince Ding Qi for the first place, let him get it!


In the field of black death, half a month passed.

When the Nanbian King arrived at the Fairy Palace, the magnificent patterns on Ding Qi's body in the Black Death Realm began to change and twist.

For the mutant fairy clans, this pattern was just some magnificent stripes at first, but as they mutated again and again, this kind of stripes slowly approached Dao patterns!

No one has studied this pattern before, but from Ding Hao's feeling, this is still evolving towards Dao pattern!

The reason why immortal spiritual energy exists in this world is that it has its Dao and its Dao pattern!

Many things that exist in this world have corresponding Dao laws, and the same is true of fairy spirits.

That's why Ding Hao felt that the evolution of the mutated fairy spirits was actually the change of the Dao lines on the body!

But these are Ding Hao's guesses. He has not studied this aspect.

Finally, the pattern on Ding Qi's body solidified in a certain position, and then, from his body, a powerful force suddenly shook out!

This kind of power is from the inside to the outside. It can be seen that although the Fairy Spirits follow a path similar to physical cultivation, the release of power is still from the inside to the outside, not entirely with the help of external forces!


In the burst of power, Ding Qi stood up abruptly.

"Haha, I have also entered the king level, from then on, I am the Ding Qi King!"

When Ding Qi entered the king level, the great supernatural powers of the Spirit Emperor stayed here were also sensed, and soon there was a powerful force that began to lead Ding Qi to fly outward.

"Come!" Ding Qimu shot a frenzy, "Finally, the day to leave! The rules set by the Spirit Sovereign are sure enough, you can't leave the realm of black death without the king! This kind of rules are true. It's cruel! Never be a king, never be able to leave!"

And Ding Hao, who was hiding in the star-absorbing stone, also sighed secretly that he had foresight. If it weren't for Ding Qi, he would never know how to leave here.

Soon after, Ding Qi felt that the scene in front of him changed extremely fast, and countless lights and shadows quickly passed by.

When all this stopped, he was already standing in a quiet dark starry sky.

"Half a month ago, the King of Southern Change stood here like this!"

"The current Nanbian King has arrived at the Fairy Spirit Palace and has been trained by the Spirit Emperor."

"Although he became the first king, I am the second, but I also have a certain chance!"

Ding Qiyi raised his hand and discarded the star-absorbing stone, while the golden sand stone was hidden into his body.

Then, his figure walked into a small pyramid parked in the air.

Then the pyramid flew quickly and took him away.

Following this small pyramid, a small star attracting stone is also flying at high speed.

Ding Hao and Rhubarb were hiding in the star-absorbing stone, and they had to go to the Fairy Palace with Ding Qi to get news in the first place.

The small pyramid passed through the Nine Heavens Gate and flew for half a month before finally flying into the most mysterious fairy palace!

Outside the remote valley, a small stone quietly fell on the top of the mountain. Ding Hao didn't dare to approach it anymore. If he was too close to the Fairy Spirit Palace, he would be discovered by the Spirit Emperor.

"Dark and calm, it turns out that this is the Nine Heavens." Ding Hao looked at the quiet dark sky outside.

In a palace in the Fairy Spirit Palace, Lingxue King stood up and frowned, "The second king has also appeared, it turned out to be him!"

Lingxue King had no idea that the second one to enter the king was Prince Ding Qi... No, it should be called King Ding Qi now!

When I first met Ding Qi twice, Lingxue King still had a good impression of this young junior, but when Wang Weilan said it last time, she was quite angry. Ding Qi had nothing to do with her at all, it was really annoying to let out such rumors.

But Lingxue King had also heard that many young kings sent people to hunt down Ding Qi in the Black Death Realm!

At that time, Lingxue King thought in his heart that this Ding Qi was going to be unlucky, who told him to talk nonsense, and he paid the price of his life now, this kind of person is not sorry to die!

But what Lingxue King didn't expect at all was that he was the second one to enter the King!

"This kid was able to survive the chase, and he became the second strong man to enter the king class. I became interested in this young man!" The Lingxue King suddenly stood up and walked towards the spiritual emperor. In the hall, "Go and report to the great father first! There is also the matter of the Southern Change King, I am afraid that the investigation is almost done!"

(End of this chapter)

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