Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1523: I also have a helper

Chapter 1523 I also have a helper

Chapter 1521 I Have A Helper

Thanks to Liuli Zhenxian's reminder, Ding Hao did not record the locations of all the monitoring points, but instead asked Ding Qi to find and destroy the monitoring points on his own!

"Your uncle, I didn't expect this spirit emperor to be so cunning!" Ding Hao scolded and opened his eyes.

"Brother, what's the situation?" Da Huang asked.

Ding Hao said, "You don't need to help Ding Qi find a monitoring point. This is probably a strategy of the Spirit Sovereign."

"Then what are we doing?" Rhubarb laughed again, "Why don't we take advantage of the chaos to get in and kill all Ding Qi's competitors!"

Ding Hao sneered, "Don't!"

Obviously, the Linghuang still had some doubts about King Ding Qi!

If Ding Qi killed many people of the same clan at this time, the Spirit Sovereign must have an idea!

"We do nothing, just watch!"


In the dense forest, a fairy clansman with a magnificent light curtain on his body walked cautiously and looked around.

He has been here for a long time.


In the sound of the leaves being torn, this fairy tribe finally found something in the dense forest.

In the next second, he came under a big tree that looked plain.

Observing briefly for a while, his eyes suddenly moved, and then he suddenly drew out the immortal spirit jade long knife in his hand and slashed it at the big tree in front of him.

With a click, the big tree with a diameter of more than one meter was cut down by the waist.

When the big tree was cut down, a shocking scene appeared. I saw a huge hole in the center of the tree hole.

And in that huge hole, there were many weird flags and lines.

"I said, there really is..."

This fairy tribe was ecstatic, he discovered and destroyed a human surveillance array.

According to the spirit emperor's rules, after the discovery, the signal was sent out on the spot, and then someone would naturally verify it. The credit was recorded in the name of the immortal spirit tribe.

However, just when this fairy clan member was about to send a signal, another figure, with a clatter, pushed the leaves in front of him, and strode out.

"It's King Ding Qi!" When the immortal clan member saw the incoming person, his face suddenly paled.

You know, Ding Qi Wang killed a lot of powerful people in the realm of black death!

And even if it was the king of Nanbian who succeeded in becoming king in front of King Ding Qi, he was killed by King Ding Qi!

Therefore, upon seeing King Ding Qi, the immortal spirit tribe suddenly trembles with fright, and quickly said, "King Ding Qi...this...this...this makes you signal that you give me one!"

Let Ding Qiwang send a signal is to let Ding Qiwang get this credit.

Obviously, the king was so scared when he saw King Ding Qi, he just wanted to save his life.

But what he didn't expect was that King Ding Qi was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled, "King Turtle Island, this is the human surveillance formation you found. It is your credit. What signal do I send?"

The Turtle Island King was so scared at the moment, he said quickly, "No, no, no, this is your credit, I didn't find it at all! King Ding Qi, this credit was originally yours, I just happened to pass by..."

Although King Guidao wanted to give the credit very sincerely, it seemed that King Ding Qi didn't take it seriously, waved his hand, and walked directly into the depths of the dense forest.

"What's the situation?" King Guidao waited for King Ding Qi to leave for a while before he said to himself, "Is this King Ding Qi, why did you change your temper?"

Ding Qi left from here, still searching everywhere, he did not borrow any news, nor did he take credit for others!

All are looking for with his own ability, and he is not greedy the most, the key is to search with his own strength!

After ten days, eight days passed quickly.

In these eight days, Ding Qi found a total of 15 places with her own ability!

According to the person responsible for verification, Ding Hao is currently ranked first!

Ding Qi was still very satisfied with this.

"It's another place!" This time Ding Qi not only found a human surveillance spot, but also a mobile surveillance spot. This is a human fairy spirit beast-shaped spy!

This spy usually wanders in the forest. If he finds someone coming out of the fairy palace, he ran away from the fairy palace and sent the message.

Ding Qi didn't have any mercy for this kind of thing, and beat it to death with a punch, and then immediately sent a signal.

At present, it seems that these monitoring points are of no use to monitoring the spirit emperor, so Ding Qi will not conceal it and report one by one.

Soon after, a small pyramid flew over the dense forest, and several immortal people jumped down from it.

"King Ding Qi, congratulations, you are the 16th place. At your speed, you are firmly number one."

These fairy clan kings have been acquainted with Lai Ding Qi for a few days.

Ding Qi smiled and said, "I'm also lucky. This is a human spy from the fairy clan. It's still alive. Take it back and see what you can interrogate."

"Okay, there are still two days left. This victory of King Ding Qi is none other than you." Several fairy kings locked up the animal-shaped spy, put it in a cage, returned to the pyramid, and flew back to the fairy palace. .

