Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1522: Almost fooled

Chapter 1522 was almost fooled

Chapter 1520

The Golden Lion is not only in charge of various human intelligence, but also various internal intelligence.

And on the table is the information about all the king members participating in the mission this time.

King Weilan would not be so obedient. As soon as the Golden Lion King walked out, she picked up the task arrangement on the table.

"This time the assessment task of the nine new kings!" In the eyes of King Weilan, a dazzling light suddenly shot out.

There are currently ten kings in the Black Death Realm, except for the dead Nanbian King, nine are left.

Among these nine, except Ding Qi, who is the darling of the fairy, other qualifications are not good.

However, the Linghuang still engaged in an assessment task, and did not say that whoever completed it first would win, but only said that in the assessment, it depends on everyone's performance!

"What task is that?"

King Weilan looked down with interest, "Sneak attack on human surveillance points near the Fairy Spirit Palace...what, humans actually have surveillance points near the Fairy Spirit Palace!"

At this moment, King Ding Qi and the other eight kings gathered in a palace.

King Weilan is arranging this task for them.

"There are at least one hundred human surveillance points within five thousand miles of the Fairy Spirit Palace!"

"These human beings think they have a strategy, use formations and various monsters, hide near the fairy palace, and want to monitor the fairy palace!"

"The Spirit Sovereign knows this well, but he doesn't want to tell you where he is, but wants you to find it yourself!"

"The time is ten days. Whoever comes back first, the more monitoring points are destroyed, these are the content of the assessment of the Spirit Emperor!"

"In short, your performance in all aspects will be assessed by the Spirit Emperor!"

"Have you received it?"

"Yes!" Ding Qiwang and others all answered loudly.

"Then do everything!" After Ling Xue Wang finished speaking, he nodded to Ding Qi again, meaning that I am optimistic about you.

"Great fairy, let's set off." Ding Qi also nodded, and took the lead out of the fairy palace.

Outside the Fairy Spirit Palace, thousands of miles away, in the dense forest, a young man in purple armor sat cross-legged.

The connection between him and Ding Qi is the connection between the deity and the clone, and the memory is synchronized, even the Spirit Sovereign can't find it.

"It turned out to be this task." Doubt appeared in Ding Hao's eyes, "Why don't you get the quota if you say that the most destroyed surveillance points? It's about the performance of all aspects! Anyway, all aspects must be careful this time! "

Rhubarb also walked out of the star-absorbing stone, "Big Brother, I feel that the Spirit Emperor is opening up to you. He is afraid that you will not get the first place, and then choose someone else."

"It's possible." Ding Hao nodded.

As the Spirit Sovereign, of course I want to choose Ding Qi with the best aptitude, but even so, I still have to be careful.

"Rhubarb, I'll go to the Kuangmeng to ask for information first, you help me protect the law."

Right now, Ding Hao closed his eyes and put his will into the mad alliance token, and soon, he entered the mad alliance.

Under the high dome, many members of the Mad League are sitting there talking about things.

But seeing Ding Hao appear, the things discussed there immediately stopped.

Fujin Immortal said, "Everyone, let's talk about voting later on our matter! Now we have more important things. Please all members below Erdan Zhenxian, leave!"

Since the last time that Ding Hao's news in the field of black death was leaked, Kuangmeng has used a more concealed method of discussion.

As long as Ding Hao comes, only the second and third true immortals can stay.

But Ding Hao felt that the last time his news was leaked, it should be a certain Erdan true fairy!

To put it bluntly, except Ding Canghai, the suspects are the two members of Ningzhen Xianhui!

Of course, the Kuangmeng is investigating this matter now, and even if Ding Canghai and Zhenxie are willing to disclose it again, they dare not move at this time.

Soon, the mad alliance was cleared. All the cultivators of the first stage of true immortal and below had left the mad alliance, leaving only the second stage of true immortal and the third stage of true immortal.

"Ding Hao, what is the current situation?" Tianxin Zhenxian asked.

Ding Hao said, "Now the Spirit Sovereign has given an assessment task, and I have to choose one from among the nine strong people! I want to complete this assessment task, and I want to ask the crazy alliance to help me!"

Tianxin Zhenxian asked, "Then you talk about what assessment task is, and how do you want us to help?"

Ding Hao glanced over all the people in front of him, "This assessment task is to search for human monitoring points within five thousand miles of the fairy palace! It is said that there are more than one hundred, are you really near the fairy palace? So many monitoring points?"

"What, he knows all this?" The true immortals in the second and third paragraphs were all shocked.

The monitoring points they set up near the Fairy Spirit Palace are very hidden.

As for this matter, the Spirit Sovereign knew all about it, and even the number was inseparable!

"I really didn't expect that this spirit emperor is so cunning! He knew that humans had surveillance points, but he didn't make a difference! No wonder the last time he quietly ran to the seventh heaven, we didn't even find out!" I am very emotional, and have a new perspective on the scheming of the Linghuang.

