Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1524: Become a full member

Chapter 1524 becomes a full member

Chapter 1522


If Ding Qi did not ask clearly before, he would not dare to release Ding Hao and Rhubarb to fight.

But now Wang Wuliang and Wang Weilan have said that it is absolutely safe and no one will bother.

Then Ding Qi had no worries, and directly released Ding Hao, Rhubarb, and Xiaobi to fight!

But speaking of it, King Wuliang, as a powerhouse of seven mutations, is really good!

"Seven mutations! Weapon top mutation!"

With a loud bang, Wang Wuliang grew to nearly four meters in size. His figure was huge and his power was amazing!

In the distance, several small pyramid flying vehicles are turning around.

Although they all felt that the battle over there was very fierce, they had long been ordered by the Golden Lion King, and now they all pretended not to hear.

Even people who can go there are blocked!



Amid the loud noise, Ding Qi was knocked into the air, and all the crystalline sands armor on his body was shattered!

At the same time, Ding Hao and the rhubarb after the transformation were also shaken back!


King Boundless punched again, interrupting the vines entwining his body, and laughed loudly, "King Ding Qi, even if you collude with the human purple shirt monster, you can't kill me! With your little strength, You all die in my hands!"

Seven mutations, amazing!

Ding Hao and the others now know that they are very good, you know, the strength of the seven mutations surpasses that of the second stage true immortal!

It is not easy for Ding Hao and the others to defeat King Wuliang.

Hiding behind King Wuliang, King Weilan shot a sacred light in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "King Wuliang, we have done a great job this time! If we kill these people and send them to the Spirit Emperor, the Spirit Emperor will definitely be extraordinary. Shocked! I think that this time the qualification for the Royal Class is yours!"

Hearing this, Wuliangwang's eyes also burst into fanaticism.

He wants to get the Snow King, and he wants to get the fairy inheritance. If this is true, he will be the final winner!

"Well, King Weilan, the day I become the emperor, thank you!"

Just when Wang Wuliang had begun to think about the future, Ding Qi came out!

Although Ding Qi is only Ding Hao's clone, after this period of cultivation and upgrading of Jinshashi, invisibly, his strength has surpassed the deity!

"Wang Weilan Wang, you want to kill us? Do you want to leave here? Do you want to get out alive?"

"Hahaha!" Ding Qiwang laughed loudly, "You dream!"

"Let you see the true form of my sands armor!"

"King Kong state!"

With Ding Qi's voice, a new layer of golden sand armor grew. This is a new state that is absolutely different from the previous two states!

The first layer of sandstone state; the second layer of spar state; the third layer of diamond state!

Of course the immortal spirit tribe didn’t understand countless runes, but Ding Hao understood that these runes were not ordinary human characters, but immortal texts!

This armor is an armor made by the Sky-Splitting Demon Venerable. After being upgraded to the peak of the ninth layer of Diamond State, even the Spirit Sovereign is difficult to break!

What's more, the two people in front of you?

"You didn't think of it? You fairy clansmen!"

Ding Qimu was teasing, "When I faced the Spirit Sovereign before, I only had the peak of the crystal state, but he didn't know that my sands armor had reached the peak of the diamond state! And you guys. Two idiots, do you think that someone from Ding will kill you without real strength? Dreaming!"

King Wuliang saw the countless runes moving around on King Ding Qi's body, and his face was uncertain.

Suddenly, he suddenly violent, "Let me see how powerful your diamond state is!"


King Wuliang used all his power this time, screaming crazy, tearing power!

This punch is already a powerful man with seven mutations, the strongest blow!


Storm, this is definitely a storm!

But when the storm passed, Ding Qi didn't move at all!

The diamond armor on his body was not damaged at all!

He took the blow of King Wuliang, but he was unscathed. This is the golden sand armor of King Ding Qi!

Wearing the nine-tiered Golden Sands armor, it is simply invincible!

"King Wuliang, I took your punch abruptly, can you dare to take my punch abruptly?" King Ding Qi asked faintly, holding his arm.

Ding Qi did not even evade or dodge the blow of King Wuliang with his full strength; but King Wuliang did not dare to bear the blow of Ding Qi!


When Wang Wuliang's punch was fruitless, he already knew that he was not the opponent of King Seven.

So he didn't even dare to think about it, turned his head and fled!

As soon as he escaped, King Ding Qi chased him.

In this way, King Weilan stayed.

Ding Hao and Da Huang Yin smiled and killed them, "King Weilan, right? We killed you enough! Death!"


There were vines growing wildly on the ground, and the rhubarb became huge, and he slapped it with his giant knife!

But Ding Hao released his Purple Emperor Armor and rushed up against King Weilan's counterattack!

"King Weilan, die!"

"No! You can't kill me!"

King Weilan had no will to fight, but this made her die faster, and was quickly touched by Ding Hao's hands.