Ding Qimu sent them away, and then continued to search.

But at this moment, in a dense forest not far in front, the leaves opened, and a figure walked out silently.


When this figure came out, Ding Qi was immediately aware of it. Looking back, it was King Weilan!

"It's me!" Wang Weilan said with a cold light on his face and smiled gloomily, "King Ding Qi, I have heard that King Lingxue said good things for you. This time, as long as you don't come out. What's wrong, even if you don't get the first place, you will get the ultimate inheritance of the fairy!"

"This way!" There was a flash of light in Ding Qi's eyes. As he guessed, this action did not seek merit but no demerits, so he did not borrow information from humans, nor did he kill any of the same race. people!

King Weilan saw the joy on Ding Qi's face, and then she said gloomily, "But I have one more bad news to bring you!"

"What?" Ding Qi raised his brows.

"Then I am going to kill you!" King Weilan's face was stern, and as soon as he raised his wrist, a fairy jade long sword had appeared in her hand.

Ding Qi and King Weilan are both kings, but King Weilan is mutated six times, stronger than Ding Qi!

While speaking, she did not hesitate, the magnificent blade light in the dense forest tilted crazily, attacking Ding Qi like a rainstorm.

"You rush to assassinate me, do you want to die?" Ding Qi didn't expect that King Weilan was too bold.

He is almost a training target appointed by the Spirit Sovereign, and King Weilan still wants to assassinate him. Ding Qi dodges quickly and exclaimed, "Aren't you afraid of the Spirit Sovereign's punishment?"

"Wait for you to become stronger, I am going to die anyway!" King Weilan was rude, and shouted again, "Six mutations!"

Her body swelled up to a height of three meters. Every time the knife in her hand swept across, there was a deep trace of plowing on the ground.

"Damn it, King Weilan, aren't you afraid that the Spirit Sovereign will find it?" Ding Qi hurriedly released his fairy spirit jade long sword and grudgingly responded.

"Of course I am afraid that the Emperor Ling will find out..." At this moment, in the direction Ding Qi wanted to escape, another tall figure walked out, "But we bought the Golden Lion King, and he promised to temporarily withdraw all the dark surroundings here. Pile, so the spirit emperor won't find it!"

"Seven mutations!" Ding Qi's eyes shot a shock.

What came out was a seven-times-mutated male fairy clan king, this guy was tall and more powerful!

Ding Qi felt shocked, "King Weilan, you can do it, there are seven mutant fools like you who are still working for you!"

"I didn't sell my life for her!" The seven-time mutation king shook his fingers and said calmly and arrogantly, "King Ding Qi, you should never provoke the Lingxue King, because this is the woman I am fond of!"

"That's it!" Ding Qi understood now.

This guy named Wuliangwang regards himself as the number one rival in love and kills him quickly, so these two talents came here to kill himself!

But now, Ding Qi still has to ask a few more questions, "King Wuliang, are you really sure that this has been done unconsciously?"

"It's really unknowingly, the Golden Lion removed all the hidden stakes and also drove away other contestants. In other words, no one knew that we killed you! No one even knew. I have been here with King Weilan!" Wang Wuliang said triumphantly.

"Right." Ding Qi nodded and said, "The spirit emperor's consciousness can't be scanned here, right?"

"It's nearly five thousand miles away from the Fairy Spirit Palace, and the spirit emperor's spiritual knowledge is not that far away!" Wang Wuliang continued to smile triumphantly.

Ding Qi continued to ask, "That is to say, no matter how fierce the fighting is here, no one will know how fierce the killing is, right?"

"Not bad." The corner of Wang Wuliang's mouth curled in an evil arc.

King Weilan cursed, "King Ding Qi, are you annoying? Don't ask, no one will know what happened here today. Don't expect anyone to save you!"

"Haha." When Ding Qi said this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "The reason why I asked these things is because I also have a helper."

"What?" King Weilan and Wang Wuliang changed their faces.

"Come out, kill them here, no one will know!"

With Ding Qi's cry, the leaves in the dense forest opened, and a human teenager walked out.

Then there was another clatter, and a simple-looking young man also walked out.

Then there was another sound. The white girl's stockings came out first, and then a little girl with blond hair and white skin came out.

"So many helpers!" The expressions of King Wuliang and King Weilan changed drastically, and King Weilan exclaimed, "You are the human spy, my goodness, what the King Nanbian said is true!"

Ding Qi Wang laughed, "It's too late to know this, you two idiots, since you want to die, then die! As you said, if you kill you here, no one will know, even No one knows you have been here, kill!"

Two changes today, an outbreak tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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