At this time, the true evil and true immortal said, "Everyone, I think the assessment of the spirit emperor is to assess who has removed more monitoring points at the specified time! Ding Hao, if you want the attention of the spirit emperor, you must be the fastest For the one with the most, I suggest that Kuangmeng tell Ding Hao about the eye positions of all the surveillance points, let him take credit and let him show the limelight, so that the spirit emperor will pay more attention to him!"

The true evil and true immortal took the initiative to come out, saying that, everyone is more emotional.

Although Ding Hao and Ning Zhenxian would have some contradictions before, it was unexpected that Zhenxie and Zhenxian would still support Ding Hao.

Even Ding Hao had the same idea in his heart, and he secretly said in his heart, how could the true evil and true immortal be so helpful this time?

With the proposal of the true evil and true immortal, all the true immortals present also agreed very much.

"Yes, tell Ding Hao all the eye positions, especially some of the hidden ones. Ding Hao must be the first!"

"Ding Hao, wait a minute, these eyes are under different real immortals. Let's go to count the real immortals."

"Yes, there is also my eye position in it, I will confirm the position for you now."

At the moment, the entire mad alliance is busy, a big picture of the fairy palace is unfolded, the eye position above is constantly increasing, and a dense network is forming. If Ding Hao gets this network, then he must destroy it. The most eye position.

After more than half a day, this picture gradually became clear, and almost all eye positions were counted.

It just so happened that at this moment, a figure of a woman in white appeared on a certain seat. The figure of the woman in white was quite beautiful and moving. As soon as she appeared, it attracted the attention of many people.

"It's my ancestor Liuli Zhenxian!" Ding Hao's gaze also moved.

Wu Liuli didn't know that there was an important situation in the crazy alliance, so she accidentally entered. After coming in, Buer Zhenxian suddenly shouted, "Below the second stage of Zhenxian, leave quickly!"

Liuli Zhenxian was taken aback and said quickly, "Seniors, I don't know, I'm leaving now."

Looking at the beautiful ancestor like a frightened little white rabbit, Ding Hao smiled, "Fun Uncle, this is my ancestor. She can't disclose my news, I have something to tell her."

The true immortal Fuji said, "Go go."

Ding Hao just walked over and came to the seat of Liuli Zhenxian, next to someone else's seat, Ding Hao was not easy to do, and stood in front of Liuli Zhenxian.

To say that this Liuli Zhenxian is really beautiful, if it were not for his ancestors, Ding Hao would definitely have to think about it.

But after all, he was an ancestor, Ding Hao didn't dare to think about it. He just asked, "Ancestor, how is your cultivation level improved?"

Liuli Zhenxian heard what he said, waving a small fist and said, "Boy, when you enter the true immortal, your ancestor must enter the second or even third stage of the true immortal, then you will never want to take Ye Wen away!"

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Well, I hope my ancestors will not say that I disrespect the elders."

"The elders beat you all over the floor!" Liuli Zhenxian looked at Ding Hao provocatively.

"Ancestor, would you like to bully your children and grandchildren like this?" Ding Hao was full of pain.

Liuli Zhenxian smiled triumphantly. She scanned the huge map hanging in front of her with beautiful eyes, and then asked in a low voice, "What kind of battle is this? Sweeping the fairy clan?"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "No, it was the Spirit Emperor who asked us to find and destroy the surveillance points of human beings..."

Liuli Zhenxian is someone who can definitely rest assured, even Ding Wudi and Ningzhenxian will know about this matter, and there is no need to keep Liuli Zhenxian secret. Ding Hao talked about the cause and effect, and didn't conceal much.

But after listening to Liuli Zhenxian, he frowned and thought, "Children, have you ever thought that these monitoring points are very hidden, if you find too many at once, what would the Spirit Sovereign think?"

Not only did Ding Hao hear what Liuli Zhenxian said, but also the true immortals present.

All true immortals, everyone was stunned by the words of the true evil and true immortals. At this moment, by the reminder of Liuli true immortal, almost all of them came to their senses.

Tianxin Zhenxian slapped his thigh, "Wow, we were almost fooled!"

True Immortal Buer said, "Yes, if Ding Hao swept a lot of surveillance spots this time, the Spirit Sovereign would definitely doubt him!"

"That's right! These monitoring points are quite hidden. Except for the Linghuang, no other immortal spirit tribes have found it! If Ding Hao is in the limelight this time, the Linghuang will suspect that Ding Hao has obtained information from humans!" All the true immortals present They all wake up, if they give Ding Hao this detailed map to make Ding Hao stand out, then they are actually sending Ding Hao to death!

"So that's the case." Ding Hao understood now, why Linghuang said that he should be evaluated according to various aspects, which was what he meant!

"Ancestors, I thank you so much!" Ding Hao's heart was suddenly excited and grateful. There were so many real immortals who didn't expect it, thanks to his beautiful ancestors.

"Ancestor, thank you!" Ding Hao couldn't help but jump up, then hugged Liuli Zhenxian.

Although the mad alliance is virtual, but holding it, it feels quite soft...

(End of this chapter)

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