Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1520: Wisdom Fighting South Becomes King

Chapter 1520

Chapter 1518

"Give the opportunity to join the emperor training program to the king of southern change!"

Ding Qi hated in his heart, this golden lion king is really hateful, I provoke you?

Now, after investigation, the Southern Bian King is not a spy for human beings, and he is the first powerhouse to enter the king. He is the first to make the Southern Bian King a priority!

However, the Emperor Ling didn't even think about it, and said with a big hand, "No, just Ding Qiwang, very good!"

"This..." The Golden Lion King also knew that the spirit emperor's character was preconceived. Having decided on Ding Qi, it would be difficult to change.

But the Golden Lion King and the Weilan King are related. The Golden Lion King still wants to do his best, so he persuades, "Father, the Southern Change King is the number one after all..."

"How about the first one? The emperor training plan is related to the development of our clan. It is the true inheritance of the fairy. There are few places. Now there are two places! Although the king of Nanbian has investigated clearly, even if there is a little doubt, I can't take any risks!"

Ding Qi was surprised and delighted after hearing this.

From this sentence, we can know that this emperor training plan is far from being as simple as the spiritual emperor's guidance, it is also about the true inheritance of the fairy!

If you get this place and get the ultimate inheritance location of the fairy, then it will be a huge blow to the fairy clan!

"Okay." The Golden Lion knew that it was useless to persuade now, so he had to give up.

But at this moment, there was a voice from outside the hall, "Lord Spirit Emperor, Ding Qi is the human spy!"


Hearing the outside voice, everyone in the hall was shocked.

Ding Qi was also shocked, and when he looked back, he saw King Nanbian and King Weilan walking in.

It turned out that after King Weilan and the Golden Lion King had finished talking, they went to release the Southern Change King, and then the two rushed here.

"Nan! Change! King!" Ding Qi gritted his teeth and had a conscience attack. He didn't expect to leave such a bane.

Seeing that he was about to get the spot of the Spirit Emperor, but now another Cheng Yaojin!

"Great fairy, great spiritual emperor." King Nanbian and King Weilan crawled on the ground.

Linghuang's complexion was not good-looking, this Southern Bian King ran by himself without being called, and he also let go of his words, it was simply looking for death.

But he still wanted to give King Nanbian a chance to speak.

"King Nanbian, you heard that I was going to give the spot to King Ding Qi, so you said he was a human spy. Your mind is too narrow, right?" Linghuang said with a gloomy face.

"No, the great spirit emperor." King Nanbian knelt on the ground and said, "Actually, for half a month in the dungeon, I think about it every day! The intelligence said that the first person to become the king was a human spy, but I am not a human spy! For the first ten days of this half month, I cursed humans every day. The countermeasures were really vicious and sent a false message to harm me. But in the last five days, I suddenly understood this. The intelligence is not fake, it's just that something happened midway, that's why I became the number one!"

Ling Huang asked with a cold face, "What do you mean, you continue to say?"

South Change King said, "I mean, originally this number one belongs to King Ding Qi! I used a little trick to get this number one!"

When he said this, the Golden Lion King immediately nodded and said, "This is also possible! The spies sent by mankind might have become the number one, but he didn't expect you to have the ability to pray, so you took advantage of it?"

"Yes, that's it!" King Nanbian immediately pointed to Ding Qi and said, "Master Linghuang, I have been thinking every day these days, this King Ding Qi must be a human spy!"

"En?" Linghuang turned his head back and looked at Ding Qi.

Ding Qi immediately stood up and said, "Lord Ling, King Nanbian is purely jealous of me. He is nonsense at all, saying that I am a human spy, he has no evidence at all!"

"I don't have evidence?" Nanbian Wang sneered, "Why do you hide your weird sands armor? Why don't others have such armor? I think it is a treasure given to you by humans!"

Ding Qi laughed and said, "When I concealed it, Lord Spirit Sovereign had already known it."

The Spirit Sovereign nodded, "Yes, he took the initiative to tell me just now, he didn't hide it! And I can prove that the armor is full of fairy power, not made by humans! It should be given by the fairy!"

Ding Qi smiled secretly in her heart, and she didn't know how much power of the fairy spirit had been inhaled on that armor, of course it was full of fairy spirit power.

The Southern Bian King did not retreat, and sneered again, "Then King Seven, I ask you, why have you killed so many people who are stronger than you in the realm of black death these years? Don't think of your methods. I don't know, you have killed at least a hundred four-time mutant powerhouses! There are even more after the three-time mutation. You may kill thousands! You are such a brutal method that only humans can use against our race! "

Ding Qi laughed, "The Black Death Realm was originally a place to kill each other. In order to improve themselves, grab resources, and kill people for cultivation, shouldn't the rules set by the Spirit Emperor at this time be?"

"But your killing of my Immortal Spirit Race has reached the point where it is extremely vicious!" Nanbian Wang sternly said, "Ding Qiwang, you can't hide from me! I have thought about what you did these days. Now, you really do everything, your purpose is to kill all the genius descendants of my fairy clan! At that time, I hadn't thought of this in the realm of black death, but in the dungeon, the more I thought about it, the more I felt You are a human spy!"

