Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1519: Ding Qi Wang arrived

Chapter 1519 Ding Qi Wang arrives

Chapter 1517

"The second king of the Black Death Realm came into being?"

Upon hearing this news, the Emperor Ling was overjoyed and laughed again and again, "Okay, this is the true genius of my fairy clan!"

King Lingxue, who was kneeling in front of him, frowned and said, "Father, King Nanbian has not confirmed that he is a human spy."

"I know."

Although the Spirit Sovereign knew that the Southern Bian King might not be a human spy, his character is like this, preconceived! If you have a grudge in your heart, you will always be sad!

Lingxue King also knew the character of his father, so he didn't dare to say more.

The Emperor Ling said again, "What are you doing in a daze? I want to personally meet this genius of my clan!"


Lingxue King stood up, turned and walked out.

At this moment, in the glorious palace, the red candle was shaking, and under the shadow of the lamp, Ding Qi was admiring this magnificent palace.

"I really didn't expect the civilization of the fairy clan to develop so fast, to build such a luxurious and magnificent palace, their learning ability should not be underestimated!"

Ding Qi didn't dare to walk around. Although the door of this hall was open, he just stood in the hall and watched.

After watching it, I recovered my mind.

"The Southern Bian King came here half a month earlier than me. I am afraid that it has been reused at this moment. I am the second one. It is very likely that the Spirit Sovereign does not take it seriously..."

Just when Ding Qi's heart was up and down, he saw the Lingxue King walking in with a few tall immortal spirit clan kings.

"Great fairy!" Ding Qi hurriedly walked over and said in a salute, "I have seen the Spirit Snow King and all the seniors."

"King Ding Qi, congratulations." Lingxue King is also looking at this young man. Compared with the last time, this young man is obviously much bigger. It looks good, and is better than the average fairy spirit king of the same level. Must be strong.

"Thank you." Ding Qi thanked again.

Lingxue King didn't have much to say, and he said again, "King Ding Qi, Lingxue wants to see you, come with me."

"I want to see me!" Ding Qi was overjoyed. He thought that he was the second one and didn't get the attention of the Spirit Sovereign. He didn't expect the Spirit Sovereign to see himself so urgently.

"You follow me."

In the tall sapphire palace, Lingxue King took Ding Qiwang across the smooth and clean Dali jade ground.

On their way to the Palace of the Spirit Emperor, a female celestial spirit clan king happened to pass by. She and Ding Qisi faced each other, and they were stunned.

"What, Ding Qi, you unexpectedly..." The one who happened to appear here turned out to be King Weilan, Ding Qi's former teacher.

There was a time when King Weilan treated Ding Qi well. But as Ding Qi refused to mate with her, and the relationship between the two was torn apart, King Weilan sent Prince Deco and Prince Ranchi to kill Ding Qi!

King Weilan thought that Ding Qi had already died in the Black Death Realm, but he didn't expect that he would meet suddenly today.

"Ms. Weilan Wang, are you surprised to see me?" Ding Qi showed a sorrowful look in his eyes, walked up directly, and said coldly, "Ms. Weilan Wang, in your impression, Should I die as soon as I enter the realm of black death?"

"What are you talking about?" King Weilan immediately understood something, and immediately stared angrily, "Ding Qiwang, even if you become the king now, I used to be your teacher. How could you talk to me like this?"

"Do you still remember my teacher?" Ding Qi made no secret of his murderous intentions, "If it weren't for my strength, it's okay, thanks to you, I have died hundreds of times in the black death domain!"

Ding Qi hated King Weilan the most, not only that she sent someone to kill herself, but the woman also instigated other male kings to send people to the Black Death Realm to chase herself!

Of course King Weilan knew what Ding Qi said, she laughed, "What's wrong with me? King Ding Qi, didn't you tell me that you are a lover with Lingxue King?"

Lingxue King stood by, frowning, and said in his heart that the contradiction between the two of you still involves me.

"Master Lingxue is still waiting, your affairs will be dealt with by yourself." Lingxue King said uncomfortably.

She didn't want to mention this matter again, even if Ding Qiwang had said these things, she didn't want to care about it. Because it is obvious that the Spirit Sovereign attaches great importance to the Seven Kings of Ding, and the Seven Kings of Ding will definitely be trained in the future. At that time, it is difficult to say whether she will be the King of Ding Qi.

"This matter is not over!" Ding Qi snorted coldly, and followed Lingxue King away.

Da Da Da walked away, watching them walk into the hall of the Spirit Emperor, King Wei Lan showed a worried look on his face.

"Ding Qiwang turned out to be the second king. This is troublesome. In the future, his strength must be higher than mine. I must find a way to kill him sooner!"

Thinking of this, King Weilan turned his eyes back and forth, finally thinking of something.

"Go to the Golden Lion King. I heard that he is investigating the Southern Bian King. If the Southern Bian King is allowed to come out and steal the limelight from Ding Qi, I think Ding Qi Wang is still arrogant?"


"Great fairy, great spiritual emperor!"

In the huge huge hall, Ding Qi crawled in front of the towering spirit emperor like a giant statue.