"Suck the stars magic trick, suck!"

The power pulled away frantically, and the spiritual power in the body of the king-level fairy spirit race was more.

However, Ding Hao's body no longer needs spiritual power, and all his power is sucked into the star-absorbing stone!

Soon after, King Weilan had become a corpse, her blood belonged to Xiaobi, and the corpse belonged to a fat insect.

"Haha, this is the first time I have eaten the corpse of a fairy king!" Fat insect shouted happily.

Rhubarb said with envy, "Big Brother, I heard that a king-level fairy clan can get a hundred times the points of a prince-level by killing one! Look at your crazy alliance token, don't you?"

"Really?" Ding Hao was shocked, and quickly took out his mad alliance token, and suddenly exclaimed, "Really!"

Killing an ordinary humanoid fairy clan is 10,000 points;

Killing a mutated fairy prince is one million points;

And to kill a king of the fairy clan is 100 million points!

Every time it is a hundredfold improvement!

"Is it really an increase of 100 million combat exploits?" Da Huang also felt excited, but he stretched out his head to look at Ding Hao's waist card, but his brows suddenly wrinkled. hate!"

Originally, Ding Hao was a military exploit of 150 million, and Emperor Wudao was a military exploit of 250 million.

Di Wudao, this guy is just 100 million more than Ding Hao every time!

Now Ding Hao has improved his combat exploits by 100 million, which is also 250 million!

However, Ding Hao was still slightly inferior, and he was a few hundred worse than Emperor Wudao!

"It's only a few hundred?" Ding Hao smiled, "The Emperor Wudao is finished, he can't hold me down, don't forget there is another Immeasurable King!"

Rhubarb smiled and said, "Yes, kill Wuliangwang, you are the absolute number one! According to the preferential treatment of the mad alliance, when you enter the number one, you will immediately get one percent of the voting rights and become an official A member of the mad alliance!"

"Well, well, finally waiting for this day, what are you waiting for, kill the King Wuliang!"


At the same time, it was somewhere in the eighth heaven.

While Ding Hao was working hard, Emperor Wudao was also working hard!

Although the emperor was born a wealthy family, he was not a rich second-generation ignorant, but a genius who really dared to fight!

His two hundred and fifty million battle exploits were not obtained by falsification, but also obtained by fighting the fairy clan!

That's why he had no scruples, and he wanted to crush Ding Hao!

And he deliberately increased Ding Hao by just 100 million, not too much. Every time he found that Ding Hao had improved, he went to kill some fairy clans again, and then continued to press Ding Hao!

Yes, he did it on purpose.

Didn’t the Kuangmeng say that Ding Hao would become a full member as long as he became the first? Then my emperor will never let you be the first, I will hold you 100 million, haha, it depends on you.

But just today, Ding Hao's combat exploits suddenly soared by 100 million!

"Under what circumstances, he suddenly increased his combat merit by 100 million, how could it be possible?" Emperor Wudao jumped up.

There is a demon cultivator of Ningzhen Xianhui next to him, "Could it be that he killed a king-level fairy spirit tribe? Impossible, his strength can only kill a prince-level fairy spirit tribe!"

Emperor Wudao also looked surprised and doubtful, his current strength was only able to kill a prince-level fairy clan.

Seeing them stunned, another Ningzhenxianhui demon cultivator said, "What's the matter, son, go out and kill the immortal spirit tribe quickly, one million, if you kill one hundred, you will surpass him by one hundred million! "

"Yes, I'm still pressing him for a few hundred, I can't let him come up!" Thinking of this, Emperor Wudao immediately waved his hand, "Follow me and go out and kill the immortal people!"

All these people suddenly rushed out of the eighth heaven's supply point.

But before they found a fairy clan, Emperor Wudao looked at his waist card again and was immediately dumbfounded.

"Name: Ding Hao."

"From: Nine Heavens God Sect."

"Points: 354251451."

"Ranking: No. 1."

Seeing this waist card, Di Wudao was immediately dumbfounded, no need to fight, and muttered, "He killed another king-level fairy clan, my God, when did his strength become so strong?" Wudao couldn't even think about it. Ding Hao killed two king-level mutant fairy spirit tribes at once, increased by 200 million points, and completely surpassed him!

"Forget it, don't kill it, go back."


At the same time, in the mad alliance.

Zhenxian Yuhua smiled, "Everyone, just now, Ding Hao's points finally ranked first for the first time! According to the conditions we promised him last time, he can now be directly promoted to a full member and bestow one percent of him. Voting rights! I think that, there is no need to vote again, right?"

This is the last time everyone said it was okay, no one expressed an opinion, all passed.

The old man nodded and said, "Now, Ding Hao, a full member of the Kuang League, enjoys one percent of the voting rights!"

(End of this chapter)

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