Ding Qi really gritted his teeth in his heart, and secretly said that what the Southern Bian King said was really accurate, and that Lao Tzu was a spy for humans! Damn it, didn't kill this guy, now it's a scourge!

At this time, King Weilan also spoke, "I also suspect that Ding Qiwang, when he was still the prince, went with us to the Seventh Heaven Camp to kill humans. I asked him to kill humans, but he turned around and came back. Now, no human being killed! Instead, we are vigorously slaughtering the geniuses of our race in the realm of black death. His behavior is indeed very suspicious."

Although the spirit emperor set up the black death domain, it is to let the descendants of the clan kill each other for cultivation; but now it is heard that the Ding Qi king only kills the people of the clan, but not the humans, the spirit emperor's face suddenly hardly looks, and he lowered his head and asked, Seven kings, how many people have you killed in the realm of black death? You honestly explain!"

Ding Qi's face was also hard to look, just a while ago, he was still very happy, but now, the situation has changed suddenly.

"Damn it, the King of Southern Change, I want you to die!" Ding Qi hated.

However, there was a calm expression on her face, and she replied, "Ling Sovereign, King Weilan is wrong. Why did I not kill humans? I also killed many humans. She said that the humans I did not kill were purple shirts. Blame! That guy, even many kings didn't kill him, how can I kill him?"

Linghuang said gloomily, "I ask how many people of your race have you killed in the Black Death Realm?"

Ding Qi's heart sank and replied, "I killed 43 strong men with four mutations and 286 tribesmen with three and three mutations or less in the Black Death Realm! Far from being as exaggerated as the Southern Bian King said!" He said he killed it with his own hands, and the more numerous were killed by the deity Ding Hao and Rhubarb!

The Southern Bian Wang suddenly sternly said, "He is talking nonsense, much more than that!"

Ding Qi said lightly, "I can swear to the fairy, the number I said is not too many, one is not too many!"

After finishing speaking, Ding Qi directly swears, if there is a mistake, please let the fairy down! Of course he was not afraid. The other people were killed by Ding Hao's deity, and there was no relationship with Mao.

Seeing Ding Qi swear, everyone present had nothing to say.

Although the Southern Bian King repeatedly identified the Ding Qi King, there was no accurate evidence!

Seeing that the Southern Bian King was not giving up and was about to speak again, Ding Qi took a big step forward and said loudly, "Great Spirit Emperor, I also think that the information of the Golden Lion King is not wrong! This time came out of the Black Death Realm. The first king is the Southern Change King, and he is the spy of mankind!"


In the entire hall, stunned again.

The Southern Bian King had just finished identifying Ding Qi, and now Ding Qi has bitten again. Who is the spy of human beings?

The Linghuang smirked, "Okay, okay, how are you! It seems that there is really a human spy among the two of you, then tell me, what evidence do you have?"

Ding Qidao said, "First of all, let's watch the Southern Bian King together these years. The previous Southern Bian King was said to be a gentleman, modest and patient. But when we look at the Southern Bian King now, he has obviously changed! He has become cunning and sinister. , Always showcasing! So I suspect that his interior has changed, and it is very likely that humans have used some magic!"

"You are talking nonsense!" Nanbian Wang shouted anxiously. Although his personality had changed, it was just a real idea revealed in front of his interests.

Ding Qi said again, "There is a second aspect of his suspicion, that is, you see, how much he values ​​this emperor's training quota, and he madly grabs me! What is his purpose? He still doesn't want to inquire. The plan of our fairy clan, and then report it to humans and destroy it!"

"I don't agree with this point!" Golden Lion said, "This place is very precious, everyone wants it, not because the King of Southern Change wants it, it's a human spy!"

"Really?" Ding Qi smiled and said again, "Then I have one last doubt."

After he finished speaking, he paused, and after everyone focused his attention, he pointed to the Southern Change King Road, "He just accused me of having the Golden Sands armor, and deliberately concealed it; then I also testify to him that there is humanity in his hand. Charm, I won’t talk about it, who knows?"

"What?" Linghuang was furious and stared at the Nanbian King.

Ding Qi Wang had Jinsha armor on his body, and he had told the Spirit Emperor a long time ago, but the Nanbian King had a human spell on him, which the Spirit Emperor did not know!

Nanbian Wang was stunned, and he didn't think that this incident was also brought up to talk about it.

He hurriedly said, "I have that spell, but it was not given to me by humans, but I exchanged it for it!"

"You're still lying!" Ding Qi was very angry, directly in the Linghuang Palace, and shot the Nanbian King, and slapped the Nanbian King's body with a palm.

It just so happened that the charm hadn't been used up for the last time, and now it was hit by Ding Qi suddenly, and the charm was immediately revealed, and an extremely large human rune floated in the air.

When the Linghuang saw this human writing, he was furious, "Asshole, it really is a human spy, die!"

(End of this chapter)

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