"Are you the King of Ding Qi?" The Spirit Sovereign looked down at Ding Qi with satisfaction, and asked, "How about this time of cultivation in the Black Death Realm? Is there any danger?"

"The Black Death Realm is the most wonderful place I have encountered in my life! There is a wealth of fairy aura liquids there, and there are countless battles to improve my strength. It is really a good place. If I can choose, I am willing to practice there forever. !" Ding Qiyan said insincerely.

However, the Spirit Sovereign was very happy, because he created the Black Death Realm.

"Haha, okay!" The Spirit Sovereign said again, "I heard you have a golden sand armor, what's the situation?"

Ding Qi hurriedly said, "Lord Spirit Sovereign, in fact, many people know about this. In fact, this is when I received the blessing of the fairy, and when I changed from an ordinary fairy to a mutant fairy, the fairy sent The self-defense treasure for me..."

"What, this is given to you by the fairy!" The spirit emperor's eyes shot greed, "Let me see."


In Ding Qi's thoughts, he immediately communicated with the slave, "Hurry up and release the sands armor to suppress the power to the sixth peak!"

"Kakka!" The sands armor quickly emerged from Ding Qi's body, its power was just at the peak of the sixth floor, showing a transparent spar shape.

"This armor..." Linghuang's eyes were even more greedy, and he said again, "I'll try it!"

Immediately, his big hand stretched forward and pressed down!


Jinsha armor was under pressure, and Ding Qi himself was held down by a strong force.

"Big slave, don't fight him hard." Ding Qi exhorted again.

"I know."

Kaka Kaka...pop!

Under the weight of the Spirit Sovereign, numerous cracks appeared on the surface of the golden sand armor at the six peaks, and then the spar burst completely like countless pieces of powder! There was a crash, and the ground was shattered!

"Well, it should be able to defend against attacks from five mutations to six mutations. It's not bad." Although the spirit emperor said it was good, the greed in his eyes dimmed. This kind of treasure is good for Ding Qi, but To his spirit emperor, it is still very rubbish!

Ding Qi squatted his head again, "If this armor hadn't been hidden in my body and couldn't take it off, it would have been given to you, Lord Spirit Emperor."

"Haha, I don't want your stuff." The Spirit Sovereign laughed loudly, in fact, just now, he still wanted it.

But found that this thing was not very strong, so he dispelled the idea.

The Spirit Sovereign said again, "The fairy spirit can give you this thing, indicating that you are the darling of the fairy spirit! And you are the first to stand out from the black death domain this time, so I decided to add you to the emperor level training plan, I don’t know. Are you willing?"

"What?" Ding Qi thought he had a problem with his ears when he heard this.

Originally, he thought it was the Southern Change King who entered the emperor training opportunity. How could he have such a good thing?

However, the good things came too suddenly!

"Of course I am willing, I am too willing!" Ding Qi was overjoyed. If he could get the Emperor Training Plan of the Spirit Emperor, his mission would be more than half completed.

The Spirit Sovereign nodded and said, "Currently, there are few emperor-level training goals. You are the first one to join recently..."

"The first one in the near future?" Ding Qi had some questions in his mind, saying that the King of Southern Change hasn't joined yet?

At this moment, a few people walked in from outside the main hall, and it was the Golden Lion King leading his men.

King Weilan was determined not to let Ding Qi be favored, so he went to the Golden Lion King.

The Golden Lion King had a relationship with her, and it happened to have investigated the affairs of the Nanbian King, so he was willing to help, so he rushed here.

"Father, wait a moment for your decision, I have something to report here."

The Spirit Emperor bowed his head and said, "What's the matter with you?"

The Golden Lion King and the others knelt down and said, "Father, we have investigated the Southern Bian King during this period and found that he is not only excellent in aptitude, but also very loyal! He is undivided in our faeries and faeries. , Loyal! And more importantly, he is also the darling of the fairy. It is said that he can be 100% successful as long as he prays to the fairy! If he is a human spy, how can the fairy fail to detect it?"

"That's it." The Spirit Sovereign nodded and said again, "It seems that the outside legend says that the first strong man to enter the king level is a human spy, and it is really a human countermeasure! It is amazing, these humans are too bad Up!"

The Golden Lion replied, "Yes, these humans are really doing everything to attack us!"

Hearing the dialogue between the Linghuang and the Golden Lion King, Ding Hao's heart suddenly set off a huge wave.

He now understands why he is valued. It turns out that there is such a rumor in the human world!

Thinking of this, Ding Qi’s eyes flickered faintly, “Who on earth deliberately spread my news?” If you want to know Ding Hao’s things and thoughts, only those true immortals in the mad alliance know. People who spread the news must be the true fairy in the mad alliance!

"Damn it, when I go back, I must find this person!"

When Ding Hao's thoughts were entangled back and forth, the Golden Lion King and the Spirit King were still talking.

The Golden Lion King said again, "Father, I think this opportunity to join the emperor training plan should be given to the Southern Bian King. After all, he is the first powerhouse to enter the king in the black death field!"

(End of this chapter)

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